@@ -84,7 +84,9 @@ namespace SketchAssistant
private void CleanPoints()
List<Point> newList = new List<Point>();
+ List<Point> tempList = new List<Point>();
Point nullPoint = new Point(-1, -1);
+ //Remove duplicate points
for (int i = 1; i < linePoints.Count; i++)
if ((linePoints[i].X == linePoints[i - 1].X) && (linePoints[i].Y == linePoints[i - 1].Y))
@@ -96,10 +98,117 @@ namespace SketchAssistant
if (!(linepoint.X == -1))
- newList.Add(linepoint);
+ tempList.Add(linepoint);
+ //Fill the gaps between points
+ for (int i = 0; i < tempList.Count - 1; i++)
+ {
+ List<Point> partialList = BresenhamLineAlgorithm(tempList[i], tempList[i + 1]);
+ partialList.RemoveAt(partialList.Count - 1);
+ newList.AddRange(partialList);
+ }
+ newList.Add(tempList.Last<Point>());
linePoints = newList;
+ /// <summary>
+ /// An implementation of the Bresenham Line Algorithm,
+ /// which calculates all points between two points in a straight line.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="p0">The start point</param>
+ /// <param name="p1">The end point</param>
+ /// <returns>All points between p0 and p1 (including p0 and p1)</returns>
+ public static List<Point> BresenhamLineAlgorithm(Point p0, Point p1)
+ {
+ List<Point> returnList = new List<Point>();
+ int deltaX = p1.X - p0.X;
+ int deltaY = p1.Y - p0.Y;
+ if(deltaX != 0 && deltaY != 0)
+ {
+ //line is not horizontal or vertical
+ //Bresenham Implementation taken from Wikipedia
+ float deltaErr = Math.Abs(deltaY / deltaX);
+ float error = 0;
+ int y = p0.Y;
+ if (deltaX > 0)
+ {
+ for (int x = p0.X; x <= p1.X; x++)
+ {
+ returnList.Add(new Point(x, y));
+ error += deltaErr;
+ if (error >= 0.5)
+ {
+ y = y + Math.Sign(deltaY) * 1;
+ error -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(deltaX < 0)
+ {
+ for (int x = p0.X; x >= p1.X; x--)
+ {
+ returnList.Add(new Point(x, y));
+ error += deltaErr;
+ if (error >= 0.5)
+ {
+ y = y + Math.Sign(deltaY) * 1;
+ error -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return returnList;
+ }
+ else if(deltaX == 0 && deltaY != 0)
+ {
+ //line is vertical
+ if (deltaY < 0)
+ {
+ //p1 is above of p0
+ for (int i = p0.Y; i >= p1.Y; i--)
+ {
+ returnList.Add(new Point(p0.X, i));
+ }
+ return returnList;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //p1 is below of p0
+ for (int i = p0.Y; i <= p1.Y; i++)
+ {
+ returnList.Add(new Point(p0.X, i));
+ }
+ return returnList;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(deltaX != 0 && deltaY == 0)
+ {
+ //line is horizontal
+ if(deltaX < 0)
+ {
+ //p1 is left of p0
+ for(int i = p0.X; i >= p1.X; i--)
+ {
+ returnList.Add(new Point(i, p0.Y));
+ }
+ return returnList;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //p1 is right of p0
+ for (int i = p0.X; i <= p1.X; i++)
+ {
+ returnList.Add(new Point(i, p0.Y));
+ }
+ return returnList;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //both points are the same
+ returnList.Add(p0);
+ return returnList;
+ }
+ }