2.3 KB

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # Comments line start with a #
  3. # Commands are surrounde by ()
  4. # Website on how to write bash script
  5. # Set GPU device
  6. GPU_ID="cuda:1"
  7. # This is the baseline without FL for 16-bit floating point.
  8. python ./ --epochs=10 --model=cnn --dataset=cifar --num_classes=10 --gpu=1 --gpu_id=$GPU_ID | tee -a ../logs/terminaloutput_cifar_fp16_baseline.txt &
  9. # This is for 1 cluster FL for 16-bit floating point
  10. python ./ --local_ep=5 --local_bs=50 --frac=0.1 --model=cnn --dataset=cifar --iid=1 --gpu=1 --gpu_id=$GPU_ID --lr=0.01 --test_acc=85 --epochs=100 | tee -a ../logs/terminaloutput_cifar_fp16_1c_10ep_ta85.txt &
  11. python ./ --local_ep=5 --local_bs=50 --frac=0.1 --model=cnn --dataset=cifar --iid=1 --gpu=1 --gpu_id=$GPU_ID --lr=0.01 --epochs=200 | tee -a ../logs/terminaloutput_cifar_fp16_1c_200ep_ta95.txt &
  12. python ./ --local_ep=5 --local_bs=50 --frac=0.1 --model=cnn --dataset=cifar --iid=1 --gpu=1 --gpu_id=$GPU_ID --lr=0.01 --epochs=300 | tee -a ../logs/terminaloutput_cifar_fp16_1c_300ep_ta95.txt &
  13. # This is for 2 clusters FL for 16-bit floating point
  14. python ./ --local_ep=5 --local_bs=50 --frac=0.1 --Cepochs=10 --model=cnn --dataset=cifar --iid=1 --num_cluster=2 --gpu=1 --gpu_id=$GPU_ID --lr=0.01 --epochs=100 --test_acc=85 | tee -a ../logs/terminaloutput_cifar_fp16_2c_100ep_ta85.txt &
  15. python ./ --local_ep=5 --local_bs=50 --frac=0.1 --Cepochs=10 --model=cnn --dataset=cifar --iid=1 --num_cluster=2 --gpu=1 --gpu_id=$GPU_ID --lr=0.01 --epochs=100 | tee -a ../logs/terminaloutput_cifar_fp16_2c_100ep_t95.txt &
  16. # This is for 4 clusters FL for 16-bit floating point
  17. python ./ --local_ep=5 --local_bs=50 --frac=0.1 --Cepochs=10 --model=cnn --dataset=cifar --iid=1 --gpu=1 --gpu_id=$GPU_ID --lr=0.01 --epochs=100 --num_cluster=4 | tee -a ../logs/terminaloutput_cifar_fp16_4c_100ep_t95.txt &
  18. # This is for 8 clusters FL for 16-bit floating point
  19. python ./ --local_ep=5 --local_bs=50 --Cepochs=10 --model=cnn --dataset=cifar --iid=1 --gpu=1 --gpu_id=$GPU_ID --lr=0.01 --epochs=100 --num_cluster=8 | tee -a ../logs/terminaloutput_cifar_fp16_8c_100ep_t95.txt &