using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Haptics;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Layouts;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.DualShock;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.HID;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Users;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.XInput;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Utilities;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Editor;
using UnityEditor.Networking.PlayerConnection;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection;
////TODO: allow aliasing processors etc
////REVIEW: rename all references to "frame" to refer to "update" instead (e.g. wasPressedThisUpdate)?
////TODO: add APIs to get to the state blocks (equivalent to what you currently get with e.g. InputSystem.devices[0].currentStatePtr)
////FIXME: modal dialogs (or anything that interrupts normal Unity operation) are likely a problem for the system as is; there's a good
//// chance the event queue will just get swamped; should be only the background queue though so I guess once it fills up we
//// simply start losing input but it won't grow infinitely
////REVIEW: make more APIs thread-safe?
////REVIEW: it'd be great to be able to set up monitors from control paths (independently of actions; or should we just use actions?)
////REVIEW: have InputSystem.onTextInput that's fired directly from the event processing loop?
//// (and allow text input events that have no associated target device? this way we don't need a keyboard to get text input)
////REVIEW: split lower-level APIs (anything mentioning events and state) off into InputSystemLowLevel API to make this API more focused?
////TODO: release native allocations when exiting
namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem
/// This is the central hub for the input system.
/// This class has the central APIs for working with the input system. You
/// can manage devices available in the system (,
/// , and related APIs) or extend
/// the input system with custom functionality (,
/// , ,
/// , and related APIs).
/// To control haptics globally, you can use , ,
/// and .
/// To enable and disable individual devices (such as devices),
/// you can use and .
/// The input system is initialized as part of Unity starting up. It is generally safe
/// to call the APIs here from any of Unity's script callbacks.
/// Note that, like most Unity APIs, most of the properties and methods in this API can only
/// be called on the main thread. However, select APIs like can be
/// called from threads. Where this is the case, it is stated in the documentation.
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1724:TypeNamesShouldNotMatchNamespaces", Justification = "Options for namespaces are limited due to the legacy input class. Agreed on this as the least bad solution.")]
public static class InputSystem
#region Layouts
/// Event that is signalled when the layout setup in the system changes.
/// First parameter is the name of the layout that has changed and second parameter is the
/// type of change that has occurred.
/// InputSystem.onLayoutChange +=
/// (name, change) =>
/// {
/// switch (change)
/// {
/// case InputControlLayoutChange.Added:
/// Debug.Log($"New layout {name} has been added");
/// break;
/// case InputControlLayoutChange.Removed:
/// Debug.Log($"Layout {name} has been removed");
/// break;
/// case InputControlLayoutChange.Replaced:
/// Debug.Log($"Layout {name} has been updated");
/// break;
/// }
/// }
public static event Action onLayoutChange
lock (s_Manager)
s_Manager.onLayoutChange += value;
lock (s_Manager)
s_Manager.onLayoutChange -= value;
/// Register a control layout based on a type.
/// Type to derive a control layout from. Must be derived from .
/// Name to use for the layout. If null or empty, the short name of the type () will be used.
/// Optional device matcher. If this is supplied, the layout will automatically
/// be instantiated for newly discovered devices that match the description.
/// When the layout is instantiated, the system will reflect on all public fields and properties of the type
/// which have a value type derived from or which are annotated with .
/// The type can be annotated with for additional options
/// but the attribute is not necessary for a type to be usable as a control layout. Note that if the type
/// does have and has set ,
/// the system will not reflect on properties and fields in the type but do that on the given
/// state type instead.
/// // InputControlLayoutAttribute attribute is only necessary if you want
/// // to override default behavior that occurs when registering your device
/// // as a layout.
/// // The most common use of InputControlLayoutAttribute is to direct the system
/// // to a custom "state struct" through the `stateType` property. See below for details.
/// [InputControlLayout(displayName = "My Device", stateType = typeof(MyDeviceState))]
/// [InitializeOnLoad]
/// #endif
/// public class MyDevice : InputDevice
/// {
/// public ButtonControl button { get; private set; }
/// public AxisControl axis { get; private set; }
/// // Register the device.
/// static MyDevice()
/// {
/// // In case you want instance of your device to automatically be created
/// // when specific hardware is detected by the Unity runtime, you have to
/// // add one or more "device matchers" (InputDeviceMatcher) for the layout.
/// // These matchers are compared to an InputDeviceDescription received from
/// // the Unity runtime when a device is connected. You can add them either
/// // using InputSystem.RegisterLayoutMatcher() or by directly specifying a
/// // matcher when registering the layout.
/// InputSystem.RegisterLayout<MyDevice>(
/// // For the sake of demonstration, let's assume your device is a HID
/// // and you want to match by PID and VID.
/// matches: new InputDeviceMatcher()
/// .WithInterface("HID")
/// .WithCapability("PID", 1234)
/// .WithCapability("VID", 5678));
/// }
/// // This is only to trigger the static class constructor to automatically run
/// // in the player.
/// [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod]
/// private static void InitializeInPlayer() {}
/// protected override void FinishSetup()
/// {
/// base.FinishSetup();
/// button = GetChildControl<ButtonControl>("button");
/// axis = GetChildControl<AxisControl>("axis");
/// }
/// }
/// // A "state struct" describes the memory format used by a device. Each device can
/// // receive and store memory in its custom format. InputControls are then connected
/// // the individual pieces of memory and read out values from them.
/// [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 32)]
/// public struct MyDeviceState : IInputStateTypeInfo
/// {
/// // In the case of a HID (which we assume for the sake of this demonstration),
/// // the format will be "HID". In practice, the format will depend on how your
/// // particular device is connected and fed into the input system.
/// // The format is a simple FourCC code that "tags" state memory blocks for the
/// // device to give a base level of safety checks on memory operations.
/// public FourCC format => return new FourCC('H', 'I', 'D');
/// // InputControlAttributes on fields tell the input system to create controls
/// // for the public fields found in the struct.
/// // Assume a 16bit field of buttons. Create one button that is tied to
/// // bit #3 (zero-based). Note that buttons do not need to be stored as bits.
/// // They can also be stored as floats or shorts, for example.
/// [InputControl(name = "button", layout = "Button", bit = 3)]
/// public ushort buttons;
/// // Create a floating-point axis. The name, if not supplied, is taken from
/// // the field.
/// [InputControl(layout = "Axis")]
/// public short axis;
/// }
/// Note that if is supplied, it will immediately be matched
/// against the descriptions () of all available devices.
/// If it matches any description where no layout matched before, a new device will immediately
/// be created (except if suppressed by ). If it
/// matches a description better (see ) than
/// the currently used layout, the existing device will be a removed and a new device with
/// the newly registered layout will be created.
/// See or for examples of layouts.
/// is null.
public static void RegisterLayout(Type type, string name = null, InputDeviceMatcher? matches = null)
if (type == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
name = type.Name;
s_Manager.RegisterControlLayout(name, type);
if (matches != null)
s_Manager.RegisterControlLayoutMatcher(name, matches.Value);
/// Register a type as a control layout.
/// Type to derive a control layout from.
/// Name to use for the layout. If null or empty, the short name of the type will be used.
/// Optional device matcher. If this is supplied, the layout will automatically
/// be instantiated for newly discovered devices that match the description.
/// This method is equivalent to calling with
/// typeof(T). See that method for details of the layout registration process.
public static void RegisterLayout(string name = null, InputDeviceMatcher? matches = null)
where T : InputControl
RegisterLayout(typeof(T), name, matches);
/// Register a layout in JSON format.
/// JSON data describing the layout.
/// Optional name of the layout. If null or empty, the name is taken from the "name"
/// property of the JSON data. If it is supplied, it will override the "name" property if present. If neither
/// is supplied, an is thrown.
/// Optional device matcher. If this is supplied, the layout will automatically
/// be instantiated for newly discovered devices that match the description.
/// is null or empty.
/// No name has been supplied either through
/// or the "name" JSON property.
/// The JSON format makes it possible to create new device and control layouts completely
/// in data. They have to ultimately be based on a layout backed by a C# type, however (e.g.
/// ).
/// Note that most errors in layouts will only be detected when instantiated (i.e. when a device or control is
/// being created from a layout). The JSON data will, however, be parsed once on registration to check for a
/// device description in the layout. JSON format errors will thus be detected during registration.
