# Workflow: How to create a test To create a test, do the following: 1. Create your *Test* [assembly folder](./workflow-create-test-assembly.md) and select it in the **Project** window. 2. Click the button **Create Test Script in current folder** option in the **Test Runner** window. ![EditMode create test script](./images/editmode-create-test-script.png) 3. It creates a *NewTestScript.cs* file in the *Tests* folder. Change the name of the script, if necessary, and press Enter to accept it. ![NewTestScript.cs](./images/new-test-script.png) Now you’ll see two sample tests in the Test Runner window: ![Test templates](./images/test-templates.png) Now you can open the tests in your favorite script editor. You can also create test scripts by navigating to **Assets** > **Create > Testing** > **C# Test Script**, unless adding a test script would result in a compilation error. > **Note**: Unity does not include `TestAssemblies` ([NUnit](http://www.nunit.org/), Unity Test Framework, and user script assemblies) when using the normal build pipeline, but does include them when using **Run on <Platform>** in the Test Runner window. ## Filters If you have a lot of tests, and you only want to view/run a sub-set of them, you can filter them in three ways (see image above): * Type in the search box in the top left * Click a test class or fixture (such as **NewTestScript** in the image above) * Click one of the test result icon buttons in the top right For more information, see [Edit Mode vs. Play Mode tests](./edit-mode-vs-play-mode-tests.md).