using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Layouts;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Utilities;
////TODO: introduce the concept of a "variation"
//// - a variation is just a variant of a control scheme, not a full control scheme by itself
//// - an individual variation can be toggled on and off independently
//// - while a control is is active, all its variations that are toggled on are also active
//// - assignment to variations works the same as assignment to control schemes
//// use case: left/right stick toggles, left/right bumper toggles, etc
////TODO: introduce concept of precedence where one control scheme will be preferred over another that is also a match
//// (might be its enough to represent this simply through ordering by giving the user control over the ordering through the UI)
////REVIEW: allow associating control schemes with platforms, too?
namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem
/// A named set of zero or more device requirements along with an associated binding group.
/// Control schemes provide an additional layer on top of binding groups. While binding
/// groups allow differentiating sets of bindings (e.g. a "Keyboard&Mouse" group versus
/// a "Gamepad" group), control schemes impose a set of devices requirements that must be
/// met in order for a specific set of bindings to be usable.
/// Note that control schemes can only be defined at the level.
public struct InputControlScheme : IEquatable
/// Name of the control scheme. Not null or empty except if InputControlScheme
/// instance is invalid (i.e. default-initialized).
/// Name of the scheme.
/// May be empty or null except if the control scheme is part of an .
public string name => m_Name;
/// Binding group that is associated with the control scheme. Not null or empty
/// except if InputControlScheme is invalid (i.e. default-initialized).
/// Binding group for the scheme.
/// All bindings in this group are considered to be part of the control scheme.
public string bindingGroup
get => m_BindingGroup;
set => m_BindingGroup = value;
/// Devices used by the control scheme.
/// Device requirements of the scheme.
/// No two entries will be allowed to match the same control or device at runtime in order for the requirements
/// of the control scheme to be considered satisfied. If, for example, one entry requires a "<Gamepad>" and
/// another entry requires a "<Gamepad>", then at runtime two gamepads will be required even though a single
/// one will match both requirements individually. However, if, for example, one entry requires "<Gamepad>/leftStick"
/// and another requires "<Gamepad>, the same device can match both requirements as each one resolves to
/// a different control.
/// It it allowed to define control schemes without device requirements, i.e. for which this
/// property will be an empty array. Note, however, that features such as automatic control scheme
/// switching in will not work with such control schemes.
public ReadOnlyArray deviceRequirements =>
new ReadOnlyArray(m_DeviceRequirements);
/// Initialize the control scheme with the given name, device requirements,
/// and binding group.
/// Name to use for the scheme. Required.
/// List of device requirements.
/// Name to use for the binding group (see )
/// associated with the control scheme. If this is null or empty, is
/// used instead (with characters stripped from the name).
/// is null or empty.
public InputControlScheme(string name, IEnumerable devices = null, string bindingGroup = null)
: this()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
SetNameAndBindingGroup(name, bindingGroup);
m_DeviceRequirements = null;
if (devices != null)
m_DeviceRequirements = devices.ToArray();
if (m_DeviceRequirements.Length == 0)
m_DeviceRequirements = null;
internal void SetNameAndBindingGroup(string name, string bindingGroup = null)
m_Name = name;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bindingGroup))
m_BindingGroup = bindingGroup;
m_BindingGroup = name.Contains(InputBinding.Separator)
? name.Replace(InputBinding.kSeparatorString, "")
: name;
/// Given a list of devices and a list of control schemes, find the most suitable control
/// scheme to use with the devices.
/// A list of devices. If the list is empty, only schemes with
/// empty lists will get matched.
/// A list of control schemes.
/// If not null, a successful match has to include the given device.
/// If true, then allow returning a match that has unsatisfied requirements but still
/// matched at least some requirement. If there are several unsuccessful matches, the returned scheme is still the highest
/// scoring one among those.
/// Collection type to use for the list of devices.
/// Collection type to use for the list of schemes.
/// The control scheme that best matched the given devices or null if no
/// scheme was found suitable.
