package ui.view; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import; import classes.CpsEdge; import classes.CpsNode; import classes.CpsUpperNode; import classes.AbstractCpsObject; import classes.HolonElement; import classes.HolonObject; import classes.HolonSwitch; import classes.Position; import classes.SubNet; import ui.controller.Control; import ui.controller.UpdateController; import ui.model.Model; /** * This Class is the Canvas. All Objects will be visualized here * * @author Gruppe14 */ public class MyCanvas extends JPanel implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Image img = null; // Contains the image to draw on MyCanvas private int x = 0; private int y = 0; // edge Object Start Point private Model model; private final Control controller; Graphics2D g2; // For Painting private int cx, cy; private int sx, sy; // Mark Coords private float scalediv20; private Position unPos; private ArrayList savePos; private UpdateController updCon; ArrayList dataSelected = new ArrayList(); ArrayList tempSelected = new ArrayList(); private boolean[] showedInformation = new boolean[5]; private boolean dragging = false; // for dragging private boolean dragged = false; // if an object/objects was/were dragged private boolean drawEdge = false; // for drawing edges public boolean click = false; // for double click private boolean doMark = false; // for double click public AbstractCpsObject tempCps = null; private CpsEdge edgeHighlight = null; // PopUpMenu private JPopupMenu popmenu = new JPopupMenu(); private JMenuItem itemDelete = new JMenuItem(Languages.getLanguage()[98]); private JMenuItem itemCut = new JMenuItem(Languages.getLanguage()[95]); private JMenuItem itemCopy = new JMenuItem(Languages.getLanguage()[96]); public JMenuItem itemPaste = new JMenuItem(Languages.getLanguage()[97]); public JMenuItem itemGroup = new JMenuItem(Languages.getLanguage()[99]); public JMenuItem itemUngroup = new JMenuItem(Languages.getLanguage()[100]); public JMenuItem itemTrack = new JMenuItem(Languages.getLanguage()[101]); public JMenuItem itemUntrack = new JMenuItem(Languages.getLanguage()[102]); // Tooltip private boolean toolTip; // Tooltip on or off private Position toolTipPos = new Position(); // Tooltip Position private String toolTipText = ""; private Point mousePosition = new Point(); // Mouse Position when // rightclicked // Animation Stuff javax.swing.Timer animT; // animation Timer private final int ANIMTIME = 500; // animation Time private ArrayList animCps = null; private int animFPS = 60; private int animDuration = ANIMTIME; // animation Duration private int animDelay = 1000 / animFPS; // animation Delay private int animSteps = animDuration / animDelay; // animation Steps; // contains the value of the Capacity for new created Edges /** * Constructor. * * @param mod * the Model * @param control * the Controller * @param unitGraph */ public MyCanvas(Model mod, Control control, UnitGraph unitGraph) { toolTip = false; this.controller = control; this.model = mod; scalediv20 = model.getScale() / 20; showedInformation[0] = true; showedInformation[1] = true; showedInformation[3] = false; showedInformation[4] = true; control.setMaxCapacity(10000); popmenu.add(itemCut); popmenu.add(itemCopy); popmenu.add(itemPaste); popmenu.add(itemDelete); popmenu.addSeparator(); popmenu.add(itemGroup); popmenu.add(itemUngroup); popmenu.add(itemTrack); popmenu.add(itemUntrack); updCon = new UpdateController(mod, control); itemDelete.setEnabled(false); itemCut.setEnabled(false); itemCopy.setEnabled(false); itemPaste.setEnabled(true); itemGroup.setEnabled(false); itemUngroup.setEnabled(false); itemTrack.setEnabled(false); itemUntrack.setEnabled(false); itemCut.setText(Languages.getLanguage()[95]); itemGroup.