package classes; import; import ui.controller.FlexManager; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * The class HolonObject represents any Object on the system which capability of * injecting or consuming energy on the network, for instance a house or a power * plant. * * @author Gruppe14 */ public class HolonObject extends AbstractCpsObject { /* Array of all consumers */ private ArrayList elements; /* Array for tracking Production */ private float[] trackingProd; /* Array for tracking Consumption */ private float[] trackingCons; /* Total Flexibility */ private float totalFlex; /** * Constructor Set by default the name of the object equals to the category * name, until the user changes it. * * @param objName name of the Object */ public HolonObject(String objName) { super(objName); setElements(new ArrayList<>()); setTrackingProd(new float[100]); setTrackingCons(new float[100]); } /** * Contructor of a copy of an Object. * * @param obj object to be copied */ public HolonObject(AbstractCpsObject obj) { super(obj); setElements(copyElements(((HolonObject) obj).getElements())); setTrackingProd(new float[100]); setTrackingCons(new float[100]); } /** * Getter for all Elements in the HolonObject. * * @return the elements ArrayList */ public ArrayList getElements() { return elements; } /** * Set a new ArrayList with HolonElements into the HolonObject. * * @param elements the elements to set */ public void setElements(ArrayList elements) { this.elements = elements; } /** * adds an Element to the Object. * * @param element the Element to add */ public void addElement(HolonElement element) { elements.add(element); } /** * deletes Element at a given index. * * @param idx index */ public void deleteElement(int idx) { elements.remove(idx); } /** * String of all consumers in this HolonObject. * * @return all the names of this HolonObject separated by "," each object */ public String toStringElements() { String objString = "Empty"; for (HolonElement e : elements) { if (objString == "Empty") { objString = e.getEleName(); } else { objString = objString + ", " + e.getEleName(); } } return objString; } /** * Copy all Elements into a New Array. * * @param arr to copy * @return the copy of arr */ public ArrayList copyElements(ArrayList arr) { ArrayList newArr = new ArrayList<>(); for (HolonElement t : arr) { newArr.add(new HolonElement(t)); } return newArr; } /** * Search for the first element with the name. * * @param name name of the object to be searched * @return the searched HolonElement */ public HolonElement searchElement(String name) { HolonElement ele = null; for (HolonElement e : getElements()) { if (e.getEleName().equals(name)) { ele = e; break; } } return ele; } /** * Search for the element with the id. * * @param id id of the element to be founded * @return the element */ public HolonElement searchElementById(int id) { HolonElement ele = null; for (HolonElement e : getElements()) { if (e.getId() == id) { ele = e; break; } } return ele; } //New Methods: /** * This Method returns the smallest consuming HolonElement that is ACTIVE. * If the HolonObject has no Consumer its return null. * @param timestep is the TimeStep to compare the HolonElements. * @return The smallest consuming HolonElement or null. */ public HolonElement getMinimumConsumingElement(int timestep){ return getElements().stream().filter(element -> element.isActive() && (element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep) < 0) ).max((lhs,rhs) ->, rhs.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep))).orElse(null); } /** * This Method returns the smallest consuming HolonElement'Energy that is ACTIVE. * If the HolonObject has no Consumer its return 0. * @param timestep is the TimeStep to compare the HolonElements. * @return The smallest consuming HolonElement or 0. */ public float getMinimumConsumingElementEnergy(int timestep){ return getElements().stream().filter(element -> element.isActive() && (element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep) < 0) ).map(element -> -element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep)).min((lhs,rhs) ->, rhs)).orElse(0.0f); } public float getMinimumConsumingElementEnergyWithFlex(int timestep, FlexManager flexManager){ return getElements().stream().filter(element -> element.isOn(flexManager) && (element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep) < 0) ).map(element -> -element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep)).min((lhs,rhs) ->, rhs)).orElse(0.0f); } /** * This Method returns the biggest consuming HolonElement'Energy that is ACTIVE. * If the HolonObject has no Consumer its return 0. * @param timestep is the TimeStep to compare the HolonElements. * @return The biggest consuming HolonElement or 0. */ public float getMaximumConsumingElementEnergy(int timestep){ return getElements().stream().filter(element -> element.isActive() && (element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep) < 0) ).map(element -> -element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep)).max((lhs,rhs) ->, rhs)).orElse(0.0f); } /** * This Method returns the Energy of a HolonObject. Its sums all Energies from the HolonElements of the HolonObject that are ACTIVE. * If the HolonObject have no HolonElement its return 0; * Is the returned Energy negative then the HolonObject need Energy because its consuming HolonElements need more Energy then the producing HolonElements. * Is the returned Energy positive its reversed. * @param timestep is the TimeStep to compare the