using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Ink; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Shapes; namespace SketchAssistantWPF { public class MVP_Presenter { /// /// The View of the MVP-Model, in this case Form1. /// MVP_View programView; /// /// The Model of the MVP-Model. /// MVP_Model programModel; /// /// A dictionary connecting the id of an InternalLine with the respective Polyline in the right canvas. /// Dictionary rightPolyLines; ImageDimension CanvasSizeLeft = new ImageDimension(0,0); ImageDimension CanvasSizeRight = new ImageDimension(0, 0); ImageDimension ImageSizeLeft = new ImageDimension(0, 0); ImageDimension ImageSizeRight = new ImageDimension(0, 0); List ImageSimilarity = new List(); List LeftLines = new List(); /*******************/ /*** ENUMERATORS ***/ /*******************/ public enum MouseAction { Click, Down, Up, Up_Invalid, Move } /***********************/ /*** CLASS VARIABLES ***/ /***********************/ /// /// Instance of FileImporter to handle drawing imports. /// private FileImporter fileImporter; public MVP_Presenter(MVP_View form) { programView = form; programModel = new MVP_Model(this); //Initialize Class Variables fileImporter = new FileImporter(); } /***********************************/ /*** FUNCTIONS VIEW -> PRESENTER ***/ /***********************************/ /// /// Pass-trough function to update the appropriate information of the model, when the window is resized. /// /// The new size of the left picture box. /// The new size of the left picture box. public void Resize(Tuple leftPBS, Tuple rightPBS) { CanvasSizeLeft.ChangeDimension(leftPBS.Item1, leftPBS.Item2); CanvasSizeRight.ChangeDimension(rightPBS.Item1, rightPBS.Item2); //programModel.UpdateSizes(CanvasSizeRight); programModel.ResizeEvent(CanvasSizeLeft, CanvasSizeRight); } /// /// Display a new FileDialog to load a collection of lines. /// /// True if loading was a success public bool ExamplePictureToolStripMenuItemClick() { var okToContinue = true; bool returnval = false; if (programModel.HasUnsavedProgress()) { okToContinue = programView.ShowWarning("You have unsaved progress. Continue?"); } if (okToContinue) { var fileNameTup = programView.openNewDialog("Interactive Sketch-Assistant Drawing|*.isad"); if (!fileNameTup.Item1.Equals("") && !fileNameTup.Item2.Equals("")) { programView.SetToolStripLoadStatus(fileNameTup.Item2); try { Tuple> values = fileImporter.ParseISADInputFile(fileNameTup.Item1); values.Item3.ForEach(line => line.MakePermanent(0)); //Make all lines permanent programModel.SetLeftLineList(values.Item1, values.Item2, values.Item3); programModel.ResetRightImage(); programModel.CanvasActivated(); programModel.ChangeState(true); programView.EnableTimer(); ClearRightLines(); returnval = true; } catch (FileImporterException ex) { programView.ShowInfoMessage(ex.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { programView.ShowInfoMessage("exception occured while trying to load interactive sketch-assistant drawing file:\n\n" + ex.ToString() + "\n\n" + ex.StackTrace); } } } return returnval; } /// /// Display a new FileDialog to a svg drawing. /// /// True if loading was a success public bool SVGToolStripMenuItemClick() { var okToContinue = true; bool returnval = false; if (programModel.HasUnsavedProgress()) { okToContinue = programView.ShowWarning("You have unsaved progress. Continue?"); } if (okToContinue) { var fileNameTup = programView.openNewDialog("Scalable Vector Graphics|*.svg"); if (!fileNameTup.Item1.Equals("") && !fileNameTup.Item2.Equals("")) { programView.SetToolStripLoadStatus(fileNameTup.Item2); try { Tuple> values = fileImporter.ParseSVGInputFile(fileNameTup.Item1, programModel.leftImageBoxWidth, programModel.leftImageBoxHeight); values.Item3.ForEach(line => line.MakePermanent(0)); //Make all lines permanent programModel.SetLeftLineList(values.Item1, values.Item2, values.Item3); programModel.ResetRightImage(); programModel.CanvasActivated(); programModel.ChangeState(true); programView.EnableTimer(); ClearRightLines(); returnval = true; } catch (FileImporterException ex) { programView.ShowInfoMessage(ex.