UnityEngine.UIElementsModule Status of the menu item. The item is displayed with a checkmark. The item is disabled and is not be selectable by the user. The item is not displayed. The item is displayed normally. Event sent after an element is added to an element that is a descendent of a panel. Constructor. Avoid newing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Abstract base class for controls. The value associated with the control. UxmlTraits for the BaseControl. Returns an empty enumerable, as controls generally do not have children. Constructor. Abstract base class for controls containing a text property. The text associated with the control. The value associated with the control. UxmlTraits for the BaseTextControl. Constructor. Abstract base class for VisualElement containing text. The text associated with the element. UxmlTraits for the BaseTextElement. Returns an enumerable containing attribute descriptions for BasetextElement properties that should be available in UXML. Returns an empty enumerable, as text elements generally do not have children. Constructor. Initialize BaseTextElement properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. Event sent immediately after an element has lost focus. Capturable, does not bubbles, non-cancellable. Constructor. Avoid newing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Styled visual element to match the IMGUI Box Style. Instantiates a Box using the data read from a UXML file. Constructor. Instantiates a Button using the data read from a UXML file. Constructor. UxmlTraits for the Button. Constructor. Interface for classes capable of having callbacks to handle events. Handle an event, most often by executing the callbacks associated with the event. The event to handle. Return true if event handlers for the event propagation bubble up phase have been attached on this object. True if object has event handlers for the bubble up phase. Return true if event handlers for the event propagation capture phase have been attached on this object. True if object has event handlers for the capture phase. Add an event handler on the instance. If the handler has already been registered on the same phase (capture or bubbling), this will have no effect. The event handler to add. By default the callback will be called during the bubbling phase. Pass Capture.Capture to have the callback called during the capture phase instead. Data to pass to the callback. Add an event handler on the instance. If the handler has already been registered on the same phase (capture or bubbling), this will have no effect. The event handler to add. By default the callback will be called during the bubbling phase. Pass Capture.Capture to have the callback called during the capture phase instead. Data to pass to the callback. Remove callback from the instance. The callback to remove. Select wether the callback should be removed from the capture or the bubbling phase. Remove callback from the instance. The callback to remove. Select wether the callback should be removed from the capture or the bubbling phase. Used to specify the phases where an event handler should be executed. The event handler should be executed during the capture and the target phases. The event handler should be executed during the target and bubble up phases. Sends an event when a value from a field changes. The new value. The value before the change occured. Constructor. Gets an event from the event pool and initializes it with the given values. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained from this method should be released back to the pool using ReleaseEvent(). An event. Sets the event to its initial state. Enum which describes the various types of changes that can occur on a VisualElement. All change types have been flagged. Persistence key or parent has changed on the current VisualElement. Persistence key or parent has changed on some child of the current VisualElement. Base class for command events. Name of the command. Gets an event from the event pool and initializes it with the given values. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained from this method should be released back to the pool using ReleaseEvent(). The command name. An IMGUI command event. An event. Gets an event from the event pool and initializes it with the given values. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained from this method should be released back to the pool using ReleaseEvent(). The command name. An IMGUI command event. An event. Reset the event members to their initial value. The event sent when clicking the right mouse button. Constructor. A contextual menu. Add an item that will execute an action in the contextual menu. The item is added at the end of the current item list. Name of the item. This name will be displayed in the contextual menu. Callback to execute when the user selects this item in the menu. Callback to execute to determine the status of the item. An object that will be stored in the userData property of the MenuAction item. Add a separator line in the menu. The separator is added at the end of the current item list. The submenu path where the separator will be added. Path components are delimited by forward slashes ('/'). Add a separator line in the menu. The separator is added at the end of the current item list. The submenu path where the separator will be added. Path components are delimited by forward slashes ('/'). Constructor. A class holding information about the event that triggered the display of the contextual menu. If the triggering event was a mouse event, this property is the mouse position. The position is expressed using the coordinate system of the element that received the mouse event. Otherwise this property is zero. If modifier keys (Alt, Control, Shift, Windows/Command) were pressed to trigger the display of the contextual menu, this property lists the modifier keys. If the triggering event was a mouse event, this property is the mouse position expressed using the global coordinate system. Otherwise this property is zero. Constructor. Add an item that will execute an action in the contextual menu. The item is added at the end of the specified index in the list. Name of the item. This name will be displayed in the contextual menu. Callback to execute when the user selects this item in the menu. Callback to execute to determine the status of the item. Index where the item should be inserted. An object that will be stored in the userData property of the MenuAction item. This object is accessible through the action callback. Add a separator line in the menu. The separator is added at the end of the specified index in the list. Index where the separator should be inserted. The submenu path where the separator is added. Path components are delimited by forward slashes ('/'). A menu action item. Provides information on the event that triggered the contextual menu. The name of the item. The name can be prefixed by its submenu path. Path components are delimited by forward slashes ('/'). The status of the item. The userData object stored by the constructor. Status callback that always returns StatusFlags.Disabled. Unused parameter. Always return StatusFlags.Disabled. Status callback that always returns StatusFlags.Enabled. Unused parameter. Always return StatusFlags.Enabled. Constructor. The path and name of the menu item. Use the path, delimited by forward slashes ('/'), to place the menu item within a submenu. Action to be executed when the menu item is selected. Function called to determine if the menu item is enabled. An object that will be stored in the userData property. Execute the callback associated with this item. Update the status flag of this item by calling the item status callback. Information about the event that triggered the display of the context menu, such as the mouse position or the key pressed. An item in a contextual menu. Get the list of menu items. The list of items in the menu. Update the status of all items by calling their status callback and remove the separators in excess. This is called just before displaying the menu. Remove the menu item at index. The index of the item to remove. A separator menu item. The submenu path where the separator will be added. Path components are delimited by forward slashes ('/'). Constructor. The path for the submenu. Path components are delimited by forward slashes ('/'). Use this class to display a contextual menu. Display the contextual menu. The event that triggered the display of the menu. The element for which the menu is displayed. Check if the event is an event that triggers the display of the menu and display it if it needs to. The element for which the menu is displayed. The event to inspect. Display the contextual menu. The menu to display. The event that triggered the display of the contextual menu. Manipulator that displays a contextual menu when the user clicks the right mouse button or presses the menu key on the keyboard. Constructor. Register the event callbacks on the manipulator target. Unregister the event callbacks from the manipulator target. An event