package ui.view; import classes.*; import; import; import; import interfaces.CategoryListener; import interfaces.GraphEditable; import interfaces.LocalMode; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveException; import ui.controller.Control; import ui.controller.SimulationManager; import ui.controller.UpdateController; import ui.model.DecoratedState; import ui.model.Model; import ui.view.NewPopUp.Option; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.Border; import javax.swing.border.LineBorder; import javax.swing.event.AncestorEvent; import javax.swing.event.AncestorListener; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter; import javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import javax.swing.table.JTableHeader; import javax.swing.table.TableCellEditor; import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel; import javax.swing.tree.TreeCellRenderer; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException; import java.awt.event.*; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import; /** * Graphical User Interface. * * @author Gruppe14 */ public class GUI implements CategoryListener { static final Color PALE_RED=new Color(255, 192, 192); /** * Menu on the Top containing File, Edit View Help etc */ private final JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); private final JMenu mnNewMenu = new JMenu("File"); private final JMenu mnNewMenuEdit = new JMenu("Edit"); private final JMenu mnNewMenuOptions = new JMenu("Options"); private final JMenu mnNewMenuView = new JMenu("View"); private final AlgorithmMenu algorithmMenu; /** Help Menu containing helpful Informations and the AboutUs Popup */ private final JMenu mnHelp = new JMenu("Help"); /** * Help -> Introduction * A small Introduction of the Application, SmartGrids and Holons */ private final JMenuItem mntmIntroduction = new JMenuItem("Introduction"); /** * Help -> UserManual */ private final JMenuItem mntmUserManual = new JMenuItem("User Manual"); /** Help -> Algorithm Help Menu */ private final JMenuItem mntmAlgorithmHelp = new JMenuItem("Algorithm Introduction"); /** Help -> CodeDocumentation */ private final JMenuItem mntmCodeDoc = new JMenuItem("Code Documentation"); /** Help -> AboutUs */ private final JMenuItem mntmAboutUs = new JMenuItem("About Us"); private final JCheckBoxMenuItem consoleLogCheckBox = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( "Show program console log"); private final JCheckBoxMenuItem useFlexibleDevicesCheckBox = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( "Automatically use flexible devices"); /** checked if supplyBars should be shown */ private final JCheckBoxMenuItem showSupplyBarsCheckBox = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( "Show supply bars."); private final JCheckBoxMenuItem showTooltipsCheckBox = new JCheckBoxMenuItem( "Show tooltips."); /** menu for the different fairness Models */ private final JMenu mnFairnessModel = new JMenu("Fairness Model"); /** press to supply minimum demand first */ private final JMenuItem mntmFairMinFirst = new JMenuItem( "Minimum demand first"); /** press to give everyone the same energy */ private final JMenuItem mntmFairAlleEqual = new JMenuItem( "Equal supply for everyone"); private final JMenuItem mntmOpen = new JMenuItem("Open"); private final JMenuItem mntmNew = new JMenuItem("New"); private final JMenuItem mntmSave = new JMenuItem("Save"); private final JMenuItem mntmCanvasSize = new JMenuItem("Set View Size"); private final JMenuItem mntmBackground = new JMenuItem("Background Image"); private final JMenuItem mntmOutLiner = new JMenuItem("Outliner"); private final JMenuItem mntmSplitView = new JMenuItem("Split View"); private final JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane(); private final JSplitPane splitPane1 = new JSplitPane(); private final JSplitPane splitPaneCanvasConsole = new JSplitPane( JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT); // the tabbed canvas containing the different sub-net tabs of the grid (Main // Grid + Nodes of Nodes) private final JLabel lblHint = new JLabel("To connect two Objects use SHIFT + Left Mouse Button"); private final JPanel myPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); private final JTabbedPane tabbedPaneInnerOriginal = new JTabbedPane( JTabbedPane.TOP); // the main canvas where we can see the grid currently displayed private final JScrollPane canvasSP = new JScrollPane(); private final JScrollPane scrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(); // private final JScrollPane holonSP = new JScrollPane(); // the original tabbed Pane (containing tabs for view, statistics, holon, // flexibility) private final JTabbedPane tabbedPaneOriginal = new JTabbedPane( JTabbedPane.TOP); // the same tabbed Pane that appears once the view is split private final JTabbedPane tabbedPaneSplit = new JTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.TOP); private final JPopupMenu popmenuEdit = new JPopupMenu(); private final JMenuItem editItem = new JMenuItem("Edit Object"); private final StatisticPanel statSplitPane; private final JScrollPane statScrollPane; private final JLabel maxGraph = new JLabel("100%"); private final JLabel medGraph = new JLabel("50%"); private final JLabel minGraph = new JLabel("0%"); private final JLabel elementGraph = new JLabel("None "); private final ArrayList selectedElements = new ArrayList<>(); private final JTree tree = new JTree(); /****************************************** ************* Right Container************* ****************************************** * Right Container: here comes the information about the HolonObject, such * as HolonElements Information, Properties and Consumption/Production * graph. **/ private final JSplitPane splitHolonElPro = new JSplitPane( JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT); private final JSplitPane splitGraphHolonEl = new JSplitPane( JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT); private final int distanceBetweenElementsAndGraph = 350; // Model for single or multi selection private final JPanel scrollElements = new JPanel(); private final JScrollPane tableHolonElementScrollPane = new JScrollPane(); // In this section are all the properties that correspond to the clicked // HolonObject, such as connections, name, Type, etc. // Table for Properties --> Cell with (0,1) is editable by CpsObjt and // Cell(3,1) is editable by Edges private final JTable tableProperties = new JTable() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public TableCellRenderer getCellRenderer(int row, int column) { if (getValueAt(row, column) instanceof Boolean) { return super.getDefaultRenderer(Boolean.class); } else { return super.getCellRenderer(row, column); } } @Override public TableCellEditor getCellEditor(int row, int column) { if (getValueAt(row, column) instanceof Boolean) { return super.getDefaultEditor(Boolean.class); } else { return super.getCellEditor(row, column); } } }; //Prechoosed local Periods private String[] comboContext = { "", "5", "10", "20" ,"100", "1000" }; private JComboBox localPeriodInput = new JComboBox(comboContext); JButton resetButton = new JButton("", new ImageIcon(Util.loadImage("/Images/resetIcon3.png"))); ImageIcon localPeriodButtonImage = new ImageIcon(GrayFilter.createDisabledImage(Util.loadImage("/Images/Graph.png"))); private JButton localPeriodButton = new JButton("", localPeriodButtonImage); private final JPanel graphLabel = new JPanel(); private final JScrollPane scrollProperties = new JScrollPane(); // In this section is the graph for the selected HolonElement of the clicked // HolonObject private final JTable tableGraph = new JTable(); private final DefaultTableModel tableModelGraph = new DefaultTableModel(); private final JScrollPane scrollGraph = new JScrollPane(); private final Model model; private final Control controller; // In this section are all the Holonelements that correspond to the clicked // HolonObject with consumption/production, name and amount. private final JPanel panel = new JPanel(); private final JPanel panelHolonEl = new JPanel(); // Buttons private final JButton btnAdd = new JButton("New"); private final JPopupMenu btnAddPopUp = new JPopupMenu("New"); private final JMenuItem mItemNew = new JMenuItem("New.."); private final JMenuItem mItemCategory = new JMenuItem("Category"); private final JMenuItem mItemObject = new JMenuItem("Object"); private final JMenuItem mItemSwitch = new JMenuItem("Switch"); private final JMenuItem mItemBattery = new JMenuItem("Battery"); private final JButton btnDel = new JButton("Delete"); private final JButton btnAddHolEL = new JButton("New Element"); private final JButton btnDelHolEL = new JButton("Delete Element"); private final JButton resetGraphBtn = new JButton("Reset"); private final JToolBar toolBar = new JToolBar(); private final JToolBar toolBarHolonEl = new JToolBar(); private final JToolBar toolBarGraph = new JToolBar(); // Languages private final JMenuItem englishBtn = new JMenuItem("EN"); private final JMenuItem spanishBtn = new JMenuItem("ES"); private final JMenuItem germanBtn = new JMenuItem("DE"); private final JMenuItem czechBtn = new JMenuItem("CZ"); private final JMenuItem chineseBtn = new JMenuItem("ZH"); private final Console console = new Console(); private final MyCanvas canvas; private final HolonCanvas holonCanvas; private final UnitGraph unitGraph; /** Textfield to show the period of an element */ private final JTextField unitGraphLocalPeriod = new JTextField(6); private final JSplitPane splitPane3 = new JSplitPane(); private final JSlider sizeSlider = new JSlider(); private final JLabel lblImageSize = new JLabel(Languages.getLanguage()[94]); private final JMenuItem mntmUndo = new JMenuItem("Undo"); private final JMenuItem mntmRedo = new JMenuItem("Redo"); private final JMenuItem mntmEditEdges = new JMenuItem("Edge Properties"); private final JMenuItem mntmFindReplace = new JMenuItem("Find/ Replace"); private final JMenuItem mntmAlignAll = new JMenuItem("Align All"); private final JMenuItem mntmEditShowedInformation = new JMenuItem( "Edit showed Information"); private final JMenuItem mntmResetCategory = new JMenuItem( "Reset Categories"); private final JMenu mnLanguage = new JMenu("Language"); private final String[] columnNamesMulti = { "Object", "Nr.", "Device", "Energy", "Flexible Energy Available", "Quantity", "Activated", "Flexible" }; private final String[] columnNamesSingle = { "Nr.", "Device", "Energy", "Flexible Energy Available", "Quantity", "Activated", "Flexible" }; private final ArrayList tables = new ArrayList<>(); private final String[] comboBoxCat = { "Category", "Object", "Switch", "Battery" }; private final UpdateController updCon; private final JSplitPane splitPane_1 = new JSplitPane(); private final JSlider holonBodySizeSlider = new JSlider(); private final JLabel lblHolonBodySize = new JLabel("HolonBody SIze"); private final JLabel lblSelectedElement = new JLabel("Selected Element: "); // for doubleclick private boolean click = false; private JFrame frmCyberPhysical; private JTabbedPane tabTemp; // tabbedPaneOriginal or tabbedPaneSplit private JSplitPane tempSplit; private boolean initSplit = true; private String catOfObjToBeEdited; private UpperNodeCanvas unc; private JPanel contentPane; private String holonEleNamesDisplayed = "None "; // Pop up Windows private AddObjectPopUp addObjectPopUP; private AboutUsPopUp aboutUsPopUp; private AddElementPopUp addElementPopUp; // variables private boolean dragging = false; private String actualObjectClicked; private Image img = null; private AbstractCpsObject tempCps = null; private int yValueElements = 0; // Time Stuff private TimePanel timePanel; // Coord for all Cells with text private int yThis; private int xThis; // Coord for all Cells with boolean values (checkbox) private int yBTis; private int xBThis; // Coord for the Edit-Modus in the PropertieTable private int yProThis; private int xProThis; private int yProThisOneClick; private int xProThisOneClick; private AbstractCpsObject temp = null; private String warningText = "Warning"; private String saveBeforeNew = "Do you want to save your current data?"; private String eraseCategory = "Do you really want to delete the Category "; private String selectObjBeforeErase = "Please select a Category or an Object in the left library in order to delete something."; private List outlinerList = new ArrayList(); /** * Create the application. * * @param control * the Controller */ GUI(Control control) { this.controller = control; this.model = control.getModel(); statSplitPane = new StatisticPanel(controller); model.addGraphListener(statSplitPane); model.setStatPanel(statSplitPane); statScrollPane = new JScrollPane(statSplitPane); this.unitGraph = new UnitGraph(model, control); this.canvas = new MyCanvas(model, control, unitGraph); this.holonCanvas = new HolonCanvas(model, control); control.initListener(this); controller.setCanvas(canvas); control.setGui(this); model.setConsole(console); model.setTableProperties(tableProperties); algorithmMenu = new AlgorithmMenu(model, control, this); initialize(); updateCategories(model.getCategories()); updCon = new UpdateController(model, controller); } /** * Initialize the contents of the frame. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "serial", "unchecked" }) private void initialize() { frmCyberPhysical = new JFrame(); frmCyberPhysical.setTitle("HOLEG Simulator"); // try to restore old position/dimensions ArrayList savedWindowDim = controller .loadSavedWindowDimensionsIfExistent(); if (savedWindowDim.size() == 4) { frmCyberPhysical.setBounds(savedWindowDim.get(0), savedWindowDim.get(1), savedWindowDim.get(2), savedWindowDim.get(3)); } // if the upper part of the window is showing, the windows can still be // moved, // but if it is not, we need to move it to somewhere else if (savedWindowDim.size() != 4 || !isUpperPanelInsideBounds()) { frmCyberPhysical.setBounds(100, 100, 1000, 800); frmCyberPhysical.setExtendedState(JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH); } frmCyberPhysical.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); frmCyberPhysical.addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent windowEvent) { if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(frmCyberPhysical, Languages.getLanguage()[88], "Cyber Physical Systems Model", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { controller.deleteDirectory(new File(System .getProperty("user.home") + "/.config/HolonGUI/Autosave")); // try to save the position and size of the window, such // that (if possible) // it can be opened in the same position the next time try { controller.savePosAndSizeOfWindow( frmCyberPhysical.getX(), frmCyberPhysical.getY(), frmCyberPhysical.getWidth(), frmCyberPhysical.getHeight()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(0); } } }); contentPane = (JPanel) frmCyberPhysical.getContentPane(); int condition = JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW; InputMap inputMap = contentPane.getInputMap(condition); ActionMap actionMap = contentPane.getActionMap(); String cntrlZDown = "controlZ"; inputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control Z"), cntrlZDown); actionMap.put(cntrlZDown, new AbstractAction() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { controller.loadAutoSave(controller.getUndoSave()); closeInvalidUpperNodeTabs(); controller.calculateStateForCurrentTimeStep(); canvas.repaint(); unitGraph.update(model.getObjectsOnCanvas()); updateUpperNodes(); } catch (IOException eex) { eex.printStackTrace(); } } }); String cntrlYDown = "controlY"; inputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control Y"), cntrlYDown); actionMap.put(cntrlYDown, new AbstractAction() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { controller.loadAutoSave(controller.getRedoSave()); closeInvalidUpperNodeTabs(); controller.calculateStateForCurrentTimeStep(); canvas.repaint(); unitGraph.update(model.getObjectsOnCanvas()); updateUpperNodes(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }); String cntrlADown = "controlA"; inputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control A"), cntrlADown); AbstractAction controlA = new AbstractAction() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { chooseTabTemp(); model.getSelectedCpsObjects().clear(); // Uppernode Canvas? JScrollPane scrollPane = getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(); Component canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas = scrollPane.getViewport() .getComponent(0); if (canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas instanceof UpperNodeCanvas) { UpperNodeCanvas uNC = (UpperNodeCanvas) canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas; for (AbstractCpsObject cps : uNC.upperNode.getNodes()) { controller.addSelectedObject(cps); } uNC.repaint(); // or Canvas? } else if (canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas instanceof MyCanvas) { for (AbstractCpsObject cps : model.getObjectsOnCanvas()) { controller.addSelectedObject(cps); } canvas.repaint(); } controller.getObjectsInDepth(); } }; actionMap.put(cntrlADown, controlA); String delDown = "delete"; inputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_DELETE, 0, false), delDown); actionMap.put(delDown, new AbstractAction() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { chooseTabTemp(); // Uppernode Canvas? JScrollPane scrollPane = getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(); Component canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas = scrollPane.getViewport() .getComponent(0); // check whether a producer was deleted (this triggers a // complete re-evaluation of the net) boolean wasProducerDeleted = false; if (canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas instanceof UpperNodeCanvas) { UpperNodeCanvas uNC = (UpperNodeCanvas) canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas; for (AbstractCpsObject cps : model.getSelectedCpsObjects()) { if (cps instanceof HolonObject && ((HolonObject) cps).getState() == HolonObject.PRODUCER) { wasProducerDeleted = true; } controller.removeTrackingObj(cps); if (uNC.upperNode.getNodes().contains(cps)) { controller.delObjUpperNode(cps, uNC.upperNode); unc.setToolTip(false); // remove UpperNodeTab if UpperNode deleted removeUpperNodeTab(cps); } } uNC.repaint(); // or Canvas? } else if (canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas instanceof MyCanvas) { boolean save = false; // Edge Deleting CpsEdge edgeHighlight = model.getSelectedEdge(); if (edgeHighlight != null) { controller.removeEdgesOnCanvas(edgeHighlight); // Look for a CPSNode with no Connections and delete // them if (edgeHighlight.getA().getClass() == CpsNode.class && edgeHighlight.getA().getConnections().size() == 0) { controller.delCanvasObject(edgeHighlight.getA(), false); } if (edgeHighlight.getB().getClass() == CpsNode.class && edgeHighlight.getB().getConnections().size() == 0) { // Look // on // the // other // end // of // the // cable controller.delCanvasObject(edgeHighlight.getB(), false); } ((MyCanvas) canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas).edgeHighlight = null; } for (int j = 0; j < model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size(); j++) { AbstractCpsObject cps = model.getSelectedCpsObjects() .get(j); if (cps instanceof HolonObject && ((HolonObject) cps).getState() == HolonObject.PRODUCER) { wasProducerDeleted = true; } controller.removeTrackingObj(cps); if (j < model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() - 1) save = true; controller.delCanvasObject(cps, save); canvas.setToolTip(false); // remove UpperNodeTab if UpperNode deleted removeUpperNodeTab(cps); } canvas.repaint(); } // recalculate net if a producer was deleted if (wasProducerDeleted) { controller.resetSimulation(); controller.calculateStateForCurrentTimeStep(); } model.getSelectedCpsObjects().clear(); hideScrollGraph(); } }); String cntrlFDown = "controlF"; inputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control F"), cntrlFDown); actionMap.put(cntrlFDown, new AbstractAction() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { SearchPopUp dialog = new SearchPopUp(controller, canvas, frmCyberPhysical); dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); dialog.setVisible(true); } }); String cntrlCDown = "controlC"; inputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control C"), cntrlCDown); AbstractAction controlC = new AbstractAction() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { chooseTabTemp(); JScrollPane scrollPane = getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(); if (!model.getSelectedCpsObjects().isEmpty()) { if (scrollPane.getViewport().getComponent(0) instanceof UpperNodeCanvas) controller.copy(((UpperNodeCanvas) scrollPane .getViewport().getComponent(0)).upperNode); else controller.copy(null); if (!model.getClipboradObjects().isEmpty()) { canvas.itemPaste.setEnabled(true); } } } }; actionMap.put(cntrlCDown, controlC); String cntrlVDown = "controlV"; inputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control V"), cntrlVDown); AbstractAction controlV = new AbstractAction() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { tabTemp = null; if (tabbedPaneOriginal.getMousePosition() != null) { tabTemp = tabbedPaneOriginal; } else { if (!initSplit) { tabTemp = tabbedPaneSplit; } } if(tabTemp == null)return; JScrollPane scrollPane = getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(); Component canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas = scrollPane .getViewport().getComponent(0); if (tabTemp != null && canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas instanceof UpperNodeCanvas) { controller .paste(((UpperNodeCanvas) canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas).upperNode, canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas .getMousePosition()); unitGraph.update(model.getSelectedCpsObjects()); controller.calculateStateForCurrentTimeStep(); scrollPane.getViewport().getComponent(0).repaint(); } else { controller.paste(null, canvas.getMousePosition()); unitGraph.update(model.getSelectedCpsObjects()); controller.calculateStateForCurrentTimeStep(); canvas.repaint(); } } catch (HeadlessException | JsonParseException | UnsupportedFlavorException | IOException e1) { JLabel message = new JLabel( "The Clipboard information cannot be pasted into Application."); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frmCyberPhysical, message, "", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } }; actionMap.put(cntrlVDown, controlV); String cntrlXDown = "controlX"; inputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control X"), cntrlXDown); AbstractAction controlX = new AbstractAction() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { chooseTabTemp(); JScrollPane scrollPane = getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(); if (!model.getSelectedCpsObjects().isEmpty()) { if (scrollPane.getViewport().getComponent(0) instanceof UpperNodeCanvas) { controller.cut(((UpperNodeCanvas) scrollPane .getViewport().getComponent(0)).upperNode); controller.calculateStateForCurrentTimeStep(); scrollPane.getViewport().getComponent(0).repaint(); } else { controller.cut(null); controller.calculateStateForCurrentTimeStep(); canvas.repaint(); } if (!model.getClipboradObjects().isEmpty()) { canvas.itemPaste.setEnabled(true); } } } }; actionMap.put(cntrlXDown, controlX); frmCyberPhysical.setJMenuBar(menuBar); frmCyberPhysical.setIconImage(Util.loadImage( "/Images/Holeg.png", 30, 30)); menuBar.add(mnNewMenu); mnNewMenu.add(mntmNew); mnNewMenu.add(mntmOpen); mnNewMenu.add(mntmSave); menuBar.add(mnNewMenuEdit); mnNewMenuEdit.add(mntmUndo); mnNewMenuEdit.add(mntmRedo); mnLanguage.add(englishBtn); englishBtn.setIcon(new ImageIcon(new ImageIcon( "res/Button_Images/FlagEN.png").getImage().getScaledInstance( 20, 20, java.awt.Image.SCALE_SMOOTH))); mnLanguage.add(spanishBtn); spanishBtn.setIcon(new ImageIcon(new ImageIcon( "res/Button_Images/FlagES.png").getImage().getScaledInstance( 20, 20, java.awt.Image.SCALE_SMOOTH))); mnLanguage.add(germanBtn); germanBtn.setIcon(new ImageIcon(new ImageIcon( "res/Button_Images/FlagDE.png").getImage().getScaledInstance( 20, 20, java.awt.Image.SCALE_SMOOTH))); // mnLanguage.add(czechBtn); // czechBtn.setIcon(new ImageIcon(new // ImageIcon("res/Button_Images/FlagCZ.png").getImage().getScaledInstance(20, // 20, java.awt.Image.SCALE_SMOOTH))); mnLanguage.add(chineseBtn); chineseBtn.setIcon(new ImageIcon(new ImageIcon( "res/Button_Images/FlagZH.png").getImage().getScaledInstance( 20, 20, java.awt.Image.SCALE_SMOOTH))); mntmFindReplace.