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // calculate uppernode pos (taken from the controller) unPos = new Position(0, 0); animCps = new ArrayList<>(); for (AbstractCpsObject cps : model.getSelectedCpsObjects()) { animCps.add(cps); // add to animation Cps ArrayList unPos.x += cps.getPosition().x; unPos.y += cps.getPosition().y; } unPos.x /= animCps.size(); unPos.y /= animCps.size(); // save old Position savePos = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < animCps.size(); i++) { savePos.add(new Position(0, 0)); savePos.get(i).x = animCps.get(i).getPosition().x; savePos.get(i).y = animCps.get(i).getPosition().y; } animT = new javax.swing.Timer(animDelay, new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (animDuration - animDelay > 0 && animCps.size() > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < animCps.size(); i++) { double x1 = animCps.get(i).getPosition().x - unPos.x; double y1 = animCps.get(i).getPosition().y - unPos.y; animCps.get(i).getPosition().x -= x1 / animSteps; animCps.get(i).getPosition().y -= y1 / animSteps; } repaint(); animDuration -= animDelay; animSteps--; } else { animDuration = ANIMTIME; animSteps = animDuration / animDelay; animT.stop(); for (int i = 0; i < animCps.size(); i++) { animCps.get(i).getPosition().x = savePos.get(i).x; animCps.get(i).getPosition().y = savePos.get(i).y; } controller.addUpperNode("NodeOfNode", null, animCps); controller.calculateStateForCurrentTimeStep(); repaint(); } } }); animT.start(); } }); itemUngroup.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // save old Position JTabbedPane tabbedPane = (JTabbedPane) getParent().getParent().getParent(); for (int i = 4; i < tabbedPane.getTabCount(); i++) { if (((UpperNodeCanvas) ((JScrollPane) tabbedPane.getComponentAt(i)).getViewport() .getComponent(0)).upperNode.getId() == ((CpsUpperNode) tempCps).getId()) { tabbedPane.remove(i); break; } } savePos = new ArrayList<>(); animCps = ((CpsUpperNode) tempCps).getNodes(); controller.delUpperNode((CpsUpperNode) tempCps, null); for (int i = 0; i < animCps.size(); i++) { savePos.add(new Position(0, 0)); savePos.get(i).x = animCps.get(i).getPosition().x; savePos.get(i).y = animCps.get(i).getPosition().y; } for (AbstractCpsObject cps : animCps) { int x = ((CpsUpperNode) tempCps).getPosition().x; int y = ((CpsUpperNode) tempCps).getPosition().y; cps.setPosition(new Position(x, y)); } animT = new javax.swing.Timer(animDelay, new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (animDuration - animDelay >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < animCps.size(); i++) { double x1 = animCps.get(i).getPosition().x - savePos.get(i).x; double y1 = animCps.get(i).getPosition().y - savePos.get(i).y; animCps.get(i).getPosition().x -= x1 / animSteps; animCps.get(i).getPosition().y -= y1 / animSteps; } repaint(); animDuration -= animDelay; animSteps--; } else { animDuration = ANIMTIME; animSteps = animDuration / animDelay; animT.stop(); for (int i = 0; i < animCps.size(); i++) { animCps.get(i).getPosition().x = savePos.get(i).x; animCps.get(i).getPosition().y = savePos.get(i).y; } controller.calculateStateForCurrentTimeStep(); repaint(); } } }); animT.start(); } }); // adds the selected object(s) to the statistic panel itemTrack.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { for (AbstractCpsObject o : model.getSelectedCpsObjects()) { boolean found = false; if (controller.getTrackingObj() != null) { if (controller.getTrackingObj().contains(o)) { found = true; } } if (!found) { controller.addTrackingObj(o); if (o instanceof HolonObject) { ((HolonObject) o).updateTrackingInfo(); } } if (model.getShowConsoleLog()) { controller.addTextToConsole("Tracking: ", Color.BLACK, 12, false, false, false); controller.addTextToConsole("" + o.getName(), Color.BLUE, 12, true, false, false); controller.addTextToConsole(", ID:", Color.BLACK, 12, false, false, false); controller.addTextToConsole("" + o.getId(), Color.RED, 12, true, false, true); } } } }); itemUntrack.