/// InputSystem.RegisterLayout(@"
/// {
/// ""name"" : ""MyDevice"",
/// ""controls"" : [
/// {
/// ""name"" : ""myButton"",
/// ""layout"" : ""Button""
/// }
/// ]
/// }
/// );
public static void RegisterLayout(string json, string name = null, InputDeviceMatcher? matches = null)
s_Manager.RegisterControlLayout(json, name);
if (matches != null)
s_Manager.RegisterControlLayoutMatcher(name, matches.Value);
/// Register a layout that applies overrides to one or more other layouts.
/// Layout in JSON format.
/// Optional name of the layout. If null or empty, the name is taken from the "name"
/// property of the JSON data. If it is supplied, it will override the "name" property if present. If neither
/// is supplied, an is thrown.
/// Layout overrides are layout pieces that are applied on top of existing layouts.
/// This can be used to modify any layout in the system non-destructively. The process works the
/// same as extending an existing layout except that instead of creating a new layout
/// by merging the derived layout and the base layout, the overrides are merged
/// directly into the base layout.
/// The layout merging logic used for overrides, is the same as the one used for
/// derived layouts, i.e. .
/// Layouts used as overrides look the same as normal layouts and have the same format.
/// The only difference is that they are explicitly registered as overrides.
/// Note that unlike "normal" layouts, layout overrides have the ability to extend
/// multiple base layouts. The changes from the override will simply be merged into
/// each of the layouts it extends. Use the extendMultiple rather than the
/// extend property in JSON to give a list of base layouts instead of a single
/// one.
/// // Override default button press points on the gamepad triggers.
/// InputSystem.RegisterLayoutOverride(@"
/// {
/// ""name"" : ""CustomTriggerPressPoints"",
/// ""extend"" : ""Gamepad"",
/// ""controls"" : [
/// { ""name"" : ""leftTrigger"", ""parameters"" : ""pressPoint=0.25"" },
/// { ""name"" : ""rightTrigger"", ""parameters"" : ""pressPoint=0.25"" }
/// ]
/// }
/// ");
public static void RegisterLayoutOverride(string json, string name = null)
s_Manager.RegisterControlLayout(json, name, isOverride: true);
/// Add an additional device matcher to an existing layout.
/// Name of the device layout that should be instantiated if
/// matches an of a discovered device.
/// Specification to match against instances.
/// Each device layout can have zero or more matchers associated with it. If any one of the
/// matchers matches a given (see )
/// better than any other matcher (for the same or any other layout), then the given layout
/// will be used for the discovered device.
/// Note that registering a matcher may immediately lead to devices being created or recreated.
/// If matches any devices currently on the list of unsupported devices
/// (see ), new s will be created
/// using the layout called . Also, if
/// matches the description of a device better than the matcher (if any) for the device's currently
/// used layout, the device will be recreated using the given layout.
/// is null or empty/
/// is empty ().
public static void RegisterLayoutMatcher(string layoutName, InputDeviceMatcher matcher)
s_Manager.RegisterControlLayoutMatcher(layoutName, matcher);
/// Add an additional device matcher to the layout registered for .
/// A device matcher.
/// Type that has been registered as a layout. See .
/// Calling this method is equivalent to calling
/// with the name under which has been registered.
/// is empty ()
/// -or- has not been registered as a layout.
public static void RegisterLayoutMatcher(InputDeviceMatcher matcher)
where TDevice : InputDevice
s_Manager.RegisterControlLayoutMatcher(typeof(TDevice), matcher);
/// Register a builder that delivers an instance on demand.
/// Method to invoke to generate a layout when the layout is chosen.
/// Should not cache the layout but rather return a fresh instance every time.
/// Name under which to register the layout. If a layout with the same
/// name is already registered, the call to this method will replace the existing layout.
/// Name of the layout that the layout returned from
/// will be based on. The system needs to know this in advance in order to update devices
/// correctly if layout registrations in the system are changed.
/// Optional matcher for an . If supplied,
/// it is equivalent to calling .
/// is null -or-
/// is null or empty.
/// Layout builders are most useful for procedurally building device layouts from metadata
/// supplied by external systems. A good example is where the "HID" standard
/// includes a way for input devices to describe their various inputs and outputs in the form
/// of a . While not sufficient to build a perfectly robust
/// , these descriptions are usually enough to at least make the device
/// work out-of-the-box to some extent.
/// The builder method would usually use to build the
/// actual layout.
/// InputSystem.RegisterLayoutBuilder(
/// () =>
/// {
/// var builder = new InputControlLayout.Builder()
/// .WithType<MyDevice>();
/// builder.AddControl("button1").WithLayout("Button");
/// return builder.Build();
/// }, "MyCustomLayout"
/// }
/// Layout builders can be used in combination with to
/// build layouts dynamically for devices as they are connected to the system.
/// Be aware that the same builder must not build different layouts. Each
/// layout registered in the system is considered to be immutable for as long as it
/// is registered. So, if a layout builder is registered under the name "Custom", for
/// example, then every time the builder is invoked, it must return the same identical
/// .
public static void RegisterLayoutBuilder(Func buildMethod, string name,
string baseLayout = null, InputDeviceMatcher? matches = null)
if (buildMethod == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(buildMethod));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
s_Manager.RegisterControlLayoutBuilder(buildMethod, name, baseLayout: baseLayout);
if (matches != null)
s_Manager.RegisterControlLayoutMatcher(name, matches.Value);
/// Remove an already registered layout from the system.
/// Name of the layout to remove. Note that layout names are case-insensitive.
/// Note that removing a layout also removes all devices that directly or indirectly
/// use the layout.
/// This method can be used to remove both control or device layouts.
public static void RemoveLayout(string name)
/// Try to match a description for an input device to a layout.
/// Description of an input device.
/// Name of the layout that has been matched to the given description or null if no
/// matching layout was found.
/// This method performs the same matching process that is invoked if a device is reported
/// by the Unity runtime or using . The result
/// depends on the matches () registered for the device
/// layout in the system.
/// var layoutName = InputSystem.TryFindMatchingLayout(
/// new InputDeviceDescription
/// {
/// interface = "XInput",
/// product = "Xbox Wired Controller",
/// manufacturer = "Microsoft"
/// }
/// );
public static string TryFindMatchingLayout(InputDeviceDescription deviceDescription)
return s_Manager.TryFindMatchingControlLayout(ref deviceDescription);
/// Return a list with the names of all layouts that have been registered.
/// A list of layout names.
public static IEnumerable ListLayouts()
return s_Manager.ListControlLayouts();
/// List all the layouts that are based on the given layout.
/// Name of a registered layout.
/// is null or empty.
/// The names of all registered layouts based on .
/// The list will not include layout overrides (see ).
/// // List all gamepad layouts in the system.
/// Debug.Log(string.Join("\n", InputSystem.ListLayoutsBasedOn("Gamepad"));
public static IEnumerable ListLayoutsBasedOn(string baseLayout)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseLayout))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(baseLayout));
return s_Manager.ListControlLayouts(basedOn: baseLayout);
/// Load a registered layout.
/// Name of the layout to load. Note that layout names are case-insensitive.
/// is null or empty.
/// The constructed layout instance or null if no layout of the given name could be found.
/// The result of this method is what's called a "fully merged" layout, i.e. a layout with
/// the information of all the base layouts as well as from all overrides merged into it. See
/// for details.
/// What this means in practice is that all inherited controls and settings will be present
/// on the layout.
/// // List all controls defined for gamepads.
/// var gamepadLayout = InputSystem.LoadLayout("Gamepad");
/// foreach (var control in gamepadLayout.controls)
/// {
/// // There may be control elements that are not introducing new controls but rather
/// // change settings on controls added indirectly by other layouts referenced from
/// // Gamepad. These are not adding new controls so we skip them here.
/// if (control.isModifyingExistingControl)
/// continue;
/// Debug.Log($"Control: {} ({control.layout])");
/// }
/// However, note that controls which are added from other layouts referenced by the loaded layout
/// will not necessarily be visible on it (they will only if referenced by a
/// where is true).
/// For example, let's assume we have the following layout which adds a device with a single stick.
/// InputSystem.RegisterLayout(@"
/// {
/// ""name"" : ""DeviceWithStick"",
/// ""controls"" : [
/// { ""name"" : ""stick"", ""layout"" : ""Stick"" }
/// ]
/// }
/// ");
/// If we load this layout, the "stick" control will be visible on the layout but the
/// X and Y (as well as up/down/left/right) controls added by the "Stick" layout will
/// not be.
public static InputControlLayout LoadLayout(string name)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
////FIXME: this will intern the name even if the operation fails
return s_Manager.TryLoadControlLayout(new InternedString(name));
/// Load the layout registered for the given type.
/// An InputControl type.
