@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Python version: 3.6
+import os
+import copy
+import time
+import pickle
+import numpy as np
+from tqdm import tqdm
+import torch
+from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
+from options import args_parser
+from update import LocalUpdate, test_inference
+from models import MLP, CNNMnist, CNNFashion_Mnist, CNNCifar
+from utils import get_dataset, average_weights, exp_details
+def build_model(args, train_dataset):
+ if args.model == 'cnn':
+ # Convolutional neural network
+ if args.dataset == 'mnist':
+ global_model = CNNMnist(args=args)
+ elif args.dataset == 'fmnist':
+ global_model = CNNFashion_Mnist(args=args)
+ elif args.dataset == 'cifar':
+ global_model = CNNCifar(args=args)
+ elif args.model == 'mlp':
+ # Multi-layer preceptron
+ img_size = train_dataset[0][0].shape
+ len_in = 1
+ for x in img_size:
+ len_in *= x
+ global_model = MLP(dim_in=len_in, dim_hidden=200,
+ dim_out=args.num_classes)
+ else:
+ exit('Error: unrecognized model')
+ return global_model
+# Defining the training function
+def fl_train(args, train_dataset, cluster_global_model, cluster, usergrp, epochs):
+ cluster_train_loss, cluster_train_accuracy = [], []
+ cluster_val_acc_list, cluster_net_list = [], []
+ cluster_cv_loss, cluster_cv_acc = [], []
+ print_every = 2
+ cluster_val_loss_pre, counter = 0, 0
+ for epoch in tqdm(range(epochs)):
+ cluster_local_weights, cluster_local_losses = [], []
+ print(f'\n | Cluster Training Round : {epoch+1} |\n')
+ cluster_global_model.train()
+ m = max(int(args.frac * len(cluster)), 1)
+ idxs_users = np.random.choice(cluster, m, replace=False)
+ for idx in idxs_users:
+ cluster_local_model = LocalUpdate(args=args, dataset=train_dataset, idxs=usergrp[idx], logger=logger)
+ cluster_w, cluster_loss = cluster_local_model.update_weights(model=copy.deepcopy(cluster_global_model), global_round=epoch)
+ cluster_local_weights.append(copy.deepcopy(cluster_w))
+ cluster_local_losses.append(copy.deepcopy(cluster_loss))
+ # averaging global weights
+ cluster_global_weights = average_weights(cluster_local_weights)
+ # update global weights
+ cluster_global_model.load_state_dict(cluster_global_weights)
+ cluster_loss_avg = sum(cluster_local_losses) / len(cluster_local_losses)
+ cluster_train_loss.append(cluster_loss_avg)
+ return cluster_global_weights, cluster_loss_avg
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ start_time = time.time()
+ # define paths
+ path_project = os.path.abspath('..')
+ logger = SummaryWriter('../logs')
+ args = args_parser()
+ exp_details(args)
+ if args.gpu:
+ torch.cuda.set_device(args.gpu)
+ device = 'cuda' if args.gpu else 'cpu'
+ # load dataset and user groups
+ train_dataset, test_dataset, user_groups = get_dataset(args)
+ # ======= Splitting into clusters. FL groups =======
+ cluster_size = args.num_users / args.num_clusters
+ print("Each cluster size: ", cluster_size)
+ # Cluster 1
+ A1 = np.arange(cluster_size, dtype=int)
+ user_groupsA = {k:user_groups[k] for k in A1 if k in user_groups}
+ print("Size of cluster 1: ", len(user_groupsA))
+ # Cluster 2
+ B1 = np.arange(cluster_size, cluster_size+cluster_size, dtype=int)
+ user_groupsB = {k:user_groups[k] for k in B1 if k in user_groups}
+ print("Size of cluster 2: ", len(user_groupsB))
+ global_model = build_model(args, train_dataset)
+ pytorch_total_params = sum(p.numel() for p in global_model.parameters())
+ print(pytorch_total_params)
+ from torchsummary import summary
+ summary(global_model, (1, 28, 28))
+ global_model.parameters()
+ # Set the model to train and send it to device.
+ global_model.to(device)
+ global_model.train()
+ print(global_model)
+ # copy weights
+ global_weights = global_model.state_dict()
+ # ======= Set the cluster models to train and send it to device. =======
+ cluster_modelA = build_model(args, train_dataset)
+ cluster_modelA.to(device)
+ cluster_modelA.train()
+ # copy weights
+ cluster_modelA_weights = cluster_modelA.state_dict()
+ # Set the cluster models to train and send it to device.
+ cluster_modelB = build_model(args, train_dataset)
+ cluster_modelB.to(device)
+ cluster_modelB.train()
+ # copy weights
+ cluster_modelB_weights = cluster_modelA.state_dict()
+ train_loss, train_accuracy = [], []
+ val_acc_list, net_list = [], []
+ cv_loss, cv_acc = [], []
+ print_every = 1
+ val_loss_pre, counter = 0, 0
+ for epoch in tqdm(range(args.epochs)):
+ local_weights, local_losses, local_accuracies= [], [], []
+ print(f'\n | Global Training Round : {epoch+1} |\n')
+ # ============== TRAIN ==============
+ global_model.train()
+ # Cluster A
+ A_weights, A_losses = fl_train(args, train_dataset, cluster_modelA, A1, user_groupsA, 2)
+ local_weights.append(copy.deepcopy(A_weights))
+ local_losses.append(copy.deepcopy(A_losses))
+ # Cluster B
+ B_weights, B_losses = fl_train(args, train_dataset, cluster_modelB, B1, user_groupsB, 2)
+ local_weights.append(copy.deepcopy(B_weights))
+ local_losses.append(copy.deepcopy(B_losses))
+ # averaging global weights
+ global_weights = average_weights(local_weights)
+ # update global weights
+ global_model.load_state_dict(global_weights)
+ loss_avg = sum(local_losses) / len(local_losses)
+ train_loss.append(loss_avg)
+ # ============== EVAL ==============
+ # Calculate avg training accuracy over all users at every epoch
+ list_acc, list_loss = [], []
+ global_model.eval()
+ for c in range(args.num_users):
+ local_model = LocalUpdate(args=args, dataset=train_dataset,
+ idxs=user_groups[c], logger=logger)
+ acc, loss = local_model.inference(model=global_model)
+ list_acc.append(acc)
+ list_loss.append(loss)
+ train_accuracy.append(sum(list_acc)/len(list_acc))
+ # print global training loss after every 'i' rounds
+ if (epoch+1) % print_every == 0:
+ print(f' \nAvg Training Stats after {epoch+1} global rounds:')
+ print(f'Training Loss : {np.mean(np.array(train_loss))}')
+ print('Train Accuracy: {:.2f}% \n'.format(100*train_accuracy[-1]))
+ # print('Train Accuracy: {:.2f}% \n'.format(100*train_accuracy[-1][0]))
+ print('\n Total Run Time: {0:0.4f}'.format(time.time()-start_time))
+ # Test inference after completion of training
+ test_acc, test_loss = test_inference(args, global_model, test_dataset)
+ print(f' \n Results after {args.epochs} global rounds of training:')
+ print("|---- Avg Train Accuracy: {:.2f}%".format(100*train_accuracy[-1]))
+ print("|---- Test Accuracy: {:.2f}%".format(100*test_acc))