using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Layouts; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel; ////TODO: add way to plot values over time // Goal is to build this out into something that can visualize a large number of // aspects about an InputControl/InputDevice especially with an eye towards making // it a good deal to debug any input collection/processing irregularities that may // be seen in players (or the editor, for that matter). // Some fields assigned through only through serialization. #pragma warning disable CS0649 namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem.Samples { /// /// A component for debugging purposes that adds an on-screen display which shows /// activity on an input control over time. /// /// /// This component is most useful for debugging input directly on the source device. /// /// [AddComponentMenu("Input/Debug/Input Control Visualizer")] [ExecuteInEditMode] public class InputControlVisualizer : InputVisualizer { /// /// What kind of visualization to show. /// public Mode visualization { get => m_Visualization; set { if (m_Visualization == value) return; m_Visualization = value; SetupVisualizer(); } } /// /// Path of the control that is to be visualized. /// /// /// public string controlPath { get => m_ControlPath; set { m_ControlPath = value; if (m_Control != null) ResolveControl(); } } /// /// If, at runtime, multiple controls are matching , this property /// determines the index of the control that is retrieved from the possible options. /// public int controlIndex { get => m_ControlIndex; set { m_ControlIndex = value; if (m_Control != null) ResolveControl(); } } /// /// The control resolved from at runtime. May be null. /// public InputControl control => m_Control; protected new void OnEnable() { if (m_Visualization == Mode.None) return; if (s_EnabledInstances == null) s_EnabledInstances = new List(); if (s_EnabledInstances.Count == 0) { InputSystem.onDeviceChange += OnDeviceChange; InputSystem.onEvent += OnEvent; } s_EnabledInstances.Add(this); ResolveControl(); base.OnEnable(); } protected new void OnDisable() { if (m_Visualization == Mode.None) return; s_EnabledInstances.Remove(this); if (s_EnabledInstances.Count == 0) { InputSystem.onDeviceChange -= OnDeviceChange; InputSystem.onEvent -= OnEvent; } m_Control = null; base.OnDisable(); } protected new void OnGUI() { if (m_Visualization == Mode.None) return; base.OnGUI(); } protected new void OnValidate() { ResolveControl(); base.OnValidate(); } [Tooltip("The type of visualization to perform for the control.")] [SerializeField] private Mode m_Visualization; [Tooltip("Path of the control that should be visualized. If at runtime, multiple " + "controls match the given path, the 'Control Index' property can be used to decide " + "which of the controls to visualize.")] [InputControl, SerializeField] private string m_ControlPath; [Tooltip("If multiple controls match 'Control Path' at runtime, this property decides " + "which control to visualize from the list of candidates. It is a zero-based index.")] [SerializeField] private int m_ControlIndex; [NonSerialized] private InputControl m_Control; private static List s_EnabledInstances; private void ResolveControl() { m_Control = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ControlPath)) return; using (var candidates = InputSystem.FindControls(m_ControlPath)) { var numCandidates = candidates.Count; if (numCandidates > 1 && m_ControlIndex < numCandidates && m_ControlIndex >= 0) m_Control = candidates[m_ControlIndex]; else if (numCandidates > 0) m_Control = candidates[0]; } SetupVisualizer(); } private void SetupVisualizer() { if (m_Control == null) { m_Visualizer = null; return; } switch (m_Visualization) { case Mode.Value: { var valueType = m_Control.valueType; if (valueType == typeof(Vector2)) m_Visualizer = new VisualizationHelpers.Vector2Visualizer(m_HistorySamples); else if (valueType == typeof(float)) m_Visualizer = new VisualizationHelpers.ScalarVisualizer(m_HistorySamples) { ////TODO: pass actual min/max limits of control limitMax = 1, limitMin = 0 }; else if (valueType == typeof(int)) m_Visualizer = new VisualizationHelpers.ScalarVisualizer(m_HistorySamples) { ////TODO: pass actual min/max limits of control limitMax = 1, limitMin = 0 }; else { ////TODO: generic visualizer } break; } case Mode.Events: { var visualizer = new VisualizationHelpers.TimelineVisualizer(m_HistorySamples) { timeUnit = VisualizationHelpers.TimelineVisualizer.TimeUnit.Frames, historyDepth = m_HistorySamples, showLimits = true, limitsY = new Vector2(0, 5) // Will expand upward automatically }; m_Visualizer = visualizer; visualizer.AddTimeline("Events",, VisualizationHelpers.TimelineVisualizer.PlotType.BarChart); break; } case Mode.MaximumLag: { var visualizer = new VisualizationHelpers.TimelineVisualizer(m_HistorySamples) { timeUnit = VisualizationHelpers.TimelineVisualizer.TimeUnit.Frames, historyDepth = m_HistorySamples, valueUnit = new GUIContent("ms"), showLimits = true, limitsY = new Vector2(0, 6) }; m_Visualizer = visualizer; visualizer.AddTimeline("MaxLag",, VisualizationHelpers.TimelineVisualizer.PlotType.BarChart); break; } case Mode.Bytes: { var visualizer = new VisualizationHelpers.TimelineVisualizer(m_HistorySamples) { timeUnit = VisualizationHelpers.TimelineVisualizer.TimeUnit.Frames, valueUnit = new GUIContent("bytes"), historyDepth = m_HistorySamples, showLimits = true, limitsY = new Vector2(0, 64) }; m_Visualizer = visualizer; visualizer.AddTimeline("Bytes",, VisualizationHelpers.TimelineVisualizer.PlotType.BarChart); break; } default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } } private static void OnDeviceChange(InputDevice device, InputDeviceChange change) { if (change != InputDeviceChange.Added && change != InputDeviceChange.Removed) return; for (var i = 0; i < s_EnabledInstances.Count; ++i) { var component = s_EnabledInstances[i]; if (change == InputDeviceChange.Removed && component.m_Control != null && component.m_Control.device == device) component.ResolveControl(); else if (change == InputDeviceChange.Added) component.ResolveControl(); } } private static void OnEvent(InputEventPtr eventPtr, InputDevice device) { // Ignore very first update as we usually get huge lag spikes and event count // spikes in it from stuff that has accumulated while going into play mode or // starting up the player. if (InputState.updateCount <= 1) return; if (InputState.currentUpdateType == InputUpdateType.Editor) return; if (!eventPtr.IsA() && !eventPtr.IsA()) return; for (var i = 0; i < s_EnabledInstances.Count; ++i) { var component = s_EnabledInstances[i]; if (component.m_Control?.device != device || component.m_Visualizer == null) continue; component.OnEventImpl(eventPtr); } } private unsafe void OnEventImpl(InputEventPtr eventPtr) { switch (m_Visualization) { case Mode.Value: { var statePtr = m_Control.GetStatePtrFromStateEvent(eventPtr); if (statePtr == null) return; // No value for control in event. var value = m_Control.ReadValueFromStateAsObject(statePtr); m_Visualizer.AddSample(value, eventPtr.time); break; } case Mode.Events: { var visualizer = (VisualizationHelpers.TimelineVisualizer)m_Visualizer; var frame = (int)InputState.updateCount; ref var valueRef = ref visualizer.GetOrCreateSample(0, frame); var value = valueRef.ToInt32() + 1; valueRef = value; visualizer.limitsY = new Vector2(0, Mathf.Max(value, visualizer.limitsY.y)); break; } case Mode.MaximumLag: { var visualizer = (VisualizationHelpers.TimelineVisualizer)m_Visualizer; var lag = (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - eventPtr.time) * 1000; // In milliseconds. var frame = (int)InputState.updateCount; ref var valueRef = ref visualizer.GetOrCreateSample(0, frame); if (lag > valueRef.ToDouble()) { valueRef = lag; if (lag > visualizer.limitsY.y) visualizer.limitsY = new Vector2(0, Mathf.Ceil((float)lag)); } break; } case Mode.Bytes: { var visualizer = (VisualizationHelpers.TimelineVisualizer)m_Visualizer; var frame = (int)InputState.updateCount; ref var valueRef = ref visualizer.GetOrCreateSample(0, frame); var value = valueRef.ToInt32() + eventPtr.sizeInBytes; valueRef = value; visualizer.limitsY = new Vector2(0, Mathf.Max(value, visualizer.limitsY.y)); break; } } } /// /// Determines which aspect of the control should be visualized. /// public enum Mode { None = 0, Value = 1, Events = 4, MaximumLag = 6, Bytes = 7, } } }