/// The layout registered for or null if no
/// such layout exists.
/// This method is equivalent to calling with the name
/// of the layout under which has been registered.
/// // Load the InputControlLayout generated from StickControl.
/// var stickLayout = InputSystem.LoadLayout<StickControl>();
public static InputControlLayout LoadLayout()
where TControl : InputControl
return s_Manager.TryLoadControlLayout(typeof(TControl));
/// Return the name of the layout that the layout registered as
/// is based on.
/// Name of a layout as registered with a method such as . Case-insensitive.
/// Name of the immediate parent layout of or null if no layout
/// with the given name is registered or if it is not based on another layout or if it is a layout override.
/// is null or empty.
/// This method does not work for layout overrides (which can be based on multiple base layouts). To find
/// out which layouts a specific override registered with is based on,
/// load the layout with and inspect .
/// This method will return null when is the name of a layout override.
/// One advantage of this method over calling and looking at
/// is that this method does not have to actually load the layout but instead only performs a simple lookup.
/// // Prints "Pointer".
/// Debug.Log(InputSystem.GetNameOfBaseLayout("Mouse"));
/// // Also works for control layouts. Prints "Axis".
/// Debug.Log(InputSystem.GetNameOfBaseLayout("Button"));
public static string GetNameOfBaseLayout(string layoutName)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(layoutName))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(layoutName));
var internedLayoutName = new InternedString(layoutName);
if (InputControlLayout.s_Layouts.baseLayoutTable.TryGetValue(internedLayoutName, out var result))
return result;
return null;
/// Check whether the first layout is based on the second.
/// Name of a registered .
/// Name of a registered .
/// True if is based on .
/// is null or empty -or-
/// is null or empty.
/// This is
public static bool IsFirstLayoutBasedOnSecond(string firstLayoutName, string secondLayoutName)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstLayoutName))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(firstLayoutName));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(secondLayoutName))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(secondLayoutName));
var internedFirstName = new InternedString(firstLayoutName);
var internedSecondName = new InternedString(secondLayoutName);
if (internedFirstName == internedSecondName)
return true;
return InputControlLayout.s_Layouts.IsBasedOn(internedSecondName, internedFirstName);
#region Processors
/// Register an with the system.
/// Type that implements .
/// Name to use for the processor. If null or empty, name will be taken from the short name
/// of (if it ends in "Processor", that suffix will be clipped from the name). Names
/// are case-insensitive.
/// Processors are used by both bindings (see ) and by controls
/// (see ) to post-process input values as they are being requested
/// from calls such as or .
/// // Let's say that we want to define a processor that adds some random jitter to its input.
/// // We have to pick a value type to operate on if we want to derive from InputProcessor<T>
/// // so we go with float here.
/// //
/// // Also, as we will need to place our call to RegisterProcessor somewhere, we add attributes
/// // to hook into Unity's initialization. This works differently in the editor and in the player,
/// // so we use both [InitializeOnLoad] and [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod].
/// [InitializeOnLoad]
/// #endif
/// public class JitterProcessor : InputProcessor<float>
/// {
/// // Add a parameter that defines the amount of jitter we apply.
/// // This will be editable in the Unity editor UI and can be set
/// // programmatically in code. For example:
/// //
/// // myAction.AddBinding("<Gamepad>/rightTrigger",
/// // processors: "jitter(amount=0.1)");
/// //
/// [Tooltip("Amount of jitter to apply. Will add a random value in the range [-amount..amount] "
/// + "to each input value.)]
/// public float amount;
/// // Process is called when an input value is read from a control. This is
/// // where we perform our jitter.
/// public override float Process(float value, InputControl control)
/// {
/// return float + Random.Range(-amount, amount);
/// }
/// // [InitializeOnLoad] will call the static class constructor which
/// // we use to call Register.
/// static JitterProcessor()
/// {
/// Register();
/// }
/// #endif
/// // [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod] will make sure that Register gets called
/// // in the player on startup.
/// // NOTE: This will also get called when going into play mode in the editor. In that
/// // case we get two calls to Register instead of one. We don't bother with that
/// // here. Calling RegisterProcessor twice here doesn't do any harm.
/// [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod]
/// static void Register()
/// {
/// // We don't supply a name here. The input system will take "JitterProcessor"
/// // and automatically snip off the "Processor" suffix thus leaving us with
/// // a name of "Jitter" (all this is case-insensitive).
/// InputSystem.RegisterProcessor<JitterProcessor>();
/// }
/// }
/// // It doesn't really make sense in our case as the default parameter editor is just
/// // fine (it will pick up the tooltip we defined above) but let's say we want to replace
/// // the default float edit field we get on the "amount" parameter with a slider. We can
/// // do so by defining a custom parameter editor.
/// //
/// // NOTE: We don't need to have a registration call here. The input system will automatically
/// // find our parameter editor based on the JitterProcessor type parameter we give to
/// // InputParameterEditor<T>.
/// public class JitterProcessorEditor : InputParameterEditor<JitterProcessor>
/// {
/// public override void OnGUI()
/// {
/// target.amount = EditorGUILayout.Slider(m_AmountLabel, target.amount, 0, 0.25f);
/// }
/// private GUIContent m_AmountLabel = new GUIContent("Amount",
/// "Amount of jitter to apply. Will add a random value in the range [-amount..amount] "
/// + "to each input value.);
/// }
/// #endif
/// Note that it is allowed to register the same processor type multiple types with
/// different names. When doing so, the first registration is considered as the "proper"
/// name for the processor and all subsequent registrations will be considered aliases.
/// See the manual for more details.
public static void RegisterProcessor(Type type, string name = null)
if (type == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
name = type.Name;
if (name.EndsWith("Processor"))
name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - "Processor".Length);
s_Manager.processors.AddTypeRegistration(name, type);
/// Register an with the system.
/// Type that implements .
/// Name to use for the processor. If null or empty, name will be taken from the short name
/// of (if it ends in "Processor", that suffix will be clipped from the name). Names
/// are case-insensitive.
/// Processors are used by both bindings (see ) and by controls
/// (see ) to post-process input values as they are being requested
/// from calls such as or .
/// // Let's say that we want to define a processor that adds some random jitter to its input.
/// // We have to pick a value type to operate on if we want to derive from InputProcessor<T>
/// // so we go with float here.
/// //
/// // Also, as we will need to place our call to RegisterProcessor somewhere, we add attributes
/// // to hook into Unity's initialization. This works differently in the editor and in the player,
/// // so we use both [InitializeOnLoad] and [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod].
/// [InitializeOnLoad]
/// #endif
/// public class JitterProcessor : InputProcessor<float>
/// {
/// // Add a parameter that defines the amount of jitter we apply.
/// // This will be editable in the Unity editor UI and can be set
/// // programmatically in code. For example:
/// //
/// // myAction.AddBinding("<Gamepad>/rightTrigger",
/// // processors: "jitter(amount=0.1)");
/// //
/// [Tooltip("Amount of jitter to apply. Will add a random value in the range [-amount..amount] "
/// + "to each input value.)]
/// public float amount;
/// // Process is called when an input value is read from a control. This is
/// // where we perform our jitter.
/// public override float Process(float value, InputControl control)
/// {
/// return float + Random.Range(-amount, amount);
/// }
/// // [InitializeOnLoad] will call the static class constructor which
/// // we use to call Register.
/// static JitterProcessor()
/// {
/// Register();
/// }
/// #endif
/// // [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod] will make sure that Register gets called
/// // in the player on startup.
/// // NOTE: This will also get called when going into play mode in the editor. In that
/// // case we get two calls to Register instead of one. We don't bother with that
/// // here. Calling RegisterProcessor twice here doesn't do any harm.
/// [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod]
/// static void Register()
/// {
/// // We don't supply a name here. The input system will take "JitterProcessor"
/// // and automatically snip off the "Processor" suffix thus leaving us with
/// // a name of "Jitter" (all this is case-insensitive).
/// InputSystem.RegisterProcessor<JitterProcessor>();
/// }
/// }
/// // It doesn't really make sense in our case as the default parameter editor is just
/// // fine (it will pick up the tooltip we defined above) but let's say we want to replace
/// // the default float edit field we get on the "amount" parameter with a slider. We can
/// // do so by defining a custom parameter editor.
/// //
/// // NOTE: We don't need to have a registration call here. The input system will automatically
/// // find our parameter editor based on the JitterProcessor type parameter we give to
/// // InputParameterEditor<T>.
