UnityEngine.AssetBundleModule.xml 15 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  2. <doc>
  3. <members>
  4. <assembly>
  5. <name>UnityEngine.AssetBundleModule</name>
  6. </assembly>
  7. <member name="T:UnityEngine.AssetBundle">
  8. <summary>
  9. <para>AssetBundles let you stream additional assets via the UnityWebRequest class and instantiate them at runtime. AssetBundles are created via BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle.</para>
  10. </summary>
  11. </member>
  12. <member name="P:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.isStreamedSceneAssetBundle">
  13. <summary>
  14. <para>Return true if the AssetBundle is a streamed scene AssetBundle.</para>
  15. </summary>
  16. </member>
  17. <member name="P:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.mainAsset">
  18. <summary>
  19. <para>Main asset that was supplied when building the asset bundle (Read Only).</para>
  20. </summary>
  21. </member>
  22. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.Contains(System.String)">
  23. <summary>
  24. <para>Check if an AssetBundle contains a specific object.</para>
  25. </summary>
  26. <param name="name"></param>
  27. </member>
  28. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.GetAllAssetNames">
  29. <summary>
  30. <para>Return all asset names in the AssetBundle.</para>
  31. </summary>
  32. </member>
  33. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.GetAllLoadedAssetBundles">
  34. <summary>
  35. <para>To use when you need to get a list of all the currently loaded Asset Bundles.</para>
  36. </summary>
  37. <returns>
  38. <para>Returns IEnumerable&lt;AssetBundle&gt; of all currently loaded Asset Bundles.</para>
  39. </returns>
  40. </member>
  41. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.GetAllScenePaths">
  42. <summary>
  43. <para>Return all the scene asset paths (paths to *.unity assets) in the AssetBundle.</para>
  44. </summary>
  45. </member>
  46. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAllAssets(System.Type)">
  47. <summary>
  48. <para>Loads all assets contained in the asset bundle that inherit from type.</para>
  49. </summary>
  50. <param name="type"></param>
  51. </member>
  52. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAllAssets">
  53. <summary>
  54. <para>Loads all assets contained in the asset bundle.</para>
  55. </summary>
  56. </member>
  57. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAllAssets">
  58. <summary>
  59. <para>Loads all assets contained in the asset bundle that inherit from type T.</para>
  60. </summary>
  61. </member>
  62. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAllAssetsAsync">
  63. <summary>
  64. <para>Loads all assets contained in the asset bundle asynchronously.</para>
  65. </summary>
  66. </member>
  67. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAllAssetsAsync">
  68. <summary>
  69. <para>Loads all assets contained in the asset bundle that inherit from T asynchronously.</para>
  70. </summary>
  71. </member>
  72. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAllAssetsAsync(System.Type)">
  73. <summary>
  74. <para>Loads all assets contained in the asset bundle that inherit from type asynchronously.</para>
  75. </summary>
  76. <param name="type"></param>
  77. </member>
  78. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAsset(System.String)">
  79. <summary>
  80. <para>Loads asset with name from the bundle.</para>
  81. </summary>
  82. <param name="name"></param>
  83. </member>
  84. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAsset(System.String,System.Type)">
  85. <summary>
  86. <para>Loads asset with name of a given type from the bundle.</para>
  87. </summary>
  88. <param name="name"></param>
  89. <param name="type"></param>
  90. </member>
  91. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAsset(System.String)">
  92. <summary>
  93. <para>Loads asset with name of type T from the bundle.</para>
  94. </summary>
  95. <param name="name"></param>
  96. </member>
  97. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAssetAsync(System.String)">
  98. <summary>
  99. <para>Asynchronously loads asset with name from the bundle.</para>
  100. </summary>
  101. <param name="name"></param>
  102. </member>
  103. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAssetAsync(System.String)">
  104. <summary>
  105. <para>Asynchronously loads asset with name of a given T from the bundle.</para>
  106. </summary>
  107. <param name="name"></param>
  108. </member>
  109. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAssetAsync(System.String,System.Type)">
  110. <summary>
  111. <para>Asynchronously loads asset with name of a given type from the bundle.</para>
  112. </summary>
  113. <param name="name"></param>
  114. <param name="type"></param>
  115. </member>
  116. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAssetWithSubAssets(System.String)">
  117. <summary>
  118. <para>Loads asset and sub assets with name from the bundle.</para>
  119. </summary>
  120. <param name="name"></param>
  121. </member>
  122. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAssetWithSubAssets(System.String,System.Type)">
  123. <summary>
