package ui.model; import TypeAdapter.AbstractCpsObjectAdapter; import TypeAdapter.ColorAdapter; import TypeAdapter.PairAdapter; import TypeAdapter.PositionAdapter; import classes.*; import; import; import; import interfaces.CategoryListener; import interfaces.GraphListener; import interfaces.ObjectListener; import ui.view.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; /** * The Class Model is the class where everything is saved. All changes made to * the Data is managed via a controller. * * @author Gruppe14 */ public class Model { private static final int GRAPH_ITERATIONS = 100; // Global Variables private static int sCALE = 50; // Picture Scale private static int sCALEdIV2 = sCALE / 2; private static int holonBodysCALE = 100; // Picture Scale public String[] colNames = {"Field", "Information"}; // Canvas Attributes private String imgPath = ""; private int backgroundMode = 0; private int backgroundWidth = 0; private int backgroundHeight = 0; private int canvasX = 3000; private int canvasY = 3000; private int curIteration = 0; private LinkedList subNetColors = new LinkedList<>(); // ID of the Selected Object private AbstractCanvasObject selectedCpsObject = null; private HolonElement selectedHolonElement; private Edge selectedEdge; private ArrayList selectedObjects = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList clipboardObjects = new ArrayList<>(); private HashMap> eleToDelete; // Capacity for Edge private float maxCapacity; // Table for HolonElements --> all cells are editable private JTable tableHolonElement; /** Table for the properties of HolonObjects, Edges etc */ private JTable propertyTable; private ArrayList graphListeners = new ArrayList(); // Iteration Speed private int timerSpeed = 1000; private int selectedID = 0; // number of the current autosave private int autoSaveNr = -1; // number of max simultaneous autosaves private int numberOfSaves = 35; // whether the simulation is running and has not been reseted private boolean isSimRunning = false; // whether the console log of the program should be displayed private boolean showConsoleLog = true; // whether the console log of the program should be displayed private boolean useFlexibleDevices = true; /** whether the supplyBars should be shown or not */ private boolean showSupplyBars = true; //TODO: private int iterations=100; /** * All implemented FairnessModels:
* {@link FairnessModel#MininumDemandFirst}
* {@link FairnessModel#AllEqual} */ public enum FairnessModel{ /** * One Element of each HolonObject will be powered first, starting with the * smallest Demand. If ale HolonObjects have an active Element, the * simulation will try to fully supply as many HolonObjects as possible. */ MininumDemandFirst, /** * All HolonObjects will receive the same amount of energy. */ AllEqual } /** the Fairness model in use */ private FairnessModel fairnessModel = FairnessModel.MininumDemandFirst; /* * Array of all categories in the model. It is set by default with the * categories ENERGY, BUILDINGS and COMPONENTS */ private ArrayList categories; /* * Array of all HolonObj and HolonSwitches, that should be tracked through * out the statistics tab */ private ArrayList trackedObjects; /* * Array of all CpsObjects in our canvas. It is set by default as an empty * list. */ private ArrayList objectsOnCanvas; private HashMap cgIdx; private HashMap cvsObjIdx; /* * Array of all CpsObjects in our canvas. It is set by default as an empty * list. */ private ArrayList edgesOnCanvas; private ArrayList holonObjectsOnCanvas = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList nodesOnCanvas= new ArrayList(); private ArrayList switchsOnCanvas= new ArrayList(); /* * Array for all Listeners */ private List categoryListeners; private List objectListeners; private PropertyTable tableModelHolonElementMulti; private PropertyTable tableModelHolonElementSingle; private DefaulTable tableModelProperties; /* * Object that runs the Algorithm */ private Object algorithm = null; private int selectedHolonBody; // Statistic Graph Data private Hashtable statisticGraphTable = new Hashtable<>(); private HashMap hashcodeMap = new HashMap<>(); private ArrayList statisticData = new ArrayList<>(); private Gson gson; private StatisticPanel