using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Utilities; using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Layouts; ////FIXME: display names for keys should be localized key names, not just printable characters (e.g. "Space" should be called "Leertaste") ////TODO: usages on modifiers so they can be identified regardless of platform conventions namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel { /// /// Default state layout for keyboards. /// // NOTE: This layout has to match the KeyboardInputState layout used in native! [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public unsafe struct KeyboardState : IInputStateTypeInfo { /// /// Memory format tag for KeybboardState. /// /// Returns "KEYS". /// public static FourCC Format => new FourCC('K', 'E', 'Y', 'S'); private const int kSizeInBits = Keyboard.KeyCount; internal const int kSizeInBytes = (kSizeInBits + 7) / 8; [InputControl(name = "anyKey", displayName = "Any Key", layout = "AnyKey", sizeInBits = kSizeInBits - 1, synthetic = true)] // Exclude IMESelected. [InputControl(name = "escape", displayName = "Escape", layout = "Key", usages = new[] {"Back", "Cancel"}, bit = (int)Key.Escape)] [InputControl(name = "space", displayName = "Space", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Space)] [InputControl(name = "enter", displayName = "Enter", layout = "Key", usage = "Submit", bit = (int)Key.Enter)] [InputControl(name = "tab", displayName = "Tab", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Tab)] [InputControl(name = "backquote", displayName = "`", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Backquote)] [InputControl(name = "quote", displayName = "'", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Quote)] [InputControl(name = "semicolon", displayName = ";", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Semicolon)] [InputControl(name = "comma", displayName = ",", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Comma)] [InputControl(name = "period", displayName = ".", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Period)] [InputControl(name = "slash", displayName = "/", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Slash)] [InputControl(name = "backslash", displayName = "\\", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Backslash)] [InputControl(name = "leftBracket", displayName = "[", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.LeftBracket)] [InputControl(name = "rightBracket", displayName = "]", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.RightBracket)] [InputControl(name = "minus", displayName = "-", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Minus)] [InputControl(name = "equals", displayName = "=", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Equals)] [InputControl(name = "upArrow", displayName = "Up Arrow", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.UpArrow)] [InputControl(name = "downArrow", displayName = "Down Arrow", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.DownArrow)] [InputControl(name = "leftArrow", displayName = "Left Arrow", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.LeftArrow)] [InputControl(name = "rightArrow", displayName = "Right Arrow", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.RightArrow)] [InputControl(name = "a", displayName = "A", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.A)] [InputControl(name = "b", displayName = "B", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.B)] [InputControl(name = "c", displayName = "C", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.C)] [InputControl(name = "d", displayName = "D", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.D)] [InputControl(name = "e", displayName = "E", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.E)] [InputControl(name = "f", displayName = "F", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.F)] [InputControl(name = "g", displayName = "G", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.G)] [InputControl(name = "h", displayName = "H", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.H)] [InputControl(name = "i", displayName = "I", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.I)] [InputControl(name = "j", displayName = "J", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.J)] [InputControl(name = "k", displayName = "K", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.K)] [InputControl(name = "l", displayName = "L", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.L)] [InputControl(name = "m", displayName = "M", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.M)] [InputControl(name = "n", displayName = "N", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.N)] [InputControl(name = "o", displayName = "O", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.O)] [InputControl(name = "p", displayName = "P", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.P)] [InputControl(name = "q", displayName = "Q", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Q)] [InputControl(name = "r", displayName = "R", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.R)] [InputControl(name = "s", displayName = "S", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.S)] [InputControl(name = "t", displayName = "T", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.T)] [InputControl(name = "u", displayName = "U", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.U)] [InputControl(name = "v", displayName = "V", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.V)] [InputControl(name = "w", displayName = "W", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.W)] [InputControl(name = "x", displayName = "X", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.X)] [InputControl(name = "y", displayName = "Y", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Y)] [InputControl(name = "z", displayName = "Z", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Z)] [InputControl(name = "1", displayName = "1", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Digit1)] [InputControl(name = "2", displayName = "2", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Digit2)] [InputControl(name = "3", displayName = "3", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Digit3)] [InputControl(name = "4", displayName = "4", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Digit4)] [InputControl(name = "5", displayName = "5", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Digit5)] [InputControl(name = "6", displayName = "6", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Digit6)] [InputControl(name = "7", displayName = "7", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Digit7)] [InputControl(name = "8", displayName = "8", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Digit8)] [InputControl(name = "9", displayName = "9", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Digit9)] [InputControl(name = "0", displayName = "0", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Digit0)] [InputControl(name = "leftShift", displayName = "Left Shift", layout = "Key", usage = "Modifier", bit = (int)Key.LeftShift)] [InputControl(name = "rightShift", displayName = "Right Shift", layout = "Key", usage = "Modifier", bit = (int)Key.RightShift)] [InputControl(name = "shift", displayName = "Shift", layout = "DiscreteButton", usage = "Modifier", bit = (int)Key.LeftShift, sizeInBits = 2, synthetic = true, parameters = "minValue=1,maxValue=3")] [InputControl(name = "leftAlt", displayName = "Left Alt", layout = "Key", usage = "Modifier", bit = (int)Key.LeftAlt)] [InputControl(name = "rightAlt", displayName = "Right Alt", layout = "Key", usage = "Modifier", bit = (int)Key.RightAlt, alias = "AltGr")] [InputControl(name = "alt", displayName = "Alt", layout = "DiscreteButton", usage = "Modifier", bit = (int)Key.LeftAlt, sizeInBits = 2, synthetic = true, parameters = "minValue=1,maxValue=3")] [InputControl(name = "leftCtrl", displayName = "Left Control", layout = "Key", usage = "Modifier", bit = (int)Key.LeftCtrl)] [InputControl(name = "rightCtrl", displayName = "Right Control", layout = "Key", usage = "Modifier", bit = (int)Key.RightCtrl)] [InputControl(name = "ctrl", displayName = "Control", layout = "DiscreteButton", usage = "Modifier", bit = (int)Key.LeftCtrl, sizeInBits = 2, synthetic = true, parameters = "minValue=1,maxValue=3")] [InputControl(name = "leftMeta", displayName = "Left System", layout = "Key", usage = "Modifier", bit = (int)Key.LeftMeta, aliases = new[] { "LeftWindows", "LeftApple", "LeftCommand" })] [InputControl(name = "rightMeta", displayName = "Right System", layout = "Key", usage = "Modifier", bit = (int)Key.RightMeta, aliases = new[] { "RightWindows", "RightApple", "RightCommand" })] [InputControl(name = "contextMenu", displayName = "Context Menu", layout = "Key", usage = "Modifier", bit = (int)Key.ContextMenu)] [InputControl(name = "backspace", displayName = "Backspace", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Backspace)] [InputControl(name = "pageDown", displayName = "Page Down", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.PageDown)] [InputControl(name = "pageUp", displayName = "Page Up", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.PageUp)] [InputControl(name = "home", displayName = "Home", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Home)] [InputControl(name = "end", displayName = "End", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.End)] [InputControl(name = "insert", displayName = "Insert", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Insert)] [InputControl(name = "delete", displayName = "Delete", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Delete)] [InputControl(name = "capsLock", displayName = "Caps Lock", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.CapsLock)] [InputControl(name = "numLock", displayName = "Num Lock", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.NumLock)] [InputControl(name = "printScreen", displayName = "Print Screen", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.PrintScreen)] [InputControl(name = "scrollLock", displayName = "Scroll Lock", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.ScrollLock)] [InputControl(name = "pause", displayName = "Pause/Break", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Pause)] [InputControl(name = "numpadEnter", displayName = "Numpad Enter", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.NumpadEnter)] [InputControl(name = "numpadDivide", displayName = "Numpad /", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.NumpadDivide)] [InputControl(name = "numpadMultiply", displayName = "Numpad *", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.NumpadMultiply)] [InputControl(name = "numpadPlus", displayName = "Numpad +", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.NumpadPlus)] [InputControl(name = "numpadMinus", displayName = "Numpad -", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.NumpadMinus)] [InputControl(name = "numpadPeriod", displayName = "Numpad .", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.NumpadPeriod)] [InputControl(name = "numpadEquals", displayName = "Numpad =", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.NumpadEquals)] [InputControl(name = "numpad1", displayName = "Numpad 1", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Numpad1)] [InputControl(name = "numpad2", displayName = "Numpad 2", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Numpad2)] [InputControl(name = "numpad3", displayName = "Numpad 3", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Numpad3)] [InputControl(name = "numpad4", displayName = "Numpad 4", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Numpad4)] [InputControl(name = "numpad5", displayName = "Numpad 5", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Numpad5)] [InputControl(name = "numpad6", displayName = "Numpad 6", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Numpad6)] [InputControl(name = "numpad7", displayName = "Numpad 7", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Numpad7)] [InputControl(name = "numpad8", displayName = "Numpad 8", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Numpad8)] [InputControl(name = "numpad9", displayName = "Numpad 9", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Numpad9)] [InputControl(name = "numpad0", displayName = "Numpad 0", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.Numpad0)] [InputControl(name = "f1", displayName = "F1", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.F1)] [InputControl(name = "f2", displayName = "F2", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.F2)] [InputControl(name = "f3", displayName = "F3", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.F3)] [InputControl(name = "f4", displayName = "F4", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.F4)] [InputControl(name = "f5", displayName = "F5", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.F5)] [InputControl(name = "f6", displayName = "F6", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.F6)] [InputControl(name = "f7", displayName = "F7", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.F7)] [InputControl(name = "f8", displayName = "F8", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.F8)] [InputControl(name = "f9", displayName = "F9", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.F9)] [InputControl(name = "f10", displayName = "F10", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.F10)] [InputControl(name = "f11", displayName = "F11", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.F11)] [InputControl(name = "f12", displayName = "F12", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.F12)] [InputControl(name = "OEM1", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.OEM1)] [InputControl(name = "OEM2", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.OEM2)] [InputControl(name = "OEM3", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.OEM3)] [InputControl(name = "OEM4", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.OEM4)] [InputControl(name = "OEM5", layout = "Key", bit = (int)Key.OEM5)] [InputControl(name = "IMESelected", layout = "Button", bit = (int)Key.IMESelected, synthetic = true)] public fixed byte keys[kSizeInBytes]; public KeyboardState(params Key[] pressedKeys) { if (pressedKeys == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pressedKeys)); fixed(byte* keysPtr = keys) { UnsafeUtility.MemClear(keysPtr, kSizeInBytes); for (var i = 0; i < pressedKeys.Length; ++i) MemoryHelpers.WriteSingleBit(keysPtr, (uint)pressedKeys[i], true); } } public void Set(Key key, bool state) { fixed(byte* keysPtr = keys) MemoryHelpers.WriteSingleBit(keysPtr, (uint)key, state); } public void Press(Key key) { Set(key, true); } public void Release(Key key) { Set(key, false); } public FourCC format => Format; } } namespace UnityEngine.InputSystem { /// /// Enumeration of key codes. /// /// /// Named according to the US keyboard layout which is our reference layout. /// // NOTE: Has to match up with 'KeyboardInputState::KeyCode' in native. // NOTE: In the keyboard code, we depend on the order of the keys in the various keyboard blocks. public enum Key { /// /// Invalid key. Does not represent a key on the keyboard and is only used to have a /// default for the Key enumeration not represent any specific key. /// None, // ---- Printable keys ---- /// /// The . /// Space, /// /// The . /// Enter, /// /// The . /// Tab, /// /// The . /// Backquote, /// /// The . /// Quote, /// /// The . /// Semicolon, /// /// The . /// Comma, /// /// The . /// Period, /// /// The . /// Slash, /// /// The . /// Backslash, /// /// The . /// LeftBracket, /// /// The . /// RightBracket, /// /// The . /// Minus, /// /// The . /// Equals, /// /// The . /// A, /// /// The . /// B, /// /// The . /// C, /// /// The . /// D, /// /// The . /// E, /// /// The . /// F, /// /// The . /// G, /// /// The . /// H, /// /// The . /// I, /// /// The . /// J, /// /// The . /// K, /// /// The . /// L, /// /// The . /// M, /// /// The . /// N, /// /// The . /// O, /// /// The . /// P, /// /// The . /// Q, /// /// The . /// R, /// /// The . /// S, /// /// The . /// T, /// /// The . /// U, /// /// The . /// V, /// /// The . /// W, /// /// The . /// X, /// /// The . /// Y, /// /// The . /// Z, /// /// The . /// Digit1, /// /// The . /// Digit2, /// /// The . /// Digit3, /// /// The . /// Digit4, /// /// The . /// Digit5, /// /// The . /// Digit6, /// /// The . /// Digit7, /// /// The . /// Digit8, /// /// The . /// Digit9, /// /// The . /// Digit0, // ---- Non-printable keys ---- // NOTE: The left&right variants for shift, ctrl, and alt must be next to each other. /// /// The . /// LeftShift, /// /// The . /// RightShift, /// /// The . /// LeftAlt, /// /// The . /// RightAlt, /// /// Same as . /// AltGr = RightAlt, /// /// The . /// LeftCtrl, /// /// The . /// RightCtrl, /// /// The . /// LeftMeta, /// /// The . /// RightMeta, /// /// Same as . /// LeftWindows = LeftMeta, /// /// Same as . /// RightWindows = RightMeta, /// /// Same as . /// LeftApple = LeftMeta, /// /// Same as . /// RightApple = RightMeta, /// /// Same as . /// LeftCommand = LeftMeta, /// /// Same as . /// RightCommand = RightMeta, /// /// The . /// ContextMenu, /// /// The . /// Escape, /// /// The . /// LeftArrow, /// /// The . /// RightArrow, /// /// The . /// UpArrow, /// /// The . /// DownArrow, /// /// The . /// Backspace, /// /// The . /// PageDown, /// /// The . /// PageUp, /// /// The . /// Home, /// /// The . /// End, /// /// The . /// Insert, /// /// The . /// Delete, /// /// The . /// CapsLock, /// /// The . /// NumLock, /// /// The . /// PrintScreen, /// /// The . /// ScrollLock, /// /// The . /// Pause, // ---- Numpad ---- // NOTE: Numpad layout follows the 18-key numpad layout. Some PC keyboards // have a 17-key numpad layout where the plus key is an elongated key // like the numpad enter key. Be aware that in those layouts the positions // of some of the operator keys are also different. However, we stay // layout neutral here, too, and always use the 18-key blueprint. /// /// The . /// NumpadEnter, /// /// The . /// NumpadDivide, /// /// The . /// NumpadMultiply, /// /// The . /// NumpadPlus, /// /// The . /// NumpadMinus, /// /// The . /// NumpadPeriod, /// /// The . /// NumpadEquals, /// /// The . /// Numpad0, /// /// The . /// Numpad1, /// /// The . /// Numpad2, /// /// The . /// Numpad3, /// /// The . /// Numpad4, /// /// The . /// Numpad5, /// /// The . /// Numpad6, /// /// The . /// Numpad7, /// /// The . /// Numpad8, /// /// The . /// Numpad9, /// /// The . /// F1, /// /// The . /// F2, /// /// The . /// F3, /// /// The . /// F4, /// /// The . /// F5, /// /// The . /// F6, /// /// The . /// F7, /// /// The . /// F8, /// /// The . /// F9, /// /// The . /// F10, /// /// The . /// F11, /// /// The . /// F12, // Extra keys that a keyboard may have. We make no guarantees about where // they end up on the keyboard (if they are present). /// /// The . /// OEM1, /// /// The . /// OEM2, /// /// The . /// OEM3, /// /// The . /// OEM4, /// /// The . /// OEM5, ////FIXME: This should never have been a Key but rather just an extra button or state on keyboard // Not exactly a key, but binary data sent by the Keyboard to say if IME is being used. IMESelected } /// /// Represents a standard, physical PC-type keyboard. /// /// /// Keyboards allow for both individual button input as well as text input. To receive button /// input, use the individual -type controls present on the keyboard. /// For example, . To receive text input, use the /// callback. /// /// The naming/identification of keys is agnostic to keyboard layouts. This means that , /// for example, will always be the key to the right of regardless of where /// the current keyboard language layout puts the "a" character. This also means that having a /// binding to "<Keyboard>/a" on an , for example, will /// bind to the same key regardless of locale -- an important feature, for example, for getting /// stable WASD bindings. /// /// To find what text character (if any) is produced by a key, you can use the key's property. This can also be used in bindings. /// "<Keyboard>/#(a)", for example, will bind to the key that produces the "a" /// character according to the currently active keyboard layout. /// /// To find out which keyboard layout is currently active, you can use the /// property. Note that keyboard layout names are platform-dependent. /// /// Note that keyboard devices will always have key controls added for all keys in the /// enumeration -- whether they are actually present on the physical /// keyboard or not. It is thus not possible to find out this way whether the underlying /// keyboard has certain keys or not. /// [InputControlLayout(stateType = typeof(KeyboardState), isGenericTypeOfDevice = true)] [Scripting.Preserve] public class Keyboard : InputDevice, ITextInputReceiver { /// /// Total number of key controls on a keyboard, i.e. the number of controls /// in . /// /// Total number of key controls. public const int KeyCount = (int)Key.OEM5; /// /// Event that is fired for every single character entered on the keyboard. /// /// Triggered whenever the keyboard receives text input. /// /// /// /// // Let's say we want to do a typing game. We could define a component /// // something along those lines to match the typed input. /// public class MatchTextByTyping : MonoBehaviour /// { /// public string text /// { /// get => m_Text; /// set /// { /// m_Text = value; /// m_Position = 0; /// } /// } /// /// public