package ui.view; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; public class Languages { static int languageVar = 0; // Language Array Positions: // ToolBar (0-16) // Tables (17-24) // Graph (25-26) // Warning PopUps (27-30) // Edit Edges Pop Up (31-34) // Search/Replace Pop Up (35-45) // Edit Edges Pop Up (46-55) // Add PopUp Tree (56-63) // Add PopUp Element (64-71) // Info for PropertyTable (72-82) // Info SimulationMenu (83-87) // Exit Pop Up (88) // Simulation ToolTip (89-93) // Image Size Slider (94) // Menu - right click on HolonObjt (95-104) public static final int right_click_create_template = 104; // to add more: increase languageSize and add them to the arrayEN /** * Number of different Language Array Positions */ private static int languageSize = 105; static String[] arrayEN = { // ToolBar (0-16) "File", "New", "Open", "Save", "Edit", "Undo", "Redo", "Find/Replace", "Edit showed Information", "Options", "Reset Categories", "View", "View Size", "Help", "About Us", "Edit Edges", "Language", // Tables (17-24) "Object", "Nr.", "Device", "Energy", "Quantity", "Activated", "Field", "Information", // Graph (25-26) "None ", "Reset", // Warning PopUps (27-30) "Warning", "Do you want to save your current data?", "Do you really want to delete the Category ", "Please select a Category or an Object in order to delete something.", // Edit Edges Pop Up (31-34) "Edit Showed Informations", "Show Total Energy of Objects", "Show Connection Properties", "Cancel", // Search/Replace Pop Up (35-45) "Search for Objects", "Find", "Replace", "Direction", "Forward", "Backward", "Scope", "All", "Single", "Replace All", "Close", // Edit Edges Pop Up (46-55) "Edit Capacities of Edges", "Maximum Capacity:", "Change for all existing Edges only", "Change for new created Edges only", "Change for all existing and new created Edges", "Cancel", "Please select one of the options", "Please enter a number greater or equal 0 in the Field for Maximum Capacity", "Edit Edge Capacities", "(enter \"infinite\" for infinite Capacity)", // Add PopUp Tree (56-63) "Please enter a Name for Category ", "Please select a Category first before adding ", "Add Object Menu", "Name:", "Browse Image", "Add Element", "Delete Element", "Cancel", // Add PopUp Element (64-71) "Add Element to Object", "Element Name:", "Provided Energy:", "Amount:", "Please enter numbers in the Fields amount and Energy", "No name", "Name already given", "Cancel", // Info for PropertyTable (72-82) "Name", "Total Energy", "Manual", "Active", " is connected to", " with ID: ", "Edge: ", " to ", "Current flow", "Max. Capacity", "Status", // Info SimulationMenu (83-87) "Simulate", "Simulation Speed:", "Algorithm:", "non selected", "success", // Exit Pop Up (88) "Are you sure you want to exit?", // Simulation ToolTip (89-93) "Play", "Reset", "Forward", "Backward", "Time Slider", // Image Size Slider (94) "Image Size", // Menu - right click on HolonObjt (95-104) "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Delete", "Group", "Ungroup", "Track", "Untrack","Category","Create Template"}; static String[] arrayES = readLanguageFile("Texts/ES.lang"); static String[] arrayDE = readLanguageFile("Texts/DE.lang"); static String[] arrayCZ = readLanguageFile("Texts/CZ.lang"); static String[] arrayZH = readLanguageFile("Texts/ZH.lang"); public static String[] getLanguage() { switch (languageVar) { case 0: return arrayEN; case 1: return arrayES; case 2: return arrayDE; case 3: return arrayCZ; case 4: return arrayZH; default: return arrayEN; } } public static void setLanguage(int i) { languageVar = i; } /** * Reads language file from jar, each line corresponds to * a position of the {@value #arrayEN}. * Lines starting with # are ignored as Comments. * Missing translations will be filled with english text. * @param path path of the file e.g. "Texts/DE.lang" * @return Array of translated String as arrayEN */ private static String[] readLanguageFile(String path){ String[] langArr; try { //read File from Jar InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(Util.loadStream(Languages.class.getClassLoader(),path)); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(reader); //store Lines in Array int lineNumber = 0; langArr = new String[languageSize]; for (String line = br.readLine(); line != null && lineNumber english while(lineNumber