package classes; import java.awt.Point; /** * Coordinates of an Object on the canvas with a (int) x-coord and a (int). * y-coord * * @author Gruppe14 * */ public class Position { /** Coordinate*/ public int x,y; /** * Constructor with an positive x and y coord on the canvas. * * @param x Coord * @param y Coord */ public Position(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } /** * Convert a Point to a Position; * @param p Point */ public Position(Point p) { this.x = (int)p.getX(); this.y = (int)p.getY(); } public Position(Vector2d vector) { this.x = Math.round(vector.getX()); this.y = Math.round(vector.getY()); } /** * Default constructor without defined position. */ public Position() { this.x = -1; this.y = -1; } /** * Return the Distance squared to a other Position. * Faster then Distance because no Sqrt() needed. * @param other the other Position. * @return squared distance to the Position */ public double squareDistance(Position other) { //The Distance in X double xDis = x - other.x; //The Distance in Y double yDis = y - other.y; return xDis * xDis + yDis * yDis; } /** * Return the Distance to a other Position. * @param other the other Position. * @return distance to the Position. */ public double Distance(Position other) { return Math.sqrt(squareDistance(other)); } /** * Clamp the X Value two a upper or lower bound * @param min lower bound * @param max upper bound */ public void clampX(int min, int max) { if(x < min) x = min; if(x > max) x = max; } /** * Clamp the Y Value two a upper or lower bound * @param min lower bound * @param max upper bound */ public void clampY(int min, int max) { if(y < min) y = min; if(y > max) y = max; } /** * Returns a String that represents the value of this Position. * @return a string representation of this Position. */ @Override public String toString() { return "Position[x=" + x + ",y="+ y +"]"; } public Vector2d toVector() { return new Vector2d(x, y); } }