/// public class JitterProcessorEditor : InputParameterEditor<JitterProcessor>
/// {
/// public override void OnGUI()
/// {
/// target.amount = EditorGUILayout.Slider(m_AmountLabel, target.amount, 0, 0.25f);
/// }
/// private GUIContent m_AmountLabel = new GUIContent("Amount",
/// "Amount of jitter to apply. Will add a random value in the range [-amount..amount] "
/// + "to each input value.);
/// }
/// #endif
/// Note that it is allowed to register the same processor type multiple types with
/// different names. When doing so, the first registration is considered as the "proper"
/// name for the processor and all subsequent registrations will be considered aliases.
/// See the manual for more details.
public static void RegisterProcessor(string name = null)
RegisterProcessor(typeof(T), name);
/// Return the processor type registered under the given name. If no such processor
/// has been registered, return null.
/// Name of processor. Case-insensitive.
/// is null or empty.
/// The given processor type or null if not found.
public static Type TryGetProcessor(string name)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
return s_Manager.processors.LookupTypeRegistration(name);
/// List the names of all processors have been registered.
/// List of registered processors.
/// Note that the result will include both "proper" names and aliases registered
/// for processors. If, for example, a given type JitterProcessor has been registered
/// under both "Jitter" and "Randomize", it will appear in the list with both those names.
public static IEnumerable ListProcessors()
return s_Manager.processors.names;
#region Devices
/// The list of currently connected devices.
/// Currently connected devices.
/// Note that accessing this property does not allocate. It gives read-only access
/// directly to the system's internal array of devices.
/// The value returned by this property should not be held on to. When the device
/// setup in the system changes, any value previously returned by this property
/// may become invalid. Query the property directly whenever you need it.
public static ReadOnlyArray devices => s_Manager.devices;
/// Devices that have been disconnected but are retained by the input system in case
/// they are plugged back in.
/// Devices that have been retained by the input system in case they are plugged
/// back in.
/// During gameplay it is undesirable to have the system allocate and release managed memory
/// as devices are unplugged and plugged back in as it would ultimately lead to GC spikes
/// during gameplay. To avoid that, input devices that have been reported by the
/// runtime and are removed through events are retained
/// by the system and then reused if the device is plugged back in.
/// Note that the devices moved to disconnected status will still see a
/// notification and a notification when plugged back in.
/// To determine if a newly discovered device is one we have seen before, the system uses a
/// simple approach of comparing device descriptions.
/// Note that there can be errors and a device may be incorrectly classified as
/// when in fact it is a different device from before. The problem is that based on information
/// made available by platforms, it can be inherently difficult to determine whether a device is
/// indeed the very same one.
/// For example, it is often not possible to determine with 100% certainty whether an identical looking device
/// to one we've previously seen on a different USB port is indeed the very same device. OSs will usually
/// reattach a USB device to its previous instance if it is plugged into the same USB port but create a
/// new instance of the same device is plugged into a different port.
/// For devices that do relay their serials the matching
/// is reliable.
/// The list can be purged by calling . Doing so, will release
/// all reference we hold to the devices or any controls inside of them and allow the devices to be
/// reclaimed by the garbage collector.
/// Note that if you call explicitly, the given device is not retained
/// by the input system and will not appear on this list.
/// Also note that devices on this list will be lost when domain reloads happen in the editor (i.e. on
/// script recompilation and when entering play mode).
public static ReadOnlyArray disconnectedDevices =>
new ReadOnlyArray(s_Manager.m_DisconnectedDevices, 0,
/// Event that is signalled when the device setup in the system changes.
/// Callback when device setup ni system changes.
/// This can be used to detect when devices are added or removed as well as
/// detecting when existing devices change their configuration.
/// InputSystem.onDeviceChange +=
/// (device, change) =>
/// {
/// switch (change)
/// {
/// case InputDeviceChange.Added:
/// Debug.Log("Device added: " + device);
/// break;
/// case InputDeviceChange.Removed:
/// Debug.Log("Device removed: " + device);
/// break;
/// case InputDeviceChange.ConfigurationChanged:
/// Debug.Log("Device configuration changed: " + device);
/// break;
/// }
/// };
/// Delegate reference is null.
public static event Action onDeviceChange
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
lock (s_Manager)
s_Manager.onDeviceChange += value;
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
lock (s_Manager)
s_Manager.onDeviceChange -= value;
////REVIEW: this one isn't really well-designed and the means of intercepting communication
//// with the backend should be revisited >1.0
/// Event that is signalled when an is sent to
/// an .
/// Event that gets signalled on s.
/// This can be used to intercept commands and optionally handle them without them reaching
/// the .
/// The first delegate in the list that returns a result other than null is considered
/// to have handled the command. If a command is handled by a delegate in the list, it will
/// not be sent on to the runtime.
/// Delegate reference is null.
public static event InputDeviceCommandDelegate onDeviceCommand
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
lock (s_Manager)
s_Manager.onDeviceCommand += value;
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
lock (s_Manager)
s_Manager.onDeviceCommand -= value;
/// Event that is signalled when the system is trying to match a layout to
/// a device it has discovered.
/// This event allows customizing the layout discovery process and to generate
/// layouts on the fly, if need be. When a device is reported from the Unity
/// runtime or through , it is
/// reported in the form of an . The system
/// will take that description and run it through all the s
/// that have been registered for layouts ().
/// Based on that, it will come up with either no matching layout or with a single
/// layout that has the highest matching score according to (or, in case multiple layouts have
/// the same score, the first one to achieve that score -- which is quasi-non-deterministic).
/// It will then take this layout name (which, again, may be empty) and invoke this
/// event here passing it not only the layout name but also information such as the
/// for the device. Each of the callbacks hooked
/// into the event will be run in turn. The first one to return a string
/// that is not null and not empty will cause a switch from the layout the
/// system has chosen to the layout that has been returned by the callback. The remaining
/// layouts after that will then be invoked with that newly selected name but will not
/// be able to change the name anymore.
/// If none of the callbacks returns a string that is not null or empty,
/// the system will stick with the layout that it had initially selected.
/// Once all callbacks have been run, the system will either have a final layout
/// name or not. If it does, a device is created using that layout. If it does not,
/// no device is created.
/// One thing this allows is to generate callbacks on the fly. Let's say that if
/// an input device is reported with the "Custom" interface, we want to generate
/// a layout for it on the fly. For details about how to build layouts dynamically
/// from code, see and .
/// InputSystem.onFindLayoutForDevice +=
/// (deviceId, description, matchedLayout, runtime) =>
/// {
/// // If the system does have a matching layout, we do nothing.
/// // This could be the case, for example, if we already generated
/// // a layout for the device or if someone explicitly registered
/// // a layout.
/// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(matchedLayout))
/// return null; // Tell system we did nothing.
/// // See if the reported device uses the "Custom" interface. We
/// // are only interested in those.
/// if (description.interfaceName != "Custom")
/// return null; // Tell system we did nothing.
/// // So now we know that we want to build a layout on the fly
/// // for this device. What we do is to register what's called a
/// // layout builder. These can use C# code to build an InputControlLayout
/// // on the fly.
/// // First we need to come up with a sufficiently unique name for the layout
/// // under which we register the builder. This will usually involve some
/// // information from the InputDeviceDescription we have been supplied with.
/// // Let's say we can sufficiently tell devices on our interface apart by
/// // product name alone. So we just do this:
/// var layoutName = "Custom" + description.product;
/// // We also need an InputDeviceMatcher that in the future will automatically
/// // select our newly registered layout whenever a new device of the same type
/// // is connected. We can get one simply like so:
/// var matcher = InputDeviceMatcher.FromDescription(description);
/// // With these pieces in place, we can register our builder which
/// // mainly consists of a delegate that will get invoked when an instance
/// // of InputControlLayout is needed for the layout.
/// InputSystem.RegisterLayoutBuilder(
/// () =>
/// {
/// // Here is where we do the actual building. In practice,
/// // this would probably look at the 'capabilities' property
/// // of the InputDeviceDescription we got and create a tailor-made
/// // layout. But what you put in the layout here really depends on
/// // the specific use case you have.
/// //
/// // We just add some preset things here which should still sufficiently
/// // serve as a demonstration.
/// //
/// // Note that we can base our layout here on whatever other layout
/// // in the system. We could extend Gamepad, for example. If we don't
/// // choose a base layout, the system automatically implies InputDevice.
/// var builder = new InputControlLayout.Builder()
/// .WithDisplayName(description.product);
/// // Add controls.
/// builder.AddControl("stick")
/// .WithLayout("Stick");
/// return builder.Build();
/// },
/// layoutName,
/// matches: matcher);
/// // So, we want the system to use our layout for the device that has just
/// // been connected. We return it from this callback to do that.
