using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; namespace SplineMesh { [DisallowMultipleComponent] [ExecuteInEditMode] [RequireComponent(typeof(Spline))] public class SplineSmoother : MonoBehaviour { private Spline spline; private Spline Spline { get { if (spline == null) spline = GetComponent(); return spline; } } [Range(0, 1f)] public float curvature = 0.3f; private void OnValidate() { SmoothAll(); } private void OnEnable() { Spline.NodeListChanged += Spline_NodeListChanged; foreach(var node in Spline.nodes) { node.Changed += OnNodeChanged; } SmoothAll(); } private void OnDisable() { Spline.NodeListChanged -= Spline_NodeListChanged; foreach (var node in Spline.nodes) { node.Changed -= OnNodeChanged; } } private void Spline_NodeListChanged(object sender, ListChangedEventArgs args) { if(args.newItems != null) { foreach (var node in args.newItems) { node.Changed += OnNodeChanged; } } if(args.removedItems != null) { foreach (var node in args.removedItems) { node.Changed -= OnNodeChanged; } } } private void OnNodeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var node = (SplineNode)sender; SmoothNode(node); var index = Spline.nodes.IndexOf(node); if(index > 0) { SmoothNode(Spline.nodes[index - 1]); } if(index < Spline.nodes.Count - 1) { SmoothNode(Spline.nodes[index + 1]); } } private void SmoothNode(SplineNode node) { var index = Spline.nodes.IndexOf(node); var pos = node.Position; // For the direction, we need to compute a smooth vector. // Orientation is obtained by substracting the vectors to the previous and next way points, // which give an acceptable tangent in most situations. // Then we apply a part of the average magnitude of these two vectors, according to the smoothness we want. var dir =; float averageMagnitude = 0; if (index != 0) { var previousPos = Spline.nodes[index - 1].Position; var toPrevious = pos - previousPos; averageMagnitude += toPrevious.magnitude; dir += toPrevious.normalized; } if (index != Spline.nodes.Count - 1) { var nextPos = Spline.nodes[index + 1].Position; var toNext = pos - nextPos; averageMagnitude += toNext.magnitude; dir -= toNext.normalized; } averageMagnitude *= 0.5f; // This constant should vary between 0 and 0.5, and allows to add more or less smoothness. dir = dir.normalized * averageMagnitude * curvature; // In SplineMesh, the node direction is not relative to the node position. var controlPoint = dir + pos; // We only set one direction at each spline node because SplineMesh only support mirrored direction between curves. node.Direction = controlPoint; } private void SmoothAll() { foreach(var node in Spline.nodes) { SmoothNode(node); } } } }