/** * This module is part of the TraCINg CIDS and introduces mitigation methodologies * against the probe response attack by analyzing statistical anomalies. On identification * of an attack, countermeasures are introduced which modify the way attack events get * presented to the user (see postHandler.js). */ // load node modules var Chance = require("chance"); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var Map = require("collections/map"); var Set = require("collections/set"); var es = require("event-stream"); var debugInstance = 0; var Debug = function(){ var output = ""; var instance = debugInstance++; this.get = function(){ return output; }; this.add = function(text){ text = "Proberesponse["+instance+"]: " + text; console.log(text); output += text + "\n"; }; }; var debug = new Debug(); var chance = new Chance(); // TBA: duration of one time slot in a window // 10 fits for destination port, 6ms var TIMESLOT_SECONDS = 60; // TBA: amount of "TIMESLOT_SECONDS" for a time window to save, total seconds = WINDOW_MAX_TIMESLOTS_RATIO * TIMESLOT_SECONDS var WINDOW_MAX_TIMESLOTS_RATIO = 60; // Attack count for every source IP address: { ip_source : { ip_destination : count}, ... } var ip_source_dest_count = {}; // List of ip_source_dest_count for every slot in the time window [ ip_count1, ip_count2, ... ] // This is a round robbin buffer where the oldest entries get overwritten by the newest. var window_ip_source_dest = []; // TBA; Ratio of (attacks/unique monitors) for the whole time window which triggers an alarm. // There should be a save margin upwards to a "normal" ratio. // ratio can not be lower than 1 (at minimum 1 attack per monitor) var THRESHOLD_ATTACKS_MONITOR_RATIO = 3; // depends on TIMESLOT_SECONDS and WINDOW_MAX_TIMESLOTS_RATIO and amount of events/s // >>> TBA: Alarm thresholds for the whole time window WINDOW_MAX_TIMESLOTS_RATIO // depents on TIMESLOT_SECONDS * WINDOW_MAX_TIMESLOTS_RATIO // TBA: Amount of unique monitors per source (adress:monitors -> 1:n -> check n) var THRESHOLD_MONITORS_PER_SOURCE_IP = 50000; // ~20% of all monitor nodes. // TBA: Amount of unique sources for one monitors (monitor:address -> 1:n -> check n) var THRESHOLD_SOURCE_IPS_PER_MONITOR = 100; // TBA: Amount of attacks from one source to a different monitors (monitor:address -> 1:1 -> check amount of attacks) var THRESHOLD_SOURCE_IPS_MONITOR_ATTACKS = 6000; // TBA: Amount of total attacks for one monitors (monitor:attacks -> 1:n -> check n) var THRESHOLD_ATTACKS_PER_MONITOR = 15000; // >>> Alarm thresholds for destination port statistics // TBA: amount of "TIMESLOT_SECONDS" for a time windowto save, total seconds = WINDOW_MAX_TIMESLOTS_RATIO * TIMESLOT_SECONDS var WINDOW_MAX_TIMESLOTS_PORT_DST = 60; // Attack count for every destination port: { port : count, ...} var port_dest_count = new Map(); // List of dicts of ports [ port_dest_count1, port_dest_count2, ... ] // This is a round robbin buffer where the oldest entries get overwritten by the newest. var window_port_dest = []; // TBA: max amount of attacked destination ports in TIMESLOT_SECONDS*WINDOW_MAX_TIMESLOTS_PORT_DST seconds var THRESHOLD_PORT_DEST_ATTACKED = 7000; // TBA: Ban duration AFTTER source count falls below SOURCE_IP_THRESHOLD var SOURCE_IP_BAN_MINUTES = 1; // { ip : ban_time_minutes } var banned_ips = {} // Sampling of events: just take 0% -> 100% of all events var sampling_percent = 100; var sampling_active = false; // noise information var events_dshield_total = 0; var