Action onTextTypedCorrectly { get; set; } /// public Action onTextTypedIncorrectly { get; set; } /// /// private int m_Position; /// private string m_Text; /// /// protected void OnEnable() /// { /// Keyboard.current.onTextInput += OnTextInput; /// } /// /// protected void OnDisable() /// { /// Keyboard.current.onTextInput -= OnTextInput; /// } /// /// private void OnTextInput(char ch) /// { /// if (m_Text == null || m_Position >= m_Text.Length) /// return; /// /// if (m_Text[m_Position] == ch) /// { /// ++m_Position; /// if (m_Position == m_Text.Length) /// onTextTypeCorrectly?.Invoke(); /// } /// else /// { /// m_Text = null; /// m_Position = 0; /// /// onTextTypedIncorrectly?.Invoke(); /// } /// } /// } /// /// /// public event Action onTextInput { add { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value)); if (!m_TextInputListeners.Contains(value)) m_TextInputListeners.Append(value); } remove => m_TextInputListeners.Remove(value); } /// /// An event that is fired to get IME composition strings. Fired once for every change, /// sends the entire string to date, and sends a blank string whenever a composition is submitted or reset. /// /// /// Some languages use complex input methods which involve opening windows to insert characters. /// Typically, this is not desirable while playing a game, as games may just interpret key strokes as game input, not as text. /// /// See for turning IME on/off /// public event Action onIMECompositionChange { add { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value)); if (!m_ImeCompositionListeners.Contains(value)) m_ImeCompositionListeners.Append(value); } remove => m_ImeCompositionListeners.Remove(value); } /// /// Activates/deactivates IME composition while typing. This decides whether or not to use the OS supplied IME system. /// /// /// /// Some languages use complex input methods which involve opening windows to insert characters. /// Typically, this is not desirable while playing a game, as games may just interpret key strokes as game input, not as text. /// Setting this to On, will enable the OS-level IME system when the user presses keystrokes. /// /// See , , /// for more IME settings and data. /// public void SetIMEEnabled(bool enabled) { EnableIMECompositionCommand command = EnableIMECompositionCommand.Create(enabled); ExecuteCommand(ref command); } /// /// Sets the cursor position for IME composition dialogs. Units are from the upper left, in pixels, moving down and to the right. /// /// /// Some languages use complex input methods which involve opening windows to insert characters. /// Typically, this is not desirable while playing a game, as games may just interpret key strokes as game input, not as text. /// /// See for turning IME on/off /// public void SetIMECursorPosition(Vector2 position) { SetIMECursorPositionCommand command = SetIMECursorPositionCommand.Create(position); ExecuteCommand(ref command); } /// /// The name of the layout currently used by the keyboard. /// /// /// Note that keyboard layout names are platform-specific. /// /// The value of this property reflects the currently used layout and thus changes /// whenever the layout of the system or the one for the application is changed. /// /// To determine what a key represents in the current layout, use . /// public string keyboardLayout { get { RefreshConfigurationIfNeeded(); return m_KeyboardLayoutName; } protected set => m_KeyboardLayoutName = value; } /// /// A synthetic button control that is considered pressed if any key on the keyboard is pressed. /// /// Control representing the synthetic "anyKey". public AnyKeyControl anyKey { get; private set; } /// /// The space bar key. /// /// Control representing the space bar key. public KeyControl spaceKey => this[Key.Space]; /// /// The enter/return key in the main key block. /// /// Control representing the enter key. /// /// This key is distinct from the enter key on the numpad which is . /// public KeyControl enterKey => this[Key.Enter]; /// /// The tab key. /// /// Control representing the tab key. public KeyControl tabKey => this[Key.Tab]; /// /// The ` key. The leftmost key in the row of digits. Directly above . /// /// Control representing the backtick/quote key. public KeyControl backquoteKey => this[Key.Backquote]; /// /// The ' key. The key immediately to the left of . /// /// Control representing the quote key. public KeyControl quoteKey => this[Key.Quote]; /// /// The ';' key. The key immediately to the left of . /// /// Control representing the semicolon key. public KeyControl semicolonKey => this[Key.Semicolon]; /// /// The ',' key. Third key to the left of . /// /// Control representing the comma key. public KeyControl commaKey => this[Key.Comma]; /// /// The '.' key. Second key to the left of . /// /// Control representing the period key. public KeyControl periodKey => this[Key.Period]; /// /// The '/' key. The key immediately to the left of . /// /// Control representing the forward slash key. public KeyControl slashKey => this[Key.Slash]; /// /// The '\' key. The key immediately to the right of and /// next to or above . /// /// Control representing the backslash key. public KeyControl backslashKey => this[Key.Backslash]; /// /// The '[' key. The key immediately to the left of . /// /// Control representing the left bracket key. public KeyControl leftBracketKey => this[Key.LeftBracket]; /// /// The ']' key. The key in-between to the left and /// to the right. /// /// Control representing the right bracket key. public KeyControl rightBracketKey => this[Key.RightBracket]; /// /// The '-' key. The second key to the left of . /// /// Control representing the minus key. public KeyControl minusKey => this[Key.Minus]; /// /// The '=' key in the main key block. The key in-between to the left /// and to the right. /// /// Control representing the equals key. public KeyControl equalsKey => this[Key.Equals]; /// /// The 'a' key. The key immediately to the right of . /// /// Control representing the a key. public KeyControl aKey => this[Key.A]; /// /// The 'b' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the bottom-most row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the b key. public KeyControl bKey => this[Key.B]; /// /// The 'c' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the bottom-most row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the c key. public KeyControl cKey => this[Key.C]; /// /// The 'd' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the middle row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the d key. public KeyControl dKey => this[Key.D]; /// /// The 'e' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the topmost row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the e key. public KeyControl eKey => this[Key.E]; /// /// The 'f' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the middle row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the f key. public KeyControl fKey => this[Key.F]; /// /// The 'g' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the middle row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the g key. public KeyControl gKey => this[Key.G]; /// /// The 