package psoAlgoCode; public class Constants { // Constants PSO public static double ALPHA1 = 2; public static double ALPHA2 = 2; public static int SWARM_SIZE = 20; public static int MAX_ITERATION = 100; public static double PHI = 2.01; public static double RMU = 1.0; // 0 = Sphere function, 1 = Rastrigin, 2 = Griewank. Only for problems with // double as input public static int function = 0; // Constants Chart public static int ROUNDS = 1; // Variables PSO public static double START_OMEGA = 0.7; public static double END_OMEGA = 0.4; public static double DIFF_OMEGA = ((START_OMEGA - END_OMEGA) / MAX_ITERATION); // Dimensions determines the length of the public static int DIMENSIONS = 0; public static void setDimensions(int dim) { DIMENSIONS = dim; } public static void setAlpha1(double alpha) { ALPHA1 = alpha; } public static void setAlpha2(double alpha) { ALPHA2 = alpha; } public static void setSwarmSize(int size) { SWARM_SIZE = size; } public static void setMaxIt(int it) { MAX_ITERATION = it; } public static void setRounds(int rounds) { ROUNDS = rounds; } public static void setPhi(double phi) { PHI = phi; } public static void setRMU(double rmu) { RMU = rmu; } }