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { try { SearchPopUp dialog = new SearchPopUp(controller, canvas, frmCyberPhysical); dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); dialog.setVisible(true); controller.getObjectsInDepth(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }); mnNewMenuEdit.add(mntmFindReplace); mntmEditShowedInformation .addActionListener(actionEvent -> { try { DisplayedInformationPopUp dialog = new DisplayedInformationPopUp( canvas, contentPane, controller, frmCyberPhysical); dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); dialog.setVisible(true); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }); mnNewMenuEdit.add(mntmEditShowedInformation); mnNewMenuEdit.add(mntmEditEdges); mntmEditEdges.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { EditEdgesPopUp edgePopUp = new EditEdgesPopUp(frmCyberPhysical); edgePopUp.setCanvas(canvas); edgePopUp.setController(controller); edgePopUp.setVisible(true); }); //Edit -> Align All mnNewMenuEdit.add(mntmAlignAll); mntmAlignAll.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { // getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane().getViewport().getComponent(0) is always the active canvas AbstractCanvas activeCanvas = ((AbstractCanvas) getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane().getViewport().getComponent(0)); if (activeCanvas != null) { activeCanvas.tryToAlignObjects(); activeCanvas.repaint(); } }); menuBar.add(mnNewMenuOptions); mnNewMenuOptions.add(mntmResetCategory); mntmResetCategory.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { ArrayList cat = model.getCategories(); try { while (!cat.isEmpty()) { controller.deleteCategory(cat.get(0).getName()); } controller.resetCategorys(); } catch (Exception e2) { } tree.repaint(); }); mnNewMenuOptions.add(consoleLogCheckBox); consoleLogCheckBox.setSelected(true); consoleLogCheckBox.addActionListener(arg0 -> controller .setShowConsoleLog(consoleLogCheckBox.isSelected())); mnNewMenuOptions.add(useFlexibleDevicesCheckBox); useFlexibleDevicesCheckBox.setSelected(true); useFlexibleDevicesCheckBox .addActionListener(actionEvent -> model .setUseFlexibleDevices(useFlexibleDevicesCheckBox .isSelected())); /** * Add Fairness Model Option to the option Menu */ mnNewMenuOptions.add(mnFairnessModel); mnFairnessModel.add(mntmFairMinFirst); mntmFairMinFirst.setForeground(Color.BLUE); mntmFairMinFirst .setToolTipText("HolonObjects with the smallest mininum Demand will be partially supplied first.\n" + "After that as many HolonObjects as possible will get fully supplied."); mntmFairMinFirst .addActionListener(arg0 -> { controller .setFairnessModel(SimulationManager.fairnessMininumDemandFirst); mntmFairMinFirst.setForeground(Color.BLUE); mntmFairAlleEqual.setForeground(mnFairnessModel .getForeground()); controller.calculateStateForCurrentTimeStep(); // Update UpperNodes Component canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas = getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane() .getViewport().getComponent(0); if (canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas != null && canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas instanceof UpperNodeCanvas) { ((UpperNodeCanvas) canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas).repaint(); } }); mnFairnessModel.add(mntmFairAlleEqual); mntmFairAlleEqual .setToolTipText("HolonObjects will all get the same amount of energy."); mntmFairAlleEqual.addActionListener(arg0 -> { controller.setFairnessModel(SimulationManager.fairnessAllEqual); mntmFairAlleEqual.setForeground(Color.BLUE); mntmFairMinFirst.setForeground(mnFairnessModel.getForeground()); controller.calculateStateForCurrentTimeStep(); // Update UpperNodes Component canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas = getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane() .getViewport().getComponent(0); if (canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas != null && canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas instanceof UpperNodeCanvas) { ((UpperNodeCanvas) canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas).repaint(); } }); menuBar.add(mnNewMenuView); mnNewMenuView.add(mntmCanvasSize); mntmCanvasSize.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { CanvasResizePopUp popUp = new CanvasResizePopUp(model, controller, canvas, tabbedPaneOriginal, tabbedPaneSplit, frmCyberPhysical); popUp.setVisible(true); }); mnNewMenuView.add(splitPane3); sizeSlider.setMinimum(15); sizeSlider.setMaximum(115); sizeSlider .addChangeListener(changeEvent -> { controller.setScale(sizeSlider.getValue()); JScrollPane scrollPane = getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(); if (scrollPane.getViewport().getComponent(0) instanceof UpperNodeCanvas) { scrollPane.getViewport().getComponent(0).repaint(); } else { canvas.repaint(); } if (!initSplit && scrollPane.getViewport().getComponent(0) instanceof UpperNodeCanvas) { scrollPane.getViewport().getComponent(0).repaint(); } else { canvas.repaint(); } }); mnNewMenuView.add(mntmCanvasSize); mnNewMenuView.add(mntmSplitView); /* * Adds Checkbox to turn supply bars on/off */ mnNewMenuView.add(showSupplyBarsCheckBox); showSupplyBarsCheckBox.setSelected(true); showSupplyBarsCheckBox.addActionListener(arg0 -> { controller.setShowSupplyBars(showSupplyBarsCheckBox.isSelected()); canvas.repaint(); // Update UpperNodes JScrollPane spane = getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(); if(spane != null){ Component canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas = spane.getViewport().getComponent(0); if (canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas != null && canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas instanceof UpperNodeCanvas) { ((UpperNodeCanvas) canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas).repaint(); } } }); mnNewMenuView.add(showTooltipsCheckBox); showTooltipsCheckBox.setSelected(true); showTooltipsCheckBox.addActionListener(arg0 -> { showHint(showTooltipsCheckBox.isSelected()); }); // Split View mntmSplitView .addActionListener(actionEvent -> { if (splitPaneCanvasConsole.getLeftComponent() instanceof JSplitPane) { initSplit = true; Component tempC = tabbedPaneSplit .getSelectedComponent(); tabbedPaneOriginal.setComponentAt( tabbedPaneSplit.getSelectedIndex(), tempC); tabbedPaneSplit.removeAll(); splitPaneCanvasConsole .setLeftComponent(tabbedPaneOriginal); } else { for (int i = 0; i < tabbedPaneOriginal.getTabCount(); i++) { // add outer tabs // (inner tabs are added by tabbedPaneSplit // changelistener) tabbedPaneSplit.addTab( tabbedPaneOriginal.getTitleAt(i), null); } if (tabbedPaneOriginal.getSelectedComponent() == statScrollPane) { tabbedPaneOriginal.setComponentAt(0, null); tabbedPaneSplit.setComponentAt(0, canvasSP); tabbedPaneSplit.setSelectedIndex(0); } else { tabbedPaneOriginal.setComponentAt(1, null); tabbedPaneSplit.setComponentAt(1, statScrollPane); tabbedPaneSplit.setSelectedIndex(1); } tempSplit = new JSplitPane(); tempSplit.setBorder(null); tempSplit.setRightComponent(tabbedPaneSplit); tempSplit.setLeftComponent(tabbedPaneOriginal); tempSplit.setDividerLocation(tabbedPaneOriginal .getWidth() / 2); tempSplit.setResizeWeight(0.9); splitPaneCanvasConsole.setLeftComponent(tempSplit); initSplit = false; } contentPane.updateUI(); }); mnNewMenuView.add(mntmOutLiner); mntmOutLiner.addActionListener(actienEvent -> { System.out.println("MyButton"); outlinerList.add(new Outliner(frmCyberPhysical, model, controller, this, outlinerList)); System.out.println("Size: " + outlinerList.size()); }); mnNewMenuView.add(mntmBackground); mntmBackground .addActionListener(actionEvent -> { tabTemp = tabbedPaneOriginal; JScrollPane scrollPane = getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(); if (scrollPane.getViewport().getComponent(0) instanceof MyCanvas) { BackgroundPopUp backgroundDialog = new BackgroundPopUp( model, controller, canvas, null, frmCyberPhysical); backgroundDialog .setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); backgroundDialog.setVisible(true); } else if (scrollPane.getViewport().getComponent(0) instanceof UpperNodeCanvas) { UpperNodeCanvas uNodeCanvas = (UpperNodeCanvas) (scrollPane .getViewport().getComponent(0)); BackgroundPopUp backgroundDialog = new BackgroundPopUp( model, controller, null, uNodeCanvas.upperNode, frmCyberPhysical); backgroundDialog .setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); backgroundDialog.setVisible(true); uNodeCanvas.repaint(); } }); splitPane3.setRightComponent(sizeSlider); splitPane3.setLeftComponent(lblImageSize); mnNewMenuView.add(splitPane_1); holonBodySizeSlider.setValue(100); holonBodySizeSlider.setMinimum(1); holonBodySizeSlider.addChangeListener(changeEvent -> { controller.setHolonBodyScale(holonBodySizeSlider.getValue()); tree.setRowHeight(50); canvas.repaint(); }); splitPane_1.setRightComponent(holonBodySizeSlider); splitPane_1.setLeftComponent(lblHolonBodySize); menuBar.add(algorithmMenu); /** * add Help Menu and its items */ menuBar.add(mnHelp); mnHelp.add(mntmIntroduction); mnHelp.add(mntmUserManual); mnHelp.add(mntmAlgorithmHelp); mnHelp.add(mntmCodeDoc); mnHelp.add(mntmAboutUs); tabbedPaneOriginal.addChangeListener(changeEvent -> { if (tabbedPaneOriginal.getSelectedComponent() == null) { Component tempC = tabbedPaneSplit.getSelectedComponent(); tabbedPaneSplit.setComponentAt( tabbedPaneOriginal.getSelectedIndex(), null); tabbedPaneOriginal.setComponentAt( tabbedPaneOriginal.getSelectedIndex(), tempC); tempC = tabbedPaneOriginal.getComponentAt((tabbedPaneOriginal .getSelectedIndex() + 1) % (tabbedPaneOriginal.getTabCount())); tabbedPaneOriginal.setComponentAt( (tabbedPaneOriginal.getSelectedIndex() + 1) % (tabbedPaneOriginal.getTabCount()), null); tabbedPaneSplit.setComponentAt( (tabbedPaneOriginal.getSelectedIndex() + 1) % (tabbedPaneOriginal.getTabCount()), tempC); tabbedPaneSplit.setSelectedIndex((tabbedPaneOriginal .getSelectedIndex() + 1) % (tabbedPaneOriginal.getTabCount())); contentPane.updateUI(); } }); tabbedPaneSplit.addChangeListener(changeEvent -> { if (tabbedPaneSplit.getSelectedComponent() == null && !initSplit) { Component tempC = tabbedPaneOriginal .getComponentAt(tabbedPaneSplit.getSelectedIndex()); tabbedPaneOriginal.setComponentAt( tabbedPaneSplit.getSelectedIndex(), null); tabbedPaneSplit.setComponentAt( tabbedPaneSplit.getSelectedIndex(), tempC); for (int i = 0; i < tabbedPaneOriginal.getTabCount(); i++) { if (tabbedPaneSplit.getComponentAt(i) != null && tabbedPaneSplit.getComponentAt(i) != tempC) { tempC = tabbedPaneSplit.getComponentAt(i); tabbedPaneSplit.setComponentAt(i, null); tabbedPaneOriginal.setComponentAt(i, tempC); break; } } if (tabbedPaneOriginal.getSelectedIndex() == tabbedPaneSplit .getSelectedIndex()) { tabbedPaneOriginal.setSelectedIndex((tabbedPaneSplit .getSelectedIndex() + 1) % tabbedPaneOriginal.getTabCount()); } contentPane.updateUI(); } }); mnNewMenuOptions.add(mnLanguage); canvas.setBackground(Color.WHITE); canvas.