UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule A DownloadHandler subclass specialized for downloading audio data for use as AudioClip objects. Returns the downloaded AudioClip, or null. (Read Only) Create AudioClip that is compressed in memory. Create streaming AudioClip. Constructor, specifies what kind of audio data is going to be downloaded. The nominal (pre-redirect) URL at which the audio clip is located. Value to set for AudioClip type. Returns the downloaded AudioClip, or null. A finished UnityWebRequest object with DownloadHandlerAudioClip attached. The same as DownloadHandlerAudioClip.audioClip Called by DownloadHandler.data. Returns a copy of the downloaded clip data as raw bytes. A copy of the downloaded data. MovieTexture has been deprecated. Refer to the new movie playback solution VideoPlayer. MovieTexture has been deprecated. Refer to the new movie playback solution VideoPlayer. MovieTexture has been deprecated. Refer to the new movie playback solution VideoPlayer. MovieTexture has been deprecated. Refer to the new movie playback solution VideoPlayer. A UnityWebRequest with attached DownloadHandlerMovieTexture. A MovieTexture created out of downloaded bytes. MovieTexture has been deprecated. Refer to the new movie playback solution VideoPlayer. Raw downloaded bytes. Helpers for downloading multimedia files using UnityWebRequest. Create a UnityWebRequest to download an audio clip via HTTP GET and create an AudioClip based on the retrieved data. The URI of the audio clip to download. The type of audio encoding for the downloaded audio clip. See AudioType. A UnityWebRequest properly configured to download an audio clip and convert it to an AudioClip. Create a UnityWebRequest intended to download a movie clip via HTTP GET and create an MovieTexture based on the retrieved data. The URI of the movie clip to download. A UnityWebRequest properly configured to download a movie clip and convert it to a MovieTexture. The UnityWebRequestAudio module provides the DownloadHandlerAudioClip class to use UnityWebRequest to download AudioClips.