events_dshield_added = 0; var events_external_total = 0; var events_external_added = 0; // handle mitigation if activated (does NOT influence metrics -> those are further calculated but external events are ignored) var is_active = true; var dshield_entries = []; // 24 events per second var noise_interval_ms = 41; //var noise_interval_ms = 7; var FILE_STATS = "attack_stats.txt"; var dshield_read_linenr = 0; var init_started = false; function init_stats_window() { // Amount of events for: TIMESLOT_SECONDS * WINDOW_MAX_TIMESLOTS_RATIO // 27 events/s = 97200 events/window (60*60 seconds) = ~ ratio 5.8 //var attacks_init_win = 97200; var attacks_init_win = Math.round(1000/noise_interval_ms)*TIMESLOT_SECONDS*WINDOW_MAX_TIMESLOTS_RATIO; var attacks_per_slot = Math.round(attacks_init_win / WINDOW_MAX_TIMESLOTS_RATIO); var port_count = new Map(); debug.add("amount of dshield entries: "+ dshield_entries.length); debug.add("initiating window ip: "+WINDOW_MAX_TIMESLOTS_RATIO+"*"+TIMESLOT_SECONDS+ " sec, window port: "+WINDOW_MAX_TIMESLOTS_PORT_DST+"*"+TIMESLOT_SECONDS+" sec"); var cnt = 0; for(var x=0; x < WINDOW_MAX_TIMESLOTS_RATIO; ++x){ //window_ip_source_dest[x] = {"" : {"" : 0}}; window_ip_source_dest[x] = {}; window_port_dest[x] = new Map(); for (var y=0; y < attacks_per_slot; ++y) { entry = dshield_entries.pop(); //entry = dshield_entries.shift(); //l = [ipsrc, ipmon, chance.integer({min:0, max:65535})]; l = [entry[0], entry[2], entry[3]]; if (l in window_ip_source_dest[x]) { window_ip_source_dest[x][l] += 1; //debug.add("adding, total: "+ window_ip_source_dest[x][l]); } else window_ip_source_dest[x][l] = 1; if (port_count.get(entry[3]) == undefined) { port_count.set(entry[3], 1); } else { port_count.set(entry[3], port_count.get(entry[3]) + 1); } if (window_port_dest[x].get(entry[3]) == undefined) { window_port_dest[x].set(entry[3], 1); } else { window_port_dest[x].set(entry[3], window_port_dest[x].get(entry[3]) + 1); } cnt += 1; } } var port_cnt_check = 0; port_count.forEach( function merge(count, port, mapObj) { port_cnt_check += count; }); debug.add("unique ports: "+ port_count.length); debug.add("finished initiating, count: "+attacks_init_win+"="+port_cnt_check+"=~"+cnt); // add noise using DShield data var noise_ref = setInterval(add_entry_dshield, noise_interval_ms); // mitigation check-logic //var check_attack_status_ref = setInterval(check_attack_status, TIMESLOT_SECONDS * 1000); } var FILE_DSHIELD_EVENTS = path.join(__dirname, 'dshield_report.csv'); debug.add("reading DShield events from "+FILE_DSHIELD_EVENTS+", standy by"); s = fs.createReadStream(FILE_DSHIELD_EVENTS) .pipe(es.split()) .pipe(es.mapSync(function(line){ // pause the readstream s.pause(); dshield_read_linenr += 1; (function(){ var columns = line.toString().split("\t", -1); if (columns.length == 6) { try { // 3 4 [8 -> IP] 5 8: ip_src port_src ip_dst port_dst id // 0 1 [5 -> IP] 2 5: ip_src port_src ip_dst port_dst id // convert monitor ID to an IP address a = parseInt(columns[5].substring(2, 4), 16); b = parseInt(columns[5].substring(4, 6), 16); c = parseInt(columns[5].substring(6, 8), 16); d = parseInt(columns[5].substring(8, 10), 16); //debug.add("IP is: " + a+"."+b+"."+c+"."+d); dshield_entries.push([columns[0], parseInt(columns[1]), a+"."+b+"."+c+"."