using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Utilities; using UnityEngine.UI; ////TODO: localization support ////TODO: deal with composites that have parts bound in different control schemes namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem.Samples.RebindUI { /// /// A reusable component with a self-contained UI for rebinding a single action. /// public class RebindActionUI : MonoBehaviour { /// /// Reference to the action that is to be rebound. /// public InputActionReference actionReference { get => m_Action; set { m_Action = value; UpdateActionLabel(); UpdateBindingDisplay(); } } /// /// ID (in string form) of the binding that is to be rebound on the action. /// /// public string bindingId { get => m_BindingId; set { m_BindingId = value; UpdateBindingDisplay(); } } public InputBinding.DisplayStringOptions displayStringOptions { get => m_DisplayStringOptions; set { m_DisplayStringOptions = value; UpdateBindingDisplay(); } } /// /// Text component that receives the name of the action. Optional. /// public Text actionLabel { get => m_ActionLabel; set { m_ActionLabel = value; UpdateActionLabel(); } } /// /// Text component that receives the display string of the binding. Can be null in which /// case the component entirely relies on . /// public Text bindingText { get => m_BindingText; set { m_BindingText = value; UpdateBindingDisplay(); } } /// /// Optional text component that receives a text prompt when waiting for a control to be actuated. /// /// /// public Text rebindPrompt { get => m_RebindText; set => m_RebindText = value; } /// /// Optional UI that is activated when an interactive rebind is started and deactivated when the rebind /// is finished. This is normally used to display an overlay over the current UI while the system is /// waiting for a control to be actuated. /// /// /// If neither nor rebindOverlay is set, the component will temporarily /// replaced the (if not null) with "Waiting...". /// /// /// public GameObject rebindOverlay { get => m_RebindOverlay; set => m_RebindOverlay = value; } /// /// Event that is triggered every time the UI updates to reflect the current binding. /// This can be used to tie custom visualizations to bindings. /// public UpdateBindingUIEvent updateBindingUIEvent { get { if (m_UpdateBindingUIEvent == null) m_UpdateBindingUIEvent = new UpdateBindingUIEvent(); return m_UpdateBindingUIEvent; } } /// /// Event that is triggered when an interactive rebind is started on the action. /// public InteractiveRebindEvent startRebindEvent { get { if (m_RebindStartEvent == null) m_RebindStartEvent = new InteractiveRebindEvent(); return m_RebindStartEvent; } } /// /// Event that is triggered when an interactive rebind has been completed or canceled. /// public InteractiveRebindEvent stopRebindEvent { get { if (m_RebindStopEvent == null) m_RebindStopEvent = new InteractiveRebindEvent(); return m_RebindStopEvent; } } /// /// When an interactive rebind is in progress, this is the rebind operation controller. /// Otherwise, it is null. /// public InputActionRebindingExtensions.RebindingOperation ongoingRebind => m_RebindOperation; /// /// Return the action and binding index for the binding that is targeted by the component /// according to /// /// /// /// public bool ResolveActionAndBinding(out InputAction action, out int bindingIndex) { bindingIndex = -1; action = m_Action?.action; if (action == null) return false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_BindingId)) return false; // Look up binding index. var bindingId = new Guid(m_BindingId); bindingIndex = action.bindings.IndexOf(x => == bindingId); if (bindingIndex == -1) { Debug.LogError($"Cannot find binding with ID '{bindingId}' on '{action}'", this); return false; } return true; } /// /// Trigger a refresh of the currently displayed binding. /// public void UpdateBindingDisplay() { var displayString = string.Empty; var deviceLayoutName = default(string); var controlPath = default(string); // Get display string from action. var action = m_Action?.action; if (action != null) { var bindingIndex = action.bindings.IndexOf(x => == m_BindingId); if (bindingIndex != -1) displayString = action.GetBindingDisplayString(bindingIndex, out deviceLayoutName, out controlPath, displayStringOptions); } // Set on label (if any). if (m_BindingText != null) m_BindingText.text = displayString; // Give listeners a chance to configure UI in response. m_UpdateBindingUIEvent?.Invoke(this, displayString, deviceLayoutName, controlPath); } /// /// Remove currently applied binding overrides. /// public void ResetToDefault() { if (!ResolveActionAndBinding(out var action, out var bindingIndex)) return; if (action.bindings[bindingIndex].isComposite) { // It's a composite. Remove overrides from part bindings. for (var i = bindingIndex + 1; i < action.bindings.Count && action.bindings[i].isPartOfComposite; ++i) action.RemoveBindingOverride(i); } else { action.RemoveBindingOverride(bindingIndex); } UpdateBindingDisplay(); } /// /// Initiate an interactive rebind that lets the player actuate a control to choose a new binding /// for the action. /// public void StartInteractiveRebind() { if (!ResolveActionAndBinding(out var action, out var bindingIndex)) return; // If the binding is a composite, we need to rebind each part in turn. if (action.bindings[bindingIndex].isComposite) { var firstPartIndex = bindingIndex + 1; if (firstPartIndex < action.bindings.Count && action.bindings[firstPartIndex].isPartOfComposite) PerformInteractiveRebind(action, firstPartIndex, allCompositeParts: true); } else { PerformInteractiveRebind(action, bindingIndex); } } private void PerformInteractiveRebind(InputAction action, int bindingIndex, bool allCompositeParts = false) { m_RebindOperation?.Cancel(); // Will null out m_RebindOperation. void CleanUp() { m_RebindOperation?.Dispose(); m_RebindOperation = null; } // Configure the rebind. m_RebindOperation = action.PerformInteractiveRebinding(bindingIndex) .OnCancel( operation => { m_RebindStopEvent?.Invoke(this, operation); m_RebindOverlay?.SetActive(false); UpdateBindingDisplay(); CleanUp(); }) .OnComplete( operation => { m_RebindOverlay?.SetActive(false); m_RebindStopEvent?.Invoke(this, operation); UpdateBindingDisplay(); CleanUp(); // If there's more composite parts we should bind, initiate a rebind // for the next part. if (allCompositeParts) { var nextBindingIndex = bindingIndex + 1; if (nextBindingIndex < action.bindings.Count && action.bindings[nextBindingIndex].isPartOfComposite) PerformInteractiveRebind(action, nextBindingIndex, true); } }); // If it's a part binding, show the name of the part in the UI. var partName = default(string); if (action.bindings[bindingIndex].isPartOfComposite) partName = $"Binding '{action.bindings[bindingIndex].name}'. "; // Bring up rebind overlay, if we have one. m_RebindOverlay?.SetActive(true); if (m_RebindText != null) { var text = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_RebindOperation.expectedControlType) ? $"{partName}Waiting for {m_RebindOperation.expectedControlType} input..." : $"{partName}Waiting for input..."; m_RebindText.text = text; } // If we have no rebind overlay and no callback but we have a binding text label, // temporarily set the binding text label to "". if (m_RebindOverlay == null && m_RebindText == null && m_RebindStartEvent == null && m_BindingText != null) m_BindingText.text = ""; // Give listeners a chance to act on the rebind starting. m_RebindStartEvent?.Invoke(this, m_RebindOperation); m_RebindOperation.Start(); } protected void OnEnable() { if (s_RebindActionUIs == null) s_RebindActionUIs = new List(); s_RebindActionUIs.Add(this); if (s_RebindActionUIs.Count == 1) InputSystem.onActionChange += OnActionChange; } protected void OnDisable() { m_RebindOperation?.Dispose(); m_RebindOperation = null; s_RebindActionUIs.Remove(this); if (s_RebindActionUIs.Count == 0) { s_RebindActionUIs = null; InputSystem.onActionChange -= OnActionChange; } } // When the action system re-resolves bindings, we want to update our UI in response. While this will // also trigger from changes we made ourselves, it ensures that we react to changes made elsewhere. If // the user changes keyboard layout, for example, we will get a BoundControlsChanged notification and // will update our UI to reflect the current keyboard layout. private static void OnActionChange(object obj, InputActionChange change) { if (change != InputActionChange.BoundControlsChanged) return; var action = obj as InputAction; var actionMap = action?.actionMap ?? obj as InputActionMap; var actionAsset = actionMap?.asset ?? obj as InputActionAsset; for (var i = 0; i < s_RebindActionUIs.Count; ++i) { var component = s_RebindActionUIs[i]; var referencedAction = component.actionReference?.action; if (referencedAction == null) continue; if (referencedAction == action || referencedAction.actionMap == actionMap || referencedAction.actionMap?.asset == actionAsset) component.UpdateBindingDisplay(); } } [Tooltip("Reference to action that is to be rebound from the UI.")] [SerializeField] private InputActionReference m_Action; [SerializeField] private string m_BindingId; [SerializeField] private InputBinding.DisplayStringOptions m_DisplayStringOptions; [Tooltip("Text label that will receive the name of the action. Optional. Set to None to have the " + "rebind UI not show a label for the action.")] [SerializeField] private Text m_ActionLabel; [Tooltip("Text label that will receive the current, formatted binding string.")] [SerializeField] private Text m_BindingText; [Tooltip("Optional UI that will be shown while a rebind is in progress.")] [SerializeField] private GameObject m_RebindOverlay; [Tooltip("Optional text label that will be updated with prompt for user input.")] [SerializeField] private Text m_RebindText; [Tooltip("Event that is triggered when the way the binding is display should be updated. This allows displaying " + "bindings in custom ways, e.g. using images instead of text.")] [SerializeField] private UpdateBindingUIEvent m_UpdateBindingUIEvent; [Tooltip("Event that is triggered when an interactive rebind is being initiated. This can be used, for example, " + "to implement custom UI behavior while a rebind is in progress. It can also be used to further " + "customize the rebind.")] [SerializeField] private InteractiveRebindEvent m_RebindStartEvent; [Tooltip("Event that is triggered when an interactive rebind is complete or has been aborted.")] [SerializeField] private InteractiveRebindEvent m_RebindStopEvent; private InputActionRebindingExtensions.RebindingOperation m_RebindOperation; private static List s_RebindActionUIs; // We want the label for the action name to update in edit mode, too, so // we kick that off from here. #if UNITY_EDITOR protected void OnValidate() { UpdateActionLabel(); UpdateBindingDisplay(); } #endif private void UpdateActionLabel() { if (m_ActionLabel != null) { var action = m_Action?.action; m_ActionLabel.text = action != null ? : string.Empty; } } [Serializable] public class UpdateBindingUIEvent : UnityEvent { } [Serializable] public class InteractiveRebindEvent : UnityEvent { } } }