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { for (AbstractCpsObject o : model.getSelectedCpsObjects()) { if (o instanceof HolonObject) { boolean found = false; if (controller.getTrackingObj() != null) { for (AbstractCpsObject obj : controller.getTrackingObj()) { if (obj instanceof HolonObject) { if (obj.getId() == o.getId()) { found = true; } } } } if (found) { // Removed from tracking array and tracking // information reseted controller.removeTrackingObj((HolonObject) o); ((HolonObject) o).setTrackingProd(new float[100]); ((HolonObject) o).setTrackingCons(new float[100]); } if (model.getShowConsoleLog()) { controller.addTextToConsole("Untracking: ", Color.BLACK, 12, false, false, false); controller.addTextToConsole("" + o.getName(), Color.BLUE, 12, true, false, false); controller.addTextToConsole(", ID:", Color.BLACK, 12, false, false, false); controller.addTextToConsole("" + o.getId(), Color.RED, 12, true, false, true); } } } } }); itemDelete.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // Remove the selected Object objects boolean save = false; for (int j = 0; j < model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size(); j++) { AbstractCpsObject cps = model.getSelectedCpsObjects().get(j); if (j == model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() - 1) save = true; controller.delCanvasObject(cps, save); controller.removeTrackingObj(cps); // Remove UpperNodeTab if UpperNode deleted if (cps instanceof CpsUpperNode) { boolean splitView = false; JSplitPane tempSplit = (JSplitPane) getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent(); JTabbedPane tabbedPane; JTabbedPane tabbedPane2; // if SplitView is activated if (tempSplit.getLeftComponent() instanceof JTabbedPane && tempSplit.getRightComponent() instanceof JTabbedPane) { splitView = true; tabbedPane = (JTabbedPane) tempSplit.getLeftComponent(); tabbedPane2 = (JTabbedPane) tempSplit.getRightComponent(); } else { tabbedPane = (JTabbedPane) tempSplit.getLeftComponent(); tabbedPane2 = null; } // Look if the uppernode is open in a Tab for (int i = 4; i < tabbedPane.getTabCount(); i++) { if (tabbedPane.getComponentAt(i) == null) { } else if (((UpperNodeCanvas) ((JScrollPane) tabbedPane.getComponentAt(i)).getViewport() .getComponent(0)).upperNode.getId() == cps.getId()) { ((ButtonTabComponent) tabbedPane.getTabComponentAt(i)).removeTabs(); break; } } // If SplitView is on and the view on // tabbedPane2 is the deleted upperNode try { if (tabbedPane2 != null && ((UpperNodeCanvas) ((JScrollPane) tabbedPane2.getSelectedComponent()) .getViewport().getComponent(0)).upperNode.getId() == cps.getId()) { ((ButtonTabComponent) tabbedPane.getTabComponentAt(tabbedPane2.getSelectedIndex())) .removeTabs(); } } catch (Exception e2) { } } toolTip = false; } model.getSelectedCpsObjects().clear(); tempCps = null; repaint(); } }); itemCut.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { controller.cut(null); itemPaste.setEnabled(true); repaint(); } }); itemCopy.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { controller.copy(null); itemPaste.setEnabled(true); repaint(); } }); itemPaste.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { controller.paste(null, mousePosition); unitGraph.update(model.getSelectedCpsObjects()); } catch (JsonParseException | UnsupportedFlavorException | IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block JLabel message = new JLabel("The Clipboard information cannot be pastet into Application."); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, "", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } repaint(); } }); this.addMouseListener(this); this.addMouseMotionListener(this); } /** * Paints all Components on the Canvas. * * @param g * Graphics */ public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { String maxCap; super.paintComponent(g); // Rendering g2 = (Graphics2D) g; RenderingHints rh = new RenderingHints(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); g2.setRenderingHints(rh); // Paint the Background if (!model.getCanvasImagePath().isEmpty()) { img = new ImageIcon(model.getCanvasImagePath()).getImage(); switch (model.getCanvasImageMode()) { case BackgroundPopUp.IMAGE_PIXELS: g2.