statPanel; /** * Constructor for the model. It initializes the categories and * objectsOnCanvas by default values. Listeners are also initialized by * default values. */ public Model() { setCategories(new ArrayList<>()); setObjectsOnCanvas(new ArrayList<>()); setEdgesOnCanvas(new ArrayList<>()); setCategoryListeners(new LinkedList<>()); setObjectListeners(new LinkedList<>()); setCgIdx(new HashMap<>()); setCvsObjIdx(new HashMap<>()); setClipboradObjects(new ArrayList<>()); setTrackingObj(new ArrayList<>()); setEleToDelete(new HashMap<>()); setSingleTable(new PropertyTable()); setMultiTable(new PropertyTable()); setPropertyTable(new DefaulTable(1000, colNames.length)); getPropertyTable().setColumnIdentifiers(colNames); setTableHolonElement(new JTable()); initGson(); } /** * Returns all Categories. * * @return the categories */ public ArrayList getCategories() { return categories; } /** * Sets all Categories. * * @param categories the categories to set */ public void setCategories(ArrayList categories) { this.categories = categories; } /** * Transform the Arraylist of categories into a string of all objectName * with a separation (',') between each name. * * @return String of all names separeted by ',' */ public String toStringCat() { String text = ""; for (int i = 0; i < categories.size(); i++) { if (text.equals("")) { text = categories.get(i).getName(); } else { text = text + ", " + categories.get(i).getName(); } } return text; } /** * Returns all Objects on the Canvas. * * @return the objectsOnCanvas */ public ArrayList getObjectsOnCanvas() { return objectsOnCanvas; } /** * Sets all Objects on the Canvas. * * @param objectsOnCanvas the objectsOnCanvas to set */ public void setObjectsOnCanvas(ArrayList objectsOnCanvas) { this.objectsOnCanvas = objectsOnCanvas; } /** * Get all Edges on the Canvas. * * @return the edgesOnCanvas */ public ArrayList getEdgesOnCanvas() { return edgesOnCanvas; } /** * Sets the edges on the Canvas. * * @param arrayList the edgesOnCanvas to set */ public void setEdgesOnCanvas(ArrayList arrayList) { this.edgesOnCanvas = arrayList; } /** * Adds an Edge to The Canvas. * * @param edge the edgesOnCanvas to add */ public void addEdgeOnCanvas(Edge edge) { this.edgesOnCanvas.add(edge); } /** * Remove an edge from the Canvas. * * @param edge the edge to remove */ public void removeEdgesOnCanvas(Edge edge) { this.edgesOnCanvas.remove(edge); } /** * Returns the ObjectListener. * * @return the objectListeners */ public List getObjectListeners() { return objectListeners; } /** * Sets the ObjectListener. * * @param linkedList the objectListeners to set */ public void setObjectListeners(LinkedList linkedList) { this.objectListeners = linkedList; } /** * Returns the CategorieListener. * * @return the categoryListeners */ public List getCategoryListeners() { return categoryListeners; } /** * Sets the CategorieListener. * * @param linkedList the categoryListeners to set */ public void setCategoryListeners(LinkedList linkedList) { this.categoryListeners = linkedList; } /** * Returns the ID of the selected Object 0 = no Object is selected. * * @return ID */ public int getSelectedObjectID() { return selectedID; } /** * Set the ID of the selected Object 0 = no Object is selected. * * @param id the ID */ public void setSelectedObjectID(int id) { this.selectedID = id; } /** * Returns the Selected Cps Object. * * @return selected Cps Object */ public AbstractCanvasObject getSelectedCpsObject() { return selectedCpsObject; } /** * Set the Selected Objecs. * * @param selectedCpsObject Objects that are selected */ public void setSelectedCpsObject(AbstractCanvasObject selectedCpsObject) { this.selectedCpsObject = selectedCpsObject; } /** * Returns all selected Objects on the Canvas. * * @return The selected Objects */ public ArrayList getSelectedCpsObjects() { return selectedObjects; } /** * Returns all selected Objects on the Canvas. * * @return The selected Objects */ public void setSelectedCpsObjects(ArrayList arr) { this.selectedObjects = arr; } /** * Returns the Selected Holon Element. * * @return selected Holon Element */ public HolonElement getSelectedHolonElement() { return selectedHolonElement; } /** * Sets the Selecte HolonElement. * * @param selectedHolonElement that is