# RecompileScripts `RecompileScripts` is an [IEditModeTestYieldInstruction](./reference-custom-yield-instructions.md) that you can yield in Edit Mode tests. It lets you trigger a recompilation of scripts in the Unity Editor. ## Constructors | Syntax | Description | | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | `RecompileScripts(bool expectScriptCompilation = true, bool expectScriptCompilationSuccess = true)` | Creates a new instance of the `RecompileScripts` yield instruction. The parameter `expectScriptCompilation` indicates if you expect a script compilation to start (defaults to true). If a script compilation does not start and `expectScriptCompilation` is `true`, then it throws an exception. | ## Example ``` C@ [UnitySetUp] public IEnumerator SetUp() { using (var file = File.CreateText("Assets/temp/myScript.cs")) { file.Write("public class ATempClass { }"); } AssetDatabase.Refresh(); yield return new RecompileScripts(); } ```