  124. <para>Loads asset and sub assets with name of a given type from the bundle.</para>
  125. </summary>
  126. <param name="name"></param>
  127. <param name="type"></param>
  128. </member>
  129. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAssetWithSubAssets(System.String)">
  130. <summary>
  131. <para>Loads asset and sub assets with name of type T from the bundle.</para>
  132. </summary>
  133. <param name="name"></param>
  134. </member>
  135. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAssetWithSubAssetsAsync(System.String)">
  136. <summary>
  137. <para>Loads asset with sub assets with name from the bundle asynchronously.</para>
  138. </summary>
  139. <param name="name"></param>
  140. </member>
  141. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAssetWithSubAssetsAsync(System.String)">
  142. <summary>
  143. <para>Loads asset with sub assets with name of type T from the bundle asynchronously.</para>
  144. </summary>
  145. <param name="name"></param>
  146. </member>
  147. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAssetWithSubAssetsAsync(System.String,System.Type)">
  148. <summary>
  149. <para>Loads asset with sub assets with name of a given type from the bundle asynchronously.</para>
  150. </summary>
  151. <param name="name"></param>
  152. <param name="type"></param>
  153. </member>
  154. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(System.String,System.UInt32,System.UInt64)">
  155. <summary>
  156. <para>Synchronously loads an AssetBundle from a file on disk.</para>
  157. </summary>
  158. <param name="path">Path of the file on disk.</param>
  159. <param name="crc">An optional CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed content. If this is non-zero, then the content will be compared against the checksum before loading it, and give an error if it does not match.</param>
  160. <param name="offset">An optional byte offset. This value specifies where to start reading the AssetBundle from.</param>
  161. <returns>
  162. <para>Loaded AssetBundle object or null if failed.</para>
  163. </returns>
  164. </member>
  165. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadFromFile">
  166. <summary>
  167. <para>Synchronously loads an AssetBundle from a file on disk.</para>
  168. </summary>
  169. <param name="path">Path of the file on disk.</param>
  170. <param name="crc">An optional CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed content. If this is non-zero, then the content will be compared against the checksum before loading it, and give an error if it does not match.</param>
  171. <param name="offset">An optional byte offset. This value specifies where to start reading the AssetBundle from.</param>
  172. <returns>
  173. <para>Loaded AssetBundle object or null if failed.</para>
  174. </returns>
  175. </member>
  176. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync(System.String,System.UInt32,System.UInt64)">
  177. <summary>
  178. <para>Asynchronously loads an AssetBundle from a file on disk.</para>
  179. </summary>
  180. <param name="path">Path of the file on disk.</param>
  181. <param name="crc">An optional CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed content. If this is non-zero, then the content will be compared against the checksum before loading it, and give an error if it does not match.</param>
  182. <param name="offset">An optional byte offset. This value specifies where to start reading the AssetBundle from.</param>
  183. <returns>
  184. <para>Asynchronous create request for an AssetBundle. Use AssetBundleCreateRequest.assetBundle property to get an AssetBundle once it is loaded.</para>
  185. </returns>
  186. </member>
  187. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadFromMemory(System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  188. <summary>
  189. <para>Synchronously create an AssetBundle from a memory region.</para>
  190. </summary>
  191. <param name="binary">Array of bytes with the AssetBundle data.</param>
  192. <param name="crc">An optional CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed content. If this is non-zero, then the content will be compared against the checksum before loading it, and give an error if it does not match.</param>
  193. <returns>
  194. <para>Loaded AssetBundle object or null if failed.</para>
  195. </returns>
  196. </member>
  197. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadFromMemoryAsync(System.Byte[],System.UInt32)">
  198. <summary>
  199. <para>Asynchronously create an AssetBundle from a memory region.</para>
  200. </summary>
  201. <param name="binary">Array of bytes with the AssetBundle data.</param>
  202. <param name="crc">An optional CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed content. If this is non-zero, then the content will be compared against the checksum before loading it, and give an error if it does not match.</param>
  203. <returns>
  204. <para>Asynchronous create request for an AssetBundle. Use AssetBundleCreateRequest.assetBundle property to get an AssetBundle once it is loaded.</para>
  205. </returns>
  206. </member>
  207. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadFromStream(System.IO.Stream,System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