Selected */ public void setSelectedHolonElement(HolonElement selectedHolonElement) { this.selectedHolonElement = selectedHolonElement; } /** * Returns the sCale (Scale for the Images). * * @return sCALE */ public int getScale() { return sCALE; } /** * Sets the Image Scale. * * @param scale for the image */ public void setScale(int scale) { sCALE = scale; if ((sCALE & 1) == 0) sCALEdIV2 = sCALE / 2; else sCALEdIV2 = (sCALE + 1) / 2; } /** * Returns sCALEdIV2 (The Scale divided by 2). * * @return sCALEdIV2 */ public int getScaleDiv2() { return sCALEdIV2; } /** * Returns ITERATIONS. * * @return ITERATIONS */ public int getIterations() { return iterations; } private void notifyGraphListeners() { for (GraphListener gl : graphListeners) { gl.repaintTree(); } } /** * Returns cURiTERATION. * * @return cURiTERATION */ public int getCurIteration() { return curIteration; } /** * sets the current Iteration. * * @param curIT the current Iteration */ public void setCurIteration(int curIT) { this.curIteration = curIT; notifyGraphListeners(); } /** * Returns the selected Edge. * * @return selectedEdge */ public Edge getSelectedEdge() { return selectedEdge; } /** * Set the selected Edge. * * @param edge that is selected */ public void setSelectedEdge(Edge edge) { this.selectedEdge = edge; } /** * Returns the Categorie Index. * * @return the cgIdx */ public HashMap getCgIdx() { return cgIdx; } /** * Sets the Categorie Index. * * @param cgIdx the cgIdx to set */ public void setCgIdx(HashMap cgIdx) { this.cgIdx = cgIdx; } /** * Returns the CanvasObject Index. * * @return the cvsObjIdx */ public HashMap getCvsObjIdx() { return cvsObjIdx; } /** * Sets the CanvasObject Index. * * @param cvsObjIdx the cvsObjIdx to set */ public void setCvsObjIdx(HashMap cvsObjIdx) { this.cvsObjIdx = cvsObjIdx; } /** * Returns the auto save Number. * * @return the auto save Number */ public int getAutoSaveNr() { return autoSaveNr; } /** * Sets the auto save Number. * * @param autoSaveNr the auto save number */ public void setAutoSaveNr(int autoSaveNr) { this.autoSaveNr = autoSaveNr; } /** * Returns the Number of Saves. * * @return the numberOfSaves */ public int getNumberOfSaves() { return numberOfSaves; } /** * Set the Number of Saves. * * @param numberOfSaves the numberOfSaves to set */ public void setNumberOfSaves(int numberOfSaves) { this.numberOfSaves = numberOfSaves; } /** * Returns all Objects in the Clipboard. * * @return Objects in the Clipboard */ public ArrayList getClipboradObjects() { return clipboardObjects; } /** * Sets the ClipboardObjects. * * @param c Array of Objects */ public void setClipboradObjects(ArrayList c) { this.clipboardObjects = c; } /** * @return the maxCapacity */ public float getMaxCapacity() { return maxCapacity; } /** * @param maxCapacity the maxCapacity to set */ public void setMaxCapacity(float maxCapacity) { this.maxCapacity = maxCapacity; } /** * get the Interval in ms between each Iteration. * * @return timerSpeed speed for the Iterations */ public int getTimerSpeed() { return this.timerSpeed; } /** * Sets the Interval in ms between each Iteration. * * @param t speed for the Iterations */ public void setTimerSpeed(int t) { this.timerSpeed = t; } /** * Get Canvas X Size. * * @return the cANVAS_X */ public int getCanvasX() { return canvasX; } /** * Set Canvas X Size. * * @param canvasX the cANVAS_X to set */ public void setCanvasX(int canvasX) { this.canvasX = canvasX; } /** * get Canvas Y size. * * @return the cANVAS_Y */ public int getCanvasY() { return canvasY; } /** * Set Canvas Y size. * * @param canvasY the cANVAS_Y to set */ public void setCanvasY(int canvasY) { this.canvasY = canvasY; } /** * get the Algorithm. * * @return the Algorithm */ public Object getAlgorithm() { return algorithm; } /** * Set the Algorithm. * * @param obj the Algorithm */ public void setAlgorithm(Object obj) { this.algorithm = null; this.algorithm = obj; } /** * Add a SubNetColor. * * @param c the Color */ public void addSubNetColor(Color c) { this.subNetColors.add(c); } /** * Get the SubNetColors. * * @return SubNetColors */ public LinkedList getSubNetColors() { return this.subNetColors; } public ArrayList getTrackingObj() { return trackedObjects; } public void setTrackingObj(ArrayList toTrack) { trackedObjects = toTrack; } public void addGraphListener(GraphListener gl) { graphListeners.add(gl); } public HashMap> getEleToDelete() { return this.eleToDelete; } public void setEleToDelete(HashMap> theHash) { this.eleToDelete = theHash; } public PropertyTable getSingleTable() { return this.tableModelHolonElementSingle; } public void setSingleTable(PropertyTable pt) { this.tableModelHolonElementSingle = pt; } public PropertyTable getMultiTable() { return this.tableModelHolonElementMulti; } public void setMultiTable(PropertyTable pt) { this.tableModelHolonElementMulti = pt; } public void addObjectsToGraphListeners() { for (GraphListener gl : graphListeners) { gl.addTrackedObject(trackedObjects); gl.repaintTree(); } } public DefaulTable getPropertyTable() { return this.tableModelProperties; } public void setPropertyTable(DefaulTable pt) { this.tableModelProperties = pt; } public JTable getTableHolonElement() { return tableHolonElement; } public void setTableHolonElement(JTable tableHolonElement) { this.tableHolonElement = tableHolonElement; } /** * @return the tableProperties */ public JTable getTableProperties() { return propertyTable; } /** * @return the tableProperties */ public void setTableProperties(JTable propertyTable) { this.propertyTable = propertyTable; } /** * Returns the sCale (Scale for the Images). * * @return sCALE */ public int getHolonBodyScale() { return holonBodysCALE; } /** * Sets the HolonBody Scale. * * @param scale for the HolonBody */ public void setHolonBodyScale(int scale) { holonBodysCALE = scale; } /** * Returns the ID of the selected HolonBody * * @return selectedHolonBody */ public int getSelectedHolonBody() { return selectedHolonBody; } /** * Sets the ID of the selected HolonBody * * @param i int */ public void setSelectedHolonBody(int i) { selectedHolonBody = i; } public ArrayList getAllHolonObjectsOnCanvas(){ ArrayList objectToReturn = new ArrayList(); getAllHolonObjectsRecursive(objectToReturn, getObjectsOnCanvas()); return objectToReturn; } private void getAllHolonObjectsRecursive(ArrayList addObjectsToThisList, List listOfObjectsToSearch){ for(AbstractCanvasObject aCps : listOfObjectsToSearch) { if(aCps instanceof HolonObject) { addObjectsToThisList.add((HolonObject) aCps); }else if(aCps instanceof GroupNode){ getAllHolonObjectsRecursive(addObjectsToThisList, ((GroupNode)aCps).getNodes()); } } } /** * get all Switches */ public ArrayList getSwitches() { ArrayList switches = new ArrayList<>(); for (AbstractCanvasObject obj : getObjectsOnCanvas()) { if (obj instanceof HolonSwitch) { switches.add((HolonSwitch) obj); } else if (obj instanceof GroupNode) { getSwitchesRec(((GroupNode) obj).getNodes(), switches); } } return switches; } /** * get the Amount of Switches help function * * @param objects objects * @param switches List of switches */ private ArrayList getSwitchesRec(ArrayList objects, ArrayList switches) { for (AbstractCanvasObject obj : objects) { if (obj instanceof HolonSwitch) { switches.add((HolonSwitch) obj); } else if (obj instanceof GroupNode) { getSwitchesRec(((GroupNode) obj).getNodes(), switches); } } return switches; } /** * Returns the Path for the background Image of the Canvas. * * @return imgPath the Path */ public String getCanvasImagePath() { return imgPath; } /** * Set the Path for the background Image of the Canvas. * * @param path the Path */ public void setCanvasImagePath(String path) { imgPath = path; } /** * Returns the mode for the background Image of the Canvas. *

* 0 take size of the Image 1 stretch the Image 2 Custom Image size * * @return backgroundMode the mode */ public int getCanvasImageMode() { return backgroundMode; } /** * Set the mode for the background Image of the Canvas. *