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { programView.ShowInfoMessage("exception occured while trying to parse svg file:\n\n" + ex.ToString() + "\n\n" + ex.StackTrace); } } } return returnval; } /// /// Pass-trough function to change the drawing state of the model. /// /// Indicates if the program is in drawing (true) or deletion (false) mode. public void ChangeState(bool NowDrawing) { programModel.ChangeState(NowDrawing); } /// /// Pass-trough function to undo an action. /// public void Undo() { programModel.Undo(); } /// /// Pass-trough function to redo an action. /// public void Redo() { programModel.Redo(); } /// /// Pass-trough function for ticking the model. /// public void Tick() { programModel.Tick(); } /// /// Checks if there is unsaved progress, and promts the model to generate a new canvas if not. /// public void NewCanvas() { var okToContinue = true; if (programModel.HasUnsavedProgress()) { okToContinue = programView.ShowWarning("You have unsaved progress. Continue?"); } if (okToContinue) { programModel.ResizeEvent(CanvasSizeLeft, CanvasSizeRight); programModel.ResetRightImage(); programModel.CanvasActivated(); programModel.ChangeState(true); programView.EnableTimer(); ClearRightLines(); } } /// /// Pass-trough when the mouse is moved. /// /// The action which is sent by the View. /// The Mouse event arguments. public void MouseEvent(MouseAction mouseAction, Point position) { switch (mouseAction) { case MouseAction.Move: programModel.SetCurrentCursorPosition(position); break; default: break; } } /// /// Pass-trough function that calls the correct Mouse event of the model, when the mouse is clicked. /// /// The action which is sent by the View. /// The Strokes. public void MouseEvent(MouseAction mouseAction, StrokeCollection strokes) { switch (mouseAction) { case MouseAction.Click: programModel.MouseDown(); programModel.Tick(); programModel.MouseUp(true); break; case MouseAction.Down: programModel.MouseDown(); break; case MouseAction.Up: if(strokes.Count > 0) { StylusPointCollection sPoints = strokes.First().StylusPoints; List points = new List(); foreach(StylusPoint p in sPoints) points.Add(new Point(p.X, p.Y)); programModel.MouseUp(points); } else { programModel.MouseUp(true); } break; case MouseAction.Up_Invalid: programModel.MouseUp(false); break; default: break; } } /************************************/ /*** FUNCTIONS MODEL -> PRESENTER ***/ /************************************/ /// /// Return the position of the cursor /// /// The position of the cursor public Point GetCursorPosition() { return programView.GetCursorPosition(); } /// /// Clears all Lines in the right canvas. /// public void ClearRightLines() { programView.RemoveAllRightLines(); rightPolyLines = new Dictionary(); //Reset the similarity display UpdateSimilarityScore(Double.NaN); } /// /// A function to update the displayed lines in the right canvas. /// public void UpdateRightLines(List> lines) { foreach(Tuple tup in lines) { var status = tup.Item1; var line = tup.Item2; if (!rightPolyLines.ContainsKey(line.GetID())) { if (!line.isPoint) { Polyline newLine = new Polyline(); newLine.Points = line.GetPointCollection(); rightPolyLines.Add(line.GetID(), newLine); programView.AddNewLineRight(newLine); } else { Ellipse newPoint = new Ellipse(); rightPolyLines.Add(line.GetID(), newPoint); programView.AddNewPointRight(newPoint, line); } } SetVisibility(rightPolyLines[line.GetID()], status); } //Calculate similarity scores UpdateSimilarityScore(Double.NaN); var templist = lines.Where(tup => tup.Item1).ToList(); if(LeftLines.Count > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < LeftLines.Count; i++) { if (templist.Count == i) break; UpdateSimilarityScore(GeometryCalculator.CalculateSimilarity(templist[i].Item2, LeftLines[i])); } } else if(templist.Count > 1) { UpdateSimilarityScore(GeometryCalculator.CalculateSimilarity(templist[templist.Count-2].Item2, templist[templist.Count-1].Item2)); } } /* /// /// Updates the currentline /// /// The points of the current line. public void UpdateCurrentLine(List linepoints) { Polyline currentLine = new Polyline(); currentLine.Stroke = Brushes.Black; currentLine.Points = new PointCollection(linepoints); programView.DisplayCurrLine(currentLine); } */ /// /// A function to update the displayed lines in the left canvas. /// public void UpdateLeftLines(List lines) { programView.RemoveAllLeftLines(); foreach (InternalLine line in lines) { Polyline newLine = new Polyline(); newLine.Stroke = Brushes.Black; newLine.Points = line.GetPointCollection(); programView.AddNewLineLeft(newLine); } programView.SetCanvasState("LeftCanvas", true); programView.SetCanvasState("RightCanvas", true); LeftLines = lines; } /// /// Called by the model when the state of the Program changes. /// Changes the look of the UI according to the current state of the model. /// /// If the model is in Drawing Mode /// If actions in the model can be undone /// If actions in the model can be redone /// If the right canvas is active /// If an image is loaded in the model public void UpdateUIState(bool inDrawingMode, bool canUndo, bool canRedo, bool canvasActive, bool graphicLoaded) { Dictionary dict = new Dictionary { {"canvasButton", MainWindow.ButtonState.Enabled }, {"drawButton", MainWindow.ButtonState.Disabled}, {"deleteButton",MainWindow.ButtonState.Disabled }, {"undoButton", MainWindow.ButtonState.Disabled },{"redoButton", MainWindow.ButtonState.Disabled}}; if (canvasActive) { if (inDrawingMode) { dict["drawButton"] = MainWindow.ButtonState.Active; dict["deleteButton"] = MainWindow.ButtonState.Enabled; } else { dict["drawButton"] = MainWindow.ButtonState.Enabled; dict["deleteButton"] = MainWindow.ButtonState.Active; } if (canUndo) { dict["undoButton"] = MainWindow.ButtonState.Enabled; } if (canRedo) { dict["redoButton"] = MainWindow.ButtonState.Enabled; } } foreach (KeyValuePair entry in dict) { programView.SetToolStripButtonStatus(entry.Key, entry.Value); } programView.SetCanvasState("RightCanvas", canvasActive); programView.SetCanvasState("LeftCanvas", graphicLoaded); } /// /// Pass-trough function to display an info message in the view. /// /// The message. public void PassMessageToView(String msg) { programView.ShowInfoMessage(msg); } /// /// Pass-trough function to update the display of the last action taken. /// /// The new last action taken. public void PassLastActionTaken(String msg) { programView.SetLastActionTakenText(msg); } /// /// Passes whether or not the mouse is pressed. /// /// Whether or not the mouse is pressed public bool IsMousePressed() { return programView.IsMousePressed(); } /// /// /// /// Score will be reset if NaN is passed, /// will be ignored if the score is not between 0 and 1 public void UpdateSimilarityScore(double score) { if (Double.IsNaN(score)) { ImageSimilarity.Clear(); programView.SetImageSimilarityText(""); } else { if (score >= 0 && score <= 1) ImageSimilarity.Add(score); programView.SetImageSimilarityText((ImageSimilarity.Sum() / ImageSimilarity.Count).ToString()); } } /*************************/ /*** HELPING FUNCTIONS ***/ /*************************/ /// /// Sets the visibility of a polyline. /// /// The polyline /// Whether or not it should be visible. private void SetVisibility(Shape line, bool visible) { if (!visible) { line.Opacity = 0.00001; } else { line.Opacity = 1; } } } }