/// return layoutName;
/// };
/// Note that it may appear like one could simply use
/// like below instead of going through onFindLayoutForDevice.
/// InputSystem.RegisterLayoutBuilder(
/// () =>
/// {
/// // Layout building code from above...
/// },
/// "CustomLayout",
/// matches: new InputDeviceMatcher().WithInterface("Custom"));
/// However, the difference here is that all devices using the "Custom" interface will
/// end up with the same single layout -- which has to be identical. By hooking into
/// onFindLayoutForDevice, it is possible to register a new layout for every new
/// type of device that is discovered and thus build a multitude of different layouts.
/// It is best to register for this callback during startup. One way to do it is to
/// use InitializeOnLoadAttribute and RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod.
public static event InputDeviceFindControlLayoutDelegate onFindLayoutForDevice
lock (s_Manager)
s_Manager.onFindControlLayoutForDevice += value;
lock (s_Manager)
s_Manager.onFindControlLayoutForDevice -= value;
////REVIEW: should this be disambiguated more to separate it more from sensor sampling frequency?
////REVIEW: this should probably be exposed as an input setting
/// Frequency at which devices that need polling are being queried in the background.
/// Polled device sampling frequency in Hertz.
/// Input data is gathered from platform APIs either as events or polled periodically.
/// In the former case, where we get input as events, the platform is responsible for monitoring
/// input devices and sending their state changes which the Unity runtime receives
/// and queues as s. This form of input collection usually happens on a
/// system-specific thread (which may be Unity's main thread) as part of how the Unity player
/// loop operates. In most cases, this means that this form of input will invariably get picked up
/// once per frame.
/// In the latter case, where input has to be explicitly polled from the system, the Unity runtime
/// will periodically sample the state of input devices and send it off as input events. Wherever
/// possible, this happens in the background at a fixed frequency on a dedicated thread. The
/// pollingFrequency property controls the rate at which this sampling happens.
/// The unit is Hertz. A value of 120, for example, means that devices are sampled 120 times
/// per second.
/// The default polling frequency is 60 Hz.
/// For devices that are polled, the frequency setting will directly translate to changes in the
/// patterns. At 60 Hz, for example, timestamps for a specific,
/// polled device will be spaced at roughly 1/60th of a second apart.
/// Note that it depends on the platform which devices are polled (if any). On Win32, for example,
/// only XInput gamepads are polled.
/// Also note that the polling frequency applies to all devices that are polled. It is not possible
/// to set polling frequency on a per-device basis.
public static float pollingFrequency
get => s_Manager.pollingFrequency;
set => s_Manager.pollingFrequency = value;
/// Add a new device by instantiating the given device layout.
/// Name of the layout to instantiate. Must be a device layout. Note that
/// layout names are case-insensitive.
/// Name to assign to the device. If null, the layout's display name ( is used instead. Note that device names are made
/// unique automatically by the system by appending numbers to them (e.g. "gamepad", "gamepad1",
/// "gamepad2", etc.).
/// Semicolon-separated list of layout variants to use for the device.
/// is null or empty.
/// The newly created input device.
/// The device will be added to the list and a notification on
/// will be triggered.
/// Note that adding a device to the system will allocate and also create garbage on the GC heap.
/// // This is one way to instantiate the "Gamepad" layout.
/// InputSystem.AddDevice("Gamepad");
/// // In this case, because the "Gamepad" layout is based on the Gamepad
/// // class, we can also do this instead:
/// InputSystem.AddDevice<Gamepad>();
public static InputDevice AddDevice(string layout, string name = null, string variants = null)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(layout))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(layout));
return s_Manager.AddDevice(layout, name, new InternedString(variants));
/// Add a new device by instantiating the layout registered for type .
/// Name to assign to the device. If null, the layout's display name ( is used instead. Note that device names are made
/// unique automatically by the system by appending numbers to them (e.g. "gamepad", "gamepad1",
/// "gamepad2", etc.).
/// Type of device to add.
/// The newly added device.
/// Instantiating the layout for
/// did not produce a device of type .
/// The device will be added to the list and a notification on
/// will be triggered.
/// Note that adding a device to the system will allocate and also create garbage on the GC heap.
/// // Add a gamepad.
/// InputSystem.AddDevice<Gamepad>();
public static TDevice AddDevice(string name = null)
where TDevice : InputDevice
var device = s_Manager.AddDevice(typeof(TDevice), name);
if (!(device is TDevice deviceOfType))
// Consider the entire operation as failed, so remove the device we just added.
if (device != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Layout registered for type '{typeof(TDevice).Name}' did not produce a device of that type; layout probably has been overridden");
return deviceOfType;
/// Tell the input system that a new device has become available.
/// Description of the input device.
/// The newly created device that has been added to .
/// The given is empty -or-
/// no layout can be found that matches the given device .
/// This method is different from methods such as
/// or in that it employs the usual matching process the
/// same way that it happens when the Unity runtime reports an input device.
/// In particular, the same procedure described in the documentation for
/// is employed where all registered s are matched against the
/// supplied device description and the most suitable match determines the layout to use. This in
/// turn is run through to determine the final layout to use.
/// If no suitable layout can be found, the method throws ArgumentException.
/// InputSystem.AddDevice(
/// new InputDeviceDescription
/// {
/// interfaceName = "Custom",
/// product = "Product"
/// });
public static InputDevice AddDevice(InputDeviceDescription description)
if (description.empty)
throw new ArgumentException("Description must not be empty", nameof(description));
return s_Manager.AddDevice(description);
/// Add the given device back to the system.
/// An input device. If the device is currently already added to
/// the system (i.e. is in ), the method will do nothing.
/// This can be used when a device has been manually removed with .
/// The device will be added to the list and a notification on
/// will be triggered.
/// It may be tempting to do the following but this will not work:
/// // This will *NOT* work.
/// var device = new Gamepad();
/// InputSystem.AddDevice(device);
/// s, like s in general, cannot
/// simply be instantiated with new but must be created by the input system
/// instead.
public static void AddDevice(InputDevice device)
if (device == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(device));
/// Remove a device from the system such that it no longer receives input and is no longer part of the
/// set of devices in .
/// Device to remove. If the device has already been removed (i.e. if
/// is false), the method does nothing.
/// Actions that are bound to controls on the device will automatically unbind when the device
/// is removed.
/// When a device is removed, will be triggered with .
/// The device will be removed from as well as from any device-specific getters such as
/// .
/// is null.
public static void RemoveDevice(InputDevice device)
/// Purge all disconnected devices from .
/// This will release all references held on to for these devices or any of their controls and will
/// allow the devices to be reclaimed by the garbage collector.
public static void FlushDisconnectedDevices()
public static InputDevice GetDevice(string nameOrLayout)
return s_Manager.TryGetDevice(nameOrLayout);
public static TDevice GetDevice()
where TDevice : InputDevice
TDevice result = null;
var lastUpdateTime = -1.0;
foreach (var device in devices)
var deviceOfType = device as TDevice;
if (deviceOfType == null)
if (result == null || deviceOfType.m_LastUpdateTimeInternal > lastUpdateTime)
result = deviceOfType;
lastUpdateTime = result.m_LastUpdateTimeInternal;
return result;
////REVIEW: this API seems inconsistent with GetDevice(string); both have very different meaning yet very similar signatures
/// Return the device of the given type that has the
/// given usage assigned. Returns null if no such device currently exists.
/// Usage of the device, e.g. "LeftHand".
/// Type of device to look for.
/// The device with the given type and usage or null.
/// Devices usages are most commonly employed to "tag" devices for a specific role.
/// A common scenario, for example, is to distinguish which hand a specific
/// is associated with. However, arbitrary usages can be assigned to devices.
/// // Get the left hand XRController.
/// var leftHand = InputSystem.GetDevice<XRController>(CommonUsages.leftHand);
/// // Mark gamepad #2 as being for player 1.
/// InputSystem.SetDeviceUsage(Gamepad.all[1], "Player1");
/// // And later look it up.
/// var player1Gamepad = InputSystem.GetDevice<Gamepad>(new InternedString("Player1"));
public static TDevice GetDevice(InternedString usage)
where TDevice : InputDevice
TDevice result = null;
var lastUpdateTime = -1.0;
foreach (var device in devices)
var deviceOfType = device as TDevice;
if (deviceOfType == null)
if (!deviceOfType.usages.Contains(usage))
if (result == null || deviceOfType.m_LastUpdateTimeInternal > lastUpdateTime)
result = deviceOfType;
lastUpdateTime = result.m_LastUpdateTimeInternal;
return result;
public static TDevice GetDevice(string usage)
where TDevice : InputDevice
return GetDevice(new InternedString(usage));
/// Look up a device by its unique ID.
