package addOns.JSON; import classes.Constrain; import classes.Flexibility; import classes.HolonElement; import classes.HolonElement.Priority; import ui.model.Model; public class HolonElementSketch { //HolonElement public String name; public int minAmount; public int maxAmount; public float energy; public String priority; public FlexibilitySketch onFlex; public FlexibilitySketch offFlex; public HolonElementSketch(String name, int minAmount, int maxAmount, float energy) { = name; this.minAmount = minAmount; this.maxAmount = maxAmount; = energy; } public HolonElement createHolonElement(Model model, boolean active, String nameOfHolonObject) { HolonElement ele = new HolonElement(name, Random.nextIntegerInRange(minAmount, maxAmount + 1), energy , model); ele.setActive(active); if(onFlex != null && Random.nextDouble() < onFlex.flexChance)addFlex(ele, nameOfHolonObject, true); if(offFlex != null && Random.nextDouble() < offFlex.flexChance)addFlex(ele, nameOfHolonObject, false); ele.setPriority(Priority.valueOf(priority)); return ele; } public void checkValues() { minAmount = Math.abs(minAmount); maxAmount = Math.abs(maxAmount); if(maxAmount < minAmount) { //Swap int intermediate = minAmount; minAmount = maxAmount; maxAmount = intermediate; } if(onFlex != null) { onFlex.checkValues(); } if(offFlex != null) { onFlex.checkValues(); } } public void addFlex(HolonElement ele, String nameOfHolonObject,boolean onConstrain) { Flexibility toCreateFlex = new Flexibility(ele); FlexibilitySketch constrain = onConstrain?onFlex:offFlex; = nameOfHolonObject + "_" + ele.getEleName() + (onConstrain?"_OnFlex":"_OffFlex"); toCreateFlex.speed = 0; toCreateFlex.setDuration(Random.nextIntegerInRange(constrain.minDuration, constrain.maxDuration+1)); toCreateFlex.cost = Random.nextFloatInRange(constrain.minCost, constrain.maxCost); toCreateFlex.setCooldown(Random.nextIntegerInRange(constrain.minCooldown, constrain.maxCooldown+1)); toCreateFlex.offered=true; if(onConstrain) { toCreateFlex.constrainList.add(Constrain.createOnConstrain()); }else { toCreateFlex.constrainList.add(Constrain.createOffConstrain()); } ele.flexList.add(toCreateFlex); } private static class Random{ private static java.util.Random random = new java.util.Random(); /** * True or false * @return the random boolean. */ public static boolean nextBoolean(){ return random.nextBoolean(); } /** * Between 0.0(inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive) * @return the random double. */ public static double nextDouble() { return random.nextDouble(); } public static float nextFloatInRange(float min, float max) { return min + random.nextFloat() * Math.abs(max - min); } public static double nextDoubleInRange(double min, double max) { return min + random.nextDouble() * Math.abs(max - min); } /** * Random Int in Range [min;max[ with UniformDistirbution * @param min * @param max * @return */ public static int nextIntegerInRange(int min, int max) { return min + random.nextInt(max - min); } } }