sent when a contextual menu needs to be filled with menu item. The menu to populate. Constructor. Retrieves an event from the event pool. Use this method to retrieve a mouse event and initialize the event, instead of creating a new mouse event. The event that triggered the display of the contextual menu. The menu to populate. The element that triggered the display of the contextual menu. The event. Reset the event members to their initial value. This class is used during UXML template instantiation. Script interface for VisualElement cursor style property IStyle.cursor. The offset from the top left of the texture to use as the target point (must be within the bounds of the cursor). The texture to use for the cursor style. To use a texture as a cursor, import the texture with "Read/Write enabled" in the texture importer (or using the "Cursor" defaults). Event sent just before an element is detach from its parent, if the parent is the descendant of a panel. Constructor. Avoid newing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Base class for drag and drop events. Use the DragEnterEvent class to manage events that occur when dragging enters an element or one of its descendants. The DragEnterEvent can be cancelled, cannot be captured, and does not bubble. Constructor. Avoid renewing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Resets the event members to their initial values. The event sent to a dragged element when the drag and drop process ends. Constructor. Resets the event members to their initial values. Use the DragLeaveEvent class to manage events sent when dragging leaves an element or one of its descendants. The DragLeaveEvent can be cancelled, cannot be captured, and does not bubble. Constructor. Avoid renewing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Resets the event members to their initial values. The event sent to an element when another element is dragged and dropped on the element. Constructor. The event sent when the element being dragged enters a possible drop target. Constructor. The base class for all UIElements events. Returns whether this event type bubbles up in the event propagation path. Return whether this event is sent down the event propagation path during the capture phase. The current target of the event. The current target is the element in the propagation path for which event handlers are currently being executed. Return whether the event is currently being dispatched to visual element. An event can not be redispatched while being dispatched. If you need to recursively redispatch an event, you should use a copy. Flags for the event. The IMGUIEvent at the source of this event. This can be null as not all events are generated by IMGUI. Return true if the default actions should not be executed for this event. Return true if StopImmediatePropagation() has been called for this event. Return true if StopPropagation() has been called for this event. The original mouse position of the IMGUI event, before it is transformed to the local element coordinates. The current propagation phase. The target for this event. The is the visual element that received the event. Unlike currentTarget, target does not change when the event is sent to elements along the propagation path. The time at which the event was created. Implementation of IDisposable. Flags to describe the characteristics of an event. Event will bubble up the propagation path (i.e. from the target parent up to the visual tree root). Execution of default behavior for this event can be cancelled. Event will be sent down the propagation path during the capture phase (i.e. from the visual tree root down to the target parent). Empty value. Event has been instanciated from the event pool. Get the type id for this event instance. The type ID. Reset the event members to their initial value. Call this function to prevent the execution of the default actions for this event. Register an event class to the event type system. The type ID. Immediately stop the propagation of this event. The event will not be sent to any further event handlers on the current target or on any other element in the propagation path. Stop the propagation of this event. The event will not be sent to any further element in the propagation path. Further event handlers on the current target will be executed. Generic base class for events, implementing event pooling and automatic registration to the event type system. Implementation of IDispose. Get the type id for this event instance. The type ID. Get an event from the event pool. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained from this method should be released back to the pool using ReleaseEvent(). An event. Release an event obtained from GetPooled(). The event to release. Get the type id for this event instance. The event instance type id. The event sent when an element should execute a command. Constructor. Base class for objects that can get the focus. Return true if the element can be focused. Return the focus controller for this element. An integer used to sort focusables in the focus ring. A negative value means that the element can not be focused. Tell the element to release the focus. Attempt to give the focus to this element. Base class for defining in which direction the focus moves in a focus ring. Last value for the direction defined by this class. The null direction. This is usually used when the focus stays on the same element. Focus came from an unspecified direction, for example after a mouse down. The underlying integer value for this direction. Class in charge of managing the focus inside a Panel. The currently focused element. Constructor. Ask the controller to change the focus according to the event. The focus controller will use its focus ring to choose the next element to be focused. Event sent immediately after an element has gained focus. Capturable, does not bubbles, non-cancellable. Constructor. Avoid newing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Base class for focus related events. Direction of the focus change. For FocusOut and Blur events, the element gaining the focus. For FocusIn and Focus events, the element losing the focus. Get an event from the event pool and initialize it with the given values. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained from this method should be released back to the pool using ReleaseEvent(). The event target. The related target. The direction of the focus change. An event. Reset the event members to their initial value. Event sent immediately before an element gains focus. Capturable, bubbles, non-cancellable. Constructor. Reset the event members to their initial value. Event sent immediately before an element loses focus. Capturable, bubbles, non-cancellable. Constructor. Avoid newing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Reset the event members to their initial value. Event sent after layout calculations, when the position or the dimension of an element changes. This event cannot be captured, cannot be cancelled, and it does not bubble. The new dimensions of the element. The old dimensions of the element. Constructor. Gets an event from the event pool and initializes the event with the specified values. Use this method instead of instancing new events. Use Dispose() to release events back to the event pool. The old dimensions of the element. The new dimensions of the element. Returns an event from the pool. Resets the event values to their initial values. Base interface for ChangeEvent. Interface for Command events. Name of the command. Interface for drag and drop events. Interface for event dispatchers. Dispatch an event to the panel. The event to dispatch. The panel where the event will be dispatched. Interface for class capable of handling events. Handle an event. The event to handle. Return true if event handlers for the event propagation bubble up phase have been attached on this object. True if object has event handlers for the bubble up phase. Return true if event handlers for the event propagation capture phase have been attached on this object. True if object has event handlers for the capture phase. Interface for focus events. Direction of the focus change. Related target. See implementation for specific meaning. Interface for classes implementing focus rings. Get the direction of the focus change for the given event. For example, when the Tab key is pressed, focus should be given to the element to the right. Get the next element in the given direction. Interface for keyboard events. Return true if the Alt key is pressed. The character. Return true if the Windows/Command key is pressed. Return true if the Control key is pressed. The key code. Flag set holding the pressed modifier keys (Alt, Control, Shift, Windows/Command). Return true if the Shift key is pressed. A VisualElement representing a source texture. The source texture of the Image element. The source rectangle inside the texture relative to the top left corner. The base texture coordinates of the Image relative to the bottom left corner. Instantiates an Image using the data read from a UXML file. Constructor. UxmlTraits for the Image. Returns an empty enumerable, as images generally do not have children. Constructor. Instantiates an IMGUIContainer using the data read from a UXML file. Constructor. UxmlTraits for the IMGUIContainer. Returns an empty enumerable, as IMGUIContainer cannot have VisualElement children. Constructor. Class used to dispatch IMGUI event types that have no equivalent in UIElements events. Constructor. Avoid newing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Get an event from the event pool and initialize it with the given values. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained from this method should be released back to the pool using ReleaseEvent(). The IMGUI event used to initialize the event. An event. Reset the event members to their initial value. Interface for mouse capture events. Interface for mouse events. Return true if the Alt key is pressed. Integer representing the pressed mouse button: 0 is left, 1 is right, 2 is center. Number of clicks. Return true if the Windows/Command key is pressed. Return true if the Control key is pressed. The mouse position in the current target coordinate system. Flag set holding the pressed modifier keys (Alt, Control, Shift, Windows/Command). Mouse position difference between the last mouse event and this one. The mouse position in the panel coordinate system. Return true if the Shift key is pressed. Interface for controls that hold a value and can notify when it is changed by user input. The Value held by the control. Registers this callback to receive ChangeEvent<T> when value was changed by user input. Set the value and, if different, notifies registers callbacks with a ChangeEvent<T> The new value to be set. Sends an event when text from a TextField changes. The new text. The text before the change occured. Constructor. Gets an event from the event pool and initializes it with the given values. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained from this method should be released back to the pool using ReleaseEvent(). The new text. The text before the change occured. An event. Sets the event to its initial state. Interface for classes implementing UI panels. Return the focus controller for this panel. A reference to a scheduled action. A scheduler allows you to register actions to be executed at a later point. Add this item to the list of scheduled tasks. The item to register. Schedule this action to be executed later. The item will be automatically unscheduled after it has ran for the amount of time specified with the durationMs parameter. Action to be executed. The minimum delay in milliseconds before executing the action. The minimum interval in milliseconds between each execution. The total duration in milliseconds where this item will be active. Internal reference to the scheduled action. Schedule this action to be executed later. After the execution, the item will be automatically unscheduled. Action to be executed. The minimum delay in milliseconds before executing the action. Internal reference to the scheduled action. Schedule this action to be executed later. Item will be unscheduled when condition is met. Action to be executed. The minimum delay in milliseconds before executing the action. The minimum interval in milliseconds bettwen each execution. When condition returns true, the item will be unscheduled. Internal reference to the scheduled action. Manually unschedules a previously scheduled action. The item to be removed from this scheduler. This interface provides access to a VisualElement style data. Alignment of the whole area of children on the cross axis if they span over multiple lines in this container. Alignment of children on the cross axis of this container. Similar to align-items, but only for this specific element. Background color to paint in the element's box. Background image to paint in the element's box. Background image scaling in the element's box. Space reserved for the bottom edge of the border during the layout phase. This is the radius of the bottom-left corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. This is the radius of the bottom-right corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. Space reserved for the bottom edge of the border during the layout phase. Color of the border to paint inside the element's box. Space reserved for the left edge of the border during the layout phase. Space reserved for the left edge of the border during the layout phase. This is the radius of every corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. Space reserved for the right edge of the border during the layout phase. Space reserved for the right edge of the border during the layout phase. Space reserved for the top edge of the border during the layout phase. This is the radius of the top-left corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. This is the radius of the top-right corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. Space reserved for the top edge of the border during the layout phase. Mouse cursor to display when the mouse pointer is over an element. Ration of this element in its parent during the layout phase. Initial main size of a flex item, on the main flex axis. The final layout mught be smaller or larger, according to the flex shrinking and growing determined by the flex property. Direction of the main axis to layout children in a container. Specifies how much the item will grow relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container. Specifies how the item will shrink relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container. Placement of children over multiple lines if not enough space is available in this container. Font to draw the element's text. Font size to draw the element's text. Font style to draw the element's text. Fixed height of an element for the layout. Justification of children on the main axis of this container. Space reserved for the bottom edge of the margin during the layout phase. Space reserved for the left edge of the margin during the layout phase. Space reserved for the right edge of the margin during the layout phase. Space reserved for the top edge of the margin during the layout phase. Maximum height for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. Maximum width for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. Minimum height for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. Minimum height for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. Space reserved for the bottom edge of the padding during the layout phase. Space reserved for the left edge of the padding during the layout phase. Space reserved for the right edge of the padding during the layout phase. Space reserved for the top edge of the padding during the layout phase. Bottom distance from the element's box during layout. Left distance from the element's box during layout. Right distance from the element's box during layout. Top distance from the element's box during layout. Element's positioning in its parent container. Size of the 9-slice's bottom edge when painting an element's background image. Size of the 9-slice's left edge when painting an element's background image. Size of the 9-slice's right edge when painting an element's background image. Size of the 9-slice's top edge when painting an element's background image. Text alignment in the element's box. Clipping if the text does not fit in the element's box. Color to use when drawing the text of an element. Specifies whether or not an element is visible. Fixed width of an element for the layout. Word wrapping over multiple lines if not enough space is available to draw the text of an element. This interface provides access to a VisualElement transform data. Transformation matrix calculated from the position, rotation and scale of the transform (Read Only). The position of the VisualElement's transform. The rotation of the VisualElement's transform stored as a Quaternion. The scale of the VisualElement's transform. Interface allowing access to this elements datawatch. Starts watching an object. When watched, all changes on an object will trigger the callback to be invoked. The object to watch. Callback. A reference to this datawatch request. Disposing it will ensure any native resources will also be released. Unregisters a previously watched request. The registered request. An internal reference to a data watch request. This type allows UXML attribute value retrieval during the VisualElement instantiation. An instance will be provided to the factory method - see UXMLFactoryAttribute. Return the value of an attribute as a bool, or the defaultValue if the property is not found. Attribute name. Default value if the property is not found. The attribute value or the default value if not found. Return the value of an attribute as a Color, or the defaultValue if the property is not found. Attribute name. Default value if the property is not found. The attribute value or the default value if not found. Return the value of an attribute as a double, or the defaultValue if the property is not found. Default