using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Utilities; using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Layouts; using UnityEngine.Scripting; // HID support is currently broken in 32-bit Windows standalone players. Consider 32bit Windows players unsupported for now. #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN && !UNITY_64 #warning The 32-bit Windows player is not currently supported by the Input System. HID input will not work in the player. Please use x86_64, if possible. #endif ////REVIEW: there will probably be lots of cases where the HID device creation process just needs a little tweaking; we should //// have better mechanism to do that without requiring to replace the entire process wholesale ////TODO: expose the layout builder so that other layout builders can use it for their own purposes ////REVIEW: how are we dealing with multiple different input reports on the same device? ////REVIEW: move the enums and structs out of here and into UnityEngine.InputSystem.HID? Or remove the "HID" name prefixes from them? ////TODO: add blacklist for devices we really don't want to use (like apple's internal trackpad) ////TODO: add a way to mark certain layouts (such as HID layouts) as fallbacks; ideally, affect the layout matching score ////TODO: enable this to handle devices that split their input into multiple reports #pragma warning disable CS0649, CS0219 namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem.HID { /// /// A generic HID input device. /// /// /// This class represents a best effort to mirror the control setup of a HID /// discovered in the system. It is used only as a fallback where we cannot /// match the device to a specific product we know of. Wherever possible we /// construct more specific device representations such as Gamepad. /// [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1724:TypeNamesShouldNotMatchNamespaces")] [Preserve] public class HID : InputDevice { internal const string kHIDInterface = "HID"; internal const string kHIDNamespace = "HID"; /// /// Command code for querying the HID report descriptor from a device. /// /// public static FourCC QueryHIDReportDescriptorDeviceCommandType { get { return new FourCC('H', 'I', 'D', 'D'); } } /// /// Command code for querying the HID report descriptor size in bytes from a device. /// /// public static FourCC QueryHIDReportDescriptorSizeDeviceCommandType { get { return new FourCC('H', 'I', 'D', 'S'); } } public static FourCC QueryHIDParsedReportDescriptorDeviceCommandType { get { return new FourCC('H', 'I', 'D', 'P'); } } /// /// The HID device descriptor as received from the system. /// public HIDDeviceDescriptor hidDescriptor { get { if (!m_HaveParsedHIDDescriptor) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description.capabilities)) m_HIDDescriptor = JsonUtility.FromJson(description.capabilities); m_HaveParsedHIDDescriptor = true; } return m_HIDDescriptor; } } private bool m_HaveParsedHIDDescriptor; private HIDDeviceDescriptor m_HIDDescriptor; // This is the workhorse for figuring out fallback options for HIDs attached to the system. // If the system cannot find a more specific layout for a given HID, this method will try // to produce a layout builder on the fly based on the HID descriptor received from // the device. internal static string OnFindLayoutForDevice(ref InputDeviceDescription description, string matchedLayout, InputDeviceExecuteCommandDelegate executeDeviceCommand) { // If the system found a matching layout, there's nothing for us to do. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(matchedLayout)) return null; // If the device isn't a HID, we're not interested. if (description.interfaceName != kHIDInterface) return null; // Read HID descriptor. var hidDeviceDescriptor = ReadHIDDeviceDescriptor(ref description, executeDeviceCommand); if (!HIDSupport.supportedHIDUsages.Contains(new HIDSupport.HIDPageUsage(hidDeviceDescriptor.usagePage, hidDeviceDescriptor.usage))) return null; // Determine if there's any usable elements on the device. var hasUsableElements = false; if (hidDeviceDescriptor.elements != null) { foreach (var element in hidDeviceDescriptor.elements) { if (element.IsUsableElement()) { hasUsableElements = true; break; } } } // If not, there's nothing we can do with the device. if (!hasUsableElements) return null; ////TODO: we should be able to differentiate a HID joystick from other joysticks in bindings alone // Determine base layout. var baseType = typeof(HID); var baseLayout = "HID"; if (hidDeviceDescriptor.usagePage == UsagePage.GenericDesktop) { if (hidDeviceDescriptor.usage == (int)GenericDesktop.Joystick || hidDeviceDescriptor.usage == (int)GenericDesktop.Gamepad) { baseLayout = "Joystick"; baseType = typeof(Joystick); } } // A HID may implement the HID interface arbitrary many times, each time with a different // usage page + usage combination. In a OS, this will typically come out as multiple separate // devices. Thus, to make layout names unique, we have to take usages into account. What we do // is we tag the usage name onto the layout name *except* if it's a joystick or gamepad. This // gives us nicer names for joysticks while still disambiguating other devices correctly. var usageName = ""; if (baseLayout != "Joystick") { usageName = hidDeviceDescriptor.usagePage == UsagePage.GenericDesktop ? $" {(GenericDesktop) hidDeviceDescriptor.usage}" : $" {hidDeviceDescriptor.usagePage}-{hidDeviceDescriptor.usage}"; } ////REVIEW: these layout names are impossible to bind to; come up with a better way ////TODO: match HID layouts by vendor and product ID ////REVIEW: this probably works fine for most products out there but I'm not sure it works reliably for all cases // Come up with a unique template name. HIDs are required to have product and vendor IDs. // We go with the string versions if we have them and with the numeric versions if we don't. string layoutName; var deviceMatcher = InputDeviceMatcher.FromDeviceDescription(description); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description.product) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(description.manufacturer)) { layoutName = $"{kHIDNamespace}::{description.manufacturer} {description.product}{usageName}"; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description.product)) { layoutName = $"{kHIDNamespace}::{description.product}{usageName}"; } else { // Sanity check to make sure we really have the data we expect. if (hidDeviceDescriptor.vendorId == 0) return null; layoutName = $"{kHIDNamespace}::{hidDeviceDescriptor.vendorId:X}-{hidDeviceDescriptor.productId:X}{usageName}"; deviceMatcher = deviceMatcher .WithCapability("productId", hidDeviceDescriptor.productId) .WithCapability("vendorId", hidDeviceDescriptor.vendorId); } // Also match by usage. See comment above about multiple HID interfaces on the same device. deviceMatcher = deviceMatcher .WithCapability("usage", hidDeviceDescriptor.usage) .WithCapability("usagePage", hidDeviceDescriptor.usagePage); // Register layout builder that will turn the HID descriptor into an // InputControlLayout instance. var layout = new HIDLayoutBuilder { displayName = description.product, hidDescriptor = hidDeviceDescriptor, parentLayout = baseLayout, deviceType = baseType ?? typeof(HID) }; InputSystem.RegisterLayoutBuilder(() => layout.Build(), layoutName, baseLayout, deviceMatcher); return layoutName; } internal static unsafe HIDDeviceDescriptor ReadHIDDeviceDescriptor(ref InputDeviceDescription deviceDescription, InputDeviceExecuteCommandDelegate executeCommandDelegate) { if (deviceDescription.interfaceName != kHIDInterface) throw new ArgumentException( $"Device '{deviceDescription}' is not a HID"); // See if we have to request a HID descriptor from the device. // We support having the descriptor directly as a JSON string in the `capabilities` // field of the device description. var needToRequestDescriptor = true; var hidDeviceDescriptor = new HIDDeviceDescriptor(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceDescription.capabilities)) { try { hidDeviceDescriptor = HIDDeviceDescriptor.FromJson(deviceDescription.capabilities); // If there's elements in the descriptor, we're good with the descriptor. If there aren't, // we go and ask the device for a full descriptor. if (hidDeviceDescriptor.elements != null && hidDeviceDescriptor.elements.Length > 0) needToRequestDescriptor = false; } catch (Exception exception) { Debug.LogError($"Could not parse HID descriptor of device '{deviceDescription}'"); Debug.LogException(exception); } } ////REVIEW: we *could* switch to a single path here that supports *only* parsed descriptors but it'd //// mean having to switch *every* platform supporting HID to the hack we currently have to do //// on Windows // Request descriptor, if necessary. if (needToRequestDescriptor) { // Try to get the size of the HID descriptor from the device. var sizeOfDescriptorCommand = new InputDeviceCommand(QueryHIDReportDescriptorSizeDeviceCommandType); var sizeOfDescriptorInBytes = executeCommandDelegate(ref sizeOfDescriptorCommand); if (sizeOfDescriptorInBytes > 0) { // Now try to fetch the HID descriptor. using (var buffer = InputDeviceCommand.AllocateNative(QueryHIDReportDescriptorDeviceCommandType, (int)sizeOfDescriptorInBytes)) { var commandPtr = (InputDeviceCommand*)buffer.GetUnsafePtr(); if (executeCommandDelegate(ref *commandPtr) != sizeOfDescriptorInBytes) return new HIDDeviceDescriptor(); // Try to parse the HID report descriptor. if (!HIDParser.ParseReportDescriptor((byte*)commandPtr->payloadPtr, (int)sizeOfDescriptorInBytes, ref hidDeviceDescriptor)) return new HIDDeviceDescriptor(); } // Update the descriptor on the device with the information we got. deviceDescription.capabilities = hidDeviceDescriptor.ToJson(); } else { // The device may not support binary descriptors but may support parsed descriptors so // try the IOCTL for parsed descriptors next. // // This path exists pretty much only for the sake of Windows where it is not possible to get // unparsed/binary descriptors from the device (and where getting element offsets is only possible // with some dirty hacks we're performing in the native runtime). const int kMaxDescriptorBufferSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024; ////TODO: switch to larger buffer based on return code if request fails using (var buffer = InputDeviceCommand.AllocateNative(QueryHIDParsedReportDescriptorDeviceCommandType, kMaxDescriptorBufferSize)) { var commandPtr = (InputDeviceCommand*)buffer.GetUnsafePtr(); var utf8Length = executeCommandDelegate(ref *commandPtr); if (utf8Length < 0) return new HIDDeviceDescriptor(); // Turn UTF-8 buffer into string. ////TODO: is there a way to not have to copy here? var utf8 = new byte[utf8Length]; fixed(byte* utf8Ptr = utf8) { UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(utf8Ptr, commandPtr->payloadPtr, utf8Length); } var descriptorJson = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(utf8, 0, (int)utf8Length); // Try to parse the HID report descriptor. try { hidDeviceDescriptor = HIDDeviceDescriptor.FromJson(descriptorJson); } catch (Exception exception) { Debug.LogError($"Could not parse HID descriptor of device '{deviceDescription}'"); Debug.LogException(exception); return new HIDDeviceDescriptor(); } // Update the descriptor on the device with the information we got. deviceDescription.capabilities = descriptorJson; } } } return hidDeviceDescriptor; } public static string UsagePageToString(UsagePage usagePage) { return (int)usagePage >= 0xFF00 ? "Vendor-Defined" : usagePage.ToString(); } public static string UsageToString(UsagePage usagePage, int usage) { switch (usagePage) { case UsagePage.GenericDesktop: return ((GenericDesktop)usage).ToString(); case UsagePage.Simulation: return ((Simulation)usage).ToString(); default: return null; } } [Serializable] private class HIDLayoutBuilder { public string displayName; public HIDDeviceDescriptor hidDescriptor; public string parentLayout; public Type deviceType; public InputControlLayout Build() { var builder = new InputControlLayout.Builder { displayName = displayName, type = deviceType, extendsLayout = parentLayout, stateFormat = new FourCC('H', 'I', 'D') }; var xElement = Array.Find(hidDescriptor.elements, element => element.usagePage == UsagePage.GenericDesktop && element.usage == (int)GenericDesktop.X); var yElement = Array.Find(hidDescriptor.elements, element => element.usagePage == UsagePage.GenericDesktop && element.usage == (int)GenericDesktop.Y); ////REVIEW: in case the X and Y control are non-contiguous, should we even turn them into a stick ////REVIEW: there *has* to be an X and a Y for us to be able to successfully create a joystick // If GenericDesktop.X and GenericDesktop.Y are both present, turn the controls // into a stick. var haveStick = xElement.usage == (int)GenericDesktop.X && yElement.usage == (int)GenericDesktop.Y; if (haveStick) { int bitOffset, byteOffset, sizeInBits; if (xElement.reportOffsetInBits <= yElement.reportOffsetInBits) { bitOffset = xElement.reportOffsetInBits % 8; byteOffset = xElement.reportOffsetInBits / 8; sizeInBits = (yElement.reportOffsetInBits + yElement.reportSizeInBits) - xElement.reportOffsetInBits; } else { bitOffset = yElement.reportOffsetInBits % 8; byteOffset = yElement.reportOffsetInBits / 8; sizeInBits = (xElement.reportOffsetInBits + xElement.reportSizeInBits) - yElement.reportSizeInBits; } const string stickName = "stick"; builder.AddControl(stickName) .WithDisplayName("Stick") .WithLayout("Stick") .WithBitOffset((uint)bitOffset) .WithByteOffset((uint)byteOffset) .WithSizeInBits((uint)sizeInBits) .WithUsages(CommonUsages.Primary2DMotion); var xElementParameters = xElement.DetermineParameters(); var yElementParameters = yElement.DetermineParameters(); builder.AddControl(stickName + "/x") .WithFormat(xElement.isSigned ? InputStateBlock.FormatSBit : InputStateBlock.FormatBit) .WithByteOffset((uint)(xElement.reportOffsetInBits / 8 - byteOffset)) .WithBitOffset((uint)(xElement.reportOffsetInBits % 8)) .WithSizeInBits((uint)xElement.reportSizeInBits) .WithParameters(xElementParameters) .WithDefaultState(xElement.DetermineDefaultState()) .WithProcessors(xElement.DetermineProcessors()); builder.AddControl(stickName + "/y") .WithFormat(yElement.isSigned ? InputStateBlock.FormatSBit : InputStateBlock.FormatBit) .WithByteOffset((uint)(yElement.reportOffsetInBits / 8 - byteOffset)) .WithBitOffset((uint)(yElement.reportOffsetInBits % 8)) .WithSizeInBits((uint)yElement.reportSizeInBits) .WithParameters(yElementParameters) .WithDefaultState(yElement.DetermineDefaultState()) .WithProcessors(yElement.DetermineProcessors()); // Propagate parameters needed on x and y to the four button controls. builder.AddControl(stickName + "/up") .WithParameters( StringHelpers.Join(",", yElementParameters, "clamp=2,clampMin=-1,clampMax=0,invert=true")); builder.AddControl(stickName + "/down") .WithParameters( StringHelpers.Join(",", yElementParameters, "clamp=2,clampMin=0,clampMax=1,invert=false")); builder.AddControl(stickName + "/left") .WithParameters( StringHelpers.Join(",", xElementParameters, "clamp=2,clampMin=-1,clampMax=0,invert")); builder.AddControl(stickName + "/right") .WithParameters( StringHelpers.Join(",", xElementParameters, "clamp=2,clampMin=0,clampMax=1")); } // Process HID descriptor. var elements = hidDescriptor.elements; var elementCount = elements.Length; for (var i = 0; i < elementCount; ++i) { ref var element = ref elements[i]; if (element.reportType != HIDReportType.Input) continue; // Skip X and Y if we already turned them into a stick. if (haveStick && (element.Is(UsagePage.GenericDesktop, (int)GenericDesktop.X) || element.Is(UsagePage.GenericDesktop, (int)GenericDesktop.Y))) continue; var layout = element.DetermineLayout(); if (layout != null) { // Assign unique name. var name = element.DetermineName(); Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)); name = StringHelpers.MakeUniqueName(name, builder.controls, x =>; // Add control. var control = builder.AddControl(name) .WithDisplayName(element.DetermineDisplayName()) .WithLayout(layout) .WithByteOffset((uint)element.reportOffsetInBits / 8) .WithBitOffset((uint)element.reportOffsetInBits % 8) .WithSizeInBits((uint)element.reportSizeInBits) .WithFormat(element.DetermineFormat()) .WithDefaultState(element.DetermineDefaultState()) .WithProcessors(element.DetermineProcessors()); var parameters = element.DetermineParameters(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters)) control.WithParameters(parameters); var usages = element.DetermineUsages(); if (usages != null) control.WithUsages(usages); element.AddChildControls(ref element, name, ref builder); } } return builder.Build(); } } public enum HIDReportType { Unknown, Input, Output, Feature } public enum HIDCollectionType { Physical = 0x00, Application = 0x01, Logical = 0x02, Report = 0x03, NamedArray = 0x04, UsageSwitch = 0x05, UsageModifier = 0x06 } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1726:UsePreferredTerms", MessageId = "Flags", Justification = "No better term for underlying data.")] [Flags] public enum HIDElementFlags { Constant = 1 << 0, Variable = 1 << 1, Relative = 1 << 2, Wrap = 1 << 3, NonLinear = 1 << 4, NoPreferred = 1 << 5, NullState = 1 << 6, Volatile = 1 << 7, BufferedBytes = 1 << 8 } /// /// Descriptor for a single report element. /// [Serializable] public struct HIDElementDescriptor { public int usage; public UsagePage usagePage; public int unit; public int unitExponent; public int logicalMin; public int logicalMax; public int physicalMin; public int physicalMax; public HIDReportType reportType; public int collectionIndex; public int reportId; public int reportSizeInBits; public int reportOffsetInBits; [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1726:UsePreferredTerms", MessageId = "flags", Justification = "No better term for underlying data.")] public HIDElementFlags flags; // Fields only relevant to arrays. public int? usageMin; public int? usageMax; public bool hasNullState => (flags & HIDElementFlags.NullState) == HIDElementFlags.NullState; public bool hasPreferredState => (flags & HIDElementFlags.NoPreferred) != HIDElementFlags.NoPreferred; public bool isArray => (flags & HIDElementFlags.Variable) != HIDElementFlags.Variable; public bool isNonLinear => (flags & HIDElementFlags.NonLinear) == HIDElementFlags.NonLinear; public bool isRelative => (flags & HIDElementFlags.Relative) == HIDElementFlags.Relative; public bool isConstant => (flags & HIDElementFlags.Constant) == HIDElementFlags.Constant; public bool isWrapping => (flags & HIDElementFlags.Wrap) == HIDElementFlags.Wrap; internal bool