/// is null -or-
/// is null.
/// Any successful match (see ) will be considered.
/// The one that matches the most amount of devices (see )
/// will be returned. If more than one schemes matches equally well, the first one encountered
/// in the list is returned.
/// Note that schemes are not required to match all devices available in the list. The result
/// will simply be the scheme that matched the most devices of what was devices. Use to find the devices that a control scheme selects.
/// This method is parameterized over and
/// to allow avoiding GC heap allocations from boxing of structs such as .
/// // Create an .inputactions asset.
/// var asset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<InputActionAsset>();
/// // Add some control schemes to the asset.
/// asset.AddControlScheme("KeyboardMouse")
/// .WithRequiredDevice<Keyboard>()
/// .WithRequiredDevice<Mouse>());
/// asset.AddControlScheme("Gamepad")
/// .WithRequiredDevice<Gamepad>());
/// asset.AddControlScheme("DualGamepad")
/// .WithRequiredDevice<Gamepad>())
/// .WithOptionalGamepad<Gamepad>());
/// // Add some devices that we can test with.
/// var keyboard = InputSystem.AddDevice<Keyboard>();
/// var mouse = InputSystem.AddDevice<Mouse>();
/// var gamepad1 = InputSystem.AddDevice<Gamepad>();
/// var gamepad2 = InputSystem.AddDevice<Gamepad>();
/// // Matching with just a keyboard won't match any scheme.
/// InputControlScheme.FindControlSchemeForDevices(
/// new InputDevice[] { keyboard }, asset.controlSchemes);
/// // Matching with a keyboard and mouse with match the "KeyboardMouse" scheme.
/// InputControlScheme.FindControlSchemeForDevices(
/// new InputDevice[] { keyboard, mouse }, asset.controlSchemes);
/// // Matching with a single gamepad will match the "Gamepad" scheme.
/// // Note that since the second gamepad is optional in "DualGamepad" could
/// // match the same set of devices but it doesn't match any better than
/// // "Gamepad" and that one comes first in the list.
/// InputControlScheme.FindControlSchemeForDevices(
/// new InputDevice[] { gamepad1 }, asset.controlSchemes);
/// // Matching with two gamepads will match the "DualGamepad" scheme.
/// // Note that "Gamepad" will match this device list as well. If "DualGamepad"
/// // didn't exist, "Gamepad" would be the result here. However, "DualGamepad"
/// // matches the list better than "Gamepad" so that's what gets returned here.
/// InputControlScheme.FindControlSchemeForDevices(
/// new InputDevice[] { gamepad1, gamepad2 }, asset.controlSchemes);
public static InputControlScheme? FindControlSchemeForDevices(TDevices devices, TSchemes schemes, InputDevice mustIncludeDevice = null, bool allowUnsuccesfulMatch = false)
where TDevices : IReadOnlyList
where TSchemes : IEnumerable
if (devices == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(devices));
if (schemes == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(schemes));
if (!FindControlSchemeForDevices(devices, schemes, out var controlScheme, out var matchResult, mustIncludeDevice, allowUnsuccesfulMatch))
return null;
return controlScheme;
public static bool FindControlSchemeForDevices(TDevices devices, TSchemes schemes,
out InputControlScheme controlScheme, out MatchResult matchResult, InputDevice mustIncludeDevice = null, bool allowUnsuccessfulMatch = false)
where TDevices : IReadOnlyList
where TSchemes : IEnumerable
if (devices == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(devices));
if (schemes == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(schemes));
MatchResult? bestResult = null;
InputControlScheme? bestScheme = null;
foreach (var scheme in schemes)
var result = scheme.PickDevicesFrom(devices, favorDevice: mustIncludeDevice);
// Ignore if scheme doesn't fit devices.
if (!result.isSuccessfulMatch && (!allowUnsuccessfulMatch || result.score <= 0))
// Ignore if we have a device we specifically want to be part of the result and
// the current match doesn't have it.
if (mustIncludeDevice != null && !result.devices.Contains(mustIncludeDevice))
// Ignore if it does fit but we already have a better fit.
if (bestResult != null && bestResult.Value.score >= result.score)
bestResult = result;
bestScheme = scheme;
matchResult = bestResult ?? default;
controlScheme = bestScheme ?? default;
return bestResult.HasValue;
/// Return the first control schemes from the given list that supports the given
/// device (see ).
