# About Timeline  _Unity's Timeline_ Use Unity's Timeline to create cinematic content, game-play sequences, audio sequences, and complex particle effects. Each cut-scene, cinematic, or game-play sequence that you create with Unity's Timeline consists of a Timeline Asset and a Timeline instance. The [Timeline window](tl_window.md) creates and modifies Timeline Assets and Timeline instances simultaneously. The [Timeline Overview section](tl_about.md) includes details on the relationship between the Timeline window, Timeline Assets, and Timeline instances. The [Using Timeline section](wf_about.md) shows how to create Timeline Assets and Timeline instances, record basic animation, animate humanoids, and use other Timeline features. # Installing Timeline Timeline is a Package and is installed through the Packages window in Unity. Consult the [Packages window documentation](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/upm-ui.html) for more information. # Technical details ## Requirements This version of Timeline is compatible with the following versions of the Unity Editor: * 2019.1 and later (recommended) ## Package contents The following table indicates the folder structure of the Timeline package: |Location|Description| |---|---| |`<Runtime>`|Root folder containing the source for the Timeline Runtime. This is the source for what is available in the Player. | |`<Editor>`|Root folder containing the source for the Timeline Editor used to edit Timeline files inside the Unity Editor.| ## Document revision history |Date|Reason| |---|---| |October 10, 2018|Document created. Matches package version 0.0.0|