isSigned => logicalMin < 0; internal float minFloatValue { get { var maxValue = (1 << reportSizeInBits) - 1; if (isSigned) return logicalMin / (float)((maxValue + 1) / 2); return logicalMin / (float)maxValue; } } internal float maxFloatValue { get { var maxValue = (1 << reportSizeInBits) - 1; if (isSigned) return logicalMax / (float)((maxValue + 1) / 2); return logicalMax / (float)maxValue; } } public bool Is(UsagePage usagePage, int usage) { return usagePage == this.usagePage && usage == this.usage; } internal string DetermineName() { // It's rare for HIDs to declare string names for items and HID drivers may report weird strings // plus there's no guarantee that these names are unique per item. So, we don't bother here with // device/driver-supplied names at all but rather do our own naming. switch (usagePage) { case UsagePage.Button: if (usage == 1) return "trigger"; return $"button{usage}"; case UsagePage.GenericDesktop: if (usage == (int)GenericDesktop.HatSwitch) return "hat"; var text = ((GenericDesktop)usage).ToString(); // Lower-case first letter. text = char.ToLowerInvariant(text[0]) + text.Substring(1); return text; } // Fallback that generates a somewhat useless but at least very informative name. return $"UsagePage({usagePage:X}) Usage({usage:X})"; } internal string DetermineDisplayName() { switch (usagePage) { case UsagePage.Button: if (usage == 1) return "Trigger"; return $"Button {usage}"; case UsagePage.GenericDesktop: return ((GenericDesktop)usage).ToString(); } return null; } internal bool IsUsableElement() { switch (usage) { case (int)GenericDesktop.X: case (int)GenericDesktop.Y: return usagePage == UsagePage.GenericDesktop; default: return DetermineLayout() != null; } } internal string DetermineLayout() { if (reportType != HIDReportType.Input) return null; ////TODO: deal with arrays switch (usagePage) { case UsagePage.Button: return "Button"; case UsagePage.GenericDesktop: switch (usage) { case (int)GenericDesktop.X: case (int)GenericDesktop.Y: case (int)GenericDesktop.Z: case (int)GenericDesktop.Rx: case (int)GenericDesktop.Ry: case (int)GenericDesktop.Rz: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vx: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vy: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vz: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vbrx: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vbry: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vbrz: case (int)GenericDesktop.Slider: case (int)GenericDesktop.Dial: case (int)GenericDesktop.Wheel: return "Axis"; case (int)GenericDesktop.Select: case (int)GenericDesktop.Start: case (int)GenericDesktop.DpadUp: case (int)GenericDesktop.DpadDown: case (int)GenericDesktop.DpadLeft: case (int)GenericDesktop.DpadRight: return "Button"; case (int)GenericDesktop.HatSwitch: // Only support hat switches with 8 directions. if (logicalMax - logicalMin + 1 == 8) return "Dpad"; break; } break; } return null; } internal FourCC DetermineFormat() { switch (reportSizeInBits) { case 8: if (isSigned) return InputStateBlock.FormatSByte; return InputStateBlock.FormatByte; case 16: if (isSigned) return InputStateBlock.FormatShort; return InputStateBlock.FormatUShort; case 32: if (isSigned) return InputStateBlock.FormatInt; return InputStateBlock.FormatUInt; default: // Generic bitfield value. return InputStateBlock.FormatBit; } } internal InternedString[] DetermineUsages() { if (usagePage == UsagePage.Button && usage == 1) return new[] {CommonUsages.PrimaryTrigger, CommonUsages.PrimaryAction}; if (usagePage == UsagePage.Button && usage == 2) return new[] {CommonUsages.SecondaryTrigger, CommonUsages.SecondaryAction}; if (usagePage == UsagePage.GenericDesktop && usage == (int)GenericDesktop.Rz) return new[] { CommonUsages.Twist }; ////TODO: assign hatswitch usage to first and only to first hatswitch element return null; } internal string DetermineParameters() { if (usagePage == UsagePage.GenericDesktop) { switch (usage) { case (int)GenericDesktop.X: case (int)GenericDesktop.Z: case (int)GenericDesktop.Rx: case (int)GenericDesktop.Rz: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vx: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vz: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vbrx: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vbrz: case (int)GenericDesktop.Slider: case (int)GenericDesktop.Dial: case (int)GenericDesktop.Wheel: return DetermineAxisNormalizationParameters(); // Our Ys tend to be the opposite of what most HIDs do. We can't be sure and may well // end up inverting a value here when we shouldn't but as always with the HID fallback, // let's try to do what *seems* to work with