using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using CSVReader;
using Logger;
using UnityEngine;
namespace ObjectScripts
public class DataObject : MonoBehaviour
// Damit DataObject threadsafe ist, so wenig berechnungen wie möglich
// Mann kann nicht Threadsafe auf Unity Objects außerhalb des Unity Main Threads zugreifen
/// timestamp of last update
public double Timestamp;
/// Position to rotate towards
public Vector3 Rot;
/// Position too look at
public Vector3 HeadRot;
/// Top Color
public uint TopColor;
/// Bottom Color
public uint BotColor;
/// Entitiy Type
public CSVReader.EntityType Type;
/// ID
public int ID { get; set; }
/// ObjectHandler which handles the object
public AbstractObjectHandler Handler { get; internal set; }
/// The time since the last update occurred.
/// Updated every timerRateInSeconds.
public float TimeSinceLastUpdate { get; internal set; }
/// Maximum Time the object can live without an update
public float TimeToLive { get; internal set; }
/// Rate for Updating TimeSinceLastUpdate
public float TimerRateInSeconds { get; internal set; }
/// Position which the GameObject travels to in UpdateRate Time
public Vector3 TargetPos { get; internal set; }
/// Position from which the GameObject started moving
public Vector3 StartPos { get; internal set; }
/// Direction which the GameObject will face
public Quaternion TargetRotation { get; internal set; }
/// Direction which the GameObject faces
public Quaternion StartRotation { get; internal set; }
/// Speed with which the GameObjects moves
public double Velocity { get; internal set; }
private Object LockObject;
/// Control Coroutine
public bool Alive;
/// Reference to Sensor.
/// Should be the Sensor "sensing" the "Object"
public GameObject Sensor { get; set; }
///change Values that probably won't change anymore
public void SetUp(int id, AbstractObjectHandler handler, CSVReader.EntityType type, float timeToLive, float gameVelocity)
LockObject = new Object();
Alive = true;
ID = id;
Handler = handler;
Type = type;
TimeSinceLastUpdate = 0f;
TimeToLive = timeToLive;
/// Increase TimeSinceLastUpdate (+= timerRateInSeconds )
/// and start the Handler deleteprocess if the TimeSinceLastUpdate is greater than the TimeToLive
private IEnumerator UpdateTimer()
float timeDiff, timeTemp = Time.unscaledTime;
while (this.Alive)
//calculate the time since last iteration
timeDiff = Time.unscaledTime - timeTemp;
timeTemp += timeDiff;
//and only add it when the simulation is running
//otherwise all objects would be destroyed
if (this.Handler.GameVelocity > 0)
//add the time to TimeSinceLastUpdate
TimeSinceLastUpdate += timeDiff;
//if we want that an object will be destroyed after e.g. 1 second
//the timeSinceLastUpdate as to be greater than 1
//if the GameVelocity is 1/2 we want to wait 2 seconds (1/(1/2))
if (TimeSinceLastUpdate > TimeToLive / this.Handler.GameVelocity)
CityLogger.Log(string.Format("Destroy {0} after {1} seconds", this.ID, TimeSinceLastUpdate), LogLevel.DEBUG);
//Start DeleteProcess
yield return new WaitForSeconds((float)this.Handler.UpdateRate);
//wait till GameVelocity > 0
yield return null;
/// Sets TargetPosition
/// Also sets the StartPos to last TargetPosition
public void SetNewTargetPos(Vector3 newPos)
if (float.IsNaN(newPos.x) || float.IsNaN(newPos.y) || float.IsNaN(newPos.z))
StartPos = TargetPos;
TargetPos = newPos;
/// Maps input data
public void MapInputObjekt(InputObject input, GameObject sensor)
//lock (LockObject)
//{ //set TimeSinceLastUpdate to zero
this.TimeSinceLastUpdate = 0f;
this.Timestamp = input.Time;
this.Rot = input.Rot;
this.HeadRot = input.HeadRot;
this.BotColor = input.BotColor;
this.TopColor = input.TopColor;
this.Type = input.Type;
this.Sensor = sensor;
private void OnDestroy()
this.Alive = false;