123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376 |
- """
- Packet read and write routines for pcap format.
- See http://wiki.wireshark.org/Development/LibpcapFileFormat
- """
- import sys
- import logging
- import struct
- from pypacker import pypacker
- # avoid unneeded references for performance reasons
- unpack = struct.unpack
- logger = logging.getLogger("pypacker")
- # File magic numbers
- # pcap using microseconds resolution
- TCPDUMP_MAGIC = 0xa1b2c3d4
- # pcap using nanoseconds resolution
- TCPDUMP_MAGIC_NANO = 0xa1b23c4d
- DLT_NULL = 0
- DLT_EN10MB = 1
- DLT_EN3MB = 2
- DLT_AX25 = 3
- DLT_IEEE802 = 6
- DLT_SLIP = 8
- DLT_PPP = 9
- DLT_FDDI = 10
- DLT_IEEE802_11 = 105
- DLT_PFLOG = 117
- DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO = 127
- if sys.platform.find("openbsd") != -1:
- DLT_LOOP = 12
- DLT_RAW = 14
- else:
- DLT_LOOP = 108
- DLT_RAW = 12
- # retrieve via: FileHdr.linktype
- dltoff = {
- DLT_NULL : 4,
- DLT_EN10MB : 14,
- DLT_IEEE802 : 22,
- DLT_SLIP : 16,
- DLT_PPP : 4,
- DLT_FDDI : 21,
- DLT_PFLOG : 48,
- DLT_LOOP : 4,
- }
- class FileHdr(pypacker.Packet):
- """pcap file header."""
- # header length = 24
- __hdr__ = (
- ("magic", "I", TCPDUMP_MAGIC),
- ("v_major", "H", PCAP_VERSION_MAJOR),
- ("v_minor", "H", PCAP_VERSION_MINOR),
- ("thiszone", "I", 0),
- ("sigfigs", "I", 0),
- ("snaplen", "I", 1500),
- ("linktype", "I", 1),
- )
- class LEFileHdr(pypacker.Packet):
- """pcap file header."""
- # header length = 24
- __hdr__ = (
- ("magic", "I", TCPDUMP_MAGIC),
- ("v_major", "H", PCAP_VERSION_MAJOR),
- ("v_minor", "H", PCAP_VERSION_MINOR),
- ("thiszone", "I", 0),
- ("sigfigs", "I", 0),
- ("snaplen", "I", 1500),
- ("linktype", "I", 1),
- )
- __byte_order__ = "<"
- class PktHdr(pypacker.Packet):
- """pcap packet header."""
- # header length: 16
- __hdr__ = (
- ("tv_sec", "I", 0),
- # this can be either microseconds or nanoseconds: check magic number
- ("tv_usec", "I", 0),
- ("caplen", "I", 0),
- ("len", "I", 0),
- )
- class LEPktHdr(pypacker.Packet):
- """pcap packet header."""
- # header length: 16
- __hdr__ = (
- ("tv_sec", "I", 0),
- # this can be either microseconds or nanoseconds: check magic number
- ("tv_usec", "I", 0),
- ("caplen", "I", 0),
- ("len", "I", 0),
- )
- __byte_order__ = "<"
- class Writer(object):
- """
- Simple pcap writer supporting pcap format.
- Note: this will use nanosecond timestamp resolution.
- """
- def __init__(self, fileobj=None, filename=None, snaplen=1500, linktype=DLT_EN10MB):
- """
- fileobj -- create a pcap-writer giving a file object retrieved by open(..., "wb")
- filename -- create a pcap-writer giving a file pcap filename
- """
- # handle source modes
- if fileobj is not None:
- self.__fh = fileobj
- elif filename is not None:
- self.__fh = open(filename, "wb")
- else:
- raise Exception("No fileobject and no filename given..nothing to read!!!")
- fh = FileHdr(magic=TCPDUMP_MAGIC_NANO, snaplen=snaplen, linktype=linktype)
- logger.debug("writing fileheader %r" % fh)
- self.__fh.write(fh.bin())
- self._timestamp = 0
- def write(self, bts, ts=None):
- """
- Write the given packet's bytes to file.
