using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; public class AnimateTiledTexture : MonoBehaviour { public int _columns = 2; // The number of columns of the texture public int _rows = 2; // The number of rows of the texture public Vector2 _scale = new Vector3(1f, 1f); // Scale the texture. This must be a non-zero number. negative scale flips the image public Vector2 _offset =; // You can use this if you do not want the texture centered. (These are very small numbers .001) public Vector2 _buffer =; // You can use this to buffer frames to hide unwanted grid lines or artifacts public float _framesPerSecond = 10f; // Frames per second that you want to texture to play at public bool _playOnce = false; // Enable this if you want the animation to only play one time public bool _disableUponCompletion = false; // Enable this if you want the texture to disable the renderer when it is finished playing public bool _enableEvents = false; // Enable this if you want to register an event that fires when the animation is finished playing public bool _playOnEnable = true; // The animation will play when the object is enabled public bool _newMaterialInstance = false; // Set this to true if you want to create a new material instance private int _index = 0; // Keeps track of the current frame private Vector2 _textureSize =; // Keeps track of the texture scale private Material _materialInstance = null; // Material instance of the material we create (if needed) private bool _hasMaterialInstance = false; // A flag so we know if we have a material instance we need to clean up (better than a null check i think) private bool _isPlaying = false; // A flag to determine if the animation is currently playing public delegate void VoidEvent(); // The Event delegate private List _voidEventCallbackList; // A list of functions we need to call if events are enabled // Use this function to register your callback function with this script public void RegisterCallback(VoidEvent cbFunction) { // If events are enabled, add the callback function to the event list if (_enableEvents) _voidEventCallbackList.Add(cbFunction); else Debug.LogWarning("AnimateTiledTexture: You are attempting to register a callback but the events of this object are not enabled!"); } // Use this function to unregister a callback function with this script public void UnRegisterCallback(VoidEvent cbFunction) { // If events are enabled, unregister the callback function from the event list if (_enableEvents) _voidEventCallbackList.Remove(cbFunction); else Debug.LogWarning("AnimateTiledTexture: You are attempting to un-register a callback but the events of this object are not enabled!"); } public void Play() { // If the animation is playing, stop it if (_isPlaying) { StopCoroutine("updateTiling"); _isPlaying = false; } // Make sure the renderer is enabled GetComponent().enabled = true; //Because of the way textures calculate the y value, we need to start at the max y value _index = _columns; // Start the update tiling coroutine StartCoroutine(updateTiling()); } public void ChangeMaterial(Material newMaterial, bool newInstance = false) { if (newInstance) { // First check our material instance, if we already have a material instance // and we want to create a new one, we need to clean up the old one if (_hasMaterialInstance) Object.Destroy(GetComponent().sharedMaterial); // create the new material _materialInstance = new Material(newMaterial); // Assign it to the renderer GetComponent().sharedMaterial = _materialInstance; // Set the flag _hasMaterialInstance = true; } else // if we dont have create a new instance, just assign the texture GetComponent().sharedMaterial = newMaterial; // We need to recalc the texture size (since different material = possible different texture) CalcTextureSize(); // Assign the new texture size GetComponent().sharedMaterial.SetTextureScale("_MainTex", _textureSize); } private void Awake() { // Allocate memory for the events, if needed if (_enableEvents) _voidEventCallbackList = new List(); //Create the material instance, if needed. else, just use this function to recalc the texture size ChangeMaterial(GetComponent().sharedMaterial, _newMaterialInstance); } private void OnDestroy() { // If we wanted new material instances, we need to destroy the material if (_hasMaterialInstance) { Object.Destroy(GetComponent().sharedMaterial); _hasMaterialInstance = false; } } // Handles all event triggers to callback functions private void HandleCallbacks(List cbList) { // For now simply loop through them all and call yet. for (int i = 0; i < cbList.Count; ++i) cbList[i](); } private void OnEnable() { CalcTextureSize(); if (_playOnEnable) Play(); } private void CalcTextureSize() { //set the tile size of the texture (in UV units), based on the rows and columns _textureSize = new Vector2(1f / _columns, 1f / _rows); // Add in the scale _textureSize.x = _textureSize.x / _scale.x; _textureSize.y = _textureSize.y / _scale.y; // Buffer some of the image out (removes gridlines and stufF) _textureSize -= _buffer; } // The main update function of this script private IEnumerator updateTiling() { _isPlaying = true; // This is the max number of frames int checkAgainst = (_rows * _columns); while (true) { // If we are at the last frame, we need to either loop or break out of the loop if (_index >= checkAgainst) { _index = 0; // Reset the index // If we only want to play the texture one time if (_playOnce) { if (checkAgainst == _columns) { // We are done with the coroutine. Fire the event, if needed if(_enableEvents) HandleCallbacks(_voidEventCallbackList); if (_disableUponCompletion) gameObject.GetComponent().enabled = false; // turn off the isplaying flag _isPlaying = false; // Break out of the loop, we are finished yield break; } else checkAgainst = _columns; // We need to loop through one more row } } // Apply the offset in order to move to the next frame ApplyOffset(); //Increment the index _index++; // Wait a time before we move to the next frame. Note, this gives unexpected results on mobile devices yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f / _framesPerSecond); } } private void ApplyOffset() { //split into x and y indexes. calculate the new offsets Vector2 offset = new Vector2((float)_index / _columns - (_index / _columns), //x index 1 - ((_index / _columns) / (float)_rows)); //y index // Reset the y offset, if needed if (offset.y == 1) offset.y = 0.0f; // If we have scaled the texture, we need to reposition the texture to the center of the object offset.x += ((1f / _columns) - _textureSize.x) / 2.0f; offset.y += ((1f / _rows) - _textureSize.y) / 2.0f; // Add an additional offset if the user does not want the texture centered offset.x += _offset.x; offset.y += _offset.y; // Update the material GetComponent().sharedMaterial.SetTextureOffset("_MainTex", offset); } }