using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection; using Utils; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.XR; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor.Networking.PlayerConnection; using UnityEngine.XR.iOS; // Runs on the Editor. Talks to the remote Player. namespace UnityARInterface { public class ARRemoteEditorInterface : ARInterface { private bool m_SendVideo; public bool sendVideo { get { return m_SendVideo; } set { m_SendVideo = value; if (editorConnection != null) { SendToPlayer( ARMessageIds.SubMessageIds.enableVideo, new SerializableEnableVideo(sendVideo)); } } } public EditorConnection editorConnection = null; private int m_CurrentPlayerId = -1; private SerializableFrame m_Frame = null; private Settings m_CachedSettings; private Camera m_CachedCamera; private LightEstimate m_LightEstimate; private CameraImage m_CameraImage; private ARBackgroundRenderer m_BackgroundRenderer; public bool connected { get { return m_CurrentPlayerId != -1; } } public int playerId { get { return m_CurrentPlayerId; } } public bool IsRemoteServiceRunning { get; protected set; } private bool m_BackgroundRendering; public override bool BackgroundRendering { get { return m_BackgroundRendering; } set { m_BackgroundRendering = value; if (m_BackgroundRenderer != null){ m_BackgroundRenderer.mode = m_BackgroundRendering ? ARRenderMode.MaterialAsBackground : ARRenderMode.StandardBackground; } if (editorConnection != null) { SendToPlayer( ARMessageIds.SubMessageIds.backgroundRendering, new SerializableBackgroundRendering(m_BackgroundRendering)); } } } Texture2D m_RemoteScreenYTexture; Texture2D m_RemoteScreenUVTexture; List m_PointCloud; private Matrix4x4 m_DisplayTransform; public void ScreenCaptureParamsMessageHandler(MessageEventArgs message) { var screenCaptureParams =; if (m_RemoteScreenYTexture == null || m_RemoteScreenYTexture.width != screenCaptureParams.width || m_RemoteScreenYTexture.height != screenCaptureParams.height) { if (m_RemoteScreenYTexture != null) GameObject.Destroy(m_RemoteScreenYTexture); m_RemoteScreenYTexture = new Texture2D( screenCaptureParams.width, screenCaptureParams.height, TextureFormat.R8, false, true); } if (m_RemoteScreenUVTexture == null || m_RemoteScreenUVTexture.width != screenCaptureParams.width || m_RemoteScreenUVTexture.height != screenCaptureParams.height) { if (m_RemoteScreenUVTexture != null) GameObject.Destroy(m_RemoteScreenUVTexture); m_RemoteScreenUVTexture = new Texture2D( screenCaptureParams.width / 2, screenCaptureParams.height / 2, TextureFormat.RG16, false, true); } Material YUVMaterial = Resources.Load("YUVMaterial", typeof(Material)) as Material; YUVMaterial.SetMatrix("_DisplayTransform", GetDisplayTransform()); YUVMaterial.SetTexture("_textureY", m_RemoteScreenYTexture); YUVMaterial.SetTexture("_textureCbCr", m_RemoteScreenUVTexture); if(m_BackgroundRenderer != null){ m_BackgroundRenderer.backgroundMaterial = null; = null; } m_BackgroundRenderer = new ARBackgroundRenderer(); m_BackgroundRenderer.backgroundMaterial = YUVMaterial; = m_CachedCamera; //Set mode and send to player BackgroundRendering = m_BackgroundRendering; m_CameraImage.width = screenCaptureParams.width; m_CameraImage.height = screenCaptureParams.height; } public void ScreenCaptureYMessageHandler(MessageEventArgs message) { m_CameraImage.y =; if (m_RemoteScreenYTexture == null) return; m_RemoteScreenYTexture.LoadRawTextureData(; m_RemoteScreenYTexture.Apply(); } public void ScreenCaptureUVMessageHandler(MessageEventArgs message) { m_CameraImage.uv =; //In case of ARCore sending grayscale image, UV data would be null. if (m_RemoteScreenUVTexture == null || == null) return; m_RemoteScreenUVTexture.LoadRawTextureData(; m_RemoteScreenUVTexture.Apply(); } public void PlaneAddedMessageHandler(MessageEventArgs message) { OnPlaneAdded(; } public void PlaneUpdatedMessageHandler(MessageEventArgs message) { OnPlaneUpdated(; } public void PlaneRemovedMessageHandler(MessageEventArgs message) { OnPlaneRemoved(; } public void PointCloudMessageHandler(MessageEventArgs message) { // Copy to internal buffer var pointCloud =; if (m_PointCloud == null) m_PointCloud = new List(); m_PointCloud.Clear(); m_PointCloud.AddRange(pointCloud.asEnumerable); } public void LightEstimateMessageHandler(MessageEventArgs message) { m_LightEstimate =; } public void FrameMessageHandler(MessageEventArgs message) { m_Frame =; } public void PlayerConnectedMessageHandler(EditorConnection editorConnection, int playerId) { this.editorConnection = editorConnection; m_CurrentPlayerId = playerId; } public void PlayerDisconnectedMessageHandler(int playerId) { if (m_CurrentPlayerId == playerId) { m_CurrentPlayerId = -1; m_Frame = null; editorConnection = null; } } void SendToPlayer(System.Guid msgId, object serializableObject) { var message = new SerializableSubMessage(msgId, serializableObject); var bytesToSend = message.SerializeToByteArray(); editorConnection.Send(ARMessageIds.fromEditor, bytesToSend); } public void StartRemoteService(Settings settings) { sendVideo = m_SendVideo; var serializedSettings = (SerializableARSettings)settings; SendToPlayer(ARMessageIds.SubMessageIds.startService, serializedSettings); IsRemoteServiceRunning = true; } public void StopRemoteService() { SendToPlayer(ARMessageIds.SubMessageIds.stopService, null); IsRemoteServiceRunning = false; } // // From the ARInterface // public override IEnumerator StartService(Settings settings) { IsRunning = true; return null; } public override void StopService() { IsRunning = false; } public override void SetupCamera(Camera camera) { m_CachedCamera = camera; } public override bool TryGetUnscaledPose(ref Pose pose) { if (m_Frame != null) { pose.position = m_Frame.cameraPosition; pose.rotation = m_Frame.cameraRotation; return true; } return false; } public override bool TryGetCameraImage(ref CameraImage cameraImage) { //If remote device is not sending video, we can assume that the current cached frame is out of date. if (!m_SendVideo) return false; //We only return a cached frame if it has all it's components if (m_CameraImage.height == 0 || m_CameraImage.width == 0 || m_CameraImage.y == null || m_CameraImage.uv == null) return false; cameraImage.width = m_CameraImage.width; cameraImage.height = m_CameraImage.height; cameraImage.y = m_CameraImage.y; cameraImage.uv = m_CameraImage.uv; return true; } public override bool TryGetPointCloud(ref PointCloud pointCloud) { if (m_PointCloud == null) return false; if (pointCloud.points == null) pointCloud.points = new List(); pointCloud.points.Clear(); pointCloud.points.AddRange(m_PointCloud); return true; } public override LightEstimate GetLightEstimate() { return m_LightEstimate; } public override Matrix4x4 GetDisplayTransform() { if (m_Frame != null) { return m_Frame.displayTransform; } else { return Matrix4x4.identity; } } public override void Update() { } public override void UpdateCamera(Camera camera) { if (m_Frame != null) { camera.projectionMatrix = m_Frame.projectionMatrix; if (m_BackgroundRenderer != null) { m_BackgroundRenderer.backgroundMaterial.SetMatrix("_DisplayTransform",GetDisplayTransform()); } } } } } #endif