using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
namespace SketchAssistantWPF
public class MVP_Model
/// The Presenter of the MVP-Model.
MVP_Presenter programPresenter;
/// History of Actions
ActionHistory historyOfActions;
/// The assistant responsible for the redraw mode
//RedrawAssistant redrawAss;
/// If the program is in drawing mode.
bool inDrawingMode;
/// Size of deletion area
int deletionRadius = 5;
/// Size of areas marking endpoints of lines in the redraw mode.
int markerRadius = 10;
/// The Position of the Cursor in the right picture box
Point currentCursorPosition;
/// The Previous Cursor Position in the right picture box
Point previousCursorPosition;
/// Queue for the cursorPositions
Queue cursorPositions = new Queue();
/// Lookup Matrix for checking postions of lines in the image
bool[,] isFilledMatrix;
/// Lookup Matrix for getting line ids at a certain postions of the image
HashSet[,] linesMatrix;
/// List of items which will be overlayed over the right canvas.
List>> overlayItems;
/// Width of the LeftImageBox.
public int leftImageBoxWidth;
/// Height of the LeftImageBox.
public int leftImageBoxHeight;
/// Width of the RightImageBox.
public int rightImageBoxWidth;
/// Height of the RightImageBox.
public int rightImageBoxHeight;
public ImageDimension leftImageSize { get; private set; }
public ImageDimension rightImageSize { get; private set; }
/// Indicates whether or not the canvas on the right side is active.
public bool canvasActive {get; set;}
/// Indicates if there is a graphic loaded in the left canvas.
public bool graphicLoaded { get; set; }
/// Whether or not the mouse is pressed.
private bool mouseDown;
Image rightImageWithoutOverlay;
List leftLineList;
List> rightLineList;
List currentLine = new List();
public MVP_Model(MVP_Presenter presenter)
programPresenter = presenter;
historyOfActions = new ActionHistory();
//redrawAss = new RedrawAssistant();
//overlayItems = new List>>();
rightLineList = new List>();
canvasActive = false;
rightImageSize = new ImageDimension(0, 0);
leftImageSize = new ImageDimension(0, 0);
/// Change the status of whether or not the lines are shown.
/// The HashSet containing the affected Line IDs.
/// True if the lines should be shown, false if they should be hidden.
private void ChangeLines(HashSet lines, bool shown)
foreach (int lineId in lines)
if (lineId <= rightLineList.Count - 1 && lineId >= 0)
rightLineList[lineId] = new Tuple(shown, rightLineList[lineId].Item2);
/// A function that populates the matrixes needed for deletion detection with line data.
private void RepopulateDeletionMatrixes()
if (canvasActive)
isFilledMatrix = new bool[rightImageSize.Width, rightImageSize.Height];
linesMatrix = new HashSet[rightImageSize.Width, rightImageSize.Height];
foreach (Tuple lineTuple in rightLineList)
if (lineTuple.Item1)
lineTuple.Item2.PopulateMatrixes(isFilledMatrix, linesMatrix);
/// Tells the Presenter to Update the UI
private void UpdateUI()
programPresenter.UpdateUIState(inDrawingMode, historyOfActions.CanUndo(), historyOfActions.CanRedo(), canvasActive, graphicLoaded);
/// A function that checks the deletion matrixes at a certain point
/// and returns all Line ids at that point and in a square around it in a certain range.
/// The point around which to check.
/// The range around the point. If range is 0, only the point is checked.
/// A List of all lines.
private HashSet CheckDeletionMatrixesAroundPoint(Point p, int range)
HashSet returnSet = new HashSet();
foreach (Point pnt in GeometryCalculator.FilledCircleAlgorithm(p, (int)range))
if (pnt.X >= 0 && pnt.Y >= 0 && pnt.X < rightImageSize.Width && pnt.Y < rightImageSize.Height)
if (isFilledMatrix[(int)pnt.X, (int)pnt.Y])
returnSet.UnionWith(linesMatrix[(int)pnt.X, (int)pnt.Y]);
return returnSet;
/// A function to update the dimensions of the left and right canvas when the window is resized.
/// The size of the left canvas.
/// The size of the right canvas.
public void ResizeEvent(ImageDimension LeftCanvas, ImageDimension RightCanvas)
if(LeftCanvas.Height >= 0 && LeftCanvas.Width>= 0) { leftImageSize = LeftCanvas; }
if(RightCanvas.Height >= 0 && RightCanvas.Width >= 0) { rightImageSize = RightCanvas; }
/// A function to reset the right image.
public void ResetRightImage()
/// The function to set the left image.
/// The width of the left image.
/// The height of the left image.