+d, columns[2], columns[5]]); } catch (err) { /* ignore malformed lines */ } } // process line here and call s.resume() when rdy //logMemoryUsage(lineNr); if (dshield_read_linenr % 200000 == 0) debug.add("read DShield events: "+dshield_read_linenr); if (!init_started && dshield_read_linenr > 2000000) { s.destroy(); init_stats_window(); init_started = true; } // resume the readstream s.resume(); })(); }) .on('error', function(){ debug.add('Error while reading DShield report'); }) .on('end', function(){ debug.add('Read entire DShield report') }) ); function update_slot(monitor_id, ip_source, ip_dest, port_dest) { //debug.add("updating window: "+monitor_id+" / "+ip_source+" / "+ip_dest+" / "+port_dest); //if (!is_active) { return; } /* if (!(ip_source === undefined) && (ip_source in banned_ips)) { // don't count banned IP addresses //debug.add("won't count banned ip: "+ ip_source) return; } */ //l = [ip_source, ip_dest, port_dest]; l = [ip_source, monitor_id, port_dest]; if (ip_source_dest_count[l] == undefined) { ip_source_dest_count[l] = 0; } ip_source_dest_count[l] += 1; if (port_dest_count.get(port_dest) == undefined) { port_dest_count.set(port_dest, 1); } else { port_dest_count.set(port_dest, port_dest_count.get(port_dest) + 1); } } // clear old attack stats file fs.writeFile(FILE_STATS, "ratio\tports\talarm_ratio\talarm_port\tevents_dshield_added\tevents_dshield_total\tevents_external_added\tevents_extern_total\n", function (err) { if (err) throw err; }); // update ban status of any source IP address function check_attack_status() { //debug.add("checking attack status"); // >>> Update window with new slot var time_seconds_now = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000); var time_minutes_now = Math.round(time_seconds_now / 60); var timeslot_ratio = Math.round(time_seconds_now / TIMESLOT_SECONDS) % WINDOW_MAX_TIMESLOTS_RATIO; // window_ip_source_dest[x] = [a, b, c] window_ip_source_dest[timeslot_ratio] = ip_source_dest_count; // reset count for next slot ip_source_dest_count = {}; var timeslot_ports = Math.round(time_seconds_now / TIMESLOT_SECONDS) % WINDOW_MAX_TIMESLOTS_PORT_DST; window_port_dest[timeslot_ports] = port_dest_count; // reset count for next slot port_dest_count = new Map(); var alarm_ratio_triggered = false; var alarm_portdest_triggered = false; var alarm_attacks_per_monitor_triggered = false; var sampling = 100; // >>> check threshold: amount of unique attacked destination ports //debug.add("counting ports..."); var port_dest_count_merged = new Map(); var top_ports = new Set(); alarm_portdest_triggered = false; /**/ // MITIGATION block start: comment in to activate mitigation based on port frequency if needed for (var timeslot in window_port_dest) { window_port_dest[timeslot].forEach( function merge(count, port, mapObj) { if (port_dest_count_merged.get(port) == undefined) { port_dest_count_merged.set(port, count); //debug.add("setting port: "+port+" = count "+count); } else { port_dest_count_merged.set(port, port_dest_count_merged.get(port) + count); } }); } // MITIGATION block end /**/ // sort keys by value descending var top_ports_all = port_dest_count_merged.keys().sort(function(a,b){ return port_dest_count_merged.get(b) - port_dest_count_merged.get(a)} ); for (var x=0; x < 2 && x < top_ports_all.length; ++x) { top_ports.add(top_ports_all[x]); } debug.add("port: slot="+timeslot_ports+", unique dest ports: "+port_dest_count_merged.length); //", top 3 ports="+top_ports_all[0]+","+top_ports_all[1]+","+top_ports_all[2]); if (port_dest_count_merged.length > THRESHOLD_PORT_DEST_ATTACKED) { //debug.add("PRA-WARNING: too many unique destination ports: " + //" ("+ port_dest_count_merged.length +" > "+ THRESHOLD_PORT_DEST_ATTACKED +")"); sampling = ((THRESHOLD_PORT_DEST_ATTACKED / port_dest_count_merged.length) * 100) alarm_portdest_triggered = true; } // amount of attacks for one monitor {id : count} var attacks_per_monitor = new Map(); var attacks_total = 0; //debug.add("counting monitors..."); var skipped_top_ports = 0; /* // MITIGATION block start: comment in to activate mitigation based on attack/monitor ratio if needed for (var slot_search in window_ip_source_dest) { for (var ipsrc_ipdst_portdst in window_ip_source_dest[slot_search]) { ipsrc_ipdst_portdst_split = ipsrc_ipdst_portdst.split(","); // TODO: activate for port normalizing (optional) //if (top_ports.contains(ipsrc_ipdst_portdst_split[2])) { // // skip top x ports // //debug.add("skipping port: "+ipsrc_ipdst_portdst_split[2]); // skipped_top_ports += 1; // continue; //} ip_dst = ipsrc_ipdst_portdst_split[1]; count = window_ip_source_dest[slot_search][ipsrc_ipdst_portdst]; //if (count > 100) {debug.add(ip_dst+"="+count);} if (attacks_per_monitor.get(ip_dst) == undefined) { //debug.add(ip_dst); attacks_per_monitor.set(ip_dst, count); } else { attacks_per_monitor.set(ip_dst, attacks_per_monitor.get(ip_dst) + count); } attacks_total += count; } } // MITIGATION block end */ //debug.add("output..."); // >>> check treshold: // ratio -> attacks / unique monitors var unique_monitors_total = attacks_per_monitor.length; var ratio = attacks_total / unique_monitors_total; var alarm_ratio_triggered = false; /**/ if (isNaN(ratio)) { // ratio 0 means: no attacks and/or no monitors -> nothing happened -> no attack ratio = 0; } /* if (is_active) { debug.add("mon: slot="+timeslot_ratio+", attacks="+attacks_total+", mon="+unique_monitors_total+ ", ratio="+ratio+", top removed="+skipped_top_ports); }*/ if (ratio != 0 && ratio <= THRESHOLD_ATTACKS_MONITOR_RATIO) { //debug.add("PRA-WARNING: Ratio attacks/monitors is too low: "+ratio+" <= "+THRESHOLD_ATTACKS_MONITOR_RATIO); // ratio is at minimum 1, so minimum is: 1/(threshold_ratio) -> set minimum to 0/(threshold_ratio-1) sampling_ratio = (((ratio-1)/(THRESHOLD_ATTACKS_MONITOR_RATIO-1)) * 100); if (sampling_ratio < sampling) { sampling = sampling_ratio; } alarm_ratio_triggered = true; } alarm_attacks_per_monitor_triggered = false; /* // >>> check threshold: attacks per monitor attacks_per_monitor.forEach(function each(amount, monitor, mapObj) { //debug.add(monitor+"="+amount); if (amount > THRESHOLD_ATTACKS_PER_MONITOR) { //debug.add("PRA-WARNING: Monitor "+monitor+" is attacked too many times("+ //amount+" > "+THRESHOLD_ATTACKS_PER_MONITOR+")"); sampling_attack_per_mon = ((THRESHOLD_ATTACKS_PER_MONITOR/amount) * 100); if (sampling_attack_per_mon < sampling) { sampling = sampling_attack_per_mon; } alarm_attacks_per_monitor_triggered = true; } }); */ if (is_active) { sampling_percent = sampling; if ((!alarm_ratio_triggered) && (!alarm_portdest_triggered) && (!alarm_attacks_per_monitor_triggered)) { sampling_percent = 100; sampling_active = false; } else if (sampling_percent < 100) { debug.add("sampling="+sampling_percent+"%, ratio="+alarm_ratio_triggered+ ", port_dest="+alarm_portdest_triggered+", atttacks_per_mon="+alarm_attacks_per_monitor_triggered+ ", noise added/total="+events_dshield_added+"/"+events_dshield_total); sampling_active = true; } } else { ratio = 0; } // unban IPs which ban timeout exceeded /* for (var ip in banned_ips) { if ( (time_minutes_now - banned_ips[ip]) >= SOURCE_IP_BAN_MINUTES) { debug.add("unbanning ip: "+ ip +" ("+ (time_minutes_now - banned_ips[ip]) +" minutes passed)"); delete banned_ips[ip]; } } */ fs.appendFile(FILE_STATS, ratio+"\t"+port_dest_count_merged.length+"\t"+alarm_ratio_triggered+"\t" +alarm_portdest_triggered+"\t"+events_dshield_added+"\t" +events_dshield_total+"\t"+events_external_added+"\t"+events_external_total+"\n", function (err) {}); //debug.add("finished checking"); } // this is exclusively used by addNoiseEvent() var data = { sensorname: null, sensortype: "RandomType", src: { ip: null, port: null, ll: [0,0], country: "", cc: 0, city: "" }, dst: { ip: null, port: null, ll: [0,0], country: "", cc: 0, city: "" }, type: 11, log: null, md5sum: "0123456789", date: new Date(), authorized: false }; function addNoiseEvent(ip_src, port_src, ip_dst, port_dst, monitorname, doEmit) { if (typeof io == 'undefined') { //debug.add("no io, no emit -> I quit"); return; } //debug.add("adding, name/ip/port: " + data.sensorname + " / " + data.src.ip + " / " + // data.dst.ip + " / " + data.src.port + " / " + data.dst.port); /* // not needed for PRA ipa = lookUpIp(ip_src); if(ipa){ data.src["ll"] = [ipa.longitude, ipa.latitude]; data.src["country"] = ipa.country_name; data.src["cc"] = ipa.country_code; data.src["city"] = ipa.city || ""; } ipd = lookUpIp(ip_dst); if(ipd){ data.dst["ll"] = [ipd.longitude, ipd.latitude]; data.dst["country"] = ipd.country_name; data.dst["cc"] = ipd.country_code; data.dst["city"] = ipd.city || ""; } */ //debug.add("> " + chance.integer({min: 0, max: 65535})); //debug.add("> " + chance.ip()); //debug.add("Sending random entry: " + data["src"]["ip"]); update_slot(monitorname, ip_src, ip_dst, port_dst); // do emit data to client if sampled if (doEmit) { data.src.ip = ip_src; data.src.port = port_src; data.dst.ip = ip_dst; data.dst.port = port_dst; data.sensorname = monitorname; io.sockets.emit("markIncident", data); } } // add artificial noise to the report function add_entry_random() { addNoiseEvent(chance.ip(), chance.integer({min: 0, max: 65535}), chance.ip(), chance.integer({min: 0, max: 65535}), "RandomMonitor_" + chance.integer({min: 0, max: 100}), true ); } function add_entry_dshield() { e = dshield_entries.pop(); //e = dshield_entries.shift(); //debug.add("adding noise using dshield data: "+e); // we can not differentiate between PRA and non-PRA events so we have to sample both // accept entry if: sampling not active (sample 100%) or random value tells us so // add noise if: attack mitigation is not active, mitigation not triggered or random tells us to sample_entry = (!is_active || !sampling_active || chance.floating({min: 1, max: 100}) <= sampling_percent); try { addNoiseEvent(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], sample_entry); if (sample_entry) { events_dshield_added += 1; } events_dshield_total += 1; } catch (err) { // no events left } } function applyMitigation(ip_src, ip_dst, port_dst, monitor_id) { // praMitigation.applyMitigation(items[i].src.ip, items[i].dst.ip, items[i].dst.port events_external_total += 1; if (!is_active) { return false; } else { update_slot(monitor_id, ip_src, ip_dst, port_dst); // allow entry if sampling is not active or random tells us to is_sampled = (!sampling_active || chance.floating({min: 1, max: 100}) > sampling_percent); if (is_sampled) { events_external_added += 1; } return !is_sampled; } } function setActive(activeState) { debug.add("setting new PRA mitigation active state: " + activeState); is_active = activeState; } module.exports = { //init: init, setActive: setActive, applyMitigation: applyMitigation };