  208. <summary>
  209. <para>Synchronously loads an AssetBundle from a managed Stream.</para>
  210. </summary>
  211. <param name="stream">The managed Stream object. Unity calls Read(), Seek() and the Length property on this object to load the AssetBundle data.</param>
  212. <param name="crc">An optional CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed content.</param>
  213. <param name="managedReadBufferSize">An optional overide for the size of the read buffer size used whilst loading data. The default size is 32KB.</param>
  214. <returns>
  215. <para>The loaded AssetBundle object or null when the object fails to load.</para>
  216. </returns>
  217. </member>
  218. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadFromStreamAsync(System.IO.Stream,System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
  219. <summary>
  220. <para>Asynchronously loads an AssetBundle from a managed Stream.</para>
  221. </summary>
  222. <param name="stream">The managed Stream object. Unity calls Read(), Seek() and the Length property on this object to load the AssetBundle data.</param>
  223. <param name="crc">An optional CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed content.</param>
  224. <param name="managedReadBufferSize">An optional overide for the size of the read buffer size used whilst loading data. The default size is 32KB.</param>
  225. <returns>
  226. <para>Asynchronous create request for an AssetBundle. Use AssetBundleCreateRequest.assetBundle property to get an AssetBundle once it is loaded.</para>
  227. </returns>
  228. </member>
  229. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.Unload(System.Boolean)">
  230. <summary>
  231. <para>Unloads all assets in the bundle.</para>
  232. </summary>
  233. <param name="unloadAllLoadedObjects"></param>
  234. </member>
  235. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundle.UnloadAllAssetBundles(System.Boolean)">
  236. <summary>
  237. <para>Unloads all currently loaded Asset Bundles.</para>
  238. </summary>
  239. <param name="unloadAllObjects">Determines whether the current instances of objects loaded from Asset Bundles will also be unloaded.</param>
  240. </member>
  241. <member name="T:UnityEngine.AssetBundleCreateRequest">
  242. <summary>
  243. <para>Asynchronous create request for an AssetBundle.</para>
  244. </summary>
  245. </member>
  246. <member name="P:UnityEngine.AssetBundleCreateRequest.assetBundle">
  247. <summary>
  248. <para>Asset object being loaded (Read Only).</para>
  249. </summary>
  250. </member>
  251. <member name="T:UnityEngine.AssetBundleManifest">
  252. <summary>
  253. <para>Manifest for all the AssetBundles in the build.</para>
  254. </summary>
  255. </member>
  256. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundleManifest.GetAllAssetBundles">
  257. <summary>
  258. <para>Get all the AssetBundles in the manifest.</para>
  259. </summary>
  260. <returns>
  261. <para>An array of asset bundle names.</para>
  262. </returns>
  263. </member>
  264. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundleManifest.GetAllAssetBundlesWithVariant">
  265. <summary>
  266. <para>Get all the AssetBundles with variant in the manifest.</para>
  267. </summary>
  268. <returns>
  269. <para>An array of asset bundle names.</para>
  270. </returns>
  271. </member>
  272. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundleManifest.GetAllDependencies(System.String)">
  273. <summary>
  274. <para>Get all the dependent AssetBundles for the given AssetBundle.</para>
  275. </summary>
  276. <param name="assetBundleName">Name of the asset bundle.</param>
  277. </member>
  278. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundleManifest.GetAssetBundleHash(System.String)">
  279. <summary>
  280. <para>Get the hash for the given AssetBundle.</para>
  281. </summary>
  282. <param name="assetBundleName">Name of the asset bundle.</param>
  283. <returns>
  284. <para>The 128-bit hash for the asset bundle.</para>
  285. </returns>
  286. </member>
  287. <member name="M:UnityEngine.AssetBundleManifest.GetDirectDependencies(System.String)">
  288. <summary>
  289. <para>Get the direct dependent AssetBundles for the given AssetBundle.</para>
  290. </summary>
  291. <param name="assetBundleName">Name of the asset bundle.</param>
  292. <returns>
  293. <para>Array of asset bundle names this asset bundle depends on.</para>
  294. </returns>
  295. </member>
  296. <member name="T:UnityEngine.AssetBundleRequest">
  297. <summary>
  298. <para>Asynchronous load request from an AssetBundle.</para>
  299. </summary>
  300. </member>
  301. <member name="P:UnityEngine.AssetBundleRequest.allAssets">
  302. <summary>
  303. <para>Asset objects with sub assets being loaded. (Read Only)</para>
  304. </summary>
  305. </member>
  306. <member name="P:UnityEngine.AssetBundleRequest.asset">
  307. <summary>
  308. <para>Asset object being loaded (Read Only).</para>
  309. </summary>
  310. </member>
  311. <member name="A:UnityEngine.AssetBundleModule">
  312. <summary>
  313. <para>The AssetBundle module implements the AssetBundle class and related APIs to load data from AssetBundles.</para>
  314. </summary>
  315. </member>
  316. </members>
  317. </doc>