'h' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the middle row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the h key. public KeyControl hKey => this[Key.H]; /// /// The 'i' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the top row of alphabetic characters. /// public KeyControl iKey => this[Key.I]; /// /// The 'j' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the middle row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the j key. public KeyControl jKey => this[Key.J]; /// /// The 'k' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the middle row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the k key. public KeyControl kKey => this[Key.K]; /// /// The 'l' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the middle row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the l key. public KeyControl lKey => this[Key.L]; /// /// The 'm' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the bottom row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the m key. public KeyControl mKey => this[Key.M]; /// /// The 'n' key. The key in-between the to the left and the to /// the right in the bottom row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the n key. public KeyControl nKey => this[Key.N]; /// /// The 'o' key. The key in-between the to the left and the to /// the right in the top row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the o key. public KeyControl oKey => this[Key.O]; /// /// The 'p' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the top row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the p key. public KeyControl pKey => this[Key.P]; /// /// The 'q' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the top row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the q key. public KeyControl qKey => this[Key.Q]; /// /// The 'r' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the top row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the r key. public KeyControl rKey => this[Key.R]; /// /// The 's' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the middle row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the s key. public KeyControl sKey => this[Key.S]; /// /// The 't' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the top row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the t key. public KeyControl tKey => this[Key.T]; /// /// The 'u' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the top row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the u key. public KeyControl uKey => this[Key.U]; /// /// The 'v' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the bottom row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the v key. public KeyControl vKey => this[Key.V]; /// /// The 'w' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the top row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the w key. public KeyControl wKey => this[Key.W]; /// /// The 'x' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the bottom row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the x key. public KeyControl xKey => this[Key.X]; /// /// The 'y' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the top row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the y key. public KeyControl yKey => this[Key.Y]; /// /// The 'z' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the bottom row of alphabetic characters. /// /// Control representing the z key. public KeyControl zKey => this[Key.Z]; /// /// The '1' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the row of digit characters. /// /// Control representing the 1 key. public KeyControl digit1Key => this[Key.Digit1]; /// /// The '2' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the row of digit characters. /// /// Control representing the 2 key. public KeyControl digit2Key => this[Key.Digit2]; /// /// The '3' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the row of digit characters. /// /// Control representing the 3 key. public KeyControl digit3Key => this[Key.Digit3]; /// /// The '4' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the row of digit characters. /// /// Control representing the 4 key. public KeyControl digit4Key => this[Key.Digit4]; /// /// The '5' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the row of digit characters. /// /// Control representing the 5 key. public KeyControl digit5Key => this[Key.Digit5]; /// /// The '6' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the row of digit characters. /// /// Control representing the 6 key. public KeyControl digit6Key => this[Key.Digit6]; /// /// The '7' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the row of digit characters. /// /// Control representing the 7 key. public KeyControl digit7Key => this[Key.Digit7]; /// /// The '8' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the row of digit characters. /// /// Control representing the 8 key. public KeyControl digit8Key => this[Key.Digit8]; /// /// The '9' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the row of digit characters. /// /// Control representing the 9 key. public KeyControl digit9Key => this[Key.Digit9]; /// /// The '0' key. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right in the row of digit characters. /// /// Control representing the 0 key. public KeyControl digit0Key => this[Key.Digit0]; /// /// The shift key on the left side of the keyboard. /// /// Control representing the left shift key. public KeyControl leftShiftKey => this[Key.LeftShift]; /// /// The shift key on the right side of the keyboard. /// /// Control representing the right shift key. public KeyControl rightShiftKey => this[Key.RightShift]; /// /// The alt/option key on the left side of the keyboard. /// /// Control representing the left alt/option key. public KeyControl leftAltKey => this[Key.LeftAlt]; /// /// The alt/option key on the right side of the keyboard. /// /// Control representing the right alt/option key. public KeyControl rightAltKey => this[Key.RightAlt]; /// /// The control/ctrl key on the left side of the keyboard. /// /// Control representing the left control key. public KeyControl leftCtrlKey => this[Key.LeftCtrl]; /// /// The control/ctrl key on the right side of the keyboard. /// /// This key is usually not present on Mac laptops. /// Control representing the right control key. public KeyControl rightCtrlKey => this[Key.RightCtrl]; /// /// The system "meta" key (Windows key on PC, Apple/command key on Mac) on the left /// side of the keyboard. /// /// Control representing the left system meta key. public KeyControl leftMetaKey => this[Key.LeftMeta]; /// /// The system "meta" key (Windows key on PC, Apple/command key on Mac) on the right /// side of the keyboard. /// /// Control representing the right system meta key. public KeyControl rightMetaKey => this[Key.RightMeta]; /// /// Same as . Windows system key on left side of keyboard. /// /// Control representing the left Windows system key. public KeyControl leftWindowsKey => this[Key.LeftWindows]; /// /// Same as . Windows system key on right side of keyboard. /// /// Control representing the right Windows system key. public KeyControl rightWindowsKey => this[Key.RightWindows]; /// /// Same as . Apple/command system key on left side of keyboard. /// /// Control representing the left Apple/command system key. public KeyControl leftAppleKey => this[Key.LeftApple]; /// /// Same as . Apple/command system key on right side of keyboard. /// /// Control representing the right Apple/command system key. public KeyControl rightAppleKey => this[Key.RightApple]; /// /// Same as . Apple/command system key on left side of keyboard. /// /// Control representing the left Apple/command system key. public KeyControl leftCommandKey => this[Key.LeftCommand]; /// /// Same as . Apple/command system key on right side of keyboard. /// /// Control representing the right Apple/command system key. public KeyControl rightCommandKey => this[Key.RightCommand]; /// /// The context menu key. This key is generally only found on PC keyboards. If present, /// the key is found in-between the to the left and the /// to the right. It's intention is to bring up the context /// menu according to the current selection. /// /// Control representing the context menu key. public KeyControl contextMenuKey => this[Key.ContextMenu]; /// /// The escape key, i.e. the key generally in the top left corner of the keyboard. /// Usually to the left of . /// /// Control representing the escape key. public KeyControl escapeKey => this[Key.Escape]; /// /// The left arrow key. Usually in a block by itself and generally to the left /// of . /// /// Control representing the left arrow key. public KeyControl leftArrowKey => this[Key.LeftArrow]; /// /// The right arrow key. Usually in a block by itself and generally to the right /// of /// /// Control representing the right arrow key. public KeyControl rightArrowKey => this[Key.RightArrow]; /// /// The up arrow key. Usually in a block by itself and generally on top of the /// . /// /// Control representing the up arrow key. public KeyControl upArrowKey => this[Key.UpArrow]; /// /// The down arrow key. Usually in a block by itself and generally below the /// and in-between to the /// left and to the right. /// /// Control representing the down arrow key. public KeyControl downArrowKey => this[Key.DownArrow]; /// /// The backspace key (usually labeled "delete" on Mac). The rightmost key /// in the top digit row with to the left. /// /// Control representing the backspace key. /// /// On the Mac, this key may be labeled "delete" which however is a /// key different from . /// public KeyControl backspaceKey => this[Key.Backspace]; /// /// The page down key. Usually in a separate block with /// to the left and above it. /// /// Control representing the page down key. public KeyControl pageDownKey => this[Key.PageDown]; /// /// The page up key. Usually in a separate block with /// to the left and below it. /// /// Control representing the page up key. public KeyControl pageUpKey => this[Key.PageUp]; /// /// The 'home' key. Usually in a separate block with /// to the right and to the left. /// /// Control representing the insert key. public KeyControl homeKey => this[Key.Home]; /// /// The 'end' key. Usually in a separate block with /// to the left and to the right. /// /// Control representing the end key. public KeyControl endKey => this[Key.End]; /// /// The 'insert' key. Usually in a separate block with /// to its right and sitting below it. /// /// Control representing the insert key. public KeyControl insertKey => this[Key.Insert]; /// /// The 'delete' key. Usually in a separate block with /// to its right and sitting above it. /// /// Control representing the delete key. /// /// On the Mac, the is also labeled "delete". /// However, this is not this key. /// public KeyControl deleteKey => this[Key.Delete]; /// /// The Caps Lock key. The key below and above /// . /// /// Control representing the caps lock key. public KeyControl capsLockKey => this[Key.CapsLock]; /// /// The Scroll Lock key. The key in-between the /// to the left and the to the right. May also /// be labeled "F14". /// /// Control representing the scroll lock key. public KeyControl scrollLockKey => this[Key.ScrollLock]; /// /// The Num Lock key. The key sitting in the top left corner of the /// numpad and which usually toggles the numpad between generating /// digits and triggering functions like "insert" etc. instead. /// /// Control representing the num lock key. public KeyControl numLockKey => this[Key.NumLock]; /// /// The Print Screen key. The key sitting in-between /// to the left and to the right. May also /// be labeled "F13". /// /// Control representing the print screen key. public KeyControl printScreenKey => this[Key.PrintScreen]; /// /// The pause/break key. The key sitting to the left of . /// May also be labeled "F15". /// /// Control representing the pause/break key. public KeyControl pauseKey => this[Key.Pause]; /// /// The enter key on the numpad. The key sitting in the bottom right corner /// of the numpad. /// /// Control representing the numpad enter key. public KeyControl numpadEnterKey => this[Key.NumpadEnter]; /// /// The divide ('/') key on the numpad. The key in-between /// to the left and to the right. /// /// Control representing the numpad divide key. /// /// PC keyboards usually have a 17-key numpad layout that differs from the 18-key layout /// we use for reference. The 18-key layout is usually found on Mac keyboards. The numpad /// divide key usually is the on PC keyboards. /// public KeyControl numpadDivideKey => this[Key.NumpadDivide]; /// /// The multiply ('*') key on the numpad. The key in the upper right corner of the numpad /// with to the left and /// below it. /// /// Control representing the numpad multiply key. /// /// PC keyboards usually have a 17-key numpad layout that differs from the 18-key layout /// we use for reference. The 18-key layout is usually found on Mac keyboards. The numpad /// multiply key usually is the on PC keyboards. /// public KeyControl numpadMultiplyKey => this[Key.NumpadMultiply]; /// /// The minus ('-') key on the numpad. The key on the right side of the numpad with /// above it and below it. /// /// Control representing the numpad minus key. /// /// PC keyboards usually have a 17-key numpad layout that differs from the 18-key layout /// we use for reference. The 18-key layout is usually found on Mac keyboards. The numpad /// minus key is usually not present on PC keyboards. Instead, the 17-key layout /// has an elongated that covers the space of two keys. /// public KeyControl numpadMinusKey => this[Key.NumpadMinus]; /// /// The plus ('+') key on the numpad. The key on the right side of the numpad with /// above it and below it. /// /// Control representing the numpad plus key. /// /// PC keyboards usually have a 17-key numpad layout that differs from the 18-key layout /// we use for reference. The 18-key layout is usually found on Mac keyboards. /// /// In particular, the plus key on the numpad is usually an elongated key that covers /// the space of two keys. These 17-key numpads do not usually have a /// and the key above the plus key will usually be the numpad minus key. /// /// However, both on a 17-key and 18-key numpad, the plus key references the same physical