/// An input device.
/// A list of control schemes. Can be empty.
/// Collection type to use for the list of schemes.
/// The first schemes from that supports
/// or null if none of the schemes is usable with the device.
/// is null -or-
/// is null.
public static InputControlScheme? FindControlSchemeForDevice(InputDevice device, TSchemes schemes)
where TSchemes : IEnumerable
if (schemes == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(schemes));
if (device == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(device));
return FindControlSchemeForDevices(new OneOrMore>(device), schemes);
/// Whether the control scheme has a requirement in that
/// targets the given device.
/// An input device.
/// True if the control scheme has a device requirement matching the device.
/// is null.
/// Note that both optional (see ) and non-optional
/// device requirements are taken into account.
public bool SupportsDevice(InputDevice device)
if (device == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(device));
////REVIEW: does this need to take AND and OR into account?
for (var i = 0; i < m_DeviceRequirements.Length; ++i)
var control = InputControlPath.TryFindControl(device, m_DeviceRequirements[i].controlPath);
if (control != null)
return true;
return false;
////REVIEW: have mode where instead of matching only the first device that matches a requirement, we match as many
//// as we can get? (could be useful for single-player)
/// Based on a list of devices, make a selection that matches the requirements
/// imposed by the control scheme.
/// A list of devices to choose from.
/// If not null, the device will be favored over other devices in .
/// Note that the device must be present in the list also.
/// A structure containing the result of the pick. Note that this structure
/// must be manually disposed or unmanaged memory will be leaked.
/// Does not allocate managed memory.
public MatchResult PickDevicesFrom(TDevices devices, InputDevice favorDevice = null)
where TDevices : IReadOnlyList
// Empty device requirements match anything while not really picking anything.
if (m_DeviceRequirements == null || m_DeviceRequirements.Length == 0)
return new MatchResult
m_Result = MatchResult.Result.AllSatisfied,
// Prevent zero score on successful match but make less than one which would
// result from having a single requirement.
m_Score = 0.5f,
// Go through each requirement and match it.
// NOTE: Even if `devices` is empty, we don't know yet whether we have a NoMatch.
// All our devices may be optional.
var haveAllRequired = true;
var haveAllOptional = true;
var requirementCount = m_DeviceRequirements.Length;
var score = 0f;
var controls = new InputControlList(Allocator.Persistent, requirementCount);
var orChainIsSatisfied = false;
var orChainHasRequiredDevices = false;
for (var i = 0; i < requirementCount; ++i)
var isOR = m_DeviceRequirements[i].isOR;
var isOptional = m_DeviceRequirements[i].isOptional;
// If this is an OR requirement and we already have a match in this OR chain,
// skip this requirement.
if (isOR && orChainIsSatisfied)
// Skill need to add an entry for this requirement.
// Null and empty paths shouldn't make it into the list but make double
// sure here. Simply ignore entries that don't have a path.
var path = m_DeviceRequirements[i].controlPath;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
score += 1;
// Find the first matching control among the devices we have.
InputControl match = null;
for (var n = 0; n < devices.Count; ++n)
var device = devices[n];
// If we should favor a device, we swap it in at index #0 regardless
// of where in the list the device occurs (it MUST, however, occur in the list).
if (favorDevice != null)
if (n == 0)
device = favorDevice;
else if (device == favorDevice)
device = devices[0];
// See if we have a match.
var matchedControl = InputControlPath.TryFindControl(device, path);
if (matchedControl == null)
continue; // No.