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.getWidth(null), img.getHeight(null), null); break; case BackgroundPopUp.STRETCHED: g2.drawImage(img, 0, 0, model.getCanvasX(), model.getCanvasY(), null); break; case BackgroundPopUp.CUSTOM: g2.drawImage(img, 0, 0, model.getCanvasImageWidth(), model.getCanvasImageHeight(), null); break; default: break; } } // SubNet Coloring int i = 0; for (SubNet s : controller.getSimManager().getSubNets()) { if (model.getSubNetColors().size() - 1 < i) { controller.addSubNetColor(new Color((int) (Math.random() * 255), (int) (Math.random() * 255), (int) (Math.random() * 255))); } if (showedInformation[3]) { for (HolonObject cps : s.getObjects()) { cps.setBorderColor(model.getSubNetColors().get(i)); } } i++; } // drawEdges that is being dragged if (drawEdge) { g2.setColor(Color.BLACK); g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); g2.drawLine(tempCps.getPosition().x, tempCps.getPosition().y, x, y); } for (CpsEdge con : model.getEdgesOnCanvas()) { if (con.getA().getId() != model.getSelectedObjectID() && con.getB().getId() != model.getSelectedObjectID() && con != edgeHighlight) { if (con.getConnected() == 0) { if (con.getState()) { g2.setColor(Color.GREEN); if (con.getCapacity() != -1) { g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(Math.min(((con.getFlow() / con.getCapacity() * 3) + 1), 4))); } } else { g2.setColor(Color.RED); g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); } } else { g2.setColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); } g2.drawLine(con.getA().getPosition().x, con.getA().getPosition().y, con.getB().getPosition().x, con.getB().getPosition().y); if (con.getCapacity() == -1) { maxCap = Character.toString('\u221e'); } else if (con.getCapacity() == -2) { maxCap = "???"; } else { maxCap = String.valueOf(con.getCapacity()); } if (showedInformation[0]) { if (con.getConnected() == 0 || con.getConnected() == 1) { g2.drawString(con.getFlow() + "/" + maxCap, (con.getA().getPosition().x + con.getB().getPosition().x) / 2, (con.getA().getPosition().y + con.getB().getPosition().y) / 2); } else { g2.drawString("not connected", (con.getA().getPosition().x + con.getB().getPosition().x) / 2, (con.getA().getPosition().y + con.getB().getPosition().y) / 2); } } } } // Highlighted Edge if (model.getSelectedObjectID() > 0 || !model.getSelectedCpsObjects().isEmpty() || !tempSelected.isEmpty()) { g2.setColor(Color.BLUE); for (CpsEdge con : model.getEdgesOnCanvas()) { if (con.getFlow() <= con.getCapacity()) { g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(Math.min(((con.getFlow() / con.getCapacity() * 3) + 1), 4))); } else { g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); } if (con.getA().getId() == model.getSelectedObjectID() || model.getSelectedCpsObjects().contains(con.getA()) || tempSelected.contains(con.getA()) || con.getB().getId() == model.getSelectedObjectID() || model.getSelectedCpsObjects().contains(con.getB()) || tempSelected.contains(con.getB()) && con != edgeHighlight) { g2.drawLine(con.getA().getPosition().x, con.getA().getPosition().y, con.getB().getPosition().x, con.getB().getPosition().y); if (con.getCapacity() == -1) { maxCap = Character.toString('\u221e'); } else if (con.getCapacity() == -2) { maxCap = "???"; } else { maxCap = String.valueOf(con.getCapacity()); } if (showedInformation[0]) { if (con.getConnected() == 0 || con.getConnected() == 1) { g2.drawString(con.getFlow() + "/" + maxCap, (con.getA().getPosition().x + con.getB().getPosition().x) / 2, (con.getA().getPosition().y + con.getB().getPosition().y) / 2); } else { g2.drawString("not connected", (con.getA().getPosition().x + con.getB().getPosition().x) / 2, (con.getA().getPosition().y + con.getB().getPosition().y) / 2); } } } } } else if (edgeHighlight != null) { g2.setColor(Color.BLUE); if (edgeHighlight.getFlow() <= edgeHighlight.getCapacity()) { g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke( Math.min(((edgeHighlight.getFlow() / edgeHighlight.getCapacity() * 3) + 1), 4))); } else { g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); } g2.drawLine(edgeHighlight.getA().getPosition().x, edgeHighlight.getA().getPosition().y, edgeHighlight.getB().getPosition().x, edgeHighlight.getB().getPosition().y); if (edgeHighlight.getCapacity() == -1) { maxCap = Character.toString('\u221e'); } else if (edgeHighlight.getCapacity() == -2) { maxCap = "???"; } else { maxCap = String.valueOf(edgeHighlight.getCapacity()); } if (showedInformation[0]) { g2.drawString(edgeHighlight.getFlow() + "/" + maxCap, (edgeHighlight.getA().getPosition().x + edgeHighlight.getB().getPosition().x) / 2, (edgeHighlight.getA().getPosition().y + edgeHighlight.getB().getPosition().y) / 2); } } // Objects for (AbstractCpsObject cps : model.getObjectsOnCanvas()) { // Border Highlighting if (showedInformation[3]) { g2.setColor(cps.getBorderColor()); if (g2.getColor() != Color.WHITE && !(cps instanceof CpsNode)) { g2.fillRect((int) (cps.getPosition().x - controller.getScaleDiv2() - scalediv20 - 3), (int) (cps.getPosition().y - controller.getScaleDiv2() - scalediv20 - 3), (int) (controller.getScale() + ((scalediv20 + 3) * 2)), (int) (controller.getScale() + ((scalediv20 + 3) * 2))); } } // node image if (cps instanceof CpsNode && (cps == tempCps || model.getSelectedCpsObject() == cps || model.getSelectedCpsObjects().contains(cps) || tempSelected.contains(cps))) { img = new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource("/Images/node_selected.png")).getImage(); } else { if (cps instanceof HolonSwitch) { if (((HolonSwitch) cps).getActiveAt()[model.getCurIteration()]) { ((HolonSwitch) cps).setAutoState(true); } else { ((HolonSwitch) cps).setAutoState(false); } } // Highlighting if ((cps == tempCps && model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() == 0 && tempSelected.size() == 0) || model.getSelectedCpsObjects().contains(cps) || tempSelected.contains(cps)) { g2.setColor(Color.BLUE); g2.fillRect((int) (cps.getPosition().x - controller.getScaleDiv2() - scalediv20), (int) (cps.getPosition().y - controller.getScaleDiv2() - scalediv20), (int) (controller.getScale() + (scalediv20 * 2)), (int) (controller.getScale() + (scalediv20 * 2))); if (showedInformation[1] && cps instanceof HolonObject) { g2.setColor(Color.BLACK); float totalEnergy = ((HolonObject) cps).getCurrentEnergyAtTimeStep(model.getCurIteration()); g2.drawString(Float.toString(totalEnergy), cps.getPosition().x - controller.getScaleDiv2(), cps.getPosition().y - controller.getScaleDiv2() - 10); } } else if (cps instanceof HolonObject) { g2.setColor(((HolonObject) cps).getColor()); g2.fillRect((int) (cps.getPosition().x - controller.getScaleDiv2() - scalediv20), (int) (cps.getPosition().y - controller.getScaleDiv2() - scalediv20), (int) (controller.getScale() + (scalediv20 * 2)), (int) (controller.getScale() + (scalediv20 * 2))); if (showedInformation[1]) { g2.setColor(Color.BLACK); float totalEnergy = ((HolonObject) cps).getCurrentEnergyAtTimeStep(model.getCurIteration()); g2.drawString(Float.toString(totalEnergy), cps.getPosition().x - controller.getScaleDiv2(), cps.getPosition().y - controller.getScaleDiv2() - 10); } } // draw image File checkPath = new File(cps.getImage()); if (checkPath.exists()) { img = new ImageIcon(cps.getImage()).getImage(); } else { img = new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getResource(cps.getImage())).getImage(); } } g2.drawImage(img, cps.getPosition().x - controller.getScaleDiv2(), cps.getPosition().y - controller.getScaleDiv2(), controller.getScale(), controller.getScale(), null); } // Dragged marker Highlighting if (doMark) { g2.setColor(Color.BLACK); g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1)); if (sx > x && sy > y) { g2.drawRect(x, y, sx - x, sy - y); } else if (sx < x && sy < y) { g2.drawRect(sx, sy, x - sx, y - sy); } else if (sx >= x) { g2.drawRect(x, sy, sx - x, y - sy); } else if (sy >= y) { g2.drawRect(sx, y, x - sx, sy - y); } } // Tooltip if (toolTip) { g2.setColor(new Color(255, 225, 150)); g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1)); int textWidth = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(toolTipText) + 2; // Text // width // fixed x and y Position to the screen int fixXPos = toolTipPos.x - (textWidth >> 1) + model.getScaleDiv2(); int fixYPos = toolTipPos.y; if (fixXPos < 0) { fixXPos = 0; } else if (fixXPos + textWidth + 1 > this.getWidth()) { fixXPos -= (fixXPos + textWidth + 1) - this.getWidth(); } if (fixYPos + 16 > this.getHeight()) { fixYPos -= (fixYPos + 16) - this.getHeight(); } g2.fillRect(fixXPos, fixYPos, textWidth, 15); g2.setColor(Color.BLACK); g2.drawRect(fixXPos, fixYPos, textWidth, 15); g2.drawString(toolTipText, fixXPos + 2, fixYPos + 12); } } @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getButton() == e.BUTTON1) { if (model.getPropertyTable().getRowCount() > 0) { for (int i = model.getPropertyTable().getRowCount() - 1; i > -1; i--) { model.getPropertyTable().removeRow(i); } } updCon.paintProperties(tempCps); updCon.refreshTableHolonElement(model.getMultiTable(), model.getSingleTable()); updCon.refreshTableProperties(model.getPropertyTable()); } } @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { tempCps = null; dataSelected = null; edgeHighlight = null; controller.setSelecteEdge(null); // Object Selection for (AbstractCpsObject cps : model.getObjectsOnCanvas()) { cx = cps.getPosition().x - controller.getScaleDiv2(); cy = cps.getPosition().y - controller.getScaleDiv2(); if (x - controller.getScale() <= cx && y - controller.getScale() <= cy && x >= cx && y >= cy) { tempCps = cps; if (model.getShowConsoleLog()) { controller.addTextToConsole("Selected: ", Color.BLACK, 12, false, false, false); controller.addTextToConsole("" + cps.getName(), Color.BLUE, 12, true, false, false); controller.addTextToConsole(", ID:", Color.BLACK, 12, false, false, false); controller.addTextToConsole("" + cps.getId(), Color.RED, 12, true, false, true); } dragging = true; if (e.isControlDown() && tempCps != null) { if (model.getSelectedCpsObjects().contains(tempCps)) { controller.deleteSelectedObject(tempCps); } else { controller.addSelectedObject(tempCps); } } // If drawing an Edge (CTRL down) if (tempCps.getClass() == HolonObject.class) { HolonObject tempObj = ((HolonObject) tempCps); dataSelected = tempObj.getElements(); } if (e.isShiftDown()) { drawEdge = true; dragging = false; } } } // Edge Selection if (tempCps == null) { edgeHighlight = mousePositionOnEdge(x, y); controller.setSelecteEdge(edgeHighlight); controller.setSelectedObjectID(0); if (!e.isControlDown() && e.getButton() != MouseEvent.BUTTON3) { model.getSelectedCpsObjects().clear(); } } if (edgeHighlight == null && tempCps == null) { sx = e.getX(); sy = e.getY(); doMark = true; } repaint(); } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { x = e.getX(); y = e.getY(); dragging = false; if (drawEdge) { drawEdge = false; drawDeleteEdge(); } if (dragged == true) { try { controller.autoSave(); } catch (IOException ex) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block ex.printStackTrace(); } } if (!e.isControlDown() && dragged == false && tempCps != null && e.BUTTON3 != e.getButton()) { model.getSelectedCpsObjects().clear(); controller.addSelectedObject(tempCps); } dragged = false; // Rightclick List if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON3) { if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON3 && tempCps != null) { itemDelete.setEnabled(true); itemCut.setEnabled(true); itemCopy.setEnabled(true); if (tempCps != null) { itemGroup.setEnabled(true); itemTrack.setEnabled(true); itemUntrack.setEnabled(true); } if (tempCps instanceof CpsUpperNode) itemUngroup.setEnabled(true); else itemUngroup.setEnabled(false); if (model.getSelectedCpsObjects().size() == 0) { controller.addSelectedObject(tempCps); } } else { itemCut.setEnabled(false); itemCopy.setEnabled(false); itemDelete.setEnabled(false); itemGroup.setEnabled(false); itemUngroup.setEnabled(false); itemTrack.setEnabled(false); itemUntrack.setEnabled(false); } mousePosition = this.getMousePosition();, e.getX(), e.getY()); } if (doMark) { doMark = false; for (AbstractCpsObject cps : tempSelected) { if (!model.getSelectedCpsObjects().contains(cps)) { controller.addSelectedObject(cps); } } controller.getObjectsInDepth(); tempSelected.clear(); } if (doubleClick() && tempCps != null && tempCps instanceof HolonSwitch && MouseEvent.BUTTON3 != e.getButton()) { ((HolonSwitch) tempCps).switchState(); } controller.calculateStateForTimeStep(model.getCurIteration()); updCon.refreshTableHolonElement(model.getMultiTable(), model.getSingleTable()); updCon.refreshTableProperties(model.getPropertyTable()); repaint(); } @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { // If Edge is drawn x = e.getX(); y = e.getY(); if (!model.getSelectedCpsObjects().contains(tempCps) && doMark == false) { model.getSelectedCpsObjects().clear(); if (tempCps != null) { controller.addSelectedObject(tempCps); } } if (dragging) { try { dragged = true; float xDist, yDist; // Distance x = e.getX(); y = e.getY(); // Make sure its in bounds if (e.getX() < controller.getScaleDiv2()) x = controller.getScaleDiv2(); else if (e.getX() > this.getWidth() - controller.getScaleDiv2()) x = this.getWidth() - controller.getScaleDiv2(); if (e.getY() < controller.getScaleDiv2()) y = controller.getScaleDiv2(); else if (e.getY() > this.getHeight() - controller.getScaleDiv2()) y = this.getHeight() - controller.getScaleDiv2(); // Distance xDist = x - tempCps.getPosition().x; yDist = y - tempCps.getPosition().y; tempCps.setPosition(x, y); // Drag Position // ToolTipText Position and name toolTip = true; toolTipText = tempCps.getName() + ", " + tempCps.getId(); toolTipPos.x = tempCps.getPosition().x - controller.getScaleDiv2(); toolTipPos.y = tempCps.getPosition().y + controller.getScaleDiv2(); // All Selected Objects for (AbstractCpsObject cps : model.getSelectedCpsObjects()) { if (cps != tempCps) { x = (int) (cps.getPosition().x + xDist); y = (int) (cps.getPosition().y + yDist); // Make sure its in bounds if (x <= controller.getScaleDiv2()) x = controller.getScaleDiv2(); else if (x > this.getWidth() - controller.getScaleDiv2()) x = this.getWidth() - controller.getScaleDiv2(); if (y <= controller.getScaleDiv2()) y = controller.getScaleDiv2(); else if (y > this.getHeight() - controller.getScaleDiv2()) y = this.getHeight() - controller.getScaleDiv2(); cps.setPosition(x, y); } } repaint(); } catch (Exception eex) { } } // Mark Objects if (doMark) { tempSelected.clear(); for (AbstractCpsObject cps : model.getObjectsOnCanvas()) { int x1 = sx, x2 = x, y1 = sy, y2 = y; if (sx >= x) { x1 = x; x2 = sx; } if (sy >= y) { y1 = y; y2 = sy; } if (x1 <= cps.getPosition().x + model.getScaleDiv2() && y1 <= cps.getPosition().y + model.getScaleDiv2() && x2 >= cps.getPosition().x && y2 >= cps.getPosition().y) { tempSelected.add(cps); } } } repaint(); } @Override public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { x = e.getX(); y = e.getY(); // Everytghing for the tooltip :) boolean on = false; for (AbstractCpsObject cps : model.getObjectsOnCanvas()) { cx = cps.getPosition().x - controller.getScaleDiv2(); cy = cps.getPosition().y - controller.getScaleDiv2(); if (x - controller.getScale() <= cx && y - controller.getScale() <= cy && x >= cx && y >= cy) { on = true; toolTipPos.x = cps.getPosition().x - controller.getScaleDiv2(); toolTipPos.y = cps.getPosition().y + controller.getScaleDiv2(); toolTipText = cps.getName() + ", " + cps.getId(); } } if (on) { toolTip = true; } else { toolTip = false; } repaint(); } /** * Draws or Deletes an Edge. */ private void drawDeleteEdge() { if (getMousePosition() != null) { boolean node = true; boolean newEdge = true; boolean onEdge = true; boolean deleteNode = false; CpsEdge e = null; for (AbstractCpsObject cps : model.getObjectsOnCanvas()) { cx = cps.getPosition().x - controller.getScaleDiv2(); cy = cps.getPosition().y - controller.getScaleDiv2(); if (x - controller.getScale() <= cx && y - controller.getScale() <= cy && x >= cx && y >= cy && cps != tempCps) { node = false; onEdge = false; for (CpsEdge p : tempCps.getConnections()) { if ((p.getA() == tempCps && p.getB() == cps) || (p.getB() == tempCps && p.getA() == cps)) { newEdge = false; e = p; } } if (!newEdge) { controller.removeEdgesOnCanvas(e); // Node ohne Edge? if (e.getA().getClass() == CpsNode.class && e.getA().getConnections().isEmpty()) { tempCps = e.getA(); deleteNode = true; } if (e.getB().getClass() == CpsNode.class && e.getB().getConnections().isEmpty()) { deleteNode = true; } } if (newEdge) { e = new CpsEdge(cps, tempCps, model.getMaxCapacity()); controller.addEdgeOnCanvas(e); } } } // Edge auf eine Edge gezogen? if (onEdge) { CpsEdge p = mousePositionOnEdge(x, y); if (p != null) { CpsEdge e1 = null; CpsEdge e2 = null; node = false; CpsNode n = new CpsNode("Node"); n.setPosition(x, y); controller.addObjectCanvas(n); AbstractCpsObject r, k; r = p.getA(); k = p.getB(); e = new CpsEdge(n, tempCps, model.getMaxCapacity()); e1 = new CpsEdge(n, r, model.getMaxCapacity()); e2 = new CpsEdge(n, k, model.getMaxCapacity()); controller.removeEdgesOnCanvas(p); controller.addEdgeOnCanvas(e); controller.addEdgeOnCanvas(e1); controller.addEdgeOnCanvas(e2); } } // ins leere Gedragged if (node) { CpsNode n = new CpsNode("Node"); n.setPosition(x, y); controller.addObjectCanvas(n); e = new CpsEdge(n, tempCps, model.getMaxCapacity()); controller.addEdgeOnCanvas(e); } // Wenn ein Node ohne Connections da ist if (deleteNode) { controller.delCanvasObject(tempCps, true); tempCps = null; } } } /** * Checks if the mouse is on an Edge. * * @param x * Position of the Mouse * @param y * Position of the Mouse * * @return CpsEdge the Mouse is on, null if the mouse is not on an Edge */ public CpsEdge mousePositionOnEdge(int x, int y) { x += controller.getScaleDiv2(); y += controller.getScaleDiv2(); int lx, ly, hx, hy; for (CpsEdge p : model.getEdgesOnCanvas()) { Line2D l = new Line2D.Float(p.getA().getPosition().x, p.getA().getPosition().y, p.getB().getPosition().x, p.getB().getPosition().y); if (p.getA().getPosition().x > p.getB().getPosition().x) { hx = p.getA().getPosition().x + model.getScaleDiv2() + 7; lx = p.getB().getPosition().x + model.getScaleDiv2() - 7; } else { lx = p.getA().getPosition().x + model.getScaleDiv2() - 7; hx = p.getB().getPosition().x + model.getScaleDiv2() + 7; } if (p.getA().getPosition().y > p.getB().getPosition().y) { hy = p.getA().getPosition().y + model.getScaleDiv2() + 7; ly = p.getB().getPosition().y + model.getScaleDiv2() - 7; } else { ly = p.getA().getPosition().y + model.getScaleDiv2() - 7; hy = p.getB().getPosition().y + model.getScaleDiv2() + 7; } // distance from a point to a line and between both Objects if (l.ptLineDistSq(x - model.getScaleDiv2(), y - model.getScaleDiv2()) < 20 && x > lx && x < hx && y > ly && y < hy) { return p; } } return null; } public void updateLanguages() { itemCut.setText(Languages.getLanguage()[95]); itemCopy.setText(Languages.getLanguage()[96]); itemPaste.setText(Languages.getLanguage()[97]); itemDelete.setText(Languages.getLanguage()[98]); itemGroup.setText(Languages.getLanguage()[99]); itemUngroup.setText(Languages.getLanguage()[100]); itemTrack.setText(Languages.getLanguage()[101]); itemUntrack.setText(Languages.getLanguage()[102]); } /** * Checks if a double click was made. * * @return * * @return true if doublecklick, false if not */ private boolean doubleClick() { if (click) { click = false; return true; } else { click = true; Timer t = new Timer("doubleclickTimer", false); t.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { click = false; } }, 500); } return false; } /** * Set if Information should be shown. * * @param connection * boolean for conecction * @param object * boolean for objects * @param nodeOfnode */ public void setShowedInformation(boolean connection, boolean object, boolean border, boolean nodeOfnode) { showedInformation[0] = connection; showedInformation[1] = object; showedInformation[3] = border; showedInformation[4] = nodeOfnode; } /** * Returns if Information should be shown. * * @return Array of boolean [0] = connection, [1] = objects */ public boolean[] getShowedInformation() { return showedInformation; } }