@@ -338,155 +338,6 @@ public class SimulationManager {
- private void calculation(int x, SubNet singleSubNet, float production, float consumption, float energySurplus,
- float currentProduction, ArrayList<HolonObject> partiallySuppliedList,
- ArrayList<HolonObject> notSuppliedList, float energyPerHolonObject) {
- long numberOfConsumers;
- if (model.getFairnessModel() == fairnessMininumDemandFirst) {
- /**
- * supply Buildings with minimal Energy first, if conflicts
- * happen
- */
- singleSubNet.getObjects().sort(new MinEnergyComparator(x));
- } else if (model.getFairnessModel() == fairnessAllEqual) {
- /*
- * give every building (just consumer) the same energy
- */
- numberOfConsumers = singleSubNet
- .getObjects()
- .stream()
- .filter(hl -> (hl.getState() != HolonObject.NO_ENERGY
- && hl.getState() != HolonObject.PRODUCER && hl
- .getConnectedTo().stream()
- .filter(e -> (e.getFlow() > 0)).count() > 0))
- .count();
- if (numberOfConsumers != 0)
- energyPerHolonObject = currentProduction / numberOfConsumers;
- }
- for (HolonObject hl : singleSubNet.getObjects()) {
- hl.setCurrentSupply(0);
- if (hl.getState() != HolonObject.NO_ENERGY
- && hl.getState() != HolonObject.PRODUCER) {
- for (int i = 0; i < hl.getConnections().size(); i++) {
- CpsEdge edge = hl.getConnectedTo().get(i);
- if (edge.isWorking()
- && edge.getFlow() > 0
- || edge.getCapacity() == CpsEdge.CAPACITY_INFINITE) {
- if (model.getFairnessModel() == fairnessAllEqual) {
- /* fairness: everyone receives the Same Energy */
- float neededEnergy = hl
- .getCurrentEnergyAtTimeStep(x);
- if (neededEnergy > 0) {
- hl.setState(HolonObject.PRODUCER);
- } else if (energyPerHolonObject > -neededEnergy) {
- hl.setState(HolonObject.OVER_SUPPLIED);
- } else if (energyPerHolonObject == -neededEnergy) {
- hl.setState(HolonObject.SUPPLIED);
- } else if (energyPerHolonObject >= -hl
- .getMinEnergy(x)) {
- hl.setState(HolonObject.PARTIALLY_SUPPLIED);
- } else {
- hl.setState(HolonObject.NOT_SUPPLIED);
- }
- hl.setCurrentSupply(energyPerHolonObject);
- } else if (model.getFairnessModel() == fairnessMininumDemandFirst) {
- /* fairness: minimum demand gets Energy first */
- if ((production + consumption) >= 0) {
- if (energySurplus > 0) {
- hl.setState(HolonObject.OVER_SUPPLIED);
- hl.setCurrentSupply((-energySurplus
- / consumption + 1)
- * hl.getCurrentEnergyAtTimeStep(x));
- } else {
- hl.setState(HolonObject.SUPPLIED);
- hl.setCurrentSupply(-hl
- .getCurrentEnergyAtTimeStep(x));
- }
- } else {
- float minEnergy = hl.getMinEnergy(x);
- if (hl.checkIfPartiallySupplied(timeStep)) {
- hl.setState(HolonObject.PARTIALLY_SUPPLIED);
- currentProduction += minEnergy;
- hl.setCurrentSupply(-minEnergy);
- partiallySuppliedList.add(hl);
- } else {
- /**
- * Case that only some HolonObjects can
- * be supplied
- */
- if (-hl.getCurrentEnergyAtTimeStep(x) <= currentProduction) {
- hl.setState(HolonObject.PARTIALLY_SUPPLIED);
- currentProduction += minEnergy;
- hl.setCurrentSupply(-minEnergy);
- partiallySuppliedList.add(hl);
- } else if (-hl.getMinEnergy(x) <= currentProduction) {
- hl.setState(HolonObject.PARTIALLY_SUPPLIED);
- currentProduction += minEnergy;
- hl.setCurrentSupply(-minEnergy);
- partiallySuppliedList.add(hl);
- } else {
- hl.setState(HolonObject.NOT_SUPPLIED);
- hl.setCurrentSupply(0.0f);
- notSuppliedList.add(hl);
- // currentProduction +=
- // hl.getCurrentEnergyAtTimeStep(x);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- hl.getCurrentEnergyAtTimeStep(x);
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * check if some object cn self supply itself
- */
- if (hl.checkIfPartiallySupplied(timeStep)
- && hl.getState() != HolonObject.SUPPLIED
- && hl.getState() != HolonObject.OVER_SUPPLIED) {
- hl.setState(HolonObject.PARTIALLY_SUPPLIED);
- }
- }
- }
- if (model.getFairnessModel() == fairnessMininumDemandFirst) {
- /**
- * check if some partially supplied building might be fully
- * supplied.
- */
- partiallySuppliedList.sort(new EnergyMinToMaxComparator(x));
- for (HolonObject hl : partiallySuppliedList) {
- float minEnergy = hl.getMinEnergy(x);
- currentProduction -= minEnergy;
- /*
- * if possible, supply fully
- */
- float currentEnergyAtTimeStep = hl
- .getCurrentEnergyAtTimeStep(x);
- if (-currentEnergyAtTimeStep <= currentProduction) {
- hl.setState(HolonObject.SUPPLIED);
- currentProduction += currentEnergyAtTimeStep;
- hl.setCurrentSupply(-currentEnergyAtTimeStep);
- hl.getCurrentEnergyAtTimeStep(x);
- } else {
- currentProduction += minEnergy;
- notSuppliedList.add(hl);
- }
- }
- if (!notSuppliedList.isEmpty() && currentProduction > 0) {
- float energyPerHolon = currentProduction
- / notSuppliedList.size();
- for (HolonObject hl : notSuppliedList) {
- hl.setCurrentSupply(hl.getCurrentSupply()
- + energyPerHolon);
- hl.getCurrentEnergyAtTimeStep(x);
- }
- }
- }
- }
* add all battries.getOut() from a list of battries and return them
* @param aL a List of HolonBattries likely from subnet.getBatteries()