- bts -- bytes to be written
- ts -- timestamp in Nanoseconds
- """
- # split timestamp into seconds, nanoseconds
- if ts is None:
- sec = self._timestamp // 1000000000
- nsec = int(self._timestamp - (sec * 1000000000))
- self._timestamp += 1000000
- else:
- sec = int(ts / 1000000000)
- nsec = ts - (sec * 1000000000)
- # logger.debug("paket time sec/nsec: %d/%d" % (sec, nsec))
- n = len(bts)
- ph = PktHdr(tv_sec=sec, tv_usec=nsec, caplen=n, len=n)
- # logger.debug("writing packet header + packet data")
- self.__fh.write(ph.bin())
- self.__fh.write(bts)
- def close(self):
- self.__fh.close()
- _struct_preheader_be = struct.Struct(">IIII")
- _struct_preheader_le = struct.Struct("<IIII")
- def _filter_dummy(pkt):
- return True
- class Reader(object):
- """
- Simple pcap file reader supporting pcap format. Using iterators this will
- return (timestamp, bytes) on standard mode and (timestamp, packet) on packet mode.
- Default timestamp resolution ist nanoseconds.
- """
- def __init__(self, fileobj=None, filename=None, lowest_layer=None, filter=None, ts_conversion=True):
- """
- Create a pcap Reader.
- fileobj -- create a pcap-reader giving a file object retrieved by "open(..., 'rb')"
- filename -- create a pcap-reader giving a filename
- lowest_layer -- setting this to a non-None value will activate the auto-packeting
- mode using the given class as lowest layer to create packets.
- Note: __next__ and __iter__ will return (timestamp, packet) instead of raw (timestamp, raw_bytes)
- filter -- filter callback to be used for packeting mode.
- signature: callback(packet) [True|False], True = accept packet, False otherwise
- ts_conversion -- convert timestamps to nanoseconds. Setting this to False will return
- ((seconds, [microseconds|nanoseconds]), buf) for __next__ and __iter__ instead of (timestamp, packet)
- and saves ~2% computation time. Minor fraction type can be checked using "is_resolution_nano".
- Note: This is deprecated and will be removed in future; conversion to nanoseconds will become the only option
- """
- # handle source modes
- if fileobj is not None:
- self.__fh = fileobj
- elif filename is not None:
- self.__fh = open(filename, "rb")
- else:
- raise Exception("No fileobject and no filename given..nothing to read!!!")
- buf = self.__fh.read(24)
- # file header is skipped per default (needed for __next__)
- self.__fh.seek(24)
- # this is not needed anymore later on but we set it anyway
- self.__fhdr = FileHdr(buf)
- self._closed = False
- # handle file types
- if self.__fhdr.magic == TCPDUMP_MAGIC:
- self.__resolution_factor = 1000
- # Note: we could use PktHdr to parse pre-packetdata but calling unpack directly
- # greatly improves performance
- self.__callback_unpack_meta = lambda x: _struct_preheader_be.unpack(x)
- elif self.__fhdr.magic == TCPDUMP_MAGIC_NANO:
- self.__resolution_factor = 1
- self.__callback_unpack_meta = lambda x: _struct_preheader_be.unpack(x)
- elif self.__fhdr.magic == TCPDUMP_MAGIC_SWAPPED:
- self.__fhdr = LEFileHdr(buf)
- self.__resolution_factor = 1000
- self.__callback_unpack_meta = lambda x: _struct_preheader_le.unpack(x)
- elif self.__fhdr.magic == TCPDUMP_MAGIC_NANO_SWAPPED:
- self.__fhdr = LEFileHdr(buf)
- self.__resolution_factor = 1
- self.__callback_unpack_meta = lambda x: _struct_preheader_le.unpack(x)
- else:
- raise ValueError("invalid tcpdump header, magic value: %s" % self.__fhdr.magic)
- logger.info("pcap file header for reading: %r" % self.__fhdr)
- # logger.debug("timestamp factor: %s" % self.__resolution_factor)
- # check if timestamp converison to nanoseconds is needed
- if ts_conversion:
- # logger.debug("using _next_bytes_conversion")
- self._next_bytes = self._next_bytes_conversion
- else:
- # logger.debug("using _next_bytes_noconversion")
- self._next_bytes = self._next_bytes_noconversion
- if lowest_layer is None:
- # standard implementation (conversion or non-converison mode)
- logger.info("using plain bytes mode")
- self._mode = _MODE_BYTES
- self.__next__ = self._next_bytes
- else:
- # set up packeting mode
- logger.info("using packets mode")
- self._mode = _MODE_PACKETS
- self.__next__ = self._next_pmode
- self._lowest_layer = lowest_layer
- if filter is None:
- self._filter = _filter_dummy
- else:
- self._filter = filter
- def is_resolution_nano(self):
- return self.__resolution_factor == 1000
- def _next_bytes_conversion(self):
- """
- Standard __next__ implementation. Needs to be a sepearte method to be called by producer.
