import torch import opacus from typing import List, Union import os def generate_noise(max_norm, parameter, noise_multiplier, noise_type, device): """ A noise generation function that can utilize different distributions for noise generation. @param max_norm The maximum norm of the per-sample gradients. Any gradient with norm higher than this will be clipped to this value. @param parameter The parameter, based on which the dimension of the noise tensor will be determined @param noise_multiplier The ratio of the standard deviation of the Gaussian noise to the L2-sensitivity of the function to which the noise is added @param noise_type Sets the distribution for the noise generation. See generate_noise for supported strings. @param device The device used for calculations and needed for tensor definition. @return a tensor of noise in the same shape as ``parameter``. """ if noise_multiplier > 0: mean = 0 scale_scalar = noise_multiplier * max_norm scale = torch.full(size=parameter.shape, fill_value=scale_scalar, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) if noise_type.lower() in ["normal", "gauss", "gaussian"]: dist = torch.distributions.normal.Normal(mean, scale) elif noise_type.lower() in ["laplace", "laplacian"]: dist = torch.distributions.laplace.Laplace(mean, scale) elif noise_type.lower() in ["exponential"]: rate = 1 / scale dist = torch.distributions.exponential.Exponential(rate) else: dist = torch.distributions.normal.Normal(mean, scale) noise = dist.sample() return noise return 0.0 # Server side Noise def apply_noise(weights, batch_size, noise_multiplier, noise_type, device, loss_reduction="mean"): """ A function for applying noise to weights on the (intermediate) server side that utilizes the generate_noise function above. @param weights The weights to which to apply the noise. @param batch_size Batch size used for averaging. @param noise_multiplier The ratio of the standard deviation of the Gaussian noise to the L2-sensitivity of the function to which the noise is added @param noise_type Sets the distribution for the noise generation. See generate_noise for supported strings. @param device The device used for calculations and needed for tensor definition. @param loss_reduction The method of loss reduction. currently supported: mean """ for p in weights.values(): noise = generate_noise(0, p, noise_multiplier, noise_type, device) if loss_reduction == "mean": noise /= batch_size p += noise # Client side Noise class PrivacyEngineXL(opacus.PrivacyEngine): """ A privacy engine that can utilize different distributions for noise generation, based on opacus' privacy engine. It gets attached to the optimizer just like the privacy engine from opacus. @param module: The Pytorch module to which we are attaching the privacy engine @param batch_size Training batch size. Used in the privacy accountant. @param sample_size The size of the sample (dataset). Used in the privacy accountant. @param alphas A list of RDP orders @param noise_multiplier The ratio of the standard deviation of the Gaussian noise to the L2-sensitivity of the function to which the noise is added @param max_grad_norm The maximum norm of the per-sample gradients. Any gradient with norm higher than this will be clipped to this value. @param secure_rng If on, it will use ``torchcsprng`` for secure random number generation. Comes with a significant performance cost, therefore it's recommended that you turn it off when just experimenting. @param grad_norm_type The order of the norm. For instance, 2 represents L-2 norm, while 1 represents L-1 norm. @param batch_first Flag to indicate if the input tensor to the corresponding module has the first dimension representing the batch. If set to True, dimensions on input tensor will be ``[batch_size, ..., ...]``. @param target_delta The target delta @param loss_reduction Indicates if the loss reduction (for aggregating the gradients) is a sum or a mean operation. Can take values "sum" or "mean" @param noise_type Sets the distribution for the noise generation. See generate_noise for supported strings. @param **misc_settings Other arguments to the init """ def __init__( self, module: torch.nn.Module, batch_size: int, sample_size: int, alphas: List[float], noise_multiplier: float, max_grad_norm: Union[float, List[float]], secure_rng: bool = False, grad_norm_type: int = 2, batch_first: bool = True, target_delta: float = 1e-6, loss_reduction: str = "mean", noise_type: str="gaussian", **misc_settings ): import warnings if secure_rng: warnings.warn( "Secure RNG was turned on. However it is not yet implemented for the noise distributions of privacy_engine_xl." ) opacus.PrivacyEngine.__init__( self, module, batch_size, sample_size, alphas, noise_multiplier, max_grad_norm, secure_rng, grad_norm_type, batch_first, target_delta, loss_reduction, **misc_settings) self.noise_type = noise_type def _generate_noise(self, max_norm, parameter): """ Generates a tensor of noise in the same shape as ``parameter``. @param max_norm The maximum norm of the per-sample gradients. Any gradient with norm higher than this will be clipped to this value. @param parameter The parameter, based on which the dimension of the noise tensor will be determined @return a tensor of noise in the same shape as ``parameter``. """ return generate_noise(max_norm, parameter, self.noise_multiplier, self.noise_type, self.device)