key. /// public KeyControl numpadPlusKey => this[Key.NumpadPlus]; /// /// The period ('.') key on the numpad. The key in-between the /// to the right and the to the left. /// /// Control representing the numpad period key. /// /// This key is the same in 17-key and 18-key numpad layouts. /// public KeyControl numpadPeriodKey => this[Key.NumpadPeriod]; /// /// The equals ('=') key on the numpad. The key in-between to the left /// and to the right in the top row of the numpad. /// /// Control representing the numpad equals key. /// /// PC keyboards usually have a 17-key numpad layout that differs from the 18-key layout /// we use for reference. The 18-key layout is usually found on Mac keyboards. /// /// 17-key numpad layouts do not usually have an equals key. On these PC keyboards, the /// equals key is usually the divide key. /// public KeyControl numpadEqualsKey => this[Key.NumpadEquals]; /// /// The 0 key on the numpad. The key in the bottom left corner of the numpad. Usually /// and elongated key. /// /// Control representing the numpad 0 key. public KeyControl numpad0Key => this[Key.Numpad0]; /// /// The 1 key on the numpad. The key on the left side of the numpad with /// below it and above it. /// /// Control representing the numpad 1 key. public KeyControl numpad1Key => this[Key.Numpad1]; /// /// The 2 key on the numpad. The key with the to its left and /// the to its right. /// /// Control representing the numpad 2 key. public KeyControl numpad2Key => this[Key.Numpad2]; /// /// The 3 key on the numpad. The key with the to its left and /// the to its right. /// /// Control representing the numpad 3 key. public KeyControl numpad3Key => this[Key.Numpad3]; /// /// The 4 key on the numpad. The key on the left side of the numpad with the /// below it and the above it. /// /// Control representing the numpad 4 key. public KeyControl numpad4Key => this[Key.Numpad4]; /// /// The 5 key on the numpad. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right. /// /// Control representing the numpad 5 key. public KeyControl numpad5Key => this[Key.Numpad5]; /// /// The 6 key on the numpad. The key in-between the to the let and /// the to the right. /// /// Control representing the numpad 6 key. public KeyControl numpad6Key => this[Key.Numpad6]; /// /// The 7 key on the numpad. The key on the left side of the numpad with /// below it and above it. /// /// Control representing the numpad 7 key. public KeyControl numpad7Key => this[Key.Numpad7]; /// /// The 8 key on the numpad. The key in-between the to the left and the /// to the right. /// /// Control representing the numpad 8 key. public KeyControl numpad8Key => this[Key.Numpad8]; /// /// The 9 key on the numpad. The key in-between the to the left and /// the to the right (or, on 17-key PC keyboard numpads, the elongated /// plus key). /// /// Control representing the numpad 9 key. public KeyControl numpad9Key => this[Key.Numpad9]; /// /// The F1 key. The key in-between to the left and /// to the right in the topmost row of keys. /// /// Control representing the F1 key. public KeyControl f1Key => this[Key.F1]; /// /// The F2 key. The key in-between to the left and /// to the right in the topmost row of keys. /// /// Control representing the F2 key. public KeyControl f2Key => this[Key.F2]; /// /// The F3 key. The key in-between to the left and /// to the right in the topmost row of keys. /// /// Control representing the F3 key. public KeyControl f3Key => this[Key.F3]; /// /// The F4 key. The key in-between to the left and /// to the right in the topmost row of keys. /// /// Control representing the F4 key. public KeyControl f4Key => this[Key.F4]; /// /// The F5 key. The key in-between to the left and /// to the right in the topmost row of keys. /// /// Control representing the F5 key. public KeyControl f5Key => this[Key.F5]; /// /// The F6 key. The key in-between to the left and /// to the right in the topmost row of keys. /// /// Control representing the F6 key. public KeyControl f6Key => this[Key.F6]; /// /// The F7 key. The key in-between to the left and /// to the right in the topmost row of keys. /// /// Control representing the F7 key. public KeyControl f7Key => this[Key.F7]; /// /// The F8 key. The key in-between to the left and /// to the right in the topmost row of keys. /// /// Control representing the F8 key. public KeyControl f8Key => this[Key.F8]; /// /// The F9 key. The key in-between to the left and /// to the right in the topmost row of keys. /// /// Control representing the F9 key. public KeyControl f9Key => this[Key.F9]; /// /// The F10 key. The key in-between to the left and /// to the right in the topmost row of keys. /// /// Control representing the F10 key. public KeyControl f10Key => this[Key.F10]; /// /// The F11 key. The key in-between to the left and /// to the right in the topmost row of keys. /// /// Control representing the F11 key. public KeyControl f11Key => this[Key.F11]; /// /// The F12 key. The key in-between to the left and /// to the right in the topmost row of keys. /// /// Control representing the F12 key. public KeyControl f12Key => this[Key.F12]; /// /// First additional key on the keyboard. /// /// Control representing . /// /// Keyboards may have additional keys that are not part of the standardized 104-key keyboard layout /// (105 in the case of an 18-key numpad). For example, many non-English keyboard layouts have an additional /// key in-between and . /// /// Additional keys may be surfaced by the platform as "OEM" keys. There is no guarantee about where the /// keys are located and what symbols they produce. The OEM key controls are mainly there to surface the /// inputs but not with the intention of being used in standard bindings. /// public KeyControl oem1Key => this[Key.OEM1]; /// /// Second additional key on the keyboard. /// /// Control representing . /// /// Keyboards may have additional keys that are not part of the standardized 104-key keyboard layout /// (105 in the case of an 18-key numpad). For example, many non-English keyboard layouts have an additional /// key in-between and . /// /// Additional keys may be surfaced by the platform as "OEM" keys. There is no guarantee about where the /// keys are located and what symbols they produce. The OEM key controls are mainly there to surface the /// inputs but not with the intention of being used in standard bindings. /// public KeyControl oem2Key => this[Key.OEM2]; /// /// Third additional key on the keyboard. /// /// Control representing . /// /// Keyboards may have additional keys that are not part of the standardized 104-key keyboard layout /// (105 in the case of an 18-key numpad). For example, many non-English keyboard layouts have an additional /// key in-between and . /// /// Additional keys may be surfaced by the platform as "OEM" keys. There is no guarantee about where the /// keys are located and what symbols they produce. The OEM key controls are mainly there to surface the /// inputs but not with the intention of being used in standard bindings. /// public KeyControl oem3Key => this[Key.OEM3]; /// /// Fourth additional key on the keyboard. /// /// Control representing . /// /// Keyboards may