using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection; using System.Text; using Utils; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor.Networking.PlayerConnection; namespace UnityEngine.XR.iOS { public class ARKitRemoteConnection : MonoBehaviour { [Header("AR Config Options")] public UnityARAlignment startAlignment = UnityARAlignment.UnityARAlignmentGravity; public UnityARPlaneDetection planeDetection = UnityARPlaneDetection.Horizontal; public bool getPointCloud = true; public bool enableLightEstimation = true; [Header("Run Options")] public bool resetTracking = true; public bool removeExistingAnchors = true; EditorConnection editorConnection ; int currentPlayerID = -1; string guimessage = "none"; Texture2D remoteScreenYTex; Texture2D remoteScreenUVTex; bool bTexturesInitialized; // Use this for initialization void Start () { bTexturesInitialized = false; editorConnection = EditorConnection.instance; editorConnection.Initialize (); editorConnection.RegisterConnection (PlayerConnected); editorConnection.RegisterDisconnection (PlayerDisconnected); editorConnection.Register (ConnectionMessageIds.updateCameraFrameMsgId, UpdateCameraFrame); editorConnection.Register (ConnectionMessageIds.addPlaneAnchorMsgeId, AddPlaneAnchor); editorConnection.Register (ConnectionMessageIds.updatePlaneAnchorMsgeId, UpdatePlaneAnchor); editorConnection.Register (ConnectionMessageIds.removePlaneAnchorMsgeId, RemovePlaneAnchor); editorConnection.Register (ConnectionMessageIds.screenCaptureYMsgId, ReceiveRemoteScreenYTex); editorConnection.Register (ConnectionMessageIds.screenCaptureUVMsgId, ReceiveRemoteScreenUVTex); } void PlayerConnected(int playerID) { currentPlayerID = playerID; } void OnGUI() { if (!bTexturesInitialized) { if (currentPlayerID != -1) { guimessage = "Connected to ARKit Remote device : " + currentPlayerID.ToString (); if (GUI.Button (new Rect ((Screen.width / 2) - 200, (Screen.height / 2) - 200, 400, 100), "Start Remote ARKit Session")) { SendInitToPlayer (); } } else { guimessage = "Please connect to player in the console menu"; } GUI.Box (new Rect ((Screen.width / 2) - 200, (Screen.height / 2) + 100, 400, 50), guimessage); } } void PlayerDisconnected(int playerID) { if (currentPlayerID == playerID) { currentPlayerID = -1; } } void OnDestroy() { #if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER if(editorConnection != null) { editorConnection.DisconnectAll (); } #endif } void InitializeTextures(UnityARCamera camera) { int yWidth = camera.videoParams.yWidth; int yHeight = camera.videoParams.yHeight; int uvWidth = yWidth / 2; int uvHeight = yHeight / 2; if (remoteScreenYTex == null || remoteScreenYTex.width != yWidth || remoteScreenYTex.height != yHeight) { if (remoteScreenYTex) { Destroy (remoteScreenYTex); } remoteScreenYTex = new Texture2D (yWidth, yHeight, TextureFormat.R8, false, true); } if (remoteScreenUVTex == null || remoteScreenUVTex.width != uvWidth || remoteScreenUVTex.height != uvHeight) { if (remoteScreenUVTex) { Destroy (remoteScreenUVTex); } remoteScreenUVTex = new Texture2D (uvWidth, uvHeight, TextureFormat.RG16, false, true); } bTexturesInitialized = true; } void UpdateCameraFrame(MessageEventArgs mea) { serializableUnityARCamera serCamera = (); UnityARCamera scamera = new UnityARCamera (); scamera = serCamera; InitializeTextures (scamera); UnityARSessionNativeInterface.SetStaticCamera (scamera); UnityARSessionNativeInterface.RunFrameUpdateCallbacks (); } void AddPlaneAnchor(MessageEventArgs mea) { serializableUnityARPlaneAnchor serPlaneAnchor = (); ARPlaneAnchor arPlaneAnchor = serPlaneAnchor; UnityARSessionNativeInterface.RunAddAnchorCallbacks (arPlaneAnchor); } void UpdatePlaneAnchor(MessageEventArgs mea) { serializableUnityARPlaneAnchor serPlaneAnchor = (); ARPlaneAnchor arPlaneAnchor = serPlaneAnchor; UnityARSessionNativeInterface.RunUpdateAnchorCallbacks (arPlaneAnchor); } void RemovePlaneAnchor(MessageEventArgs mea) { serializableUnityARPlaneAnchor serPlaneAnchor = (); ARPlaneAnchor arPlaneAnchor = serPlaneAnchor; UnityARSessionNativeInterface.RunRemoveAnchorCallbacks (arPlaneAnchor); } void ReceiveRemoteScreenYTex(MessageEventArgs mea) { if (!bTexturesInitialized) return; remoteScreenYTex.LoadRawTextureData(; remoteScreenYTex.Apply (); UnityARVideo arVideo = Camera.main.GetComponent(); if (arVideo) { arVideo.SetYTexure(remoteScreenYTex); } } void ReceiveRemoteScreenUVTex(MessageEventArgs mea) { if (!bTexturesInitialized) return; remoteScreenUVTex.LoadRawTextureData(; remoteScreenUVTex.Apply (); UnityARVideo arVideo = Camera.main.GetComponent(); if (arVideo) { arVideo.SetUVTexure(remoteScreenUVTex); } } void SendInitToPlayer() { serializableFromEditorMessage sfem = new serializableFromEditorMessage (); sfem.subMessageId = SubMessageIds.editorInitARKit; serializableARSessionConfiguration ssc = new serializableARSessionConfiguration (startAlignment, planeDetection, getPointCloud, enableLightEstimation); UnityARSessionRunOption roTracking = resetTracking ? UnityARSessionRunOption.ARSessionRunOptionResetTracking : 0; UnityARSessionRunOption roAnchors = removeExistingAnchors ? UnityARSessionRunOption.ARSessionRunOptionRemoveExistingAnchors : 0; sfem.arkitConfigMsg = new serializableARKitInit (ssc, roTracking | roAnchors); SendToPlayer (ConnectionMessageIds.fromEditorARKitSessionMsgId, sfem); } void SendToPlayer(System.Guid msgId, byte[] data) { editorConnection.Send (msgId, data); } public void SendToPlayer(System.Guid msgId, object serializableObject) { byte[] arrayToSend = serializableObject.SerializeToByteArray (); SendToPlayer (msgId, arrayToSend); } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { } } } #endif