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(model.getCanvasX(), model .getCanvasY())); holonCanvas.setBackground(Color.WHITE); holonCanvas.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(model.getCanvasX(), model .getCanvasY())); /******************** * RIGHT CONTAINER (INFORMATION) **********************/ // Set up of the HolonElements section // Two different Models: Multi for multi-selection mode and Single for // single-selection mode (CPS-Object) model.getMultiTable().setColumnIdentifiers(columnNamesMulti); model.getSingleTable().setColumnIdentifiers(columnNamesSingle); model.getTableHolonElement().setBorder(null); model.getTableHolonElement().setFillsViewportHeight(true); model.getTableHolonElement().setCellSelectionEnabled(true); model.getTableHolonElement().setColumnSelectionAllowed(true); /* * Register Clicks on ColumNames for sorting: */ model.getTableHolonElement().getTableHeader() .addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { //TODO: sort //clicked column int col = model.getTableHolonElement().columnAtPoint( e.getPoint()); //insert column into UpdateController updCon.setSortBy(col); //refresh HolonElementTable updCon.refreshTableHolonElement(model.getMultiTable(), model.getSingleTable()); } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { /** * Stop Editing, if mouse exits the Table */ JTable holElem = model.getTableHolonElement(); JTableHeader holElemHead = holElem.getTableHeader(); if(e.getX()<=0 || e.getX()>=holElemHead.getWidth() || e.getY() <= 0){ CellEditor cellEditor = holElem.getCellEditor(); if (cellEditor != null) { if (cellEditor.getCellEditorValue() != null) { /** TODO: Maybe try to save current Data */ cellEditor.stopCellEditing(); } else { cellEditor.cancelCellEditing(); } } } } }); model.getTableHolonElement().getTableHeader().setReorderingAllowed(false); tableHolonElementScrollPane.setViewportView(model .getTableHolonElement()); scrollElements.setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 0)); scrollElements.add(panelHolonEl, BorderLayout.NORTH); scrollElements.add(tableHolonElementScrollPane); panelHolonEl.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panelHolonEl, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); toolBarHolonEl.add(btnAddHolEL); toolBarHolonEl.add(btnDelHolEL); toolBarHolonEl.setFloatable(false); panelHolonEl.add(toolBarHolonEl); // Set up of the Properties section tableProperties.setModel(model.getPropertyTable()); tableProperties.setFillsViewportHeight(true); tableProperties.setCellSelectionEnabled(true); tableProperties.setColumnSelectionAllowed(true); scrollProperties.setViewportView(tableProperties); // Set up of the Graph section tableGraph.setModel(tableModelGraph); tableGraph.setFillsViewportHeight(true); tableGraph.setCellSelectionEnabled(true); tableGraph.setColumnSelectionAllowed(true); scrollGraph.setViewportView(unitGraph); graphLabel.setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 10)); graphLabel.add(maxGraph, BorderLayout.NORTH); graphLabel.add(medGraph, BorderLayout.CENTER); graphLabel.add(minGraph, BorderLayout.SOUTH); toolBarGraph.setFloatable(false); toolBarGraph.setAlignmentY(Component.RIGHT_ALIGNMENT); localPeriodButton.setToolTipText("Toggle Local/Global Mode"); toolBarGraph.add(localPeriodButton); //ComboBox localPeriodInput.setEditable(true); localPeriodInput.setVisible(false); localPeriodInput.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(20,23)); localPeriodInput.addItemListener(aListener->{ if(aListener.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.DESELECTED) { validateInput(localPeriodInput.getEditor().getItem().toString(), true); } }); toolBarGraph.add(localPeriodInput); //localPeriodButtonFunction localPeriodButton.addActionListener(actionEvent->{ boolean newState= !localPeriodInput.isVisible(); changeLocalPeriodButtonAppeareance(newState); unitGraph.setUseLocalPeriod(newState); }); toolBarGraph.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); resetButton.setToolTipText("Reset"); resetButton.addActionListener(actionEvent -> unitGraph.reset()); toolBarGraph.add(resetButton); scrollGraph.setRowHeaderView(graphLabel); scrollGraph.setColumnHeaderView(toolBarGraph); tables.add(model.getSingleTable()); tables.add(model.getMultiTable()); /*********************** * HolonElement Table Actions **********************/ /* * Add HolonElement to given HolonObject */ btnAddHolEL.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { if (model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() == 1) { AbstractCpsObject tempCpsObject = updCon.getActualCps(); if (tempCpsObject != null && tempCpsObject.getClass() == HolonObject.class && tempCpsObject.getId() != 0) { addElementPopUp = new AddElementPopUp(frmCyberPhysical, model);//TODO: I didn't even check addElementPopUp.setActualCps(updCon.getActualCps()); addElementPopUp.setVisible(true); HolonElement ele = addElementPopUp.getElement(); if (ele != null) { controller.addElementCanvasObject( tempCpsObject.getId(), ele.getEleName(), ele.getAmount(), ele.getEnergyPerElement(), ele.getId()); } controller.calculateStateForTimeStep(model .getCurIteration()); triggerUpdateController(null); contentPane.updateUI(); } }else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(contentPane, "No object selected.\nPlease select a object first." , "Message" , JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } }); /* * Delete the chosen HolonElement of the selected HolonObject, * Multi-Selection for CpsObjects as well as for HolonElements possible */ btnDelHolEL.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { // For Single Selection of CpsObject if (model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() == 1) { if (updCon.getActualCps().getClass() == HolonObject.class) { HolonObject obj = (HolonObject) updCon.getActualCps(); if(selectedElements.isEmpty()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(contentPane, "No element selectet.\nPlease select a element in the list first." , "Message" , JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } for (HolonElement e : selectedElements) { controller.deleteElementCanvas(obj.getId(), e.getId()); controller.calculateStateForTimeStep(model .getCurIteration()); triggerUpdateController(null); contentPane.updateUI(); // Names displayed in graph are not updated } model.getEleToDelete().clear(); selectedElements.clear(); } // For MultiSelection of CpsObject } else if (model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() > 1) { for (Integer i : model.getEleToDelete().keySet()) { for (HolonElement e : model.getEleToDelete().get(i)) { controller.deleteElementCanvas(i, e.getId()); } } triggerUpdateController(null); model.getEleToDelete().clear(); selectedElements.clear(); }else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(contentPane, "No object selectet.\nPlease select a object first." , "No object selectet" , JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } triggerUpdateController(null); elementGraph.setText(Languages.getLanguage()[25]); holonEleNamesDisplayed = Languages.getLanguage()[25]; }) ; /* * Communication between HolonElement Table and displayed Graph and * Properties, as well as selection of different HolonElements */ model.getTableHolonElement().addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { HolonObject obj = null; if (model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() == 1 && model.getSelectedCpsObjects().get(0) instanceof HolonObject) { obj = (HolonObject) updCon.getActualCps(); } yValueElements = e.getY(); HolonElement ele; // Search for current clicked HolonElement if (model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() == 1) { ele = updCon.getActualHolonElement(obj, yValueElements, 0, tables); } else { ele = updCon.getActualHolonElement(null, yValueElements, 0, tables); } // Multi-Selection of HolonElements through control button + // mouse click if (ele != null) { // make energy-consumption graph visible showScrollGraph(); if (e.isControlDown()) { if (!selectedElements.contains(ele)) { selectedElements.add(ele); if (!holonEleNamesDisplayed.equals(Languages .getLanguage()[25])) { holonEleNamesDisplayed = holonEleNamesDisplayed + "; " + ele.getEleName() + " "; } else { holonEleNamesDisplayed = ele.getEleName() + " "; } updateUnitGraph((GraphEditable)selectedElements.get(selectedElements.size()-1)); } updCon.getActualHolonElement(null, yValueElements, 2, tables); } // if no control-button pressed but a HolonElement chosen else { selectedElements.clear(); selectedElements.add(ele); updCon.getActualHolonElement(null, yValueElements, 1, tables); holonEleNamesDisplayed = ele.getEleName() + " "; updateUnitGraph((GraphEditable)selectedElements.get(selectedElements.size()-1)); } } else { elementGraph.setText(Languages.getLanguage()[25]); hideScrollGraph(); } // if any HolonElement is double-clicked --> Edit-Mode started // for selected HolonElement if (e.getClickCount() == 2) { yThis = e.getY(); xThis = e.getX(); } // for single click and empty slot if (e.getClickCount() == 1 && ele == null) { selectedElements.clear(); holonEleNamesDisplayed = Languages.getLanguage()[25]; } elementGraph.setText(holonEleNamesDisplayed); yBTis = e.getY(); xBThis = e.getX(); } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { /** * Stop Editing, if mouse exits the Table */ JTable holElem = model.getTableHolonElement(); if(e.getX()<=0 || e.getX()>=holElem.getWidth() /*|| e.getY() <= 0*/|| e.getY()>= holElem.getHeight()){ CellEditor cellEditor = holElem.getCellEditor(); if (cellEditor != null) { if (cellEditor.getCellEditorValue() != null) { /** TODO: Maybe try to save current Data */ cellEditor.stopCellEditing(); } else { cellEditor.cancelCellEditing(); } } } } }); /* * Triggered every time a change is made */ model.getTableHolonElement() .addPropertyChangeListener(propertyChangeEvent -> { try { int yMouse = yThis; int yBMouse = yBTis; int selectedValueY = (int) Math.floor(yMouse / 16); int selectedValueBY = (int) Math.floor(yBMouse / 16); // ------------------ multi-selection mode // ------------------ if (model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() > 1) { int selectedValueX = (int) Math .floor(xThis / (model.getTableHolonElement() .getWidth() / 8)); int selectedValueBX = (int) Math .floor(xBThis / (model.getTableHolonElement() .getWidth() / 8)); if (updCon.getHolonObj(yMouse, model.getMultiTable()) != null) { // For active column (boolean with a checkbox) if (selectedValueBX == 6) { HolonElement eleBTemp = updCon .getActualHolonElement(null, yBMouse, 0, tables); String newBStuff = model .getMultiTable() .getValueAt(selectedValueBY, selectedValueBX).toString(); Boolean bTemp = Boolean .parseBoolean(newBStuff); eleBTemp.setActive(bTemp); } // For activeFlex column (boolean with a // checkbox) else if (selectedValueBX == 7) { HolonElement eleBTemp = updCon .getActualHolonElement(null, yBMouse, 0, tables); String newBStuff = model .getMultiTable() .getValueAt(selectedValueBY, selectedValueBX).toString(); Boolean bTemp = Boolean .parseBoolean(newBStuff); eleBTemp.setFlexible(bTemp); } else { // Update of HolonElement HolonElement eleTemp = updCon .getActualHolonElement(null, yMouse, 0, tables); String newStuff = model .getMultiTable() .getValueAt(selectedValueY, selectedValueX).toString(); // Name update if (selectedValueX == 2) { eleTemp.setEleName(newStuff); } // Energy Update else if (selectedValueX == 3) { Float ftemp = Float .parseFloat(newStuff); eleTemp.setEnergyPerElement(ftemp); } // Flexibility else if (selectedValueX == 4) { Float ftemp = Float .parseFloat(newStuff); eleTemp.setFlexibleEnergyAvailable(ftemp); } // Amount of Elements update else if (selectedValueX == 5) { Integer iTemp = Integer .parseInt(newStuff); eleTemp.setAmount(iTemp); } } } } // ------------------ single-selection mode // ------------------ else if (model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() == 1) { int selectedValueX = (int) Math .floor(xThis / (model.getTableHolonElement() .getWidth() / 7)); int selectedValueBX = (int) Math .floor(xBThis / (model.getTableHolonElement() .getWidth() / 7)); if (updCon.getActualCps() != null && updCon.getActualCps().getClass() == HolonObject.class) { HolonElement eleTemp; // For active column (boolean with a checkbox) if (selectedValueBX == 5) { eleTemp = updCon.getActualHolonElement( (HolonObject) updCon.getActualCps(), yBMouse, 0, tables); String newBStuff = model .getSingleTable() .getValueAt(selectedValueBY, selectedValueBX).toString(); Boolean bTemp = Boolean .parseBoolean(newBStuff); eleTemp.setActive(bTemp); } // For activeFlex column (boolean with a // checkbox) else if (selectedValueBX == 6) { eleTemp = updCon.getActualHolonElement( (HolonObject) updCon.getActualCps(), yBMouse, 0, tables); String newBStuff = model .getSingleTable() .getValueAt(selectedValueBY, selectedValueBX).toString(); Boolean bTemp = Boolean .parseBoolean(newBStuff); eleTemp.setFlexible(bTemp); } else { // Update of HolonElement eleTemp = updCon.getActualHolonElement( (HolonObject) updCon.getActualCps(), yMouse, 0, tables); String newStuff = model .getSingleTable() .getValueAt(selectedValueY, selectedValueX).toString(); // Name update if (selectedValueX == 1) { eleTemp.setEleName(newStuff); } // Energy Update else if (selectedValueX == 2) { Float ftemp = Float .parseFloat(newStuff); eleTemp.setEnergyPerElement(ftemp); } // Flexibility else if (selectedValueX == 3) { Float ftemp = Float .parseFloat(newStuff); eleTemp.setFlexibleEnergyAvailable(ftemp); // if this is a flexible device and the // flexibly available energy was // changed, // set used energy to 0, so that it can // be computed anew if (eleTemp.isFlexible()) { eleTemp.setEnergyPerElement(0); } } // Amount of Elements update else if (selectedValueX == 4) { Integer iTemp = Integer .parseInt(newStuff); eleTemp.setAmount(iTemp); } } // set all cells anew, if anything was changed updateElementTableAfterChange(eleTemp, selectedValueBY); } } controller.calculateStateForTimeStep(model .getCurIteration()); model.getSingleTable().fireTableDataChanged(); triggerUpdateController(null); contentPane.updateUI(); unitGraph.repaint(); // trigger update of table after UnitGraph was painted SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { triggerUpdateController(null); }); } catch (Exception e) { } }); /*********************** * HolonElement Properties Actions **********************/ /* * Update of the mouse coord for Edit-Mode */ tableProperties.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getClickCount() == 2) { yProThis = e.getY(); xProThis = e.getX(); } yProThisOneClick = e.getY(); xProThisOneClick = e.getX(); } }); /* * Update any change in the Property table */ tableProperties.addPropertyChangeListener(propertyChangeEvent -> { try { Object temp; Object btemp; int selValueY = (int) Math.floor(yProThis / 16); int selValueX = (int) Math.floor(xProThis / (tableProperties.getWidth() / 2)); int selValueYBool = (int) Math.floor(yProThisOneClick / 16); int selValueXBool = (int) Math.floor(xProThisOneClick / (tableProperties.getWidth() / 2)); if (updCon.getActualCps() != null) { temp = model.getPropertyTable().getValueAt(selValueY, selValueX); btemp = model.getPropertyTable().getValueAt(selValueYBool, selValueXBool); // Case: Switch selected if (updCon.getActualCps() instanceof HolonSwitch) { if (selValueY == 0 && selValueX != 0) { updCon.getActualCps().setName(temp.toString()); } if (selValueYBool == 2) { Boolean bbTemp = Boolean.parseBoolean(btemp.toString()); ((HolonSwitch) updCon.getActualCps()) .setManualMode(bbTemp); if (bbTemp) { model.getPropertyTable() .setCellEditable(3, 1, true); } else { model.getPropertyTable().setCellEditable(3, 1, false); } } else if (selValueYBool == 3) { if (((HolonSwitch) updCon.getActualCps()) .getManualMode()) { model.getPropertyTable() .setCellEditable(3, 1, true); Boolean bTemp = Boolean.parseBoolean(btemp .toString()); ((HolonSwitch) updCon.getActualCps()) .setManualState(bTemp); } } } // Case: UpperNode selected else if (updCon.getActualCps() instanceof CpsUpperNode && selValueX != 0) { // Name edition through double click updCon.getActualCps().setName(temp.toString()); // Update of name on the tab in the tab section for (int index = 4; index < tabbedPaneOriginal .getTabCount(); index++) { tabTemp = tabbedPaneOriginal; JScrollPane scrollPane = getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(); UpperNodeCanvas unc = ((UpperNodeCanvas) scrollPane .getViewport().getComponent(0)); if (unc.upperNode.getId() == updCon.getActualCps() .getId()) { tabbedPaneOriginal.setTitleAt(index, unc.upperNode.getName()); tabbedPaneOriginal.updateUI(); if (!initSplit) { tabbedPaneSplit.setTitleAt(index, unc.upperNode.getName()); tabbedPaneSplit.updateUI(); } } } } // Case: HolonObject is selected else if (updCon.getActualCps() instanceof HolonObject && selValueX != 0) { // Name edition through double click updCon.getActualCps().setName(temp.toString()); } } // Case: Edge is selected else { temp = model.getPropertyTable() .getValueAt(selValueY, selValueX); btemp = model.getPropertyTable().getValueAt(selValueYBool, selValueXBool); // Edit modus for capacity by double clicking if (selValueY == 2) { Float ftemp; if (Float.parseFloat(temp.toString()) >= 0.0) { ftemp = Float.parseFloat(temp.toString()); } else { ftemp = model.getSelectedEdge().getCapacity(); } model.getSelectedEdge().setCapacity(ftemp); } // Status edition through a check box if (selValueYBool == 3) { Boolean bbTemp = Boolean.parseBoolean(btemp.toString()); model.getSelectedEdge().setWorkingState(bbTemp); } } canvas.repaint(); } catch (Exception e) { } }) ; /*********************** * HolonElement Graph Actions **********************/ /* * Update Local Period of an Element Graph */ unitGraphLocalPeriod.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { try{ int localLength = Integer.parseInt(unitGraphLocalPeriod.getText()); unitGraphLocalPeriod.setBackground(Color.WHITE); /** * set local graph Period */ if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) unitGraph.setLocalPeriod(localLength); }catch(NumberFormatException ex){ unitGraphLocalPeriod.setBackground(PALE_RED); } } }); /***************************** * RIGHT CONTAINER DONE *****************************/ frmCyberPhysical.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 0)); /**************** * Tree Stuff ****************/ // Override Key Actions inputMap = tree.getInputMap(); inputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control C"), cntrlCDown); inputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control V"), cntrlVDown); inputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control X"), cntrlXDown); inputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control A"), cntrlADown); TreeCellRenderer customRenderer = new TreeCellRenderer() { @Override public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus) { JLabel label = new JLabel(); Image imgR; if (leaf) { for (Category cat : model.getCategories()) { for (AbstractCpsObject cps : cat.getObjects()) { if (value.toString().compareTo(cps.getObjName()) == 0) { imgR = Util.loadImage(cps.getImage(), 50, 50); if (imgR != null) { label.setIcon(new ImageIcon(imgR)); } label.setText(cps.getName()); } } } } tree.setRowHeight(50); if (hasFocus) { label.setForeground(new Color(0, 0, 255)); label.setOpaque(true); } if (label.getText().length() == 0) { label.setText(value.toString()); if (value.toString().compareTo("Categories") != 0) { label.setIcon(new ImageIcon(Util.loadImage( "/Images/folder.png"))); } } return label; } }; tree.setCellRenderer(customRenderer); tree.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionAdapter() { public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e){ checkForDragAndDrop(e); } /** * checks if an object of the current Panel * could be replaced by the dragged object * @param e */ private void checkForDragAndDrop(MouseEvent e){ try { /** * if no object gets dragged -> finished */ if(!dragging)return; /** * select the current Panel */ chooseTabTemp(); JScrollPane scrollPane = getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(); if(scrollPane == null)return; Component canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas = scrollPane .getViewport().getComponent(0); /** * check for replacements on the canvas */ if (canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas instanceof UpperNodeCanvas) { UpperNodeCanvas unc = (UpperNodeCanvas) canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas; if(unc.getMousePosition()==null)return; int x = (int) unc.getMousePosition().getX()+16; int y = (int) unc.getMousePosition().getY()+16; /** * if in upperNode */ if (x <= unc.upperNode.getLeftBorder()) return; /** * check for replacement */ unc.checkForReplacement(x, y); /** * repaint */ unc.invalidate(); unc.repaint(); } else { if(canvas.getMousePosition()==null)return; int x = (int) canvas.getMousePosition().getX()+16; int y = (int) canvas.getMousePosition().getY()+16; /** * check for replacement */ canvas.checkForReplacement(x, y); /** * repaint */ canvas.invalidate(); canvas.repaint(); } contentPane.updateUI(); } catch (Exception eex) { eex.printStackTrace(); } }}); tree.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { try { if (dragging) { chooseTabTemp(); JScrollPane scrollPane = getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(); Component canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas = scrollPane .getViewport().getComponent(0); if (canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas instanceof UpperNodeCanvas) { UpperNodeCanvas unc = (UpperNodeCanvas) canvasOrUpperNodeCanvas; int x = (int) unc.getMousePosition().getX() + 16; int y = (int) unc.getMousePosition().getY() + 16; if (x > unc.upperNode.getLeftBorder()) { AbstractCpsObject h = null; if (tempCps instanceof HolonObject) { h = new HolonObject(tempCps); } if (tempCps instanceof HolonSwitch) { h = new HolonSwitch(tempCps); } if (tempCps instanceof HolonTransformer) { h = new HolonTransformer(tempCps); } if (tempCps instanceof HolonBattery) { h = new HolonBattery(tempCps); } h.setPosition(x, y); /** * close UpperNodeTabs of replaced UpperNode */ if(unc.mayBeReplaced!=null &&unc.mayBeReplaced instanceof CpsUpperNode){ unc.closeUpperNodeTab(unc.mayBeReplaced.getId()); } controller.addObjUpperNode(h, unc.upperNode); /** * object would be replaced */ unc.mayBeReplaced = null; unc.invalidate(); unc.repaint(); unc.setXY((int) canvas.getMousePosition() .getX(), (int) canvas .getMousePosition().getY()); } } else { int x = (int) canvas.getMousePosition().getX() + 16; int y = (int) canvas.getMousePosition().getY() + 16; AbstractCpsObject h = null; if (tempCps instanceof HolonObject) { h = new HolonObject(tempCps); } if (tempCps instanceof HolonSwitch) { h = new HolonSwitch(tempCps); } if (tempCps instanceof HolonTransformer) { h = new HolonTransformer(tempCps); } if (tempCps instanceof HolonBattery) { h = new HolonBattery(tempCps); } h.setPosition(x, y); /** * close UpperNodeTabs of replaced UpperNode */ if(canvas.mayBeReplaced!