value if the property is not found. AttributeName. The attribute value or the default value if not found. Return the value of an attribute as a T, or the defaultValue if the property is not found. Attribute name. Default value if the property is not found. The attribute value or the default value if not found. Return the value of an attribute as a float, or the defaultValue if the property is not found. Attribute name. Default value if the property is not found. The attribute value or the default value if not found. Return the value of an attribute as an int, or the defaultValue if the property is not found. Attribute name. Default value if the property is not found. The attribute value or the default value if not found. Return the value of an attribute as a long, or the defaultValue if the property is not found. Attribute name. Default value if the property is not found. The attribute value or the default value if not found. Return the value of an attribute as a string, or the defaultValue if the property is not found. Attribute name. Default value if the property is not found. The attribute value or the default value if not found. Interface for UXML factories. While it is not strictly required, concrete factories should derive from the generic class UxmlFactory. Must return true if the UXML element attributes are not restricted to the values enumerated by uxmlAttributesDescription. The type of element for which this element type can substitute for. The UXML namespace for the type returned by substituteForTypeName. The fully qualified XML name for the type returned by substituteForTypeName. Describes the UXML attributes expected by the element. The attributes enumerated here will appear in the UXML schema. Describes the types of element that can appear as children of this element in a UXML file. The name of the UXML element read by the factory. The namespace of the UXML element read by the factory. The fully qualified name of the UXML element read by the factory. Returns true if the factory accepts the content of the attribute bag. The attribute bag. True if the factory accepts the content of the attribute bag. False otherwise. Instanciate and initialize an object of type T0. A bag of name-value pairs, one for each attribute of the UXML element. This can be used to initialize the properties of the created object. When the element is created as part of a template instance inserted in another document, this contains information about the insertion point. The created object. Represents a scheduled task created with a VisualElement's schedule interface. Returns the VisualElement this object is associated with. Will be true when this item is scheduled. Note that an item's callback will only be executed when it's VisualElement is attached to a panel. Repeats this action after a specified time. Minimum amount of time in milliseconds between each action execution. This ScheduledItem. Cancels any previously scheduled execution of this item and re-schedules the item. Minimum time in milliseconds before this item will be executed. After specified duration, the item will be automatically unscheduled. The total duration in milliseconds where this item will be active. This ScheduledItem. Removes this item from its VisualElement's scheduler. If not already active, will schedule this item on its VisualElement's scheduler. Adds a delay to the first invokation. The minimum number of milliseconds after activation where this item's action will be executed. This ScheduledItem. Item will be unscheduled automatically when specified condition is met. When condition returns true, the item will be unscheduled. This ScheduledItem. A scheduler allows you to register actions to be executed at a later point. Schedule this action to be executed later. The action to be executed. The action to be executed. Reference to the scheduled action. Schedule this action to be executed later. The action to be executed. The action to be executed. Reference to the scheduled action. Base class for keyboard events. Return true if the Alt key is pressed. The character. Return true if the Windows/Command key is pressed. Return true if the Control key is pressed. The key code. Flag set holding the pressed modifier keys (Alt, Control, Shift, Windows/Command). Return true if the Shift key is pressed. Get an event from the event pool and initialize it with the given values. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained from this method should be released back to the pool using ReleaseEvent(). The character for this event. The keyCode for this event. Event modifier keys that are active for this event. A keyboard IMGUI event. A keyboard event. Get an event from the event pool and initialize it with the given values. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained from this method should be released back to the pool using ReleaseEvent(). The character for this event. The keyCode for this event. Event modifier keys that are active for this event. A keyboard IMGUI event. A keyboard event. Reset the event members to their initial value. Event sent when a key is pressed on the keyboard. Capturable, bubbles, cancellable. Constructor. Avoid newing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Event sent when a key is released on the keyboard. Capturable, bubbles, cancellable. Constructor. Avoid newing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Instantiates a Label using the data read from a UXML file. Constructor. UxmlTraits for the Label. Constructor. A vertically scrollable area that only creates visual elements for visible items while allowing the binding of many more items. As the user scrolls, visual elements are recycled and re-bound to new data items. Callback for binding a data item to the visual element. ListView requires all visual elements to have the same height so that it can calculate a sensible scroller size. This property must be set for the list view to function. The items data source. This property must be set for the list view to function. Callback for constructing the VisualElement that will serve as the template for each recycled and re-bound element in the list. This property must be set for the list view to function. Callback for when an item is chosen (double-click). This is different from just a selection. The chosen item. Callback for a selection change. List of selected items. Currently selected item index in the items source. If multiple items are selected, this will return the first selected item's index. The currently selected item from the items source. If multiple items are selected, this will return the first selected item. Controls the selection state, whether: selections are disabled, there is only one selectable item, or if there are multiple selectable items. Instantiates a ListView using the data read from a UXML file. Constructor. UxmlTraits for the ListView. Returns an enumerable containing attribute descriptions for ListView properties that should be available in UXML. Returns an empty enumerable, as list views generally do not have children. Constructor. Initialize ListView properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. Clear, recreate all visible visual elements, and rebind all items. This should be called whenever the items source changes. Scroll to a specific visual element. Element to scroll to. Scroll so that a specific item index from the items source is visible. Item index to scroll to. Used by manipulators to match events against their requirements. The button that activates the manipulation. Number of mouse clicks required to activate the manipulator. Any modifier keys (ie. ctrl, alt, ...) that are needed to activate the manipulation. Returns true if the current mouse event satisfies the activation requirements. The mouse event. True if the event matches the requirements. Class that manages capturing mouse events. Checks if the event handler is capturing the mouse. Event handler to check. True if the handler captures the mouse. Checks if there is a handler assigned to capturing the mouse. Returns true if a handler is assigned to capture the mouse, false otherwise. Stops an event handler from capturing the mouse. The event handler to stop capturing the mouse. If this handler is not assigned to capturing the mouse, nothing happens. Stops an event handler from capturing the mouse. The event handler to stop capturing the mouse. If this handler is not assigned to capturing the mouse, nothing happens. Assigns an event handler to capture the mouse. The event handler to capture the mouse. Event sent after a handler starts capturing the mouse. Constructor. Event sent when the handler capturing the mouse changes. Retrieves an event from the event pool. Use this method to retrieve a mouse event and initialize the event, instead of creating a new mouse event. The handler taking or releasing the mouse capture. A IMouseCaptureEvent. Reset the event members to their initial value. Event sent before a handler stops capturing the mouse. Constructor. Mouse down event. Constructor. Avoid newing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Event sent when the mouse pointer enters an element or one of its descendent elements. The event is cancellable, non-capturable, and does not bubble. Constructor. Avoid newing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Resets the event members to their initial value. Event sent when the mouse pointer enters a window. Cancellable, non-capturable, does not bubbles. Constructor. Avoid newing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Resets the event members to their initial value. The base class for mouse events. Return true if the Alt key is pressed. Integer representing the pressed mouse button: 0 is left, 1 is right, 2 is center. Number of clicks. Return true if the Windows/Command key is pressed. Return true if the Control key is pressed. The current target of the event. The current target is the element in the propagation path for which event handlers are currently being executed. The mouse position in the current target coordinate system. Flag set holding the pressed modifier keys (Alt, Control, Shift, Windows/Command). Mouse position difference between the last mouse event and this one. The mouse position in the screen coordinate system. Return true if the Shift key is pressed. Get an event from the event pool and initialize it with the given values. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained from this method should be released back to the pool using ReleaseEvent(). A mouse IMGUI event. A mouse event. Reset the event members to their initial value. Event sent when the mouse pointer exits an element and all its descendent elements. The event is cancellable, non-capturable, and does not bubble. Constructor. Avoid newing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Resets the event members to their initial value. Event sent when the mouse pointer exits a window. Cancellable, non-capturable, does not bubbles. Constructor. Avoid newing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Reset the event members to their initial value. Mouse move event. Constructor. Avoid newing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Event sent when the mouse pointer exits an element. Capturable, bubbles, cancellable. Constructor. Avoid newing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Event sent when the mouse pointer enters an element. Capturable, bubbles, cancellable. Constructor. Avoid newing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Mouse up event. Constructor. Avoid newing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Styled visual element that matches the EditorGUILayout.Popup IMGUI element. Instantiates a PopupWindow using the data read from a UXML file. Constructor. UxmlTraits for the PopupWindow. Returns an empty enumerable, as popup windows generally do not have children. Constructor. The propagation phases of an event. The event is being sent to the event target. The event is being sent to the event target parent element up to the root element. The event is being sent to the root element down to the event target parent element. The event is being sent to the target element for it to execute its default actions for this event. Event handlers do not get the events in this phase. Instead, ExecuteDefaultAction is called on the target. The event is not being propagated. A button that executes an action repeatedly while it is pressed. Constructor. The action to execute when the button is pressed. The initial delay before the action is executed for the first time. The interval between each execution of the action. Constructor. The action to execute when the button is pressed. The initial delay before the action is executed for the first time. The interval between each execution of the action. Instantiates a RepeatButton using the data read from a UXML file. Constructor. UxmlTraits for the RepeatButton. Returns an enumerable containing attribute descriptions for RepeatButton properties that should be available in UXML. Constructor. Initialize RepeatButton properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. Set the action that should be executed when the button is pressed. The action to execute. The initial delay before the action is executed for the first time. The interval between each execution of the action. Instantiates a Scroller using the data read from a UXML file. Constructor. UxmlTraits for the Scroller. Returns an enumerable containing attribute descriptions for Scroller properties that should be available in UXML. Returns an empty enumerable, as scrollers do not have children. Constructor. Initialize Scroller properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. Instantiates a ScrollerButton using the data read from a UXML file. Constructor. UxmlTraits for the ScrollerButton. Returns an enumerable containing attribute descriptions for ScrollerButton properties that should be available in UXML. Returns an empty enumerable, as buttons generally do not have children. Constructor. Initialize ScrollerButton properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. Indicates whether the content of ScrollView should fill the width of its viewport. The default value is false. Scroll to a specific child element. The child to scroll to. Instantiates a ScrollView using the data read from a UXML file. Constructor. UxmlTraits for the ScrollView. Returns an enumerable containing attribute descriptions for ScrollView properties that should be available in UXML. Constructor. Initialize ScrollView properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. Controls how many items can be selected at once. Multiple items are selectable at once. Selections are disabled. Only one item is selectable. Called when the persistent data is accessible and/or when the data or persistence key have changed (VisualElement is properly parented). Instantiates a Slider using the data read from a UXML file. Constructor. UxmlTraits for the Slider. Returns an enumerable containing attribute descriptions for Slider properties that should be available in UXML. Returns an empty enumerable, as sliders generally do not have children. Constructor. Initialize Slider properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. This enumeration contains values to control how an element is aligned in its parent during the layout phase. Default value (currently FlexStart). Items are centered on the cross axis. Items are aligned at the end on the cross axis. Items are aligned at the beginning on the cross axis. Stretches items on the cross axis. This enumeration defines values used to control in which direction a container will place its children during layout. Vertical layout. Vertical layout in reverse order. Horizontal layout. Horizontal layout in reverse order. This enumeration contains values to control how children are justified during layout. Items are centered. Items are justified towards the end of the layout direction. Items are justified towards the beginning of the main axis. Items are evenly distributed in the line with extra space on each end of the line. Items are evenly distributed in the line; first item is at the beginning of the line, last item is at the end. This enumeration contains values to control how an element is positioned in its parent container. The element is positioned in relation to its parent box and does not contribute to the layout anymore. The element is positioned in relation to its default box as calculated by layout. This enumeration contains values to specify whether or not an element is visible. The picking and rendering of this element is skipped. It still takes space in the layout. The element is drawn normally (default). This enumeration contains values to control how elements are placed in a container if not enough space is available. All elements are placed on the same line. Elements are placed over multiple lines. This interface exposes methods to read custom style properties applied from USS files to visual elements. Read a style property value into the specified StyleValue<T>. Name of the property in USS. Target StyleValue<T> field or variable to write to. Read a style property value into the specified StyleValue<T>. Name of the property in USS. Target StyleValue<T> field or variable to write to. Read a style property value into the specified StyleValue<T>. Name of the property in USS. Target StyleValue<T> field or variable to write to. Read a style property value into the specified StyleValue<T>. Name of the property in USS. Target StyleValue<T> field or variable to write to. Read a style property value into the specified StyleValue<T>. Name of the property in USS. Target StyleValue<T> field or variable to write to. Read a style property value into the specified StyleValue<T>. Name of the property in USS. Target StyleValue<T> field or variable to write to. This generic structure encodes a value type that can come from USS or be specified programmatically. This represents the default value for a StyleValue<T> of the according generic type. The actual value of the StyleValue<T>. Creates a StyleValue of the according generic type directly from a value. Value to be used as inline style. The result