the majority of devices. case (int)GenericDesktop.Y: case (int)GenericDesktop.Ry: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vy: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vbry: return StringHelpers.Join(",", "invert", DetermineAxisNormalizationParameters()); } } return null; } private string DetermineAxisNormalizationParameters() { // If we have min/max bounds on the axis values, set up normalization on the axis. // NOTE: We put the center in the middle between min/max as we can't know where the // resting point of the axis is (may be on min if it's a trigger, for example). if (logicalMin == 0 && logicalMax == 0) return "normalize,normalizeMin=0,normalizeMax=1,normalizeZero=0.5"; var min = minFloatValue; var max = maxFloatValue; // Do nothing if result of floating-point conversion is already normalized. if (Mathf.Approximately(0f, min) && Mathf.Approximately(0f, max)) return null; var zero = min + (max - min) / 2.0f; return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "normalize,normalizeMin={0},normalizeMax={1},normalizeZero={2}", min, max, zero); } internal string DetermineProcessors() { switch (usagePage) { case UsagePage.GenericDesktop: switch (usage) { case (int)GenericDesktop.X: case (int)GenericDesktop.Y: case (int)GenericDesktop.Z: case (int)GenericDesktop.Rx: case (int)GenericDesktop.Ry: case (int)GenericDesktop.Rz: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vx: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vy: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vz: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vbrx: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vbry: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vbrz: case (int)GenericDesktop.Slider: case (int)GenericDesktop.Dial: case (int)GenericDesktop.Wheel: return "axisDeadzone"; } break; } return null; } internal PrimitiveValue DetermineDefaultState() { switch (usagePage) { case UsagePage.GenericDesktop: switch (usage) { case (int)GenericDesktop.HatSwitch: // Figure out null state for hat switches. if (hasNullState) { // We're looking for a value that is out-of-range with respect to the // logical min and max but in range with respect to what we can store // in the bits we have. // Test lower bound. var minMinusOne = logicalMin - 1; if (minMinusOne >= 0) return new PrimitiveValue(minMinusOne); // Test upper bound. var maxPlusOne = logicalMax + 1; if (maxPlusOne <= (1 << reportSizeInBits) - 1) return new PrimitiveValue(maxPlusOne); } break; case (int)GenericDesktop.X: case (int)GenericDesktop.Y: case (int)GenericDesktop.Z: case (int)GenericDesktop.Rx: case (int)GenericDesktop.Ry: case (int)GenericDesktop.Rz: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vx: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vy: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vz: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vbrx: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vbry: case (int)GenericDesktop.Vbrz: case (int)GenericDesktop.Slider: case (int)GenericDesktop.Dial: case (int)GenericDesktop.Wheel: // For axes that are *NOT* stored as signed values (which we assume are // centered on 0), put the default state in the middle between the min and max. if (!isSigned) { var defaultValue = logicalMin + (logicalMax - logicalMin) / 2; if (defaultValue != 0) return new PrimitiveValue(defaultValue); } break; } break; } return new PrimitiveValue(); } internal void AddChildControls(ref HIDElementDescriptor element, string controlName, ref InputControlLayout.Builder builder) { if (usagePage == UsagePage.GenericDesktop && usage == (int)GenericDesktop.HatSwitch) { // There doesn't seem to be enough specificity in the HID spec to reliably figure this case out. // Albeit detail is scarce, we could probably make some inferences based on the unit setting // of the hat switch but even then it seems there's much left to the whims of a hardware manufacturer. // Even if we know values go clockwise (HID spec doesn't really say; probably can be inferred from unit), // which direction do we start with? Is 0 degrees up or right? // // What we do here is simply make the assumption that we're dealing with degrees here, that we go clockwise, // and that 0 degrees is up (which is actually the opposite of the coordinate system suggested in 5.9 of // of the HID spec but seems to be what manufacturers are actually using in practice). Of course, if the // device we're looking at actually sets things up differently, then we end up with either an incorrectly // oriented or (worse) a non-functional hat switch. var nullValue = DetermineDefaultState(); if (nullValue.isEmpty) return; ////REVIEW: this probably only works with hatswitches that have their null value at logicalMax+1 builder.AddControl(controlName + "/up") .WithFormat(InputStateBlock.FormatBit) .WithLayout("DiscreteButton") .WithParameters(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "minValue={0},maxValue={1},nullValue={2},wrapAtValue={3}", logicalMax, logicalMin + 1, nullValue.ToString(), logicalMax)) .WithBitOffset((uint)element.reportOffsetInBits % 8) .WithSizeInBits((uint)reportSizeInBits); builder.AddControl(controlName + "/right") .WithFormat(InputStateBlock.FormatBit) .WithLayout("DiscreteButton") .WithParameters(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "minValue={0},maxValue={1}", logicalMin + 1, logicalMin + 3)) .WithBitOffset((uint)element.reportOffsetInBits % 8) .WithSizeInBits((uint)reportSizeInBits); builder.AddControl(controlName + "/down") .WithFormat(InputStateBlock.FormatBit) .WithLayout("DiscreteButton") .WithParameters(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "minValue={0},maxValue={1}", logicalMin + 3, logicalMin + 5)) .WithBitOffset((uint)element.reportOffsetInBits % 8) .WithSizeInBits((uint)reportSizeInBits); builder.AddControl(controlName + "/left") .WithFormat(InputStateBlock.FormatBit) .WithLayout("DiscreteButton") .WithParameters(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "minValue={0},maxValue={1}", logicalMin + 5, logicalMin + 7)) .WithBitOffset((uint)element.reportOffsetInBits % 8) .WithSizeInBits((uint)reportSizeInBits); } } } /// /// Descriptor for a collection of HID elements. /// [Serializable] public struct HIDCollectionDescriptor { public HIDCollectionType type; public int usage; public UsagePage usagePage; public int parent; // -1 if no parent. public int childCount; public int firstChild; } /// /// HID descriptor for a HID class device. /// /// /// This is a processed view of the combined descriptors provided by a HID as defined /// in the HID specification, i.e. it's a combination of information from the USB device /// descriptor, HID class descriptor, and HID report descriptor. /// [Serializable] public struct HIDDeviceDescriptor { /// /// USB vendor ID. /// /// /// To get the string version of the vendor ID, see /// on . /// public int vendorId; /// /// USB product ID. /// public int productId; public int usage; public UsagePage usagePage; /// /// Maximum size of individual input reports sent by the device. /// public int inputReportSize; /// /// Maximum size of individual output reports sent to the device. /// public int outputReportSize; /// /// Maximum size of individual feature reports exchanged with the device. /// public int featureReportSize; public HIDElementDescriptor[] elements; public HIDCollectionDescriptor[] collections; public string ToJson() { return JsonUtility.ToJson(this, true); } public static HIDDeviceDescriptor FromJson(string json) { return JsonUtility.FromJson(json); } } /// /// Helper to quickly build descriptors for arbitrary HIDs. /// public struct HIDDeviceDescriptorBuilder { public UsagePage usagePage; public int usage; public HIDDeviceDescriptorBuilder(UsagePage usagePage, int usage) : this() { this.usagePage = usagePage; this.usage = usage; } public HIDDeviceDescriptorBuilder(GenericDesktop usage) : this(UsagePage.GenericDesktop, (int)usage) { } public HIDDeviceDescriptorBuilder StartReport(HIDReportType reportType, int reportId = 1) { m_CurrentReportId = reportId; m_CurrentReportType = reportType; m_CurrentReportOffsetInBits = 8; // Report ID. return this; } public HIDDeviceDescriptorBuilder AddElement(UsagePage usagePage, int usage, int sizeInBits) { if (m_Elements == null) { m_Elements = new List(); } else { // Make sure the usage and usagePage combination is unique. foreach (var element in m_Elements) { // Skip elements that aren't in the same report. if (element.reportId != m_CurrentReportId || element.reportType != m_CurrentReportType) continue; if (element.usagePage == usagePage && element.usage == usage) throw new InvalidOperationException( $"Cannot add two elements with the same usage page '{usagePage}' and usage '0x{usage:X} the to same device"); } } m_Elements.Add(new HIDElementDescriptor { usage = usage, usagePage = usagePage, reportOffsetInBits = m_CurrentReportOffsetInBits, reportSizeInBits = sizeInBits, reportType = m_CurrentReportType, reportId = m_CurrentReportId }); m_CurrentReportOffsetInBits += sizeInBits; return this; } public HIDDeviceDescriptorBuilder AddElement(GenericDesktop usage, int sizeInBits) { return AddElement(UsagePage.GenericDesktop, (int)usage, sizeInBits); } public HIDDeviceDescriptorBuilder WithPhysicalMinMax(int min, int max) { var index = m_Elements.Count - 1; if (index < 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("No element has been added to the descriptor yet"); var element = m_Elements[index]; element.physicalMin = min; element.physicalMax = max; m_Elements[index] = element; return this; } public HIDDeviceDescriptorBuilder WithLogicalMinMax(int min, int max) { var index = m_Elements.Count - 1; if (index < 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("No element has been added to the descriptor yet"); var element = m_Elements[index]; element.logicalMin = min; element.logicalMax = max; m_Elements[index] = element; return this; } public HIDDeviceDescriptor Finish() { var descriptor = new HIDDeviceDescriptor { usage = usage, usagePage = usagePage, elements = m_Elements?.ToArray(), collections = m_Collections?.ToArray(), }; return descriptor; } private int m_CurrentReportId; private HIDReportType m_CurrentReportType; private int m_CurrentReportOffsetInBits; private List m_Elements; private List m_Collections; private int m_InputReportSize; private int m_OutputReportSize; private int m_FeatureReportSize; } /// /// Enumeration of HID usage pages. /// 00 /// /// Note that some of the values are actually ranges. /// /// public enum UsagePage { Undefined = 0x00, GenericDesktop = 0x01, Simulation = 0x02, VRControls = 0x03, SportControls = 0x04, GameControls = 0x05, GenericDeviceControls = 0x06, Keyboard = 0x07, LEDs = 0x08, Button = 0x09, Ordinal = 0x0A, Telephony = 0x0B, Consumer = 0x0C, Digitizer = 0x0D, PID = 0x0F, Unicode = 0x10, AlphanumericDisplay = 0x14, MedicalInstruments = 0x40, Monitor = 0x80, // Starts here and goes up to 0x83. Power = 0x84, // Starts here and goes up to 0x87. BarCodeScanner = 0x8C, MagneticStripeReader = 0x8E, Camera = 0x90, Arcade = 0x91, VendorDefined = 0xFF00, // Starts here and goes up to 0xFFFF. } /// /// Usages in the GenericDesktop HID usage page. /// /// public enum GenericDesktop { Undefined = 0x00, Pointer = 0x01, Mouse = 0x02, Joystick = 0x04, Gamepad = 0x05, Keyboard = 0x06, Keypad = 0x07, MultiAxisController = 0x08, TabletPCControls = 0x09, AssistiveControl = 0x0A, X = 0x30, Y = 0x31, Z = 0x32, Rx = 0x33, Ry = 0x34, Rz = 0x35, Slider = 0x36, Dial = 0x37, Wheel = 0x38, HatSwitch = 0x39, CountedBuffer = 0x3A, ByteCount = 0x3B, MotionWakeup = 0x3C, Start = 0x3D, Select = 0x3E, Vx = 0x40, Vy = 0x41, Vz = 0x42, Vbrx = 0x43, Vbry = 0x44, Vbrz = 0x45, Vno = 0x46, FeatureNotification = 0x47, ResolutionMultiplier = 0x48, SystemControl = 0x80, SystemPowerDown = 0x81, SystemSleep = 0x82, SystemWakeUp = 0x83, SystemContextMenu = 0x84, SystemMainMenu = 0x85, SystemAppMenu = 0x86, SystemMenuHelp = 0x87, SystemMenuExit = 0x88, SystemMenuSelect = 0x89, SystemMenuRight = 0x8A, SystemMenuLeft = 0x8B, SystemMenuUp = 0x8C, SystemMenuDown = 0x8D, SystemColdRestart = 0x8E, SystemWarmRestart = 0x8F, DpadUp = 0x90, DpadDown = 0x91, DpadRight = 0x92, DpadLeft = 0x93, SystemDock = 0xA0, SystemUndock = 0xA1, SystemSetup = 0xA2, SystemBreak = 0xA3, SystemDebuggerBreak = 0xA4, ApplicationBreak = 0xA5, ApplicationDebuggerBreak = 0xA6, SystemSpeakerMute = 0xA7, SystemHibernate = 0xA8, SystemDisplayInvert = 0xB0, SystemDisplayInternal = 0xB1, SystemDisplayExternal = 0xB2, SystemDisplayBoth = 0xB3, SystemDisplayDual = 0xB4, SystemDisplayToggleIntExt = 0xB5, SystemDisplaySwapPrimarySecondary = 0xB6, SystemDisplayLCDAutoScale = 0xB7 } public enum Simulation { Undefined = 0x00, FlightSimulationDevice = 0x01, AutomobileSimulationDevice = 0x02, TankSimulationDevice = 0x03, SpaceshipSimulationDevice = 0x04, SubmarineSimulationDevice = 0x05, SailingSimulationDevice = 0x06, MotorcycleSimulationDevice = 0x07, SportsSimulationDevice = 0x08, AirplaneSimulationDevice = 0x09, HelicopterSimulationDevice = 0x0A, MagicCarpetSimulationDevice = 0x0B, BicylcleSimulationDevice = 0x0C, FlightControlStick = 0x20, FlightStick = 0x21, CyclicControl = 0x22, CyclicTrim = 0x23, FlightYoke = 0x24, TrackControl = 0x25, Aileron = 0xB0, AileronTrim = 0xB1, AntiTorqueControl = 0xB2, AutopilotEnable = 0xB3, ChaffRelease = 0xB4, CollectiveControl = 0xB5, DiveBreak = 0xB6, ElectronicCountermeasures = 0xB7, Elevator = 0xB8, ElevatorTrim = 0xB9, Rudder = 0xBA, Throttle = 0xBB, FlightCommunications = 0xBC, FlareRelease = 0xBD, LandingGear = 0xBE, ToeBreak = 0xBF, Trigger = 0xC0, WeaponsArm = 0xC1, WeaponsSelect = 0xC2, WingFlaps = 0xC3, Accelerator = 0xC4, Brake = 0xC5, Clutch = 0xC6, Shifter = 0xC7, Steering = 0xC8, TurretDirection = 0xC9, BarrelElevation = 0xCA, DivePlane = 0xCB, Ballast = 0xCC, BicycleCrank = 0xCD, HandleBars = 0xCE, FrontBrake = 0xCF, RearBrake = 0xD0 } public enum Button { Undefined = 0, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary } } }