package classes; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; public class Constrain { private Predicate constrainFunction; @Expose private String name; public Constrain(Predicate constrainFunction,String name) { this.constrainFunction = constrainFunction; = name; } public Predicate getConstrainFunction() { return constrainFunction; } public String getName() { return name; } //Example Constrains: /** Flexibility should be offered when Element is active.*/ public static Predicate onConstrain = f -> f.getElement().isActive(); /** Flexibility should be offered when Element is inactive.*/ public static Predicate offConstrain = f -> !f.getElement().isActive(); public static Constrain createOnConstrain() { return new Constrain( onConstrain, "onConstrain"); } public static Constrain createOffConstrain() { return new Constrain( offConstrain, "offConstrain"); } /** * Delete me .... * @return */ public boolean fixJson() { if(name.compareTo("onConstrain") == 0) { constrainFunction = onConstrain; return false; }else if(name.compareTo("offConstrain") == 0){ constrainFunction = offConstrain; return false; }else { return false; } } }