UnityEngine.DirectorModule.xml 8.1 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  2. <doc>
  3. <members>
  4. <assembly>
  5. <name>UnityEngine.DirectorModule</name>
  6. </assembly>
  7. <member name="T:UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorWrapMode">
  8. <summary>
  9. <para>Wrap mode for Playables.</para>
  10. </summary>
  11. </member>
  12. <member name="F:UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorWrapMode.Hold">
  13. <summary>
  14. <para>Hold the last frame when the playable time reaches it's duration.</para>
  15. </summary>
  16. </member>
  17. <member name="F:UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorWrapMode.Loop">
  18. <summary>
  19. <para>Loop back to zero time and continue playing.</para>
  20. </summary>
  21. </member>
  22. <member name="F:UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorWrapMode.None">
  23. <summary>
  24. <para>Do not keep playing when the time reaches the duration.</para>
  25. </summary>
  26. </member>
  27. <member name="T:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector">
  28. <summary>
  29. <para>Instantiates a PlayableAsset and controls playback of Playable objects.</para>
  30. </summary>
  31. </member>
  32. <member name="P:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.duration">
  33. <summary>
  34. <para>The duration of the Playable in seconds.</para>
  35. </summary>
  36. </member>
  37. <member name="P:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.extrapolationMode">
  38. <summary>
  39. <para>Controls how the time is incremented when it goes beyond the duration of the playable.</para>
  40. </summary>
  41. </member>
  42. <member name="P:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.initialTime">
  43. <summary>
  44. <para>The time at which the Playable should start when first played.</para>
  45. </summary>
  46. </member>
  47. <member name="?:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.paused(System.Action`1&lt;UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector&gt;)">
  48. <summary>
  49. <para>Event that is raised when a PlayableDirector component has paused.</para>
  50. </summary>
  51. <param name="value"></param>
  52. </member>
  53. <member name="P:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.playableAsset">
  54. <summary>
  55. <para>The PlayableAsset that is used to instantiate a playable for playback.</para>
  56. </summary>
  57. </member>
  58. <member name="P:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.playableGraph">
  59. <summary>
  60. <para>The PlayableGraph created by the PlayableDirector.</para>
  61. </summary>
  62. </member>
  63. <member name="?:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.played(System.Action`1&lt;UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector&gt;)">
  64. <summary>
  65. <para>Event that is raised when a PlayableDirector component has begun playing.</para>
  66. </summary>
  67. <param name="value"></param>
  68. </member>
  69. <member name="P:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.playOnAwake">
  70. <summary>
  71. <para>Whether the playable asset will start playing back as soon as the component awakes.</para>
  72. </summary>
  73. </member>
  74. <member name="P:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.state">
  75. <summary>
  76. <para>The current playing state of the component. (Read Only)</para>
  77. </summary>
  78. </member>
  79. <member name="?:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.stopped(System.Action`1&lt;UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector&gt;)">
  80. <summary>
  81. <para>Event that is raised when a PlayableDirector component has stopped.</para>
  82. </summary>
  83. <param name="value"></param>
  84. </member>
  85. <member name="P:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.time">
  86. <summary>
  87. <para>The component's current time. This value is incremented according to the PlayableDirector.timeUpdateMode when it is playing. You can also change this value manually.</para>
  88. </summary>
  89. </member>
  90. <member name="P:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.timeUpdateMode">
  91. <summary>
  92. <para>Controls how time is incremented when playing back.</para>
  93. </summary>
  94. </member>
  95. <member name="M:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.ClearReferenceValue(UnityEngine.PropertyName)">
  96. <summary>
  97. <para>Clears an exposed reference value.</para>
  98. </summary>
  99. <param name="id">Identifier of the ExposedReference.</param>
  100. </member>
  101. <member name="M:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.DeferredEvaluate">
  102. <summary>
  103. <para>Tells the PlayableDirector to evaluate it's PlayableGraph on the next update.</para>
  104. </summary>
  105. </member>
  106. <member name="M:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.Evaluate">
  107. <summary>
  108. <para>Evaluates the currently playing Playable at the current time.</para>
  109. </summary>
  110. </member>
  111. <member name="M:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.GetGenericBinding(UnityEngine.Object)">
  112. <summary>
  113. <para>Returns a binding to a reference object.</para>
  114. </summary>
  115. <param name="key">The object that acts as a key.</param>
  116. </member>
  117. <member name="M:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.GetReferenceValue(UnityEngine.PropertyName,System.Boolean&amp;)">
  118. <summary>
  119. <para>Retreives an ExposedReference binding.</para>
  120. </summary>
  121. <param name="id">Identifier of the ExposedReference.</param>
  122. <param name="idValid">Whether the reference was found.</param>
  123. </member>
  124. <member name="M:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.Pause">
  125. <summary>
  126. <para>Pauses playback of the currently running playable.</para>
  127. </summary>
  128. </member>
  129. <member name="M:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.Play(UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableAsset,UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorWrapMode)">
  130. <summary>
  131. <para>Instatiates a Playable using the provided PlayableAsset and starts playback.</para>
  132. </summary>
  133. <param name="asset">An asset to instantiate a playable from.</param>
  134. <param name="mode">What to do when the time passes the duration of the playable.</param>
  135. </member>
  136. <member name="M:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.Play(UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableAsset)">
  137. <summary>
  138. <para>Instatiates a Playable using the provided PlayableAsset and starts playback.</para>
  139. </summary>
  140. <param name="asset">An asset to instantiate a playable from.</param>
  141. <param name="mode">What to do when the time passes the duration of the playable.</param>
  142. </member>
  143. <member name="M:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.Play">
  144. <summary>
  145. <para>Instatiates a Playable using the provided PlayableAsset and starts playback.</para>
  146. </summary>
  147. <param name="asset">An asset to instantiate a playable from.</param>
  148. <param name="mode">What to do when the time passes the duration of the playable.</param>
  149. </member>
  150. <member name="M:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.RebuildGraph">
  151. <summary>
  152. <para>Discards the existing PlayableGraph and creates a new instance.</para>
  153. </summary>
  154. </member>
  155. <member name="M:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.Resume">
  156. <summary>
  157. <para>Resume playing a paused playable.</para>
  158. </summary>
  159. </member>
  160. <member name="M:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.SetGenericBinding(UnityEngine.Object,UnityEngine.Object)">
  161. <summary>
  162. <para>Sets the binding of a reference object from a PlayableBinding.</para>
  163. </summary>
  164. <param name="key">The source object in the PlayableBinding.</param>
  165. <param name="value">The object to bind to the key.</param>
  166. </member>
  167. <member name="M:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.SetReferenceValue(UnityEngine.PropertyName,UnityEngine.Object)">
  168. <summary>
  169. <para>Sets an ExposedReference value.</para>
  170. </summary>
  171. <param name="id">Identifier of the ExposedReference.</param>
  172. <param name="value">The object to bind to set the reference value to.</param>
  173. </member>
  174. <member name="M:UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.Stop">
  175. <summary>
  176. <para>Stops playback of the current Playable and destroys the corresponding graph.</para>
  177. </summary>
  178. </member>
  179. <member name="A:UnityEngine.DirectorModule">
  180. <summary>
  181. <para>The Director module implements the PlayableDirector class.</para>
  182. </summary>
  183. </member>
  184. </members>
  185. </doc>