// We have a match but if we've already matched the same control through another requirement,
// we can't use the match.
if (controls.Contains(matchedControl))
match = matchedControl;
// Compute score for match.
var deviceLayoutOfControlPath = new InternedString(InputControlPath.TryGetDeviceLayout(path));
if (deviceLayoutOfControlPath.IsEmpty())
// Generic match adds 1 to score.
score += 1;
var deviceLayoutOfControl = matchedControl.device.m_Layout;
if (InputControlLayout.s_Layouts.ComputeDistanceInInheritanceHierarchy(deviceLayoutOfControlPath,
deviceLayoutOfControl, out var distance))
score += 1 + 1f / (Math.Abs(distance) + 1);
// Shouldn't really get here as for the control to be a match for the path, the device layouts
// would be expected to be related to each other. But just add 1 for a generic match and go on.
score += 1;
// Check requirements in AND and OR chains. We look ahead here to find out whether
// the next requirement is starting an OR chain. As the OR combines with the previous
// requirement in the list, this affects our current requirement.
var nextIsOR = i + 1 < requirementCount && m_DeviceRequirements[i + 1].isOR;
if (nextIsOR)
// Shouldn't get here if the chain is already satisfied. Should be handled
// at beginning of loop and we shouldn't even be looking at finding controls
// in that case.
// It's an OR with the next requirement. Depends on the outcome of other matches whether
// we're good or not.
if (match != null)
// First match in this chain.
orChainIsSatisfied = true;
// Chain not satisfied yet.
if (!isOptional)
orChainHasRequiredDevices = true;
else if (isOR && i == requirementCount - 1)
// It's an OR at the very end of the requirements list. Terminate
// the OR chain.
if (match == null)
if (orChainHasRequiredDevices)
haveAllRequired = false;
haveAllOptional = false;
// It's an AND.
if (match == null)
if (isOptional)
haveAllOptional = false;
haveAllRequired = false;
// Terminate ongoing OR chain.
if (i > 0 && m_DeviceRequirements[i - 1].isOR)
if (!orChainIsSatisfied)
if (orChainHasRequiredDevices)
haveAllRequired = false;
haveAllOptional = false;
orChainIsSatisfied = false;
// Add match to list. Maybe null.
// We should have matched each of our requirements.
Debug.Assert(controls.Count == requirementCount);
catch (Exception)
return new MatchResult
m_Result = !haveAllRequired
? MatchResult.Result.MissingRequired
: !haveAllOptional
? MatchResult.Result.MissingOptional
: MatchResult.Result.AllSatisfied,
m_Controls = controls,
m_Requirements = m_DeviceRequirements,
m_Score = score,
public bool Equals(InputControlScheme other)
if (!(string.Equals(m_Name, other.m_Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
string.Equals(m_BindingGroup, other.m_BindingGroup, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
return false;
// Compare device requirements.
if (m_DeviceRequirements == null || m_DeviceRequirements.Length == 0)
return other.m_DeviceRequirements == null || other.m_DeviceRequirements.Length == 0;
if (other.m_DeviceRequirements == null || m_DeviceRequirements.Length != other.m_DeviceRequirements.Length)
return false;
var deviceCount = m_DeviceRequirements.Length;
for (var i = 0; i < deviceCount; ++i)
var device = m_DeviceRequirements[i];
var haveMatch = false;
for (var n = 0; n < deviceCount; ++n)
if (other.m_DeviceRequirements[n] == device)
haveMatch = true;
if (!haveMatch)
return false;
return true;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj))
return false;
return obj is InputControlScheme && Equals((InputControlScheme)obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
var hashCode = (m_Name != null ? m_Name.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (m_BindingGroup != null ? m_BindingGroup.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (m_DeviceRequirements != null ? m_DeviceRequirements.GetHashCode() : 0);
return hashCode;
public override string ToString()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Name))
return base.ToString();
if (m_DeviceRequirements == null)
return m_Name;
var builder = new StringBuilder();
var isFirst = true;
foreach (var device in m_DeviceRequirements)
if (!isFirst)
isFirst = false;
return builder.ToString();
public static bool operator==(InputControlScheme left, InputControlScheme right)
return left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator!=(InputControlScheme left, InputControlScheme right)
return !left.Equals(right);
[SerializeField] internal string m_Name;
[SerializeField] internal string m_BindingGroup;
[SerializeField] internal DeviceRequirement[] m_DeviceRequirements;
/// The result of matching a list of devices against a list of
/// requirements in an .