StyleValue<T> This constructor can be used to specified an alternate default value but it is recommended to use StyleValue<T>.nil. Default starting value. Utility function to be used when reading custom styles values and provide a default value in one step. Default value to be returned if no value is set. The value to be used for the custom style. Instantiates and clones a TemplateContainer using the data read from a UXML file. Constructor. UxmlTraits for the TemplateContainer. Returns an enumerable containing attribute descriptions for TemplateContainer properties that should be available in UXML. Returns an empty enumerable, as template instance do not have children. Constructor. Initialize TemplateContainer properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. A textfield is a rectangular area where the user can edit a string. Set this to true to mask the characters and false if otherwise. Set this to true to allow multiple lines in the textfield and false if otherwise. The string currently being exposed by the field. Creates a new textfield. The maximum number of characters this textfield can hold. If 0, there is no limit. Set this to true to allow multiple lines in the textfield and false if otherwise. Set this to true to mask the characters and false if otherwise. The character used for masking in a password field. Creates a new textfield. The maximum number of characters this textfield can hold. If 0, there is no limit. Set this to true to allow multiple lines in the textfield and false if otherwise. Set this to true to mask the characters and false if otherwise. The character used for masking in a password field. Called when the persistent data is accessible and/or when the data or persistence key have changed (VisualElement is properly parented). Instantiates a TextField using the data read from a UXML file. Constructor. UxmlTraits for the TextField. Returns an enumerable containing attribute descriptions for TextField properties that should be available in UXML. Constructor. Initialize TextField properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. Abstract base class used for all text-based fields. Color of the cursor. The current cursor position index in the text input field. Controls whether double clicking selects the word under the mouse pointer or not. If set to true, the value property is not updated until either the user presses Enter or the text field loses focus. Returns true if the field is used to edit a password. The character used for masking in a password field. Maximum number of characters for the field. Background color of selected text. Controls whether triple clicking selects the entire line under the mouse pointer or not. Add menu items to the text field contextual menu. The event holding the menu to populate. Constructor. Maximum number of characters for the field. The character used for masking in a password field. Selects all the text. UxmlTraits for the TextInputFieldBase. Returns an enumerable containing attribute descriptions for TextInputFieldBase properties that should be available in UXML. Initialize TextInputFieldBase properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. Optional text after the toggle. Return whether the toggle is on or not. Sets the event callback for this toggle button. The action to be called when this Toggle is clicked. Instantiates a Toggle using the data read from a UXML file. Constructor. UxmlTraits for the Toggle. Returns an enumerable containing attribute descriptions for Toggle properties that should be available in UXML. Constructor. Initialize Toggle properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. UQuery is a set of extension methods allowing you to select individual or collection of visualElements inside a complex hierarchy. Utility Object that contructs a set of selection rules to be ran on a root visual element. Selects all elements that are active. A QueryBuilder with the selection rules. Convenience overload, shorthand for Build().AtIndex(). Compiles the selection rules into a QueryState object. Selects all elements that are checked. Selects all direct child elements of elements matching the previous rules. Selects all direct child elements of elements matching the previous rules. Selects all elements with the given class. Not to be confused with Type (see OfType<>()). Initializes a QueryBuilder. The root element on which to condfuct the search query. Selects all elements that are descendants of currently matching ancestors. Selects all elements that are descendants of currently matching ancestors. Selects all elements that are enabled. Convenience overload, shorthand for Build().First(). The first element matching all the criteria, or null if none was found. Selects all elements that are enabled. Convenience overload, shorthand for Build().ForEach(). The function to be invoked with each matching element. Convenience overload, shorthand for Build().ForEach(). The function to be invoked with each matching element. Each return value will be added to this list. Convenience overload, shorthand for Build().ForEach(). The function to be invoked with each matching element. Returns a list of all the results of the function calls. Selects all elements that are hovered. Convenience overload, shorthand for Build().Last(). The last element matching all the criteria, or null if none was found. Selects element with this name. Selects all elements that are not active. Selects all elements that npot checked. Selects all elements that are not enabled. Selects all elements that don't currently own the focus. Selects all elements that are not hovered. Selects all elements that are not selected. Selects all elements that are not visible. Selects all elements of the specified Type (eg: Label, Button, ScrollView, etc). If specified, will select elements with this name. If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). QueryBuilder configured with the associated selection rules. Selects all elements of the specified Type (eg: Label, Button, ScrollView, etc). If specified, will select elements with this name. If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). QueryBuilder configured with the associated selection rules. Selects all elements that are selected. Convenience method. shorthand for Build().ToList. Returns a list containing elements satisfying selection rules. Convenience method. Shorthand gor Build().ToList(). Adds all elements satisfying selection rules to the list. Selects all elements that are visible. Selects all elements satifying the predicate. Predicate that must return true for selected elements. QueryBuilder configured with the associated selection rules. Query object containing all the selection rules. Can be saved and rerun later without re-allocating memory. Selects the n th element matching all the criteria, or null if not enough elements were found. The index of the matched element. The match element at the specified index. The first element matching all the criteria, or null if none was found. The first element matching all the criteria, or null if none was found. Invokes function on all elements matching the query. The action to be invoked with each matching element. Invokes function on all elements matching the query. Each return value will be added to this list. The function to be invoked with each matching element. Invokes function on all elements matching the query. Overloaded for convenience. The function to be invoked with each matching element. Returns a list of all the results of the function calls. The last element matching all the criteria, or null if none was found. The last element matching all the criteria, or null if none was found. Creates a new QueryState with the same selection rules, applied on another VisualElement. The element on which to apply the selection rules. A new QueryState with the same selection rules, applied on this element. Returns a list containing elements satisfying selection rules. Returns a list containing elements satisfying selection rules. Adds all elements satisfying selection rules to the list. Adds all elements satisfying selection rules to the list. UQuery is a set of extension methods allowing you to select individual or collection of visualElements inside a complex hierarchy. Convenience overload, shorthand for Query<T>.Build().First(). Root VisualElement on which the selector will be applied. If specified, will select elements with this name. If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). The first element matching all the criteria, or null if none was found. Convenience overload, shorthand for Query<T>.Build().First(). Root VisualElement on which the selector will be applied. If specified, will select elements with this name. If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). The first element matching all the criteria, or null if none was found. Initializes a QueryBuilder with the specified selection rules. Root VisualElement on which the selector will be applied. If specified, will select elements with this name. If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). QueryBuilder configured with