/// Unique ID of device. Such as given by .
/// The device for the given ID or null if no device with the given ID exists (or no longer exists).
/// Device IDs are not reused in a given session of the application (or Unity editor).
public static InputDevice GetDeviceById(int deviceId)
return s_Manager.TryGetDeviceById(deviceId);
/// Return the list of devices that have been reported by the runtime
/// but could not be matched to any known layout.
/// A list of descriptions of devices that could not be recognized.
/// If new layouts are added to the system or if additional matches
/// are added to existing layouts, devices in this list may appear or disappear.
public static List GetUnsupportedDevices()
var list = new List();
return list;
public static int GetUnsupportedDevices(List descriptions)
return s_Manager.GetUnsupportedDevices(descriptions);
/// (Re-)enable the given device.
/// Device to enable. If already enabled, the method will do nothing.
/// This can be used after a device has been disabled with or
/// with devices that start out in disabled state (usually the case for all
/// devices).
/// When enabled, a device will receive input when available.
/// // Enable the gyroscope, if present.
/// if (Gyroscope.current != null)
/// InputSystem.EnableDevice(Gyroscope.current);
public static void EnableDevice(InputDevice device)
s_Manager.EnableOrDisableDevice(device, true);
/// Disable the given device, i.e. "mute" it.
/// Device to disable. If already disabled, the method will do nothing.
/// A disabled device will not receive input and will remain in its default state. It will remain
/// present in the system but without actually feeding input into it.
/// Disabling devices is most useful for devices on battery-powered platforms
/// where having a sensor enabled will increase energy consumption. Sensors will usually start
/// out in disabled state and can be enabled, when needed, with and
/// disabled again wth this method.
/// However, disabling a device can be useful in other situations, too. For example, when simulating
/// input (say, mouse input) locally from a remote source, it can be desirable to turn off the respective
/// local device.
/// To remove a device altogether, use instead. This will not only silence
/// input but remove the instance from the system altogether.
public static void DisableDevice(InputDevice device)
s_Manager.EnableOrDisableDevice(device, false);
public static bool TrySyncDevice(InputDevice device)
if (device == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(device));
var syncCommand = RequestSyncCommand.Create();
var result = device.ExecuteCommand(ref syncCommand);
return result >= 0;
public static bool TryResetDevice(InputDevice device)
if (device == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(device));
return device.RequestReset();
////REVIEW: should there be a global pause state? what about haptics that are issued *while* paused?
/// Pause haptic effect playback on all devices.
/// Calls on all input devices
/// that implement the interface.
/// // When going into the menu from gameplay, pause haptics.
/// gameplayControls.backAction.onPerformed +=
/// ctx =>
/// {
/// gameplayControls.Disable();
/// menuControls.Enable();
/// InputSystem.PauseHaptics();
/// };
public static void PauseHaptics()
var devicesList = devices;
var devicesCount = devicesList.Count;
for (var i = 0; i < devicesCount; ++i)
var device = devicesList[i];
if (device is IHaptics haptics)
/// Resume haptic effect playback on all devices.
/// Calls on all input devices
/// that implement the interface.
public static void ResumeHaptics()
var devicesList = devices;
var devicesCount = devicesList.Count;
for (var i = 0; i < devicesCount; ++i)
var device = devicesList[i];
if (device is IHaptics haptics)
/// Stop haptic effect playback on all devices.
/// Will reset haptics effects on all devices to their default state.
/// Calls on all input devices
/// that implement the interface.
public static void ResetHaptics()
var devicesList = devices;
var devicesCount = devicesList.Count;
for (var i = 0; i < devicesCount; ++i)
var device = devicesList[i];
if (device is IHaptics haptics)
#region Controls
/// Set the usage tag of the given device to .
/// Device to set the usage on.
/// New usage for the device.
/// Usages allow to "tag" a specific device such that the tag can then be used in lookups
/// and bindings. A common use is for identifying the handedness of an
/// but the usages can be arbitrary strings.
/// This method either sets the usages of the device to a single string (meaning it will
/// clear whatever, if any usages, the device has when the method is called) or,
/// if is null or empty, resets the usages of the device
/// to be empty. To add to a device's set of usages, call .
/// To remove usages from a device, call .
/// The set of usages a device has can be queried with (a device
/// is an and thus, like controls, has an associated set of usages).
/// // Tag a gamepad to be associated with player #1.
/// InputSystem.SetDeviceUsage(myGamepad, "Player1");
/// // Create an action that binds to player #1's gamepad specifically.
/// var action = new InputAction(binding: "<Gamepad>{Player1}/buttonSouth");
/// // Move the tag from one gamepad to another.
/// InputSystem.SetDeviceUsage(myGamepad, null); // Clears usages on 'myGamepad'.
/// InputSystem.SetDeviceUsage(otherGamepad, "Player1");
/// is null.
public static void SetDeviceUsage(InputDevice device, string usage)
SetDeviceUsage(device, new InternedString(usage));
/// Set the usage tag of the given device to .
/// Device to set the usage on.
/// New usage for the device.
/// Usages allow to "tag" a specific device such that the tag can then be used in lookups
/// and bindings. A common use is for identifying the handedness of an
/// but the usages can be arbitrary strings.
/// This method either sets the usages of the device to a single string (meaning it will
/// clear whatever, if any usages, the device has when the method is called) or,
/// if is null or empty, resets the usages of the device
/// to be empty. To add to a device's set of usages, call .
/// To remove usages from a device, call .
/// The set of usages a device has can be queried with (a device
/// is an and thus, like controls, has an associated set of usages).
/// If the set of usages on the device changes as a result of calling this method,
/// will be triggered with .
/// // Tag a gamepad to be associated with player #1.
/// InputSystem.SetDeviceUsage(myGamepad, new InternedString("Player1"));
/// // Create an action that binds to player #1's gamepad specifically.
/// var action = new InputAction(binding: "<Gamepad>{Player1}/buttonSouth");
/// // Move the tag from one gamepad to another.
/// InputSystem.SetDeviceUsage(myGamepad, null); // Clears usages on 'myGamepad'.
/// InputSystem.SetDeviceUsage(otherGamepad, new InternedString("Player1"));
/// is null.
public static void SetDeviceUsage(InputDevice device, InternedString usage)
s_Manager.SetDeviceUsage(device, usage);
/// Add a usage tag to the given device.
/// Device to add the usage to.
/// New usage to add to the device.
/// Usages allow to "tag" a specific device such that the tag can then be used in lookups
/// and bindings. A common use is for identifying the handedness of an
/// but the usages can be arbitrary strings.
/// This method adds a new usage to the device's set of usages. If the device already has
/// the given usage, the method does nothing. To instead set the device's usages to a single
/// one, use . To remove usages from a device,
/// call .
/// The set of usages a device has can be queried with (a device
/// is an and thus, like controls, has an associated set of usages).
/// If the set of usages on the device changes as a result of calling this method,
/// will be triggered with .
/// is null.
/// is null or empty.
public static void AddDeviceUsage(InputDevice device, string usage)
s_Manager.AddDeviceUsage(device, new InternedString(usage));
/// Add a usage tag to the given device.
/// Device to add the usage to.
/// New usage to add to the device.
/// Usages allow to "tag" a specific device such that the tag can then be used in lookups
/// and bindings. A common use is for identifying the handedness of an
/// but the usages can be arbitrary strings.
/// This method adds a new usage to the device's set of usages. If the device already has
/// the given usage, the method does nothing. To instead set the device's usages to a single
/// one, use . To remove usages from a device,
/// call .
/// The set of usages a device has can be queried with (a device
/// is an and thus, like controls, has an associated set of usages).
/// If the set of usages on the device changes as a result of calling this method,
/// will be triggered with .
/// is null.
/// is empty.
public static void AddDeviceUsage(InputDevice device, InternedString usage)
s_Manager.AddDeviceUsage(device, usage);
/// Remove a usage tag from the given device.
/// Device to remove the usage from.
/// Usage to remove from the device.
/// This method removes an existing usage from the given device. If the device does not
/// have the given usage tag, the method does nothing. Use
/// or to add usages to a device.
/// The set of usages a device has can be queried with (a device
/// is an and thus, like controls, has an associated set of usages).
/// If the set of usages on the device changes as a result of calling this method,
/// will be triggered with .
