Documentation.html 15 KB

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  196. <body class='typora-export ' >
  197. <div id='write' class = 'is-node'><h1><a name='header-c1' class='md-header-anchor '></a>Line Endings Fixer</h1><p></p><h2><a name='header-c8' class='md-header-anchor '></a>Overview</h2><p>This asset contains a script that automatically fixes line endings on your script based. It&#39;ll watch the logs of the console for reports of mixed line endings and automatically fix it for you based on your line-ending choice.</p><h2><a name='header-c11' class='md-header-anchor '></a>Configuration</h2><p>To configure which type of line ending you want, just go to <strong>Tools</strong> &gt; <strong>Line Endings Fixer</strong> and select which line ending you want for your project.</p><p> <img src='Images\settings.png' alt='settings' /></p><p>Note that there&#39;s no &quot;batch&quot; processing, only scripts reported on console will be fixed. </p><h2><a name='header-c18' class='md-header-anchor '></a>Contact</h2><p>If you have any questions, drop me an email at <a href='mailto://' target='_blank' ></a>. </p><p>Thank you!</p><p><a href='' target='_blank' ></a>
  198. <a href='' target='_blank' ></a></p></div>
  199. </body>
  200. </html>