using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using ObjectScripts;
namespace UIScripts
public class Timeline : MonoBehaviour
/// Manager to control and get GameTimestamp
[SerializeField] AbstractManager ManagerObject;
/// Timeline slider
[SerializeField] UnityEngine.UI.Slider GameTimelineSlider;
/// Text for showing current and newest timestamp
[SerializeField] UnityEngine.UI.Text TimestampText;
/// Start of time interval
private double StartChunk;
/// End of time interval
private double EndChunk;
private bool Dragging = false;
/// Current Gametimestamp
private float Gametimestamp = 0;
/// Current newest timestamp
private float NewestTimestamp;
/// Manager UpdateRate
private float UpdateRate;
void Start()
UpdateRate = ManagerObject.UpdateRateInSeconds;
/// set slider values each 1/updaterate seconds
private IEnumerator ChangeSlider()
while (true)
StartChunk = ManagerObject.startChunk;
EndChunk = ManagerObject.endChunk;
Gametimestamp = (float)ManagerObject.GameTimestamp;
NewestTimestamp = (float)ManagerObject.NewestTimestamp;
if (!Dragging)
float minTimeStamp = double.IsNaN(StartChunk) ? (float)ManagerObject.EarliestTimestamp : (float)StartChunk;
float maxTimeStamp = double.IsNaN(EndChunk) ? (float)ManagerObject.NewestTimestamp : (float)EndChunk;
GameTimelineSlider.maxValue = maxTimeStamp;
GameTimelineSlider.minValue = minTimeStamp;
TimestampText.text = Gametimestamp.ToString("0.00") + " : " + NewestTimestamp.ToString("0.00");
yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(UpdateRate);
/// On dragging slider
public void BeginDrag()
Dragging = true;
/// on slider value change
public void TimelineValueChanged()
if (!Dragging)
/// on stop dragging slider
public void StopDrag()
Dragging = false;