/* Player_Stats.cs * author: Yannic Seidler */ using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using Valve.VR.InteractionSystem; using RosSharp.RosBridgeClient; // Class to display player/ robot information // Attached to PlayerStats (Scene: Simulation) public class Player_Stats : MonoBehaviour { public Text player_text; public Text hmd_text; public Text robot_pose; Player player; PoseStampedSubscriber poseStampedSubscriber; Vector3 player_pos; Vector3 hmd_Camera_pos; // Start is called before the first frame update. void Start() { poseStampedSubscriber = GameObject.Find("RosBridge").GetComponent(); player = Player.instance; } // Updates the players/ robots status once per frame. void Update() { player_pos = player.trackingOriginTransform.position; hmd_Camera_pos = player.hmdTransform.position; player_text.text = player_text.name + " \tpose: " + player_pos.ToString(); hmd_text.text = hmd_text.name + " \tpose: " + hmd_Camera_pos.ToString(); robot_pose.text = robot_pose.name + "\tpose: " + poseStampedSubscriber.position.ToString(); } }