using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEngine; #if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER using UnityEngine.XR; #else using XRSettings = UnityEngine.VR.VRSettings; using XRDevice = UnityEngine.VR.VRDevice; #endif namespace Valve.VR { public class SteamVR_Behaviour : MonoBehaviour { private const string openVRDeviceName = "OpenVR"; public static bool forcingInitialization = false; private static SteamVR_Behaviour _instance; public static SteamVR_Behaviour instance { get { if (_instance == null) { Initialize(false); } return _instance; } } public bool initializeSteamVROnAwake = true; public bool doNotDestroy = true; [HideInInspector] public SteamVR_Render steamvr_render; private static bool initializing = false; public static void Initialize(bool forceUnityVRToOpenVR = false) { if (_instance == null && initializing == false) { initializing = true; GameObject steamVRObject = null; if (forceUnityVRToOpenVR) forcingInitialization = true; SteamVR_Render renderInstance = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(); if (renderInstance != null) steamVRObject = renderInstance.gameObject; SteamVR_Behaviour behaviourInstance = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(); if (behaviourInstance != null) steamVRObject = behaviourInstance.gameObject; if (steamVRObject == null) { GameObject objectInstance = new GameObject("[SteamVR]"); _instance = objectInstance.AddComponent(); _instance.steamvr_render = objectInstance.AddComponent(); } else { behaviourInstance = steamVRObject.GetComponent(); if (behaviourInstance == null) behaviourInstance = steamVRObject.AddComponent(); if (renderInstance != null) behaviourInstance.steamvr_render = renderInstance; else { behaviourInstance.steamvr_render = steamVRObject.GetComponent(); if (behaviourInstance.steamvr_render == null) behaviourInstance.steamvr_render = steamVRObject.AddComponent(); } _instance = behaviourInstance; } if (behaviourInstance != null && behaviourInstance.doNotDestroy) GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(behaviourInstance.transform.root.gameObject); initializing = false; } } protected void Awake() { if (initializeSteamVROnAwake && forcingInitialization == false) InitializeSteamVR(); } public void InitializeSteamVR(bool forceUnityVRToOpenVR = false) { if (forceUnityVRToOpenVR) { forcingInitialization = true; if (initializeCoroutine != null) StopCoroutine(initializeCoroutine); if (XRSettings.loadedDeviceName == openVRDeviceName) EnableOpenVR(); else initializeCoroutine = StartCoroutine(DoInitializeSteamVR(forceUnityVRToOpenVR)); } else { SteamVR.Initialize(false); } } private Coroutine initializeCoroutine; #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER private bool loadedOpenVRDeviceSuccess = false; private IEnumerator DoInitializeSteamVR(bool forceUnityVRToOpenVR = false) { XRDevice.deviceLoaded += XRDevice_deviceLoaded; XRSettings.LoadDeviceByName(openVRDeviceName); while (loadedOpenVRDeviceSuccess == false) { yield return null; } XRDevice.deviceLoaded -= XRDevice_deviceLoaded; EnableOpenVR(); } private void XRDevice_deviceLoaded(string deviceName) { if (deviceName == openVRDeviceName) { loadedOpenVRDeviceSuccess = true; } else { Debug.LogError("[SteamVR] Tried to async load: " + openVRDeviceName + ". Loaded: " + deviceName); loadedOpenVRDeviceSuccess = true; //try anyway } } #else private IEnumerator DoInitializeSteamVR(bool forceUnityVRToOpenVR = false) { XRSettings.LoadDeviceByName(openVRDeviceName); yield return null; EnableOpenVR(); } #endif private void EnableOpenVR() { XRSettings.enabled = true; SteamVR.Initialize(false); initializeCoroutine = null; forcingInitialization = false; } #if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER protected void OnEnable() { Application.onBeforeRender += OnBeforeRender; SteamVR_Events.System(EVREventType.VREvent_Quit).Listen(OnQuit); } protected void OnDisable() { Application.onBeforeRender -= OnBeforeRender; SteamVR_Events.System(EVREventType.VREvent_Quit).Remove(OnQuit); } protected void OnBeforeRender() { PreCull(); } #else protected void OnEnable() { Camera.onPreCull += OnCameraPreCull; SteamVR_Events.System(EVREventType.VREvent_Quit).Listen(OnQuit); } protected void OnDisable() { Camera.onPreCull -= OnCameraPreCull; SteamVR_Events.System(EVREventType.VREvent_Quit).Remove(OnQuit); } protected void OnCameraPreCull(Camera cam) { if (!cam.stereoEnabled) return; PreCull(); } #endif protected static int lastFrameCount = -1; protected void PreCull() { // Only update poses on the first camera per frame. if (Time.frameCount != lastFrameCount) { lastFrameCount = Time.frameCount; SteamVR_Input.OnPreCull(); } } protected void FixedUpdate() { SteamVR_Input.FixedUpdate(); } protected void LateUpdate() { SteamVR_Input.LateUpdate(); } protected void Update() { SteamVR_Input.Update(); } protected void OnQuit(VREvent_t vrEvent) { #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying = false; #else Application.Quit(); #endif } } }