the associated selection rules. Initializes a QueryBuilder with the specified selection rules. Root VisualElement on which the selector will be applied. If specified, will select elements with this name. If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). QueryBuilder configured with the associated selection rules. Initializes a QueryBuilder with the specified selection rules. Template parameter specifies the type of elements the selector applies to (ie: Label, Button, etc). Root VisualElement on which the selector will be applied. If specified, will select elements with this name. If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). QueryBuilder configured with the associated selection rules. Initializes a QueryBuilder with the specified selection rules. Template parameter specifies the type of elements the selector applies to (ie: Label, Button, etc). Root VisualElement on which the selector will be applied. If specified, will select elements with this name. If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). QueryBuilder configured with the associated selection rules. Initializes an empty QueryBuilder on a specified root element. Root VisualElement on which the selector will be applied. An empty QueryBuilder on a specified root element. Base class for describing an XML attribute. The default value for the attribute, as a string. The attribute name. Restrictions on the possible values of the attribute. Attribute type. Attribute namespace. Whether the attribute is optional, required or prohibited. Constructor. An enum to describe attribute use. There is no restriction on the use of this attribute with the element. The attribute is optional for the element. The attribute should not appear for the element. The attribute must appear in the element tag. Describes a XML bool attribute. The default value for the attribute. The default value for the attribute, as a string. Constructor. Retrieves the value of this attribute from the attribute bag. Returns it if it is found, otherwise return defaultValue. The bag of attributes. The value of the attribute. Describe an allowed child element for an element. The name of the allowed child element. The namespace name of the allowed child element. Constructor. Describes a XML attribute representing a Color as a string. The default value for the attribute. The default value for the attribute, as a string. Constructor. Retrieves the value of this attribute from the attribute bag. Returns it if it is found, otherwise return defaultValue. The bag of attributes. The value of the attribute. Describes a XML double attribute. The default value for the attribute. The default value for the attribute, as a string. Constructor. Retrieves the value of this attribute from the attribute bag. Returns it if it is found, otherwise return defaultValue. The bag of attributes. The value of the attribute. Describes a XML attribute representing an enum as a string. The default value for the attribute. The default value for the attribute, as a string. Constructor. Retrieves the value of this attribute from the attribute bag. Returns it if it is found, otherwise return defaultValue. The bag of attributes. The value of the attribute. Restricts the value of an attribute to be taken from a list of values. The list of values the attribute can take. Constructor. Indicates whether the current UxmlEnumeration object is equal to another object of the same type. The object to compare with. True if the otheer object is equal to this one. UxmlFactory specialization for classes that derive from VisualElement and that shares its traits, VisualElementTraits. Constructor. Generic base class for UXML factories, which instantiate a VisualElement using the data read from a UXML file. Returns UxmlTraits.canHaveAnyAttribute (where UxmlTraits is the argument for T1). Returns an empty string if T0 is not VisualElement; otherwise, returns "VisualElement". Returns the namespace for substituteForTypeName. Returns the fully qualified name for substituteForTypeName. Returns an empty enumerable. Returns an empty enumerable. Returns the type name of T0. Returns the namespace name of T0. Returns the typefully qualified name of T0. Returns true. The attribute bag. Always true. Instantiate an object of type T0 and initialize it by calling T1 UxmlTraits.Init method. A bag of name-value pairs, one for each attribute of the UXML element. This can be used to initialize the properties of the created object. When the element is created as part of a template instance inserted in another document, this contains information about the insertion point. The created element. Returns the Type of the objects created by this factory. If implemented by your factory, this function will be called to instantiate an object of type T0. Otherwise, the default constructor of T0 will be used. A bag of name-value pairs, one for each attribute of the UXML element. This can be used to initialize the properties of the created object. When the element is created as part of a template instance inserted in another document, this contains information about the insertion point. The created element. Describes a XML float attribute. The default value for the attribute. The default value for the attribute, as a string. Constructor. Retrieves the value of this attribute from the attribute bag. Returns it if it is found, otherwise return defaultValue. The bag of attributes. The value of the attribute. Describes a XML int attribute. The default value for the attribute. The default value for the attribute, as a string. Constructor. Retrieves the value of this attribute from the attribute bag. Returns it if it is found, otherwise return defaultValue. The bag of attributes. The value of the attribute. Describes a XML long attribute. The default value for the attribute. The default value for the attribute, as a string. Constructor. Retrieves the value of this attribute from the attribute bag. Returns it if it is found, otherwise return defaultValue. The bag of attributes. The value of the attribute. Factory for the root UXML element. Returns the empty string, as the root element can not appear anywhere else bit at the root of the document. Returns the empty string, as the root element can not appear anywhere else bit at the root of the document. Returns the empty string, as the root element can not appear anywhere else bit at the root of the document. Returns "UXML". Returns the qualified name for this element. Returns null. Constructor. UxmlTraits for the UXML root element. Returns an enumerable containing UxmlChildElementDescription(typeof(VisualElement)), since the root element can contain VisualElements. Constructor. Describes a XML string attribute. The default value for the attribute. The default value for the attribute, as a string. Constructor. Retrieves the value of this attribute from the attribute bag. Returns it if it is found, otherwise return defaultValue. The bag of attributes. The value of the attribute. Describes a VisualElement derived class for the parsing of UXML files and the generation of UXML schema definition. Must return true if the UXML element attributes are not restricted to the values enumerated by uxmlAttributesDescription. Describes the UXML attributes expected by the element. The attributes enumerated here will appear in the UXML schema. Describes the types of element that can appear as children of this element in a UXML file. Initialize a VisualElement instance with values from the UXML element attributes. The VisualElement to initialize. A bag of name-value pairs, one for each attribute of the UXML element. When the element is created as part of a template instance inserted in another document, this contains information about the insertion point. Base class to restricts the value of an attribute. Indicates whether the current UxmlTypeRestriction object is equal to another object of the same type. The object to compare with. True if the otheer object is equal to this one. Restricts the value of an attribute to be within the specified bounds. True if the bounds exclude max. True if the bounds exclude min. The maximum value for the attribute. The minimum value for the attribute. Constructor. Indicates whether the current UxmlValueBounds object is equal to another object of the same type. The object to compare with. True if the otheer object is equal to this one. Restricts the value of an attribute to match a regular expression. The regular expression that should be matched by the value. Constructor. Indicates whether the current UxmlValueMatches object is equal to another object of the same type. The object to compare with. True if the otheer object is equal to this one. The event sent to probe which elements accepts a command. Constructor. Instantiates a VisualElement using the data read from a UXML file. Returns the VisualElement type name. Returns the VisualElement type namespace. Returns the VisualElement qualified name. Returns VisualContainer type name. Returns VisualContainer namespace name. Returns VisualContainer full name. Constructor. Base class for objects that are part of the UIElements