/// is null.
/// is null or empty.
public static void RemoveDeviceUsage(InputDevice device, string usage)
s_Manager.RemoveDeviceUsage(device, new InternedString(usage));
/// Remove a usage tag from the given device.
/// Device to remove the usage from.
/// Usage to remove from the device.
/// This method removes an existing usage from the given device. If the device does not
/// have the given usage tag, the method does nothing. Use
/// or to add usages to a device.
/// The set of usages a device has can be queried with (a device
/// is an and thus, like controls, has an associated set of usages).
/// If the set of usages on the device changes as a result of calling this method,
/// will be triggered with .
/// is null.
/// is empty.
public static void RemoveDeviceUsage(InputDevice device, InternedString usage)
s_Manager.RemoveDeviceUsage(device, usage);
/// Find the first control that matches the given control path.
/// Path of a control, e.g. "<Gamepad>/buttonSouth". See
/// for details.
/// The first control that matches the given path or null if no control matches.
/// is null or empty.
/// If multiple controls match the given path, which result is considered the first is indeterminate.
/// // Add gamepad.
/// InputSystem.AddDevice<Gamepad>();
/// // Look up various controls on it.
/// var aButton = InputSystem.FindControl("<Gamepad>/buttonSouth");
/// var leftStickX = InputSystem.FindControl("*/leftStick/x");
/// var bButton = InputSystem.FindControl"*/{back}");
/// // This one returns the gamepad itself as devices are also controls.
/// var gamepad = InputSystem.FindControl("<Gamepad>");
public static InputControl FindControl(string path)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));
var devices = s_Manager.devices;
var numDevices = devices.Count;
for (var i = 0; i < numDevices; ++i)
var device = devices[i];
var control = InputControlPath.TryFindControl(device, path);
if (control != null)
return control;
return null;
/// Find all controls that match the given control path.
/// // Find all gamepads (literally: that use the "Gamepad" layout).
/// InputSystem.FindControls("<Gamepad>");
/// // Find all sticks on all gamepads.
/// InputSystem.FindControls("<Gamepad>/*stick");
/// // Same but filter stick by type rather than by name.
/// InputSystem.FindControls<StickControl>("<Gamepad>/*");
public static InputControlList FindControls(string path)
return FindControls(path);
public static InputControlList FindControls(string path)
where TControl : InputControl
var list = new InputControlList();
FindControls(path, ref list);
return list;
public static int FindControls(string path, ref InputControlList controls)
where TControl : InputControl
return s_Manager.GetControls(path, ref controls);
#region Events
/// Called during for each event that is processed.
/// Every time the input system updates (see
/// or for details about when and how this happens),
/// it flushes all events from the internal event buffer that are due in the current
/// update ( for details about when events
/// may be postponed to a subsequent frame).
/// As the input system reads events from the buffer one by one, it will trigger this
/// callback for each event which originates from a recognized device, before then proceeding
/// to process the event. However, if any of the callbacks sets
/// to true, the event will be skipped and ignored.
/// Note that the input system does NOT sort events by timestamps ().
/// Instead, they are consumed in the order they are produced. This means that they
/// will also surface on this callback in that order.
/// // Treat left+right mouse button as middle mouse button.
/// // (Note: This example is more for demonstrative purposes; it isn't necessarily a good use case)
/// InputSystem.onEvent +=
/// (eventPtr, device) =>
/// {
/// // Only deal with state events.
/// if (!eventPtr.IsA<StateEvent>())
/// return;
/// if (!(device is Mouse mouse))
/// return;
/// mouse.leftButton.ReadValueFromEvent(eventPtr, out var lmbDown);
/// mouse.rightButton.ReadValueFromEvent(eventPtr, out var rmbDown);
/// if (lmbDown > 0 && rmbDown > 0)
/// mouse.middleButton.WriteValueIntoEvent(1f, eventPtr);
/// };
/// If you are looking for a way to capture events, may be of
/// interest and an alternative to directly hooking into this event.
/// If you are looking to monitor changes to specific input controls, state change monitors
/// (see
/// are usually a more efficient and convenient way to set this up.
/// Delegate reference is null.
public static event Action onEvent
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
lock (s_Manager)
s_Manager.onEvent += value;
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
lock (s_Manager)
s_Manager.onEvent -= value;
////TODO: need to handle events being queued *during* event processing
/// Add an event to the internal event queue.
/// Event to add to the internal event buffer.
/// is not
/// valid (see ).
/// The event will be copied in full to the internal event buffer meaning that
/// you can release memory for the event after it has been queued. The internal event
/// buffer is flushed on the next input system update (see ).
/// Note that if timeslicing is in effect (see ),
/// then the event may not get processed until its timestamp
/// is within the update window of the input system.
/// As part of queuing, the event will receive its own unique ID (see ).
/// Note that this ID will be written into the memory buffer referenced by
/// meaning that after calling QueueEvent, you will see the event ID with which the event
/// was queued.
/// // Queue an input event on the first gamepad.
/// var gamepad = Gamepad.all[0];
/// using (StateEvent.From(gamepad, out var eventPtr))
/// {
/// gamepad.leftStick.WriteValueIntoEvent(new Vector2(0.123, 0.234), eventPtr);
/// InputSystem.QueueEvent(eventPtr);
/// }
public static void QueueEvent(InputEventPtr eventPtr)
if (!eventPtr.valid)
throw new ArgumentException("Received a null event pointer", nameof(eventPtr));
public static void QueueEvent(ref TEvent inputEvent)
where TEvent : struct, IInputEventTypeInfo
s_Manager.QueueEvent(ref inputEvent);
////REVIEW: consider moving these out into extension methods in UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel
////TODO: find a more elegant solution for this
// Mono will ungracefully poop exceptions if we try to use LayoutKind.Explicit in generic
// structs. So we can't just stuff a generic TState into a StateEvent and enforce
// proper layout. Thus the jumping through lots of ugly hoops here.
private unsafe struct StateEventBuffer
public StateEvent stateEvent;
public const int kMaxSize = 512;
public fixed byte data[kMaxSize - 1]; // StateEvent already adds one.
/// Queue a to update the input state of the given device.
/// Device whose input state to update
/// Timestamp for the event. If not supplied, the current time is used. Note
/// that if the given time is in the future and timeslicing is active (,
/// the event will only get processed once the actual time has caught up with the given time.
/// Type of input state, such as . Must match the expected
/// type of state of .
/// The given state must match exactly what is expected by the given device. If unsure, an alternative
/// is to grab the state as an event directly from the device using which can then
/// be queued using .
/// // Allocates temporary, unmanaged memory for the event.
/// // using statement automatically disposes the memory once we have queued the event.
/// using (StateEvent.From(Mouse.current, out var eventPtr))
/// {
/// // Use controls on mouse to write values into event.
/// Mouse.current.position.WriteValueIntoEvent(new Vector(123, 234), eventPtr);
/// // Queue event.
/// InputSystem.QueueEvent(eventPtr);
/// }
/// The event will only be queued and not processed right away. This means that the state of
/// will not change immediately as a result of calling this method. Instead,
/// the event will be processed as part of the next input update.
/// Note that this method updates the complete input state of the device including all of its
/// controls. To update just part of the state of a device, you can use
/// (however, note that there are some restrictions; see documentation).
/// InputSystem.QueueStateEvent(Mouse.current, new MouseState { position = new Vector(123, 234) });
/// is null.
/// has not been added to the system
/// () and thus cannot receive events.
public static unsafe void QueueStateEvent(InputDevice device, TState state, double time = -1)
where TState : struct, IInputStateTypeInfo
if (device == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(device));
// Make sure device is actually in the system.
if (device.m_DeviceIndex == InputDevice.kInvalidDeviceIndex)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Cannot queue state event for device '{device}' because device has not been added to system");
////REVIEW: does it make more sense to go off the 'stateBlock' on the device and let that determine size?
var stateSize = (uint)UnsafeUtility.SizeOf();
if (stateSize > StateEventBuffer.kMaxSize)
throw new ArgumentException(
$"Size of '{typeof(TState).Name}' exceeds maximum supported state size of {StateEventBuffer.kMaxSize}",
var eventSize = UnsafeUtility.SizeOf() + stateSize - StateEvent.kStateDataSizeToSubtract;
if (time < 0)
time = InputRuntime.s_Instance.currentTime;
time += InputRuntime.s_CurrentTimeOffsetToRealtimeSinceStartup;
StateEventBuffer eventBuffer;
eventBuffer.stateEvent =
new StateEvent
baseEvent = new InputEvent(StateEvent.Type, (int)eventSize, device.deviceId, time),
stateFormat = state.format
var ptr = eventBuffer.stateEvent.stateData;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(ptr, UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref state), stateSize);
s_Manager.QueueEvent(ref eventBuffer.stateEvent);
private unsafe struct DeltaStateEventBuffer
public DeltaStateEvent stateEvent;
public const int kMaxSize = 512;
public fixed byte data[kMaxSize - 1]; // DeltaStateEvent already adds one.