/// The List of Lines to be displayed in the left image.
public void SetLeftLineList(int width, int height, List listOfLines)
leftImageSize = new ImageDimension(width, height);
rightImageSize = new ImageDimension(width, height);
new RedrawManager(listOfLines);
leftLineList = listOfLines;
graphicLoaded = true;
//programPresenter.ClearRightLines(); //TODO check if right position for this method call
var workingCanvas = GetEmptyCanvas(width, height);
var workingGraph = Graphics.FromImage(workingCanvas);
leftLineList = listOfLines;
//redrawAss = new RedrawAssistant(leftLineList);
//overlayItems = redrawAss.Initialize(markerRadius);
foreach (InternalLine line in leftLineList)
leftImage = workingCanvas;
//Set right image to same size as left image and delete linelist
rightLineList = new List>();
/// A function to tell the model a new canvas was activated.
public void CanvasActivated()
canvasActive = true;
/// Will undo the last action taken, if the action history allows it.
public void Undo()
if (historyOfActions.CanUndo())
HashSet affectedLines = historyOfActions.GetCurrentAction().GetLineIDs();
SketchAction.ActionType undoAction = historyOfActions.GetCurrentAction().GetActionType();
switch (undoAction)
case SketchAction.ActionType.Delete:
//Deleted Lines need to be shown
ChangeLines(affectedLines, true);
case SketchAction.ActionType.Draw:
//Drawn lines need to be hidden
ChangeLines(affectedLines, false);
//TODO: For the person implementing overlay: Add check if overlay needs to be added
/// Will redo the last action undone, if the action history allows it.
public void Redo()
if (historyOfActions.CanRedo())
HashSet affectedLines = historyOfActions.GetCurrentAction().GetLineIDs();
SketchAction.ActionType redoAction = historyOfActions.GetCurrentAction().GetActionType();
switch (redoAction)
case SketchAction.ActionType.Delete:
//Deleted Lines need to be redeleted
ChangeLines(affectedLines, false);
case SketchAction.ActionType.Draw:
//Drawn lines need to be redrawn
ChangeLines(affectedLines, true);
//TODO: For the person implementing overlay: Add check if overlay needs to be added
/// The function called by the Presenter to change the drawing state of the program.
/// The new drawingstate of the program
public void ChangeState(bool nowDrawing)
inDrawingMode = nowDrawing;
/// Updates the current cursor position of the model.
/// The new cursor position
public void SetCurrentCursorPosition(Point p)
currentCursorPosition = p;
mouseDown = programPresenter.IsMousePressed();
/// Start a new Line, when the Mouse is pressed down.
public void MouseDown()
mouseDown = true;
if (inDrawingMode && mouseDown)
/// Finish the current Line, when the pressed Mouse is released.
/// Whether the up event is valid or not
public void MouseUp(bool valid)
mouseDown = false;
if (valid)
if (inDrawingMode && currentLine.Count > 0)
InternalLine newLine = new InternalLine(currentLine, rightLineList.Count);
rightLineList.Add(new Tuple(true, newLine));
newLine.PopulateMatrixes(isFilledMatrix, linesMatrix);
programPresenter.PassLastActionTaken(historyOfActions.AddNewAction(new SketchAction(SketchAction.ActionType.Draw, newLine.GetID())));
//TODO: For the person implementing overlay: Add check if overlay needs to be added
/// Method to be called every tick. Updates the current Line, or checks for Lines to delete, depending on the drawing mode.
public void Tick()
if (cursorPositions.Count > 0) { previousCursorPosition = cursorPositions.Dequeue(); }
else { previousCursorPosition = currentCursorPosition; }
if (inDrawingMode && programPresenter.IsMousePressed())
if (!inDrawingMode && programPresenter.IsMousePressed())
List uncheckedPoints = GeometryCalculator.BresenhamLineAlgorithm(previousCursorPosition, currentCursorPosition);
foreach (Point currPoint in uncheckedPoints)
HashSet linesToDelete = CheckDeletionMatrixesAroundPoint(currPoint, deletionRadius);
if (linesToDelete.Count > 0)
programPresenter.PassLastActionTaken(historyOfActions.AddNewAction(new SketchAction(SketchAction.ActionType.Delete, linesToDelete)));
foreach (int lineID in linesToDelete)
rightLineList[lineID] = new Tuple(false, rightLineList[lineID].Item2);
//TODO: For the person implementing overlay: Add check if overlay needs to be added
/// A helper Function that updates the markerRadius & deletionRadius, considering the size of the canvas.
/// The size of the canvas
public void UpdateSizes(ImageDimension CanvasSize)
if (rightImageWithoutOverlay != null)
int widthImage = rightImageSize.Width;
int heightImage = rightImageSize.Height;
int widthBox = CanvasSize.Width;
int heightBox = CanvasSize.Height;
float imageRatio = (float)widthImage / (float)heightImage;
float containerRatio = (float)widthBox / (float)heightBox;
float zoomFactor = 0;
if (imageRatio >= containerRatio)
//Image is wider than it is high
zoomFactor = (float)widthImage / (float)widthBox;
//Image is higher than it is wide
zoomFactor = (float)heightImage / (float)heightBox;
markerRadius = (int)(10 * zoomFactor);
deletionRadius = (int)(5 * zoomFactor);
/// If there is unsaved progress.
/// True if there is progress that has not been saved.
public bool HasUnsavedProgress()
return !historyOfActions.IsEmpty();