#if UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR using System; using System.ComponentModel; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Layouts; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.WebGL.LowLevel; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Utilities; namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem.WebGL.LowLevel { internal unsafe struct WebGLGamepadState : IInputStateTypeInfo { public const int NumAxes = 4; public const int NumButtons = 16; private const int ButtonOffset = NumAxes * 4; // Stick default format is already two floats so all we need to do is move the sticks and // put inverts on Y. [InputControl(name = "leftStick", offset = 0)] [InputControl(name = "rightStick", offset = 8)] [InputControl(name = "leftStick/y", parameters = "invert")] [InputControl(name = "rightStick/y", parameters = "invert")] // All the buttons we need to bump from single bits to full floats and reset bit offsets. [InputControl(name = "buttonSouth", offset = ButtonOffset + 0 * 4, bit = 0, format = "FLT")] [InputControl(name = "buttonEast", offset = ButtonOffset + 1 * 4, bit = 0, format = "FLT")] [InputControl(name = "buttonWest", offset = ButtonOffset + 2 * 4, bit = 0, format = "FLT")] [InputControl(name = "buttonNorth", offset = ButtonOffset + 3 * 4, bit = 0, format = "FLT")] [InputControl(name = "leftShoulder", offset = ButtonOffset + 4 * 4, bit = 0, format = "FLT")] [InputControl(name = "rightShoulder", offset = ButtonOffset + 5 * 4, bit = 0, format = "FLT")] [InputControl(name = "leftTrigger", offset = ButtonOffset + 6 * 4, bit = 0, format = "FLT")] [InputControl(name = "rightTrigger", offset = ButtonOffset + 7 * 4, bit = 0, format = "FLT")] [InputControl(name = "select", offset = ButtonOffset + 8 * 4, bit = 0, format = "FLT")] [InputControl(name = "start", offset = ButtonOffset + 9 * 4, bit = 0, format = "FLT")] [InputControl(name = "leftStickPress", offset = ButtonOffset + 10 * 4, bit = 0, format = "FLT")] [InputControl(name = "rightStickPress", offset = ButtonOffset + 11 * 4, bit = 0, format = "FLT")] [InputControl(name = "dpad", offset = ButtonOffset + 12 * 4, bit = 0, sizeInBits = 4 * 4 * 8)] [InputControl(name = "dpad/up", offset = 0, bit = 0, format = "FLT")] [InputControl(name = "dpad/down", offset = 4, bit = 0, format = "FLT")] [InputControl(name = "dpad/left", offset = 8, bit = 0, format = "FLT")] [InputControl(name = "dpad/right", offset = 12, bit = 0, format = "FLT")] public fixed float values[NumButtons + NumAxes]; public float leftTrigger { get => GetValue(NumAxes + 6); set => SetValue(NumAxes + 6, value); } public float rightTrigger { get => GetValue(NumAxes + 7); set => SetValue(NumAxes + 7, value); } public Vector2 leftStick { get => new Vector2(GetValue(0), GetValue(1)); set { SetValue(0, value.x); SetValue(1, value.y); } } public Vector2 rightStick { get => new Vector2(GetValue(2), GetValue(3)); set { SetValue(2, value.x); SetValue(3, value.y); } } public FourCC format { get { return new FourCC('H', 'T', 'M', 'L'); } } public WebGLGamepadState WithButton(GamepadButton button, float value = 1) { int index; switch (button) { case GamepadButton.South: index = 0; break; case GamepadButton.East: index = 1; break; case GamepadButton.West: index = 2; break; case GamepadButton.North: index = 3; break; case GamepadButton.LeftShoulder: index = 4; break; case GamepadButton.RightShoulder: index = 5; break; case GamepadButton.Select: index = 8; break; case GamepadButton.Start: index = 9; break; case GamepadButton.LeftStick: index = 10; break; case GamepadButton.RightStick: index = 11; break; case GamepadButton.DpadUp: index = 12; break; case GamepadButton.DpadDown: index = 13; break; case GamepadButton.DpadLeft: index = 14; break; case GamepadButton.DpadRight: index = 15; break; default: throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(nameof(button), (int)button, typeof(GamepadButton)); } SetValue(NumAxes + index, value); return this; } private float GetValue(int index) { fixed(float* valuePtr = values) return valuePtr[index]; } private void SetValue(int index, float value) { fixed(float* valuePtr = values) valuePtr[index] = value; } } [Serializable] internal struct WebGLDeviceCapabilities { public int numAxes; public int numButtons; public string mapping; public string ToJson() { return JsonUtility.ToJson(this); } public static WebGLDeviceCapabilities FromJson(string json) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(json)); return JsonUtility.FromJson(json); } } } namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem.WebGL { /// /// Gamepad on WebGL that uses the "standard" mapping. /// /// /// [InputControlLayout(stateType = typeof(WebGLGamepadState), displayName = "WebGL Gamepad (\"standard\" mapping)")] [Scripting.Preserve] public class WebGLGamepad : Gamepad { } } #endif // UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_EDITOR