* 0 take size of the Image, 1 stretch the Image, 2 Custom Image size * * @param mode the backgroundMode */ public void setCanvasImageMode(int mode) { backgroundMode = mode; } /** * Returns the Custom width of the background Image of the Canvas. * * @return backgroundWidth the Width */ public int getCanvasImageWidth() { return backgroundWidth; } /** * Set the Custom width of the background Image of the Canvas. * * @param width the Width */ public void setCanvasImageWidth(int width) { backgroundWidth = width; } /** * Returns the Custom height of the background Image of the Canvas. * * @return backgroundHeight the height */ public int getCanvasImageHeight() { return backgroundHeight; } /** * Set the Custom height of the background Image of the Canvas. * * @param height the height */ public void setCanvasImageHeight(int height) { backgroundHeight = height; } /** * Returns the graphtable for Statistic Graphs. */ public Hashtable getGraphTable() { return statisticGraphTable; } /** * Set the graphtable for Statistic Graphs */ public void setGraphTable(Hashtable gT) { statisticGraphTable = gT; } /** * Returns if the Simulation is running. */ public boolean getIsSimRunning() { return isSimRunning; } /** * Sets isSimRunning. * * @param isRunning */ public void setIsSimRunning(boolean isRunning) { isSimRunning = isRunning; } /** * @return the statisticData */ public ArrayList getStatisticData() { return statisticData; } /** * @param statisticData the statisticData to set */ public void setStatisticData(ArrayList statisticData) { this.statisticData = statisticData; } /** * Returns showConsoleLog. */ public boolean getShowConsoleLog() { return this.showConsoleLog; } /** * Sets showConsoleLog. * * @param showConsoleLog */ public void setShowConsoleLog(boolean showConsoleLog) { this.showConsoleLog = showConsoleLog; } public boolean useFlexibleDevices() { return this.useFlexibleDevices; } public void setUseFlexibleDevices(boolean useFlexibleDevices) { this.useFlexibleDevices = useFlexibleDevices; } /** * @return true if SupplyBars should be shown */ public boolean getShowSupplyBars() { return showSupplyBars; } /** * @param showSupplyBars true if the SupplyBars should be shown */ public void setShowSupplyBars(boolean showSupplyBars) { this.showSupplyBars = showSupplyBars; } /** * @param iterations the number of steps for this simulation */ public void setIterations(int iterations){ this.iterations=iterations; } /** * @return the fairnessModel */ public FairnessModel getFairnessModel() { return fairnessModel; } /** * @param fairnessModel the fairnessModel to set */ public void setFairnessModel(FairnessModel fairnessModel) { this.fairnessModel = fairnessModel; } public int getGraphIterations(){ return GRAPH_ITERATIONS; } /** * Initialize the Gson with wanted parameters */ private void initGson() { GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); builder.serializeNulls(); builder.excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation(); builder.setPrettyPrinting(); builder.registerTypeAdapter(AbstractCanvasObject.class, new AbstractCpsObjectAdapter()); builder.registerTypeAdapter(Position.class, new PositionAdapter()); builder.registerTypeAdapter(Color.class, new ColorAdapter()); builder.registerTypeAdapter(Pair.class, new PairAdapter()); // use the builder and make a instance of the Gson this.setGson(builder.create()); } /** * @return the gson */ public Gson getGson() { return gson; } /** * @param gson the gson to set */ public void setGson(Gson gson) { this.gson = gson; } public StatisticPanel getStatPanel() { return statPanel; } public void setStatPanel(StatisticPanel sP) { statPanel = sP; } /** * @return the hashcodeMap */ public HashMap getHashcodeMap() { return hashcodeMap; } /** * @param hashcodeMap the hashcodeMap to set */ public void setHashcodeMap(HashMap hashcodeMap) { this.hashcodeMap = hashcodeMap; } public ArrayList getSwitchsOnCanvas() { return switchsOnCanvas; } public void setSwitchsOnCanvas(ArrayList switchsOnCanvas) { this.switchsOnCanvas = switchsOnCanvas; } public ArrayList getNodesOnCanvas() { return nodesOnCanvas; } public void setNodesOnCanvas(ArrayList nodesOnCanvas) { this.nodesOnCanvas = nodesOnCanvas; } public ArrayList getHolonObjectsOnCanvas() { return holonObjectsOnCanvas; } public void setHolonObjectsOnCanvas(ArrayList holonObjectsOnCanvas) { this.holonObjectsOnCanvas = holonObjectsOnCanvas; } public void defineLists() { switchsOnCanvas.clear(); nodesOnCanvas.clear(); holonObjectsOnCanvas.clear(); for(AbstractCanvasObject aCps : this.objectsOnCanvas) { if(aCps instanceof HolonObject)holonObjectsOnCanvas.add((HolonObject) aCps); else if(aCps instanceof Node)nodesOnCanvas.add((Node) aCps); else if(aCps instanceof HolonSwitch)switchsOnCanvas.add((HolonSwitch) aCps); } } }