# ZMap Copyright 2013 Regents of the University of Michigan # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # zmap option description to be processed by gengetopt package "zmap" version "2.1.0-RC1" purpose "A fast Internet-wide scanner." section "Basic arguments" option "target-port" p "port number to scan (for TCP and UDP scans)" typestr="port" optional int option "output-file" o "Output file" typestr="name" optional string option "blacklist-file" b "File of subnets to exclude, in CIDR notation, e.g." typestr="path" optional string option "whitelist-file" w "File of subnets to constrain scan to, in CIDR notation, e.g." typestr="path" optional string section "Scan options" option "rate" r "Set send rate in packets/sec" typestr="pps" optional int option "bandwidth" B "Set send rate in bits/second (supports suffixes G, M and K)" typestr="bps" optional string option "max-targets" n "Cap number of targets to probe (as a number or a percentage of the address space)" typestr="n" optional string option "max-runtime" t "Cap length of time for sending packets" typestr="ses" optional int option "max-results" N "Cap number of results to return" typestr="n" optional int option "probes" P "Number of probes to send to each IP" typestr="n" default="1" optional int option "cooldown-time" c "How long to continue receiving after sending last probe" typestr="secs" default="8" optional int option "seed" e "Seed used to select address permutation" typestr="n" optional longlong option "retries" - "Max number of times to try to send packet if send fails" typestr="n" default="10" optional int option "dryrun" d "Don't actually send packets" optional option "shards" - "Set the total number of shards" typestr="N" optional int default="1" option "shard" - "Set which shard this scan is (0 indexed)" typestr="n" optional int default="0" section "Network options" option "source-port" s "Source port(s) for scan packets" typestr="port|range" optional string option "source-ip" S "Source address(es) for scan packets" typestr="ip|range" optional string option "gateway-mac" G "Specify gateway MAC address" typestr="addr" optional string option "source-mac" - "Source MAC address" typestr="addr" optional string option "interface" i "Specify network interface to use" typestr="name" optional string option "vpn" X "Sends IP packets instead of Ethernet (for VPNs)" optional section "Probe Modules" option "probe-module" M "Select probe module" typestr="name" default="tcp_synscan" optional string option "probe-args" - "Arguments to pass to probe module" typestr="args" optional string option "list-probe-modules" - "List available probe modules" optional section "Data Output" option "output-fields" f "Fields that should be output in result set" typestr="fields" optional string option "output-module" O "Select output module" typestr="name" default="default" optional string option "output-args" - "Arguments to pass to output module" typestr="args" optional string option "output-filter" - "Specify a filter over the response fields to limit what responses get sent to the output module" typestr="filter" optional string option "list-output-modules" - "List available output modules" optional option "list-output-fields" - "List all fields that can be output by selected probe module" optional section "Logging and Metadata" option "verbosity" v "Level of log detail (0-5)" typestr="n" default="3" optional int option "log-file" l "Write log entries to file" typestr="name" optional string option "log-directory" L "Write log entries to a timestamped file in this directory" typestr="directory" optional string option "metadata-file" m "Output file for scan metadata (JSON)" typestr="name" optional string option "status-updates-file" u "Write scan progress updates to CSV file" typestr="name" optional string option "quiet" q "Do not print status updates" optional option "disable-syslog" - "Disables logging messages to syslog" optional option "notes" - "Inject user-specified notes into scan metadata" typestr="notes" optional string option "user-metadata" - "Inject user-specified JSON metadata into scan metadata" typestr="json" optional string section "Additional options" option "marker_encoding" - "Marker to be used to encode destination address/checksum (TCP probe module)" default="0" optional int option "use_markervalue" - "Use markervalue instead of target IP address for encoding" default="0" optional int option "markervalue" - "Value to be used instead of target IP address for encoding" default="0" optional string option "markerbits_value" - "Amount of Bits of the IP address (32 Bit total) to be encoded (TCP probe module)" default="0" optional int option "markerbits_checksum" - "Amount of Bits of the checksum (32 Bit total) to be encoded (TCP probe module)" default="0" optional int option "markerbits_dst_small" - "Anti-Mitigation (TraCINg): just use destination port for encoding." default="0" optional int option "disable_monitor" - "Disable monitor output. This is intended for small scan groups (<100000)" default="0" optional int option "config" C "Read a configuration file, which can specify any of these options" typestr="filename" default="/etc/zmap/zmap.conf" optional string option "max-sendto-failures" - "Maximum NIC sendto failures before scan is aborted" typestr="n" default="-1" optional int option "min-hitrate" - "Minimum hitrate that scan can hit before scan is aborted" typestr="n" default="0.0" optional float option "sender-threads" T "Threads used to send packets" typestr="n" default="1" optional int option "cores" - "Comma-separated list of cores to pin to" optional string option "ignore-invalid-hosts" - "Ignore invalid hosts in whitelist/blacklist file" optional option "help" h "Print help and exit" optional option "version" V "Print version and exit" optional text "\nExamples:\n\ zmap -p 80 (scan the Internet for hosts on tcp/80 and output to stdout)\n\ zmap -N 5 -B 10M -p 80 (find 5 HTTP servers, scanning at 10 Mb/s)\n\ zmap -p 80 -o (scan both subnets on tcp/80)\n\ zmap -p 80 (scan, on tcp/80)"