/// Queue a to update part of the input state of the given device.
/// Control on a device to update state of.
/// New state for the control. Type of state must match the state of the control.
/// is null.
public static unsafe void QueueDeltaStateEvent(InputControl control, TDelta delta, double time = -1)
where TDelta : struct
if (control == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(control));
if (control.stateBlock.bitOffset != 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Cannot send delta state events against bitfield controls: {control}");
// Make sure device is actually in the system.
var device = control.device;
if (device.m_DeviceIndex == InputDevice.kInvalidDeviceIndex)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"Cannot queue state event for control '{control}' on device '{device}' because device has not been added to system");
if (time < 0)
time = InputRuntime.s_Instance.currentTime;
time += InputRuntime.s_CurrentTimeOffsetToRealtimeSinceStartup;
var deltaSize = (uint)UnsafeUtility.SizeOf();
if (deltaSize > DeltaStateEventBuffer.kMaxSize)
throw new ArgumentException(
$"Size of state delta '{typeof(TDelta).Name}' exceeds maximum supported state size of {DeltaStateEventBuffer.kMaxSize}",
////TODO: recognize a matching C# representation of a state format and convert to what we expect for trivial cases
if (deltaSize != control.stateBlock.alignedSizeInBytes)
throw new ArgumentException(
$"Size {deltaSize} of delta state of type {typeof(TDelta).Name} provided for control '{control}' does not match size {control.stateBlock.alignedSizeInBytes} of control",
var eventSize = UnsafeUtility.SizeOf() + deltaSize - 1;
DeltaStateEventBuffer eventBuffer;
eventBuffer.stateEvent =
new DeltaStateEvent
baseEvent = new InputEvent(DeltaStateEvent.Type, (int)eventSize, device.deviceId, time),
stateFormat = device.stateBlock.format,
stateOffset = control.m_StateBlock.byteOffset - device.m_StateBlock.byteOffset
var ptr = eventBuffer.stateEvent.stateData;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(ptr, UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref delta), deltaSize);
s_Manager.QueueEvent(ref eventBuffer.stateEvent);
/// Queue a that signals that the configuration of the given device has changed
/// and that cached configuration will thus have to be refreshed.
/// Device whose configuration has changed.
/// Timestamp for the event. If not supplied, the current time will be used.
/// All state of an input device that is not input or output state is considered its "configuration".
/// A simple example is keyboard layouts. A will typically have an associated
/// keyboard layout that dictates the function of each key and which can be changed by the user at the
/// system level. In the input system, the current keyboard layout can be queried via .
/// When the layout changes at the system level, the input backend sends a configuration change event
/// to signal that the configuration of the keyboard has changed and that cached data may be outdated.
/// In response, will flush out cached information such as the name of the keyboard
/// layout and display names () of individual keys which causes them
/// to be fetched again from the backend the next time they are accessed.
/// is null.
/// has not been added
/// (; ) and thus cannot
/// receive events.
public static void QueueConfigChangeEvent(InputDevice device, double time = -1)
if (device == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(device));
if (device.deviceId == InputDevice.InvalidDeviceId)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Device has not been added");
if (time < 0)
time = InputRuntime.s_Instance.currentTime;
time += InputRuntime.s_CurrentTimeOffsetToRealtimeSinceStartup;
var inputEvent = DeviceConfigurationEvent.Create(device.deviceId, time);
s_Manager.QueueEvent(ref inputEvent);
/// Queue a on the given device.
/// Device to queue the event on.
/// Text character to input through the event.
/// Optional event time stamp. If not supplied, the current time will be used.
/// Text input is sent to devices character by character. This allows sending strings of arbitrary
/// length without necessary incurring GC overhead.
/// For the event to have any effect on , the device must
/// implement . It will see
/// being called when the event is processed.
/// is null.
/// is a device that has not been
/// added to the system.
public static void QueueTextEvent(InputDevice device, char character, double time = -1)
if (device == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(device));
if (device.deviceId == InputDevice.InvalidDeviceId)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Device has not been added");
if (time < 0)
time = InputRuntime.s_Instance.currentTime;
time += InputRuntime.s_CurrentTimeOffsetToRealtimeSinceStartup;
var inputEvent = TextEvent.Create(device.deviceId, character, time);
s_Manager.QueueEvent(ref inputEvent);
////TODO: rename or move this to a less obvious place
/// Run a single update of input state.
/// Except in tests and when using , this method should not
/// normally be called. The input system will automatically update as part of the player loop as
/// determined by . Calling this method is equivalent to
/// inserting extra frames, i.e. it will advance the entire state of the input system by one complete
/// frame.
/// When using , this method MUST be called for input to update in the
/// player. Not calling the method as part of the player loop may result in excessive memory
/// consumption and/or potential loss of input.
/// Each update will flush out buffered input events and cause them to be processed. This in turn
/// will update the state of input devices () and trigger actions ()
/// that monitor affected device state.
public static void Update()
internal static void Update(InputUpdateType updateType)
if (updateType != InputUpdateType.None && (s_Manager.updateMask & updateType) == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
$"'{updateType}' updates are not enabled; InputSystem.settings.updateMode is set to '{settings.updateMode}'");
/// Event that is fired before the input system updates.
/// The input system updates in sync with player loop and editor updates. Input updates
/// are run right before the respective script update. For example, an input update for
/// is run before MonoBehaviour.Update methods
/// are executed.
/// The update callback itself is triggered before the input system runs its own update and
/// before it flushes out its event queue. This means that events queued from a callback will
/// be fed right into the upcoming update.
public static event Action onBeforeUpdate
lock (s_Manager)
s_Manager.onBeforeUpdate += value;
lock (s_Manager)
s_Manager.onBeforeUpdate -= value;
/// Event that is fired after the input system has completed an update and processed all pending events.
public static event Action onAfterUpdate
lock (s_Manager)
s_Manager.onAfterUpdate += value;
lock (s_Manager)
s_Manager.onAfterUpdate -= value;
#region Settings
/// The current configuration of the input system.
/// Global configuration object for the input system.
/// The input system can be configured on a per-project basis. Settings can either be created and
/// installed on the fly or persisted as assets in the project.
/// Value is null when setting the property.
public static InputSettings settings
get => s_Manager.settings;
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
if (s_Manager.m_Settings == value)
// In the editor, we keep track of the settings asset through EditorBuildSettings.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(value)))
value, true);
s_Manager.settings = value;
/// Event that is triggered if any of the properties in changes or if
/// is replaced entirely with a new object.
public static event Action onSettingsChange
add => s_Manager.onSettingsChange += value;
remove => s_Manager.onSettingsChange -= value;
#region Actions
/// Event that is signalled when the state of enabled actions in the system changes or
/// when actions are triggered.
/// The object received by the callback is either an ,
/// , or depending on whether the
/// affects a single action, an entire action map, or an
/// entire action asset.
/// For and ,
/// the given object is an if the action is not part of an action map,
/// an if the the actions are part of a map but not part of an asset, and an
/// if the actions are part of an asset. In other words, the notification is
/// sent for the topmost object in the hierarchy.
/// InputSystem.onActionChange +=
/// (obj, change) =>
/// {
/// if (change == InputActionChange.ActionPerformed)
/// {
/// var action = (InputAction)obj;
/// var control = action.activeControl;
/// //...
/// }
/// else if (change == InputActionChange.ActionMapEnabled)
/// {
/// var actionMap = (InputActionMap)obj;
/// //...
/// }
/// else if (change == InputActionChange.BoundControlsChanged)
/// {
/// // This is one way to deal with the fact that obj may be an InputAction
/// // InputActionMap, or InputActionAsset and may be part of an InputActionAsset or not.
/// var action = obj as InputAction;
/// var actionMap = action?.actionMap ?? obj as InputActionMap;
/// var actionAsset = actionMap?.asset ?? obj as InputActionAsset;
/// // Note that if bound controls are changed on any map in an asset, there *will*
/// // be a BoundControlsChanged notification for the entire asset.
/// //...
/// }
/// };
public static event Action