=null &&canvas.mayBeReplaced instanceof CpsUpperNode){ canvas.closeUpperNodeTab(canvas.mayBeReplaced.getId()); } controller.addObjectCanvas(h); /** * no object should get replaced */ canvas.mayBeReplaced = null; canvas.invalidate(); canvas.setXY( (int) canvas.getMousePosition().getX(), (int) canvas.getMousePosition().getY()); canvas.repaint(); } controller.calculateStateForCurrentTimeStep(); contentPane.updateUI(); dragging = false; } } catch (Exception eex) { } frmCyberPhysical.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } }); popmenuEdit.add(editItem); editItem.setEnabled(false); editItem.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { }); tree.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { try { actualObjectClicked = tree .getPathForLocation(e.getX(), e.getY()) .getLastPathComponent().toString(); // if an Object was selected, the porperties are shown in // the table DefaultMutableTreeNode selectedNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) tree .getPathForLocation(e.getX(), e.getY()) .getLastPathComponent(); if (selectedNode.getLevel() == 2) { controller.searchCategoryObject(selectedNode .getParent().toString(), selectedNode .toString()); updCon.deleteRows(model.getSingleTable()); updCon.deleteRows(model.getMultiTable()); // if (selected instanceof HolonObject && selected != // null) { // selected = (HolonObject) selected; // fillElementTable(((HolonObject) // selected).getElements()); // } } if (SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(e)) { for (Category cat : model.getCategories()) { for (AbstractCpsObject cps : cat.getObjects()) { if (actualObjectClicked.compareTo(cps .getObjName()) == 0 && !(cps instanceof HolonSwitch)) { editItem.setEnabled(true);, e.getX(), e.getY()); catOfObjToBeEdited = selectedNode .getParent().toString(); tempCps = cps; } } } } else { for (Category cat : model.getCategories()) { for (AbstractCpsObject cps : cat.getObjects()) { if (actualObjectClicked.compareTo(cps .getObjName()) == 0) { File checkPath = new File(cps.getImage()); if (checkPath.exists()) { img = new ImageIcon(cps.getImage()) .getImage() .getScaledInstance( 32, 32, java.awt.Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); } else { img = Util.loadImage( cps.getImage(), 32, 32); } tempCps = cps; dragging = true; Cursor cursor = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() .createCustomCursor(img, new Point(0, 0), "Image"); frmCyberPhysical.setCursor(cursor); } } } } } catch (Exception eex) { } } }); editItem.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { // Remove the selected Object object //AddObjectPopUp(boolean edit, AbstractCpsObject obj, String cat, JFrame parentFrame) addObjectPopUP = new AddObjectPopUp(true, tempCps, catOfObjToBeEdited, frmCyberPhysical); addObjectPopUP.setCategory(catOfObjToBeEdited); addObjectPopUP.setController(controller); addObjectPopUP.setVisible(true); }); scrollPane1.setViewportView(tree); scrollPane1.setColumnHeaderView(panel); panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); toolBar.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); toolBar.setFloatable(false); panel.add(toolBar); btnAddPopUp.add(mItemNew); mItemNew.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { new NewPopUp(controller, frmCyberPhysical); }); btnAddPopUp.addSeparator(); btnAddPopUp.add(mItemCategory); mItemCategory.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { new NewPopUp(controller,Option.Category, frmCyberPhysical); }); btnAddPopUp.add(mItemObject); mItemObject.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { new NewPopUp(controller,Option.Object, frmCyberPhysical); }); btnAddPopUp.add(mItemSwitch); mItemSwitch.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { new NewPopUp(controller,Option.Switch, frmCyberPhysical); }); btnAddPopUp.add(mItemBattery); mItemBattery.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { new NewPopUp(controller,Option.Battery, frmCyberPhysical); }); btnAdd.addActionListener(actionEvent ->, -1, +20)); btnAdd.setToolTipText("Add a new Category or Item to the library."); toolBar.add(btnAdd); /** * Help Menu Action Listeners */ /** * URL of the telecommunication git Wiki */ String tkWikiWebpage = ""; /** open Introduction Web Page */ mntmIntroduction.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){ openWebpage(tkWikiWebpage + "Introduction+V2.1"); } }); /** open UserManual WebPage */ mntmUserManual.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){ openWebpage(tkWikiWebpage + "User+Manual+V2.1"); } }); /** open Algorithm Help Web Page*/ mntmAlgorithmHelp.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){ openWebpage(tkWikiWebpage + "Algorithms+V2.1"); } }); /** open Code Documentation Web Page */ mntmCodeDoc.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){ openWebpage(tkWikiWebpage + "Code+documentation+V2.1"); } }); /** * Pop up - About Us with some important information about the * developers, source and programming stuff */ mntmAboutUs.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { aboutUsPopUp = new AboutUsPopUp(frmCyberPhysical); aboutUsPopUp.setVisible(true); } }); /** * Update of every interaction between the user and the canvas (only on * the canvas). Basically the update of all the information concerning * the clicked HolonObject. For multi-selection, the propertyTable would * be disabled */ canvas.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { holonEleNamesDisplayed = Languages.getLanguage()[25]; // If any empty space is clicked if (temp == null || temp.getId() != model.getSelectedObjectID()) { hideScrollGraph(); elementGraph.setText(Languages.getLanguage()[25]); } temp = updCon.getActualCps(); // Erase old data in the PropertyTable if (model.getPropertyTable().getRowCount() > 0) { for (int i = model.getPropertyTable().getRowCount() - 1; i > -1; i--) { model.getPropertyTable().removeRow(i); } } if (e.isControlDown() && temp != null) { if (model.getSelectedCpsObjects().contains(temp)) { controller.deleteSelectedObject(temp); } else { controller.addSelectedObject(temp); } } if (temp instanceof HolonSwitch) { showScrollGraph(); updateUnitGraph((GraphEditable)temp); } // Write new data in the PropertyTable triggerUpdateController(temp); // New Tab with NodeOfNode if (doubleClick() && MouseEvent.BUTTON3 != e.getButton() && temp instanceof CpsUpperNode) { openNewUpperNodeTab(); try { controller.autoSave(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } if (model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() > 1) { model.getTableHolonElement() .setModel(model.getMultiTable()); } else if (model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() == 1) { model.getTableHolonElement().setModel( model.getSingleTable()); } } }); holonCanvas.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { hideScrollGraph(); elementGraph.setText(Languages.getLanguage()[25]); if (model.getPropertyTable().getRowCount() > 0) { for (int i = model.getPropertyTable().getRowCount() - 1; i > -1; i--) { model.getPropertyTable().removeRow(i); } } updCon.deleteRows(model.getMultiTable()); updCon.deleteRows(model.getSingleTable()); updCon.paintHolonBody(model.getSelectedHolonBody()); } }); // Del Button btnDel.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { Object nodeInfo = tree.getLastSelectedPathComponent(); if (nodeInfo != null) { DefaultMutableTreeNode selectedNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) nodeInfo; String nodeName = selectedNode.getUserObject().toString(); int depthOfNode = selectedNode.getLevel(); try { switch (depthOfNode) { case 1: int dialogResult = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( frmCyberPhysical, eraseCategory + nodeName + "?", warningText, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (dialogResult == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { controller.deleteCategory(nodeName); } break; case 2: DefaultMutableTreeNode parent = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) selectedNode .getParent(); controller.delObjectCategory(parent.getUserObject() .toString(), nodeName); break; default: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frmCyberPhysical, selectObjBeforeErase); } } catch (Exception e2) { } } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frmCyberPhysical, selectObjBeforeErase); } tree.repaint(); }); toolBar.add(btnDel); frmCyberPhysical.getContentPane().add(splitPane); mntmNew.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { if (model.getObjectsOnCanvas().size() != 0) { int newWarning = JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION; int dialogForNewWarning = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( frmCyberPhysical, saveBeforeNew, warningText, newWarning); if (dialogForNewWarning == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { mntmSave.doClick(); } } model.getEdgesOnCanvas().removeAll(model.getEdgesOnCanvas()); model.getObjectsOnCanvas().removeAll(model.getObjectsOnCanvas()); controller.setSelectedObjectID(0); controller.setSelecteEdge(null); controller.setCurIteration(0); hideScrollGraph(); elementGraph.setText(Languages.getLanguage()[25]); canvas.tempCps = null; canvas.repaint(); IdCounter.resetCounter(); IdCounterElem.resetCounter(); }); mntmOpen.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { menuFileExitActionPerformed(); } private void menuFileExitActionPerformed() { JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser(); FileNameExtensionFilter holonFilter = new FileNameExtensionFilter( "Holon Save File(*.holon)", "holon"); fileChooser.setFileFilter(holonFilter); if (fileChooser.showOpenDialog(frmCyberPhysical) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File file = fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); try { controller.loadFile(file.getAbsolutePath()); canvas.repaint(); unitGraph.update(model.getObjectsOnCanvas()); tree.repaint(); for (JsonObject json : model.getStatisticData()) { readStatistics(json); } } catch (IOException | ArchiveException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JLabel message = new JLabel( "The savefile is corrupt and cannot be opened."); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frmCyberPhysical, message, "", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } } }); mntmSave.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { menuSaveActionPerformed(); } private void menuSaveActionPerformed() { JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser(); FileNameExtensionFilter holonFilter = new FileNameExtensionFilter( "Holon Save File(*.holon)", "holon"); fileChooser.setFileFilter(holonFilter); if (fileChooser.showSaveDialog(frmCyberPhysical) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File selectedFile = fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); String fileName = selectedFile.getName(); String fullPath = fileChooser.getSelectedFile().getPath(); if (fileChooser.getFileFilter().equals(holonFilter)) { if (!fileName.contains(".")) fullPath += ".holon"; } if (!fullPath.endsWith(".holon")) { String suffix = fullPath.substring(fullPath.lastIndexOf("."), fullPath.length()); String[] options = new String[] { "keep .holon", "use " + suffix }; JLabel message = new JLabel( "Are you sure to use the extension \"" + suffix + "\" instead of \".holon\"?"); int response = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( frmCyberPhysical, message, "", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[1]); if (response == 0) fullPath = fullPath.replace(suffix, ".holon"); } try { controller.saveFile(new File(fullPath).getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException | ArchiveException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }); englishBtn.