visual tree. Number of child elements in this object's contentContainer Should this element clip painting to its boundaries. child elements are added to this element, usually this Access to this element data watch interface. The default focus index for newly created elements. Returns true if the VisualElement is enabled in its own hierarchy. Returns true if the VisualElement is enabled locally. Used for view data persistence (ie. tree expanded states, scroll position, zoom level). Retrieves this VisualElement's IVisualElementScheduler Access to this element physical hierarchy Reference to the style object of this element. This property can be used to associate application-specific user data with this VisualElement. Add an element to this element's contentContainer Adds this stylesheet file to this element list of applied styles Checks if any of the ChangeTypes have been marked dirty. The ChangeType(s) to check. True if at least one of the checked ChangeTypes have been marked dirty. Brings this element to the end of its parent children list. The element will be visually in front of any overlapping sibling elements. Returns the elements from its contentContainer Remove all child elements from this element's contentContainer Options to select clipping strategy. Enables clipping and renders contents to a cache texture. Will enable clipping. This VisualElement and its children's content will be limited to this element's bounds. Will disable clipping and let children VisualElements paint outside its bounds. Returns true if the element is a direct child of this VisualElement Retrieves the child element at position Enables or disables the class with the given name. The name of the class to enable or disable. A boolean flag that adds or removes the class name from the class list. If true, EnableInClassList adds the class name to the class list. If false, EnableInClassList removes the class name from the class list. Searchs up the hierachy of this VisualElement and retrieves stored userData, if any is found. Finds the lowest commont ancestor between two VisualElements inside the VisualTree hierarchy Allows to iterate into this elements children Walks up the hierarchy, starting from this element's parent, and returns the first VisualElement of this type Walks up the hierarchy, starting from this element, and returns the first VisualElement of this type Combine this VisualElement's VisualElement.persistenceKey with those of its parents to create a more unique key for use with VisualElement.GetOrCreatePersistentData. Full hierarchical persistence key. Takes a reference to an existing persisted object and a key and returns the object either filled with the persisted state or as-is. An existing object to be persisted, or null to create a new object. If no persisted state is found, a non-null object will be returned as-is. The key for the current VisualElement to be used with the persistence store on the EditorWindow. The same object being passed in (or a new one if null was passed in), but possibly with its persistent state restored. Takes a reference to an existing persisted object and a key and returns the object either filled with the persisted state or as-is. An existing object to be persisted, or null to create a new object. If no persisted state is found, a non-null object will be returned as-is. The key for the current VisualElement to be used with the persistence store on the EditorWindow. The same object being passed in (or a new one if null was passed in), but possibly with its persistent state restored. Checks if this stylesheet file is in this element list of applied styles Hierarchy is a sctuct allowing access to the shadow hierarchy of visual elements Number of child elements in this object's contentContainer Access the physical parent of this element in the hierarchy Add an element to this element's contentContainer Returns the elements from its contentContainer Remove all child elements from this element's contentContainer Retrieves the child element at position Retrieves the index of the specified VisualElement in the Hierarchy. The element to return the index for. Returns the index of the element, or -1 if the element is not found. Insert an element into this element's contentContainer Removes this child from the hierarchy Remove the child element located at this position from this element's contentContainer Reorders child elements from this VisualElement contentContainer. Sorting criteria. Access to this element physical hierarchy Retrieves the child index of the specified VisualElement. The child to return the index for. Returns the index of the child, or -1 if the child is not found. Insert an element into this element's contentContainer The modes available to measure VisualElement sizes. At Most. The element should give its preferred width/height but no more than the value passed. The element should give the width/height that is passed in and derive the opposite site from this value (for example, calculate text size from a fixed width). The element should give its preferred width/height without any constraint. Called when the persistent data is accessible and/or when the data or persistence key have changed (VisualElement is properly parented). Callback when the styles of an object have changed. Overwrite object from the persistent data store. The key for the current VisualElement to be used with the persistence store on the EditorWindow. Object to overwrite. Places this element right before the sibling element in their parent children list. If the element and the sibling position overlap, the element will be visually behind of its sibling. The sibling element. Places this element right after the sibling element in their parent children list. If the element and the sibling position overlap, the element will be visually in front of its sibling. The sibling element. Removes this child from the hierarchy Remove the child element located at this position from this element's contentContainer Removes this element from its parent hierarchy Removes this stylesheet file from this element list of applied styles Write persistence data to file. Sends this element to the beginning of its parent children list. The element will be visually behind any overlapping sibling elements. Changes the VisualElement enabled state. A disabled VisualElement does not receive most events. New enabled state Reorders child elements from this VisualElement contentContainer. Sorting criteria. Access to this element physical hierarchy Toggles between adding and removing the given class name from the class list. The class name to add or remove from the class list. Instantiates a VisualElement using the data read from a UXML file. Constructor. UxmlTraits for the VisualElement. Returns an enumerable containing attribute descriptions for VisualElement properties that should be available in UXML. Returns an enumerable containing UxmlChildElementDescription(typeof(VisualElement)), since VisualElements can contain other VisualElements. Constructor. Initialize VisualElement properties using values from the attribute bag. The object to initialize. The attribute bag. The creation context; unused. VisualElementExtensions is a set of extension methods useful for VisualElement. Add a manipulator associated to a VisualElement. VisualElement associated to the manipulator. Manipulator to be added to the VisualElement. Remove a manipulator associated to a VisualElement. VisualElement associated to the manipulator. Manipulator to be removed from the VisualElement. The given VisualElement's left and right edges will be aligned with the corresponding edges of the parent element. Define focus change directions for the VisualElementFocusRing. Last value for the direction defined by this class. The focus is moving to the left. The focus is moving to the right. Implementation of a linear focus ring. Elements are sorted according to their focusIndex. The focus order for elements having 0 has a focusIndex. Constructor. The root of the element tree for which we want to build a focus ring. Default ordering of the elements in the ring. Ordering of elements in the focus ring. Order elements using a depth-first pre-order traversal of the element tree. Order elements according to their position, first by X, then by Y. Order elements according to their position, first by Y, then by X. Get the direction of the focus change for the given event. For example, when the Tab key is pressed, focus should be given to the element to the right in the focus ring. Get the next element in the given direction. Mouse wheel event. The amount of scrolling applied on the mouse wheel. Constructor. Avoid newing events. Instead, use GetPooled() to get an event from a pool of reusable events. Get an event from the event pool and initialize it with the given values. Use this function instead of creating new events. Events obtained from this method should be released back to the pool using ReleaseEvent(). A wheel IMGUI event. A wheel event. Reset the event members to their initial value. The UIElements module implements the UIElements retained mode UI framework.