HolonElements. * @return The Energy of the HolonObject. */ public float getEnergyAtTimeStep(int timestep) { return getElements().stream().filter(element -> element.isActive()).map(element -> element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep)).reduce(0.0f, (a, b) -> a + b); } public float getEnergyAtTimeStepWithFlex(int timestep, FlexManager flexManager) { return getElements().stream().filter(element -> element.isOn(flexManager)).map(element -> element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep)).reduce(0.0f, (a, b) -> a + b); } /** * This Method returns the Energy that all HolonElements from the HolonObject produce by itself. Its sums all Energies from the HolonElements of the HolonObject that are ACTIVE and are Producer. * If the HolonObject have no HolonElement its return 0; * @param timestep is the TimeStep to compare the HolonElements. * @return The Energy of the producing HolonElements. */ public float getEnergySelfProducingFromProducingElements(int timestep) { return getElements().stream().filter(element -> element.isActive() && (element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep) > 0)).map(element -> element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep)).reduce(0.0f, (a, b) -> a + b); } public float getEnergySelfProducingFromProducingElementsWithFlex(int timestep, FlexManager flexManager) { return getElements().stream().filter(element -> element.isOn(flexManager) && (element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep) > 0)).map(element -> element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep)).reduce(0.0f, (a, b) -> a + b); } /** * This Method returns the Energy of all HolonElements from the HolonObject that are consuming. Its sums all Energies from the HolonElements of the HolonObject that are ACTIVE and are Consumer. * If the HolonObject have no HolonElement its return 0; * @param timestep is the TimeStep to compare the HolonElements. * @return The Energy of the consuming HolonElements. */ public float getEnergyNeededFromConsumingElements(int timestep) { return getElements().stream().filter(element -> element.isActive() && (element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep) < 0)).map(element -> -element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep)).reduce(0.0f, (a, b) -> a + b); } public float getEnergyNeededFromConsumingElementsWithFlex(int timestep, FlexManager flexManager) { return getElements().stream().filter(element -> element.isOn(flexManager) && (element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep) < 0)).map(element -> -element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep)).reduce(0.0f, (a, b) -> a + b); } /** * This Method calculate the amount of HolonElements that are consuming Energy and are ACTIVE. * @param timestep is the TimeStep to compare the HolonElements. * @return The amount of HolonElements that are consuming Energy. */ public int countConsumingElements(int timestep) { return (int) getElements().stream().filter(element -> element.isActive() && (element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep) < 0)).count(); } /** * This Method calculate the amount of HolonElements that are producing Energy and are ACTIVE. * @param timestep is the TimeStep to compare the HolonElements. * @return The amount of HolonElements that are producing Energy. */ public int countProducingElements(int timestep) { return (int) getElements().stream().filter(element -> element.isActive() && (element.getEnergyAtTimeStep(timestep) > 0)).count(); } /** * Get the Array Production */ public float[] getTrackingProd() { return this.trackingProd; } /** * Set the Array Production */ public void setTrackingProd(float[] arr) { this.trackingProd = arr; } /** * Get the Array Consumption */ public float[] getTrackingCons() { return this.trackingCons; } /** * Set the Array Consumption */ public void setTrackingCons(float[] arr) { this.trackingCons = arr; } /** * Get the Array Consumption */ public float getTotalFlex() { return totalFlex; } /** * Set the Array Consumption */ public void setTotalFlex(float totalFlex) { this.totalFlex = totalFlex; } /** * If the user track any HolonObject the tracking information will be * updated. (If the HolonObject enters into the untracked state, the array * will be reseted) */ public void updateTrackingInfo() { float[] tempProd = new float[100]; float[] tempCons = new float[100]; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { float valueProd = 0; float valueCons = 0; for (HolonElement e : getElements()) { if (e.isActive() && e.isProducer()) { valueProd += e.getOverallEnergyAtTimeStep(i); } if (e.isActive() && e.isConsumer()) { valueCons += e.getOverallEnergyAtTimeStep(i); } } tempProd[i] = valueProd; tempCons[i] = valueCons; } this.trackingProd = tempProd; this.trackingCons = tempCons; } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("[HolonObject: "); sb.append("id=").append(id) .append(", name=").append(name) .append(", state="); sb.append(", elements=["); for (int i = 0; i < getElements().size(); i++) { HolonElement el = getElements().get(i); if (i != 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(el.getEleName()); } sb.append("]]"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public HolonObject makeCopy(){ return new HolonObject(this); } public int getNumberOfActiveElements() { return (int) -> ele.isActive()).count(); } public int getNumberOfInActiveElements() { return (int) -> !ele.isActive()).count(); } public int getNumberOfElements() { return (int); } }