/// This struct uses which allocates unmanaged memory
/// and thus must be disposed in order to not leak unmanaged heap memory.
public struct MatchResult : IEnumerable, IDisposable
/// Overall, relative measure for how well the control scheme matches.
/// Scoring value for the control scheme match.
/// Two control schemes may, for example, both support gamepads but one may be tailored to a specific
/// gamepad whereas the other one is a generic gamepad control scheme. To differentiate the two, we need
/// to know not only that a control schemes but how well it matches relative to other schemes. This is
/// what the score value is used for.
/// Scores are computed primarily based on layouts referenced from device requirements. To start with, each
/// matching device requirement (whether optional or mandatory) will add 1 to the score. This the base
/// score of a match. Then, for each requirement a delta is computed from the device layout referenced by
/// the requirement to the device layout used by the matching control. For example, if the requirement is
/// "<Gamepad> and the matching control uses the
/// layout, the delta is 2 as the latter layout is derived from via the intermediate
/// layout, i.e. two steps in the inheritance hierarchy. The
/// inverse of the delta plus one, i.e. 1/(delta+1) is then added to the score. This means
/// that an exact match will add an additional 1 to the score and less exact matches will add progressively
/// smaller values to the score (proportional to the distance of the actual layout to the one used in the
/// requirement).
/// What this leads to is that, for example, a control scheme with a "<Gamepad>" requirement
/// will match a with a lower score than a control
/// scheme with a "<DualShockGamepad>" requirement as the layout is
/// further removed (i.e. smaller inverse delta) from than
/// .
public float score => m_Score;
/// Whether the device requirements got successfully matched.
/// True if the scheme's device requirements were satisfied.
public bool isSuccessfulMatch => m_Result != Result.MissingRequired;
/// Whether there are missing required devices.
/// True if there are missing, non-optional devices.
public bool hasMissingRequiredDevices => m_Result == Result.MissingRequired;
/// Whether there are missing optional devices. This does not prevent
/// a successful match.
/// True if there are missing optional devices.
public bool hasMissingOptionalDevices => m_Result == Result.MissingOptional;
/// The devices that got picked from the available devices.
public InputControlList devices
// Lazily construct the device list. If we have missing required
// devices, though, always return an empty list. The user can still see
// the individual matches on each of the requirement entries but we
// consider the device picking itself failed.
if (m_Devices.Count == 0 && !hasMissingRequiredDevices)
var controlCount = m_Controls.Count;
if (controlCount != 0)
m_Devices.Capacity = controlCount;
for (var i = 0; i < controlCount; ++i)
var control = m_Controls[i];
if (control == null)
var device = control.device;
if (m_Devices.Contains(device))
continue; // Duplicate match of same device.
return m_Devices;
public Match this[int index]
if (index < 0 || m_Requirements == null || index >= m_Requirements.Length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");
return new Match
m_RequirementIndex = index,
m_Requirements = m_Requirements,
m_Controls = m_Controls,
/// Enumerate the match for each individual in the control scheme.
/// An enumerate going over each individual match.
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return new Enumerator
m_Index = -1,
m_Requirements = m_Requirements,
m_Controls = m_Controls,
/// Enumerate the match for each individual in the control scheme.
/// An enumerate going over each individual match.