- return -- (timestamp_nanoseconds, bytes) for pcap-reader.
- """
- # read metadata before actual packet
- buf = self.__fh.read(16)
- if not buf:
- raise StopIteration
- d = self.__callback_unpack_meta(buf)
- # logger.debug("reading: input/pos/d[2] = %d/%d/%r" % (len(buf), self.__fh.tell(), d))
- buf = self.__fh.read(d[2])
- return (d[0] * 1000000000 + (d[1] * self.__resolution_factor), buf)
- def _next_bytes_noconversion(self):
- """
- Same as _next_bytes_conversion wihtout timestamp-conversion. (Duplicatet because of performance reasons.)
- return -- ((seconds, [microseconds|nanoseconds]), bytes) for pcap-reader.
- """
- # read metadata before actual packet
- buf = self.__fh.read(16)
- if not buf:
- raise StopIteration
- d = self.__callback_unpack_meta(buf)
- # logger.debug("reading: input/d[2] = %d/%d" % (len(buf), d[2]))
- buf = self.__fh.read(d[2])
- # return ((hdr.tv_sec, hdr.tv_usec), buf)
- return ((d[0], d[1]), buf)
- def _next_pmode(self):
- """
- return -- (timestamp_nanoseconds, packet) if packet can be created from bytes
- else (timestamp_nanoseconds, bytes)
- """
- while True:
- # until StopIteration
- ts_bts = self._next_bytes()
- try:
- pkt = self._lowest_layer(ts_bts[1])
- if self._filter(pkt):
- return (ts_bts[0], pkt)
- except Exception as ex:
- logger.exception(ex)
- return ts_bts
- def __iter__(self):
- """
- return -- (timestamp, [bytes|packet]) for pcap-reader depending on configuration.
- """
- if self._closed:
- raise StopIteration
- while True:
- # loop until EOF is reached (raises StopIteration)
- yield self.__next__()
- def reset(self):
- """
- Reset file pointer to beginning
- """
- self.__fh.seek(24)
- def get_by_indices(self, indices):
- """
- Return [(timestamp, [bytes|packets]), ...] for the specified indices in packet file
- starting at 0 for first packet. This method won't change the current read-pointer.
- indices -- set of indices like set([0, 1, 2]). Nonexistent indices will be ignored.
- return -- list of (timestamp, [bytes|packets]) at positions given by indices
- (ordered as in packet source)
- """
- if self._closed:
- return []
- if type(indices) is list:
- indices = set(indices)
- oldpos = self.__fh.tell()
- self.__fh.seek(24)
- data_ret = []
- pos = 0
- for data in self:
- if pos in indices:
- data_ret.append(data)
- pos += 1
- self.__fh.seek(oldpos)
- return data_ret
- def close(self):
- self._closed = True
- self.__fh.close()