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Ashwin R Jadhav 4 years ago
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+ 97 - 5

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-# Federated-Learning
+# Federated-Learning (PyTorch)
-## Required Packages
-- Python 3.6
-- PyTorch 0.4.1
-- Torchvision 0.2.1
+Implementation of the vanilla federated learning paper : [Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data](
+Experiments are produced on MNIST, Fashion MNIST and CIFAR10 (both IID and non-IID). In case of non-IID, the data amongst the users can be split equally or unequally.
+Since the purpose of these experiments are to illustrate the effectiveness of the federated learning paradigm, only simple models such as MLP and CNN are used.
+## Requirments
+Install all the packages from requirments.txt
+* Python3
+* Pytorch
+* Torchvision
+## Data
+* Download train and test datasets manually or they will be automatically downloaded from torchvision datasets.
+* Experiments are run on Mnist, Fashion Mnist and Cifar.
+* To use your own dataset: Move your dataset to data directory and write a wrapper on pytorch dataset class.
+## Options
+* The default values for various paramters parsed to the experiment are given in ``````. Details are given some of those parameters:
+```--dataset:```  Default: 'mnist'. Options: 'mnist', 'fmnist', 'cifar'
+```--model:```    Default: 'mlp'. Options: 'mlp', 'cnn'
+```--gpu:```      Default: None (runs on CPU). Can also be set to the specific gpu id.
+```--epochs:```   Number of rounds of training.
+```--lr:```       Learning rate set to 0.01 by default.
+```--verbose:```  Detailed log outputs. Activated by default, set to 0 to deactivate.
+```--seed:```     Random Seed. Default set to 1.
+* Federated Parameters
+```--iid:```      Distribution of data amongst users. Default set to IID. Set to 0 for non-IID.
+```--num_users:```Number of users. Default is 100.
+```--frac:```     Fraction of users to be used for federated updates. Default is 0.1.
+```--local_ep:``` Number of local training epochs in each user. Default is 10.
+```--local_bs:``` Batch size of local updates in each user. Default is 10.
+```--unequal:```  Used in non-iid setting. Option to split the data amongst users equally or unequally. Default set to 0 for equal splits. Set to 1 for unequal splits.
+## Running the experiments
+* The baseline experiment trains the model in the conventional way.
+* To run the baseline experiment with MNIST on MLP using CPU:
+python baseline_main --model=mlp --dataset=mnist --gpu=None --epochs=10
+* Or to run it on GPU (eg: if gpu:0 is available):
+python baseline_main --model=mlp --dataset=mnist --gpu=0 --epochs=10
+* Federated experiment involves training a global model using many local models.
+* To run the federated experiment with CIFAR on CNN (using CPU):
+python federated_main --model=cnn --dataset=cifar --gpu=None --epochs=10
+* Or to run it on GPU (eg: if gpu:0 is available):
+python federated_main --model=cnn --dataset=cifar --gpu=0 --epochs=10
+* You can change the default values of other parameters to simulate different conditions. Refer to the options section.
+## Results on MNIST
+#### Baseline Experiment:
+The experiment involves training a single model in the conventional way.
+    Optimizer    : SGD
+    Learning Rate: 0.01
+```Table 1:``` Test accuracy after training for 10 epochs:
+| Model | Test Acc |
+| ----- | -----    |
+|  MLP  |  92.71%  |
+|  CNN  |  98.42%  |
+#### Federated Experiment:
+The experiment involves training a global model in the federated setting.
+```Federated parameters:````
+    Fraction of users (C): 0.1
+    Local Batch size  (B): 10
+    Local Epochs      (E): 10
+    Optimizer            : SGD
+    Learning Rate        : 0.01
+```Table 2:``` Test accuracy after training for 10 global epochs with:
+| Model |    IID   | Non-IID (equal)|
+| ----- | -----    |----            |
+|  MLP  |  88.38%  |     73.49%     |
+|  CNN  |  97.28%  |     75.94%     |