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
/// Discard the list of devices.
public void Dispose()
internal Result m_Result;
internal float m_Score;
internal InputControlList m_Devices;
internal InputControlList m_Controls;
internal DeviceRequirement[] m_Requirements;
internal enum Result
////REVIEW: would be great to not have to repeatedly copy InputControlLists around
/// A single matched .
/// Links the control that was matched with the respective device requirement.
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1724:TypeNamesShouldNotMatchNamespaces", Justification = "Conflicts with UnityEngine.Networking.Match, which is deprecated and will go away.")]
public struct Match
/// The control that was match from the requirement's
/// This is the same as if the control
/// path matches the device directly rather than matching a control on the device.
/// Note that while a control path can match arbitrary many controls, only the first matched control
/// will be returned here. To get all controls that were matched by a specific requirement, a
/// manual query must be performed using .
/// If the match failed, this will be null.
public InputControl control => m_Controls[m_RequirementIndex];
/// The device that got matched.
/// If a specific control on the device was matched, this will be or
/// . If a device was matched directly, this will be the same as .
public InputDevice device
var control = this.control;
return control?.device;
/// Index of the requirement in .
public int requirementIndex => m_RequirementIndex;
/// The device requirement that got matched.
public DeviceRequirement requirement => m_Requirements[m_RequirementIndex];
public bool isOptional => requirement.isOptional;
internal int m_RequirementIndex;
internal DeviceRequirement[] m_Requirements;
internal InputControlList m_Controls;
private struct Enumerator : IEnumerator
public bool MoveNext()
return m_Requirements != null && m_Index < m_Requirements.Length;
public void Reset()
m_Index = -1;
public Match Current
if (m_Requirements == null || m_Index < 0 || m_Index >= m_Requirements.Length)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Enumerator is not valid");
return new Match
m_RequirementIndex = m_Index,
m_Requirements = m_Requirements,
m_Controls = m_Controls,
object IEnumerator.Current => Current;
public void Dispose()
internal int m_Index;
internal DeviceRequirement[] m_Requirements;
internal InputControlList m_Controls;
/// Note that device requirements may require specific controls to be present rather than only requiring
/// the presence of a certain type of device. For example, a requirement with a
/// of "*/{PrimaryAction}" will be satisfied by any device that has a control marked as .
/// Requirements are ordered in a list and can combine with their previous requirement in either
/// AND or in OR fashion. The default is for requirements to combine with AND.
/// Note that it is not possible to express nested constraints like (a AND b) OR (c AND d). Also note that
/// operator precedence is the opposite of C#, meaning that OR has *higher* precedence than AND. This means
/// that a OR b AND c OR d reads as (a OR b) AND (c OR d) (in C# it would read as a OR
/// (b AND c) OR d.
/// More complex expressions can often be expressed differently. For example, (a AND b) OR (c AND d)
/// can be expressed as a OR c AND b OR d.
public struct DeviceRequirement : IEquatable
/// Control path that is matched against a device to determine
/// whether it qualifies for the control scheme.
/// // A left-hand XR controller.
/// "<XRController>{LeftHand}"
/// // A gamepad.
/// "<Gamepad>"
public string controlPath
get => m_ControlPath;
set => m_ControlPath = value;
/// If true, a device with the given device path is employed by the
/// control scheme if one is available. If none is available, the control scheme is still
/// functional.
public bool isOptional
get => (m_Flags & Flags.Optional) != 0;
if (value)
m_Flags |= Flags.Optional;
m_Flags &= ~Flags.Optional;
/// Whether the requirement combines with the previous requirement (if any) as a boolean AND.
/// This is the default. For example, to require both a left hand and a right XR controller,
/// the first requirement would be for "<XRController>{LeftHand}" and the second
/// requirement would be for ">XRController>{RightHand}" and would return true for this
/// property.
public bool isAND
get => !isOR;
set => isOR = !value;
/// Whether the requirement combines with the previous requirement (if any) as a boolean OR.