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { Languages.setLanguage(0); refreshLanguages(); updCon.refreshTableProperties(model.getPropertyTable()); }); spanishBtn.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { Languages.setLanguage(1); refreshLanguages(); updCon.refreshTableProperties(model.getPropertyTable()); }); germanBtn.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { Languages.setLanguage(2); refreshLanguages(); updCon.refreshTableProperties(model.getPropertyTable()); }); czechBtn.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { Languages.setLanguage(3); refreshLanguages(); updCon.refreshTableProperties(model.getPropertyTable()); }); chineseBtn.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { Languages.setLanguage(4); refreshLanguages(); updCon.refreshTableProperties(model.getPropertyTable()); }); mntmUndo.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { menuUndoActionPerformed(); } private void menuUndoActionPerformed() { try { controller.loadAutoSave(controller.getUndoSave()); closeInvalidUpperNodeTabs(); controller.calculateStateForCurrentTimeStep(); canvas.repaint(); repaintGraphAfterUndoRedo(); hideScrollGraph(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); mntmRedo.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { menuRedoActionPerformed(); } private void menuRedoActionPerformed() { try { controller.loadAutoSave(controller.getRedoSave()); closeInvalidUpperNodeTabs(); controller.calculateStateForCurrentTimeStep(); canvas.repaint(); repaintGraphAfterUndoRedo(); hideScrollGraph(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); timePanel = new TimePanel(this,controller); timePanel.setBorder(null); timePanel.getTimeSlider() .addChangeListener(changeEvent -> { //TimeSliderChanged event controller.calculateStateForTimeStep(timePanel.getTimeSlider().getValue()); unitGraph.repaint(); if (model.getIsSimRunning()) { controller.runAlgorithm(model, controller); statSplitPane.repaintGraphs(); } contentPane.updateUI(); }); splitPane1.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(0, 25)); splitPane.setRightComponent(splitPane1); splitPane.setDividerLocation(200); splitPane1.setDividerLocation(500); splitPaneCanvasConsole.setDividerLocation(550); splitPaneCanvasConsole.setResizeWeight(0.9); splitPane.setLeftComponent(scrollPane1); splitPaneCanvasConsole.setLeftComponent(tabbedPaneOriginal); tabbedPaneOriginal.addTab("View", tabbedPaneInnerOriginal); myPanel.add(canvasSP, BorderLayout.CENTER); myPanel.add(lblHint, BorderLayout.PAGE_END); lblHint.setBackground(new Color(53, 178, 76, 100)); lblHint.setOpaque(true); tabbedPaneInnerOriginal.addTab("Main Grid", myPanel); tabbedPaneOriginal.addTab("Statistics", statScrollPane); tabbedPaneOriginal.addTab("Holon", holonCanvas); FlexiblePane flexPane = new FlexiblePane(controller); controller.setFlexiblePane(flexPane); controller.getModel().getObjectListeners().add(flexPane); tabbedPaneOriginal.addTab("Flexibility", flexPane); splitPaneCanvasConsole.setRightComponent(console); splitPane1.setLeftComponent(splitPaneCanvasConsole); splitPane1.setRightComponent(splitHolonElPro); splitPane1.setResizeWeight(0.9); splitHolonElPro.setDividerLocation(700); // containing the graph and the elements-list splitHolonElPro.setTopComponent(splitGraphHolonEl); // containing the object's properties splitHolonElPro.setBottomComponent(scrollProperties); splitGraphHolonEl.setDividerLocation(distanceBetweenElementsAndGraph); splitGraphHolonEl.setTopComponent(scrollElements); splitGraphHolonEl.setBottomComponent(scrollGraph); canvasSP.setViewportView(canvas); algorithmMenu.setBackground(new Color(240, 240, 240)); tabbedPaneOriginal.setBorder(null); scrollProperties.setBorder(null); scrollGraph.setBorder(null); scrollElements.setBorder(null); splitPane.setBorder(null); splitPane1.setBorder(null); splitPaneCanvasConsole.setBorder(null); splitHolonElPro.setBorder(null); splitGraphHolonEl.setBorder(null); panelHolonEl.setBorder(null); canvasSP.setBorder(null); hideScrollGraph(); tableHolonElementScrollPane.setBorder(null); frmCyberPhysical.getContentPane().add(timePanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); MouseAdapter focusCanvasAdapter = new FocusCanvasMouseAdapter(); model.getTableHolonElement().addMouseListener(focusCanvasAdapter); tableProperties.addMouseListener(focusCanvasAdapter); console.getConsoleText().addMouseListener(focusCanvasAdapter); try { controller.loadAutoSave(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.config/HolonGUI/Category/Category.json"); } catch (IOException e1) { } String autoPath = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.config/HolonGUI/Autosave/"; File dest = new File(autoPath); ArrayList oldAutoSaves = controller.filterOldAutoSaveFiles(); int nrOfOldSaves = oldAutoSaves.size(); if (nrOfOldSaves > 0) { int dialogButton = JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION; int dialogResult = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(frmCyberPhysical, "Old autosave file was found, should it be loaded?", warningText, dialogButton); if (dialogResult == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { if (dest.exists()) { model.setAutoSaveNr(nrOfOldSaves - 1); mntmRedo.doClick(); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frmCyberPhysical, "Autosave could not be loaded."); setUpAutoSave(dest); } } else { setUpAutoSave(dest); } // after all: delete the obsolete/old autosave files from the // directory controller.deleteObsoleteAutoSaveFiles(); } canvasSP.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() { @Override public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { controller.setCanvasX(Math.max(model.getCanvasX(), canvasSP .getViewport().getWidth())); controller.setCanvasY(Math.max(model.getCanvasY(), canvasSP .getViewport().getHeight())); canvas.repaint(); } }); } public void updateOutliners(DecoratedState state) { //remove closed Outliner ListIterator iter = outlinerList.listIterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { if( iter.remove(); } //update open Outliner for(Outliner out : outlinerList) { out.repaintWithDecoratedState(state); } } private void showScrollGraph() { scrollGraph.setVisible(true); splitGraphHolonEl.setBottomComponent(scrollGraph); splitGraphHolonEl.setDividerLocation(distanceBetweenElementsAndGraph); } private void hideScrollGraph() { scrollGraph.setVisible(false); splitGraphHolonEl.remove(scrollGraph); splitGraphHolonEl.setDividerLocation(0); } private boolean isUpperPanelInsideBounds() { int x = frmCyberPhysical.getX(); int y = frmCyberPhysical.getY(); int width = frmCyberPhysical.getWidth(); // get all connected screen devices GraphicsDevice[] screenDevices = GraphicsEnvironment .getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getScreenDevices(); boolean isUpperPanelVisible = false; // and check whether they contain the upper left or upper right point of // the frame for (GraphicsDevice device : screenDevices) { Rectangle bounds = device.getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds(); if (bounds.contains(x, y) || bounds.contains(x + width, y)) { isUpperPanelVisible = true; break; } } return isUpperPanelVisible; } /** * Sets up autosave if no old one is loaded at the beginning * * @param dest * path to save-folder */ private void setUpAutoSave(File dest) { dest.mkdirs(); try { controller.autoSave(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } /** * adds a specific object type to selected Category also handles input * windows and illegal inputs. * * @param objType * type of the Object * @param selectedNode * The selected Node */ private void addObjectAction(String objType, DefaultMutableTreeNode selectedNode) { if (selectedNode == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frmCyberPhysical, "Please select a Category first before adding " + objType + "."); } // if selected node is a directory for Categories else { if (selectedNode.getLevel() == 1) { String objname = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(frmCyberPhysical, "Please enter a Name for the " + objType); Category cat = controller.searchCategory(selectedNode .getUserObject().toString()); if (objname.length() != 0) { try { switch (objType) { case "Switch": controller.addSwitch(cat, objname); break; case "Battery": controller.addBattery(cat, objname); break; } } catch (Exception e) { } } } else { JOptionPane .showMessageDialog(frmCyberPhysical, "Objects can not be added to Objects. Please select a Category."); } } } /** * reloads the Categories from Model. * * @param categories * the current categories */ private void updateCategories(final ArrayList categories) { tree.setModel(new DefaultTreeModel(new DefaultMutableTreeNode( "Categories") { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; { DefaultMutableTreeNode node1; for (Category c : categories) { node1 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(c.getName()); // kann eventuell umgeƤndert werden for (AbstractCpsObject obj : c.getObjects()) { node1.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(obj.getObjName())); } add(node1); } } })); } /** * When changes are made to the Categories. * * @param categories * the Categories */ public void onChange(ArrayList categories) { DefaultTreeModel model = (DefaultTreeModel) tree.getModel(); updateCategories(categories); model.reload(); } /** * Get the Frame. * * @return the Frame */ JFrame getFrmCyberPhysical() { return frmCyberPhysical; } private void refreshLanguages() { String[] tempArray = Languages.getLanguage(); // ToolBar mnNewMenu.setText(tempArray[0]); mntmNew.setText(tempArray[1]); mntmOpen.setText(tempArray[2]); mntmSave.setText(tempArray[3]); mnNewMenuEdit.setText(tempArray[4]); mntmUndo.setText(tempArray[5]); mntmRedo.setText(tempArray[6]); mntmFindReplace.setText(tempArray[7]); mntmEditShowedInformation.setText(tempArray[8]); mnNewMenuOptions.setText(tempArray[9]); mntmResetCategory.setText(tempArray[10]); mnNewMenuView.setText(tempArray[11]); mntmCanvasSize.setText(tempArray[12]); mnHelp.setText(tempArray[13]); mntmAboutUs.setText(tempArray[14]); mntmEditEdges.setText(tempArray[15]); mnLanguage.setText(tempArray[16]); canvas.updateLanguages(); // Tables System.arraycopy(tempArray, 17, columnNamesMulti, 0, columnNamesMulti.length); model.getMultiTable().setColumnIdentifiers(columnNamesMulti); System.arraycopy(tempArray, 18, columnNamesSingle, 0, columnNamesSingle.length); model.getSingleTable().setColumnIdentifiers(columnNamesSingle); model.colNames[0] = tempArray[23]; model.colNames[1] = tempArray[24]; model.getPropertyTable().setColumnIdentifiers(model.colNames); // Graph elementGraph.setText(tempArray[25]); holonEleNamesDisplayed = tempArray[25]; resetGraphBtn.setText(tempArray[26]); // Warning PopUps warningText = tempArray[27]; saveBeforeNew = tempArray[28]; eraseCategory = tempArray[29]; selectObjBeforeErase = tempArray[30]; // SimMenu algorithmMenu.algoFolderButton.setText(Languages.getLanguage()[85]); // TimePanel timePanel.playBtn.setToolTipText(Languages.getLanguage()[89]); timePanel.timeResetBtn.setToolTipText(Languages.getLanguage()[90]); timePanel.timeForwardBtn.setToolTipText(Languages.getLanguage()[91]); timePanel.timeBackwardBtn.setToolTipText(Languages.getLanguage()[92]); timePanel.timeSlider.setToolTipText(Languages.getLanguage()[93]); // Image Size Slider lblImageSize.setText(Languages.getLanguage()[94]); } /** * Checks if a double click was made. * * @return true if doublecklick, false if not */ private boolean doubleClick() { if (click) { click = false; return true; } else { click = true; Timer t = new Timer("doubleclickTimer", false); t.