# Bachelorthesis Git project for my bachelor thesis # TrackpointApp ## Development Requirements: - A recent C++ Compiler (only `gcc` is tested) - The CMake build system - Qt 6.1 or newer - CPU power ;) Windows instructions: Use the MSYS2 environment and the mingw-w64 compiler environment` Compiler and CMake: `pacman -S base-devel cmake` Install qt6 with `pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-qt6` To create a development build, clone the repo and go to the `trackpoint-app` folder. Create a new folder `build`. Then, go to the `build` folder and execute `cmake ..`. CMake will download all required dependencies automatically. When CMake is done, run `make`. For better performance, run `make -jX` and replace X by the thread count of your machine minus 1. You should now find the executable `TrackpointApp`.