/// This allows designing control schemes that flexibly work with combinations of devices such that
/// if one specific device isn't present, another device can substitute for it.
/// For example, to design a mouse+keyboard control scheme that can alternatively work with a pen
/// instead of a mouse, the first requirement could be for "<Keyboard>", the second one
/// could be for "<Mouse>" and the third one could be for "<Pen>" and return true
/// for this property. Both the mouse and the pen would be marked as required (i.e. not )
/// but the device requirements are satisfied even if either device is present.
/// Note that if both a pen and a mouse are present at the same time, still only one device is
/// picked. In this case, the mouse "wins" as it comes first in the list of requirements.
public bool isOR
get => (m_Flags & Flags.Or) != 0;
if (value)
m_Flags |= Flags.Or;
m_Flags &= ~Flags.Or;
[SerializeField] internal string m_ControlPath;
[SerializeField] internal Flags m_Flags;
internal enum Flags
None = 0,
Optional = 1 << 0,
Or = 1 << 1,
public override string ToString()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(controlPath))
if (isOptional)
return controlPath + " (Optional)";
return controlPath + " (Required)";
return base.ToString();
public bool Equals(DeviceRequirement other)
return string.Equals(m_ControlPath, other.m_ControlPath) && m_Flags == other.m_Flags &&
string.Equals(controlPath, other.controlPath) && isOptional == other.isOptional;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj))
return false;
return obj is DeviceRequirement && Equals((DeviceRequirement)obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
var hashCode = (m_ControlPath != null ? m_ControlPath.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ m_Flags.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (controlPath != null ? controlPath.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ isOptional.GetHashCode();
return hashCode;
public static bool operator==(DeviceRequirement left, DeviceRequirement right)
return left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator!=(DeviceRequirement left, DeviceRequirement right)
return !left.Equals(right);
/// JSON-serialized form of a control scheme.
internal struct SchemeJson
public string name;
public string bindingGroup;
public DeviceJson[] devices;
public struct DeviceJson
public string devicePath;
public bool isOptional;
public bool isOR;
public DeviceRequirement ToDeviceEntry()
return new DeviceRequirement
controlPath = devicePath,
isOptional = isOptional,
isOR = isOR,
public static DeviceJson From(DeviceRequirement requirement)
return new DeviceJson
devicePath = requirement.controlPath,
isOptional = requirement.isOptional,
isOR = requirement.isOR,
public InputControlScheme ToScheme()
DeviceRequirement[] deviceRequirements = null;
if (devices != null && devices.Length > 0)
var count = devices.Length;
deviceRequirements = new DeviceRequirement[count];
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
deviceRequirements[i] = devices[i].ToDeviceEntry();
return new InputControlScheme
m_Name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? null : name,
m_BindingGroup = string.IsNullOrEmpty(bindingGroup) ? null : bindingGroup,
m_DeviceRequirements = deviceRequirements,
public static SchemeJson ToJson(InputControlScheme scheme)
DeviceJson[] devices = null;
if (scheme.m_DeviceRequirements != null && scheme.m_DeviceRequirements.Length > 0)
var count = scheme.m_DeviceRequirements.Length;
devices = new DeviceJson[count];
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
devices[i] = DeviceJson.From(scheme.m_DeviceRequirements[i]);
return new SchemeJson
name = scheme.m_Name,
bindingGroup = scheme.m_BindingGroup,
devices = devices,
public static SchemeJson[] ToJson(InputControlScheme[] schemes)
if (schemes == null || schemes.Length == 0)
return null;
var count = schemes.Length;
var result = new SchemeJson[count];
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
result[i] = ToJson(schemes[i]);
return result;
public static InputControlScheme[] ToSchemes(SchemeJson[] schemes)
if (schemes == null || schemes.Length == 0)
return null;
var count = schemes.Length;
var result = new InputControlScheme[count];
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
result[i] = schemes[i].ToScheme();
return result;