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { click = false; } }, 350); } return false; } /* * Open a new Tab with an UpperNodeCanvas */ private void openNewUpperNodeTab() { chooseTabTemp(); JScrollPane scrollPane = getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(); if (scrollPane.getViewport().getComponent(0) instanceof MyCanvas) { unc = new UpperNodeCanvas(model, controller, unitGraph, (CpsUpperNode) temp, ""); } else { unc = new UpperNodeCanvas(model, controller, unitGraph, (CpsUpperNode) temp, ((UpperNodeCanvas) scrollPane .getViewport().getComponent(0)).path + " -> "); } unc.setShowedInformation(canvas.getShowedInformation()); // check if tab already open for clicked NodeOfNode boolean dupl = false; for (int i = 1; i < tabbedPaneInnerOriginal.getTabCount(); i++) { JScrollPane paneOriginal = (JScrollPane) tabbedPaneInnerOriginal .getComponentAt(i); if (paneOriginal != null && ((UpperNodeCanvas) paneOriginal.getViewport() .getComponent(0)).upperNode.getId() == temp.getId()) { dupl = true; // set selected component to view tabbedPaneOriginal .setSelectedComponent(tabbedPaneInnerOriginal); // set selected tab in view to found upper-node-canvas tabbedPaneInnerOriginal .setSelectedComponent(tabbedPaneInnerOriginal .getComponentAt(i)); } if (tabbedPaneSplit.getTabCount() > 0) { JTabbedPane tabbedPaneInnerSplit = (JTabbedPane) tabbedPaneSplit .getComponentAt(0); if (tabbedPaneInnerSplit != null) { JScrollPane paneSplit = (JScrollPane) tabbedPaneInnerSplit .getComponentAt(i); if (!initSplit && paneSplit != null && ((UpperNodeCanvas) paneSplit.getViewport() .getComponent(0)).upperNode.getId() == temp .getId()) { dupl = true; // set selected component to view tabbedPaneSplit .setSelectedComponent(tabbedPaneInnerSplit); // set selected tab in view to found upper-node-canvas tabbedPaneInnerSplit .setSelectedComponent(tabbedPaneInnerSplit .getComponentAt(i)); } } } // if we found a duplicate, break if (dupl) { break; } } if (!dupl) { unc.setBorder(null); unc.setBackground(Color.WHITE); unc.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(model.getCanvasX(), model .getCanvasY())); unc.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { hideScrollGraph(); holonEleNamesDisplayed = Languages.getLanguage()[25]; elementGraph.setText(holonEleNamesDisplayed); chooseTabTemp(); JScrollPane scrollPane1 = getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(); temp = ((UpperNodeCanvas) scrollPane1.getViewport() .getComponent(0)).tempCps; if (doubleClick() && MouseEvent.BUTTON3 != e.getButton() && temp instanceof CpsUpperNode) { openNewUpperNodeTab(); } if (temp instanceof HolonSwitch) { updateUnitGraph((GraphEditable)temp); } } }); JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(unc); sp.setBorder(null); // Selected tabbed Pane = tabbedPaneOriginal or tabbedPaneSplit if (tabTemp == tabbedPaneOriginal) { this.tabbedPaneInnerOriginal.add(temp.getName(), sp); this.tabbedPaneInnerOriginal.setSelectedComponent(sp); this.tabbedPaneInnerOriginal.setTabComponentAt( this.tabbedPaneInnerOriginal.getTabCount() - 1, new ButtonTabComponent(this.tabbedPaneInnerOriginal, tabbedPaneSplit)); } else { JTabbedPane tabbedPaneInnerSplit = (JTabbedPane) tabbedPaneSplit .getComponentAt(0); tabbedPaneInnerSplit.add(temp.getName(), sp); Component tempC = tabbedPaneInnerSplit.getSelectedComponent(); tabbedPaneInnerSplit.setComponentAt( tabbedPaneInnerSplit.getSelectedIndex(), null); tabbedPaneOriginal.setComponentAt( tabbedPaneInnerSplit.getSelectedIndex(), tempC); tabbedPaneInnerSplit.setSelectedComponent(sp); tabbedPaneInnerOriginal.add(temp.getName(), null); tabbedPaneInnerOriginal.setTabComponentAt( tabbedPaneInnerOriginal.getTabCount() - 1, new ButtonTabComponent(tabbedPaneInnerOriginal, tabbedPaneInnerSplit)); } temp = null; } } private void updateUpperNodes() { for (Component c : tabbedPaneInnerOriginal.getComponents()) { if (!(c instanceof JScrollPane)) { continue; } Component pane = ((JScrollPane) c).getViewport().getComponent(0); if (pane instanceof UpperNodeCanvas) { temp = model.getHashcodeMap() .get(((UpperNodeCanvas) pane).code); ((UpperNodeCanvas) pane).upperNode = (CpsUpperNode) temp; } } } /** * Removes UpperNodeTab if UpperNode was deleted * * @param cps * the CPS object that is currently selected */ private void removeUpperNodeTab(AbstractCpsObject cps) { if (cps instanceof CpsUpperNode) { boolean splitView = false; for (int i = 1; i < tabbedPaneInnerOriginal.getTabCount(); i++) { JScrollPane scrollPaneOriginal = (JScrollPane) tabbedPaneInnerOriginal .getComponentAt(i); if (scrollPaneOriginal == null) { splitView = true; } else if (((UpperNodeCanvas) scrollPaneOriginal.getViewport() .getComponent(0)).upperNode.getId() == cps.getId()) { ((ButtonTabComponent) tabbedPaneInnerOriginal .getTabComponentAt(i)).removeTabs(); break; } } // If SplitView is on and the view on // tabbedPaneSplit is the deleted upperNode if (splitView && tabbedPaneSplit.getComponentCount() > 0) { JTabbedPane tabbedPaneInnerSplit = (JTabbedPane) tabbedPaneSplit .getComponentAt(0); if (((UpperNodeCanvas) ((JScrollPane) tabbedPaneInnerSplit .getSelectedComponent()).getViewport().getComponent(0)).upperNode .getId() == cps.getId()) { ((ButtonTabComponent) tabbedPaneInnerOriginal .getTabComponentAt(tabbedPaneInnerSplit .getSelectedIndex())).removeTabs(); } } } } private void readStatistics(JsonObject json) { List keys = json.entrySet().stream().map(i -> i.getKey()) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); // Saved Values JsonObject obj; AbstractCpsObject cps; int prop; Color color; StatisticGraphPanel stat = new StatisticGraphPanel(model, controller,//TODO json.get("KEY").getAsString(), model.getGraphTable()); for (String k : keys) { if (!k.equals("KEY")) { obj = json.get(k).getAsJsonObject(); cps = (obj.get("ID") == JsonNull.INSTANCE ? null : controller .searchTracked(obj.get("ID").getAsInt())); prop = obj.get("PROPERTY").getAsInt(); color = model.getGson().fromJson(obj.get("COLOR"), Color.class); stat.addObject(new TrackedDataSet(cps, prop, color, model.getIterations())); } model.getGraphTable().put(json.get("KEY").getAsString(), stat); model.getStatPanel().getGraphPanel().add(stat); } } /** * chooses whether to set the tabTemp to tabbedPaneOriginal or * tabbedPaneSplit */ private void chooseTabTemp() { // is the uppernode on tabbedPaneOriginal or tabbedPaneSplit /* TODO: Fix or Remove SplitView */ if (tabbedPaneOriginal.getMousePosition() != null || initSplit) { tabTemp = tabbedPaneOriginal; } else { tabTemp = tabbedPaneSplit; } } private JScrollPane getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(JTabbedPane tabbedPane, int index) { tabTemp = tabbedPane; return getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(index); } // private JScrollPane getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(JTabbedPane tabbedPane) { // return getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(tabbedPane, -1); // } private JScrollPane getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane() { return getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(-1); } private JScrollPane getScrollPaneFromTabbedPane(int index) { Component upperLevelSelectedComponent; if(tabTemp == null) { return null; } if (index == -1) { upperLevelSelectedComponent = tabTemp.getSelectedComponent(); } else { upperLevelSelectedComponent = tabTemp.getComponentAt(index); } if (upperLevelSelectedComponent instanceof JTabbedPane) { Component nextLevel = ((JTabbedPane) upperLevelSelectedComponent).getSelectedComponent(); if(nextLevel instanceof JPanel) return (JScrollPane) ((JPanel)nextLevel).getComponent(0); else return (JScrollPane) nextLevel; } else if (upperLevelSelectedComponent instanceof JScrollPane) { return (JScrollPane) upperLevelSelectedComponent; } else { return null; } } private void repaintGraphAfterUndoRedo() { for (AbstractCpsObject cps : model.getObjectsOnCanvas()) { unitGraph.repaintGraph(cps); } } /** * if flexibility was turned on, then active needs to be turned off, the * energy currently produced/consumed * * @param eleBTemp * element that needs to be updated * @param selectedValueBY * the y value in the table */ private void updateElementTableAfterChange(HolonElement eleBTemp, int selectedValueBY) { model.getSingleTable().setValueAt(eleBTemp.isFlexible(), selectedValueBY, 6); model.getSingleTable().setValueAt(eleBTemp.isActive(), selectedValueBY, 5); model.getSingleTable().setValueAt(eleBTemp.getAmount(), selectedValueBY, 4); model.getSingleTable().setValueAt( eleBTemp.getFlexibleEnergyAvailablePerElement(), selectedValueBY, 3); model.getSingleTable().setValueAt(eleBTemp.getEnergyPerElement(), selectedValueBY, 2); } private void triggerUpdateController(AbstractCpsObject temp) { if (temp != null) { updCon.paintProperties(temp); } updCon.refreshTableHolonElement(model.getMultiTable(), model.getSingleTable()); updCon.refreshTableProperties(model.getPropertyTable()); } /** * Custom Mouse adapter makes contentPane gain focus once mouse leaves this * component so copy/paste/cut and "select all" works */ private class FocusCanvasMouseAdapter extends MouseAdapter { @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { contentPane.requestFocus(); } } /** * This Method updates the UnitGraph, saves the old LocalModeState and load the new LocalModeState. * @param element The new Element to load the UnitGraph */ private void updateUnitGraph(GraphEditable element){ //SaveOld LocalMode State. if(localPeriodInput.isVisible()) { //Save Old State validateInput(localPeriodInput.getEditor().getItem().toString(), false); } //Update UnitGraph unitGraph.initNewElement(element); //Load LocalMode State. changeLocalPeriodButtonAppeareance(unitGraph.isUsingLocalPeriod()); localPeriodInput.getEditor().setItem(unitGraph.getLocalPeriod()); } /** * Displayed the actual LocalModeState. * @param enabled */ private void changeLocalPeriodButtonAppeareance(boolean enabled) { localPeriodInput.setVisible(enabled); if(enabled) { localPeriodButtonImage.setImage(Util.loadImage("/Images/Graph.png")); }else { localPeriodButtonImage.setImage(GrayFilter.createDisabledImage(Util.loadImage("/Images/Graph.png"))); } } /** * Validate the LocalMode Input and when its valid save on the Element. * @param text the inputText to validate. * @param bShowMessage when true, open a MessageDialog when text invalid. */ private void validateInput(String text, boolean bShowMessage) { int localPeriodInputValue; try { localPeriodInputValue = Integer.parseInt(text); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if(bShowMessage) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(contentPane, '"' +text + '"'+ " is not a valid Input. \n Use whole numbers."); return; } unitGraph.setLocalPeriod(localPeriodInputValue); } public void updateIterations() { this.statSplitPane.updateIterations(); } private void openWebpage(String URL){ try { java.awt.Desktop.getDesktop().browse(new URI(URL)); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (URISyntaxException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Function to set the visibility for Hints * @param enable true = show false = hide */ public void showHint(boolean enable){ lblHint.setVisible(enable); } /** * closes all UpperNodeTabs, that don't have a * valid UpperNode (e.g. if it was ungrouped/deleted/replaced and so on) */ private void closeInvalidUpperNodeTabs() { /** * close bugged Tabs */ for (int i = 1; i < tabbedPaneInnerOriginal.getTabCount(); i++) { JScrollPane scrollPaneOriginal = (JScrollPane) tabbedPaneInnerOriginal .getComponentAt(i); if (((UpperNodeCanvas) scrollPaneOriginal.getViewport() .getComponent(0)).upperNode == null) { ((ButtonTabComponent) tabbedPaneInnerOriginal .getTabComponentAt(i)).removeTabs(); break; } } } }