import UnityEngine as ue import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap import pandas as pd WIDTH = int(70) HEIGHT = int(35) OBSTACLE_PATH = "Assets/Data_image/obstacle.pkl" POSITION_PATH = ue.Application.dataPath + '/Data_position/Walk1.csv' HEATMAP_PATH = "Assets/Data_image/heatmap1.png" # Generate only if obstacles change def set_obstacles(): global list_obstacle_length positions = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((HEIGHT, WIDTH))) obstacles = ue.Object.FindObjectsOfType(ue.GameObject) for obstacle in obstacles: if(obstacle.layer == 15 or obstacle.layer == 12): startWidth = int(obstacle.transform.position.x - obstacle.transform.localScale.x / 2) endWidth = int(obstacle.transform.position.x + obstacle.transform.localScale.x / 2) startHeight = int(obstacle.transform.position.z - obstacle.transform.localScale.z / 2) endHeight = int(obstacle.transform.position.z + obstacle.transform.localScale.z / 2) for currentW in range(startWidth, endWidth, 1): for currentH in range(startHeight, endHeight, 1): positions[currentW][currentH] = -500 positions.to_pickle(OBSTACLE_PATH) def set_patches(plt): obstacles = ue.Object.FindObjectsOfType(ue.GameObject) for obstacle in obstacles: if(obstacle.layer == 15): startWidth = int(obstacle.transform.position.x - obstacle.transform.localScale.x / 2) endWidth = int(obstacle.transform.position.x + obstacle.transform.localScale.x / 2) startHeight = int(obstacle.transform.position.z - obstacle.transform.localScale.z / 2) endHeight = int(obstacle.transform.position.z + obstacle.transform.localScale.z / 2) # plt.gca().add_patch( plt.add_patch( patches.Rectangle( (startWidth, startHeight), endWidth - startWidth, endHeight - startHeight, fill=False, color='black' ) ) # 1. Get position data from csv file data = pd.read_csv(POSITION_PATH, sep=';', usecols=["Position x", "Position z"], decimal=',', dtype={'Position x': float, 'Position z': float}) data = data.round(0) # 2. Group by positions and count appearance data_count = data.groupby(['Position x', 'Position z']).size().reset_index(name='counts') # 3. Create wide-form DataFrame for generating heatmap positions = data_count.loc[:,:].reset_index().pivot(index='Position z', columns='Position x', values='counts') # 4. Fill missing values positions.fillna(0, inplace=True) # 5. reindex DataFrame (70,35) size of Surface; (70, 35) first x width then z height positions = positions.reindex_axis(range(0, HEIGHT), axis=0, fill_value=0) positions = positions.reindex_axis(range(0, WIDTH), axis=1, fill_value=0) # 6. Get obstacles (obstacles, market stalls) and paste specific value in positions # Therefore save pkl file in folder and read from it afterwards set_obstacles() positions_heatmap = pd.read_pickle(OBSTACLE_PATH) # 6.1 Merge positions data with obstacles data positions_heatmap.where(positions_heatmap != 0, positions, inplace=True) # 6.2 Debug Output # positions_heatmap = pd.DataFrame(positions_heatmap) # positions_heatmap.to_html('Assets/Data_image/positions_heatmap.html') # 7. Plot the heatmap fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2) ax4.remove() # cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name='greenToRed', colors=['grey', 'limegreen', 'chartreuse', 'yellow', 'darkorange', 'red']) cmap19 = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name='2019', colors=['grey', (0.40,0.76,0.65), (0.11,0.62,0.47)]) cmap20 = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name='2020', colors=['grey', (0.99,0.55,0.38), (0.85,0.37,0.01)]) cmap21 = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name='2021', colors=['grey', (0.55,0.63,0.80), (0.46,0.44,0.70)]) heatmap = sns.heatmap(positions_heatmap, cmap=cmap19, cbar=False, square=True, yticklabels=False, xticklabels=False, ax=ax1) heatmap.invert_yaxis() heatmap.set_title( heatmap2 = sns.heatmap(positions_heatmap, cmap=cmap20, cbar=False, square=True, yticklabels=False, xticklabels=False, ax=ax2) heatmap2.invert_yaxis() heatmap2.set_title( heatmap3 = sns.heatmap(positions_heatmap, cmap=cmap21, cbar=False, square=True, yticklabels=False, xticklabels=False, ax=ax3) heatmap3.invert_yaxis() heatmap3.set_title( plt.xlabel('') plt.ylabel('') # 9. Mark the Market stalls set_patches(ax1) set_patches(ax2) set_patches(ax3) # 9.1 # 10. Save Heatmap # heatmap.get_figure().savefig(HEATMAP_PATH, transparent=True) fig.savefig(HEATMAP_PATH, transparent=True)