package algorithm.objectiveFunction; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import classes.AbstractCanvasObject; import ui.model.Consumer; import ui.model.DecoratedCable; import ui.model.DecoratedNetwork; import ui.model.Passiv; import ui.model.Supplier; public class GraphMetrics { public static class Vertex{ public int id = 0; public Vertex(int id){ = id; } } private static class Edge{ public int idA, idB; public double weight; public Edge(int idA, int idB, double weight){ this.idA = idA; this.idB = idB; this.weight = weight; } } public static class Graph{ Vertex[] V; Edge[] E; } /** * Convert a DecoratedNetwork to a Graph * @param net * @return a equivalent Graph to the DecoratedNetwork */ public static Graph convertDecoratedNetworkToGraph(DecoratedNetwork net) { Graph G = new Graph(); HashMap objectToId = new HashMap<>(); int count = 0; for(Consumer con: net.getConsumerList()) { objectToId.putIfAbsent(con.getModel(), count++); } for(Consumer con: net.getConsumerSelfSuppliedList()) { objectToId.putIfAbsent(con.getModel(), count++); } for(Passiv pas: net.getPassivNoEnergyList()) { objectToId.putIfAbsent(pas.getModel(), count++); } for(Supplier sup: net.getSupplierList()) { objectToId.putIfAbsent(sup.getModel(), count++); } G.E = new Edge[net.getDecoratedCableList().size()]; int edgeCount = 0; for(DecoratedCable cable : net.getDecoratedCableList()){ AbstractCanvasObject objectA = cable.getModel().getA(); AbstractCanvasObject objectB = cable.getModel().getB(); if(objectA == null) { System.out.println("Edge: " + cable + "objectA == null"); continue; } if(objectB == null) { System.out.println("Edge: " + cable + "objectB == null"); continue; } int idA = -1; if(objectToId.containsKey(objectA)) { idA = objectToId.get(objectA); }else { idA = count; objectToId.put(objectA, count++); } int idB = -1; if(objectToId.containsKey(objectB)) { idB = objectToId.get(objectB); }else { idB = count; objectToId.put(objectB, count++); } double length = cable.getModel().getLength(); G.E[edgeCount++] = new Edge(idA, idB, length); } G.V = new Vertex[objectToId.size()]; for(int i=0;i> k) & 1) != 0; System.out.print(result + ", "); } System.out.println(); } } // Example Test // public static void main(String[] args){ // Graph G = new Graph(); // G.V = new Vertex[9]; // for(int i=0;i *
* in C formatted in java * @param V Vertex Array * @param E Edge Array * @return */ static int minimumCut(Vertex[] V, Edge[] E) { int[][] W = generateDisjointWeightMatrix(V, E); boolean[] Del = new boolean[V.length]; int n = V.length; // the number of veritces int m = E.length; return StoerWagner(n, m, W, Del); } static int StoerWagner(int n, int m, int[][] W, boolean[] Del){ int C = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for(int V = n; V > 1; V--){ int cutValue = minCutPhase(V, W, Del, n, m); C = (C < cutValue ? C: cutValue); } return C; } static int minCutPhase(int V, int[][] W, boolean[] Del, int n, int m){ int i = 0, j = 0; int[] s = new int[2]; if(V == 2) { for( i = 0; i < n; i++){ if(Del[i] == false){ s[j] = i; j++; } } return W[s[0]][s[1]]; } int[] L = new int[n]; boolean[] T = new boolean[n]; i = 1; // the number of vertices in the tree T j = 0; int v,u; while( i <= V){ v = maxStickiness(T,L, Del, n); T[v] = true; for(u = 0; u < n; u++){ if(W[v][u] != 0 && Del[u] == false && T[u] == false){ L[u] = L[u] + W[u][v]; } } if( i >= V-1){ s[j] = v; j++; } i++; } merge(s[0], s[1], n, W, Del); return L[s[1]]; } static int maxStickiness(boolean[] T, int[] L, boolean[] Del, int n){ int i = 0; int v = 0; int max = 0; for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ if(Del[i] == false && T[i] == false && max < L[i]){ v = i; max = L[i]; } } return v; } static void merge(int s, int t, int n, int[][] W, boolean[] Del){ int v = 0; for(v = 0; v < n; v++){ if(Del[v] == false && v != s && v!= t){ W[s][v] = W[s][v] + W[v][t]; W[v][s] = W[s][v]; } } Del[t] = true; } static double[][] basicAllPairsShortestPath(Vertex[] V, Edge[] E){ double[][] L = generateWeightMatrix(V, E); double[][] D = generateDistanceMatrix(V); boolean[] flag = generateFlagList(V); for(int i=0;i visitedNotes = new LinkedList(); LinkedList minPriorityQueue = new LinkedList(); minPriorityQueue.add(source); while(!minPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) { minPriorityQueue.sort((a,b) ->[source][a], D[source][b])); int target = minPriorityQueue.pop(); if(flag[source] == true) { for(int outgoingID = 0; outgoingID < L.length; outgoingID++) { if(D[source][target] + L[target][outgoingID] < D[source][outgoingID]) { D[source][outgoingID] = D[source][target] + L[target][outgoingID]; } } }else { for(int outgoingID = 0; outgoingID < L.length; outgoingID++) { if(L[target][outgoingID] == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) continue; if(D[source][target] + L[target][outgoingID] < D[source][outgoingID]) { D[source][outgoingID] = D[source][target] + L[target][outgoingID]; if(!visitedNotes.contains(outgoingID)) { minPriorityQueue.add(outgoingID); } } } } visitedNotes.add(target); } flag[source] = true; } static void printMatrix(int[][] matrix) { for(int i=0;i