[0] Config.pm:311> INFO - This is Biber 2.16 [0] Config.pm:314> INFO - Logfile is 'Thesis_Jingyi.blg' [61] biber-darwin:340> INFO - === Mon Jul 5, 2021, 14:13:16 [74] Biber.pm:415> INFO - Reading 'Thesis_Jingyi.bcf' [154] Biber.pm:952> INFO - Found 22 citekeys in bib section 0 [165] Biber.pm:4340> INFO - Processing section 0 [174] Biber.pm:4531> INFO - Looking for bibtex format file 'BibTexDatei.bib' for section 0 [176] bibtex.pm:1689> INFO - LaTeX decoding ... [219] bibtex.pm:1494> INFO - Found BibTeX data source 'BibTexDatei.bib' [239] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '1941-0492' in entry 'Casper:2003tk' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details. [260] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '2153-0866' in entry 'Murphy:2012th' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details. [264] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '0197-7385' in entry 'Huang:2011wq' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details. [266] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '1558-2442' in entry 'Murphy:2004wl' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details. [286] Utils.pm:395> WARN - Entry 'Sousa:2017tn' (BibTexDatei.bib): Invalid format '2017/10/18' of date field 'date' - ignoring [295] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '2153-0866' in entry 'Nagi:2014vu' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details. [299] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '2153-0866' in entry 'Pourmehr:2013ta' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details. [303] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '1558-2531' in entry 'Ma:2015wu' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details. [310] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '1944-9437' in entry 'Villani:2018ub' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details. [314] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '1944-9437' in entry 'Liu:2017tw' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details. [319] Utils.pm:395> WARN - Entry 'Stotko:2019ud' (BibTexDatei.bib): Invalid format '2019/11/01' of date field 'date' - ignoring [327] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '1955-2505' in entry 'Matsas:2017aa' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details. [331] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '0166-3615' in entry 'Perez:2019ub' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details. [335] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '2472-7571' in entry 'Moniri:2016ud' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details. [340] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '2577-087X' in entry 'Ostanin:2020uo' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details. [344] Utils.pm:395> WARN - ISBN '2153-0866' in entry 'Whitney:2018wk' is invalid - run biber with '--validate_datamodel' for details. [362] UCollate.pm:68> INFO - Overriding locale 'en-US' defaults 'variable = shifted' with 'variable = non-ignorable' [362] UCollate.pm:68> INFO - Overriding locale 'en-US' defaults 'normalization = NFD' with 'normalization = prenormalized' [362] Biber.pm:4168> INFO - Sorting list 'none/global//global/global' of type 'entry' with template 'none' and locale 'en-US' [362] Biber.pm:4174> INFO - No sort tailoring available for locale 'en-US' [377] bbl.pm:654> INFO - Writing 'Thesis_Jingyi.bbl' with encoding 'UTF-8' [391] bbl.pm:757> INFO - Output to Thesis_Jingyi.bbl [391] Biber.pm:128> INFO - WARNINGS: 16