have additional keys that are not part of the standardized 104-key keyboard layout /// (105 in the case of an 18-key numpad). For example, many non-English keyboard layouts have an additional /// key in-between and . /// /// Additional keys may be surfaced by the platform as "OEM" keys. There is no guarantee about where the /// keys are located and what symbols they produce. The OEM key controls are mainly there to surface the /// inputs but not with the intention of being used in standard bindings. /// public KeyControl oem4Key => this[Key.OEM4]; /// /// Fifth additional key on the keyboard. /// /// Control representing . /// /// Keyboards may have additional keys that are not part of the standardized 104-key keyboard layout /// (105 in the case of an 18-key numpad). For example, many non-English keyboard layouts have an additional /// key in-between and . /// /// Additional keys may be surfaced by the platform as "OEM" keys. There is no guarantee about where the /// keys are located and what symbols they produce. The OEM key controls are mainly there to surface the /// inputs but not with the intention of being used in standard bindings. /// public KeyControl oem5Key => this[Key.OEM5]; /// /// An artificial combination of and into one control. /// /// Control representing a combined left and right shift key. /// /// This is a button which is considered pressed whenever the left and/or /// right shift key is pressed. /// public ButtonControl shiftKey { get; private set; } /// /// An artificial combination of and into one control. /// /// Control representing a combined left and right ctrl key. /// /// This is a button which is considered pressed whenever the left and/or /// right ctrl key is pressed. /// public ButtonControl ctrlKey { get; private set; } /// /// An artificial combination of and into one control. /// /// Control representing a combined left and right alt key. /// /// This is a button which is considered pressed whenever the left and/or /// right alt key is pressed. /// public ButtonControl altKey { get; private set; } /// /// True when IME composition is enabled. Requires to be called to enable IME, and the user to enable it at the OS level. /// /// /// /// Some languages use complex input methods which involve opening windows to insert characters. /// Typically, this is not desirable while playing a game, as games may just interpret key strokes as game input, not as text. /// /// See for turning IME on/off /// public ButtonControl imeSelected { get; private set; } /// /// Look up a key control by its key code. /// /// Key code of key control to return. /// The given is not valid. /// /// This is equivalent to allKeys[(int)key - 1]. /// public KeyControl this[Key key] { get { var index = (int)key - 1; if (index < 0 || index >= m_Keys.Length) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(key)); return m_Keys[index]; } } /// /// List of all key controls on the keyboard. /// public ReadOnlyArray allKeys => new ReadOnlyArray(m_Keys); /// /// The keyboard that was last used or added. Null if there is no keyboard. /// public static Keyboard current { get; private set; } /// /// Make the keyboard the current keyboard (i.e. ). /// /// /// A keyboard will automatically be made current when receiving input or when /// added to the input system. /// public override void MakeCurrent() { base.MakeCurrent(); current = this; } /// /// Called when the keyboard is removed from the system. /// protected override void OnRemoved() { base.OnRemoved(); if (current == this) current = null; } /// /// Called after the keyboard has been constructed but before it is added to /// the system. /// protected override void FinishSetup() { var keyStrings = new[] { "space", "enter", "tab", "backquote", "quote", "semicolon", "comma", "period", "slash", "backslash", "leftbracket", "rightbracket", "minus", "equals", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "leftshift", "rightshift", "leftalt", "rightalt", "leftctrl", "rightctrl", "leftmeta", "rightmeta", "contextmenu", "escape", "leftarrow", "rightarrow", "uparrow", "downarrow", "backspace", "pagedown", "pageup", "home", "end", "insert", "delete", "capslock", "numlock", "printscreen", "scrolllock", "pause", "numpadenter", "numpaddivide", "numpadmultiply", "numpadplus", "numpadminus", "numpadperiod", "numpadequals", "numpad0", "numpad1", "numpad2", "numpad3", "numpad4", "numpad5", "numpad6", "numpad7", "numpad8", "numpad9", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7", "f8", "f9", "f10", "f11", "f12", "oem1", "oem2", "oem3", "oem4", "oem5", }; m_Keys = new KeyControl[keyStrings.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < keyStrings.Length; ++i) { m_Keys[i] = GetChildControl(keyStrings[i]); ////REVIEW: Ideally, we'd have a way to do this through layouts; this way nested key controls could work, too, //// and it just seems somewhat dirty to jam the data into the control here m_Keys[i].keyCode = (Key)(i + 1); } Debug.Assert(keyStrings[(int)Key.OEM5 - 1] == "oem5", "keyString array layout doe not match Key enum layout"); anyKey = GetChildControl("anyKey"); shiftKey = GetChildControl("shift"); ctrlKey = GetChildControl("ctrl"); altKey = GetChildControl("alt"); imeSelected = GetChildControl("IMESelected"); base.FinishSetup(); } /// protected override void RefreshConfiguration() { keyboardLayout = null; var command = QueryKeyboardLayoutCommand.Create(); if (ExecuteCommand(ref command) >= 0) keyboardLayout = command.ReadLayoutName(); } /// /// Called when text input on the keyboard is received. /// /// Character that has been entered. /// /// The system will call this automatically whenever a is /// received that targets the keyboard device. /// public void OnTextInput(char character) { for (var i = 0; i < m_TextInputListeners.length; ++i) m_TextInputListeners[i](character); } /// /// Return the key control that, according to the currently active keyboard layout (see ), /// is associated with the given text. /// /// Display name reported for the key according to the currently active keyboard layout. /// The key control corresponding to the given text or null if no such key was found on the current /// keyboard layout. /// /// In most cases, this means that the key inputs the given text when pressed. However, this does not have to be the /// case. Keys do not necessarily lead to character input. /// /// /// // Find key that prints 'q' character (if any). /// Keyboard.current.FindKeyOnCurrentKeyboardLayout("q"); /// /// /// public KeyControl FindKeyOnCurrentKeyboardLayout(string displayName) { var keys = allKeys; for (var i = 0; i < keys.Count; ++i) if (string.Equals(keys[i].displayName, displayName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) return keys[i]; return null; } public void OnIMECompositionChanged(IMECompositionString compositionString) { if (m_ImeCompositionListeners.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < m_ImeCompositionListeners.length; ++i) m_ImeCompositionListeners[i](compositionString); } } private InlinedArray> m_TextInputListeners; private string m_KeyboardLayoutName; private KeyControl[] m_Keys; private InlinedArray> m_ImeCompositionListeners; } }