import os import logging import argparse import time import socket import random import requests import json import struct import multiprocessing from multiprocessing import Process, Queue import re from ipv4 import IPv4Address, IPv4Network import numpy as np from pypacker import psocket from pypacker import ppcap from pypacker.layer12.ethernet import Ethernet from pypacker.layer3 import ip from pypacker.layer4 import tcp logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s (%(funcName)s): %(message)s") logger = logging.getLogger("pra_framework") logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) CURRENT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) FILE_NODES = CURRENT_DIR + "/simulated_nodes.txt" RESPONSETYPE_NONE = 0 RESPONSETYPE_TCP_RST = 1 RESPONSETYPE_TCP_SYNACK = 2 RESPONSETYPE_ICMP = 4 RESPONSETYPES_TCP = {RESPONSETYPE_TCP_RST, RESPONSETYPE_TCP_SYNACK} RESPONSE_TYPES_DESCR = {RESPONSETYPE_NONE: "NONE", RESPONSETYPE_TCP_RST: "RST", RESPONSETYPE_TCP_SYNACK: "SYNACK", RESPONSETYPE_ICMP: "ICMP"} packipv4 = struct.Struct(">I").pack split_tab = re.compile("\t").split #cert = ("ssl/simulator/simulator_cert.pem", "ssl/simulator/simulator_key.pem") requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() def store_packets(packets, filename="exception_packets.pcap"): writer = ppcap.Writer(filename=filename) for bts in packets: writer.write(bts) writer.close() class MonitorSimulator(object): """ Simulates monitor nodes on a host system which in turn send attack information to a central CIDS. The simulation can be done using a virtual interface: modprobe dummy (optional if already loaded) ip link set name eth10 dev dummy0 ip link show eth10 ifconfig eth10 txqueuelen 10000 Optimazation of /etc/sysctl.conf should be done. """ def __init__(self, # total amount of monitors (monitor_ips + random generated) amount_monitors=10000, cidr_bits=0, # total amount of addresses which give scanner feedback amount_non_monitors=10000, # monitor IP addresses as ["", ...] monitor_ips=[], seed=123456789, url_tracing="https://localhost:443", interface_name="lo", buffer_size=500000, cluster_monitors=False, # probability that a monitor returns a relevant scanner feedback (RST, SYN/ACK) prop_mon_scannerfeedback=0.8, prop_nwdrop=0.0, file_blacklist=None): logger.debug("monitors=%d, non monitors=%d, scanner feedback=%f, nw drop=%f, cluster=%d" % (amount_monitors, amount_non_monitors, prop_mon_scannerfeedback, prop_nwdrop, cluster_monitors)) self._amount_monitors = amount_monitors self._amount_non_monitors = amount_non_monitors self._prop_mon_scannerfeedback = prop_mon_scannerfeedback self._cluster_monitors = cluster_monitors self._prop_nwdrop = prop_nwdrop self._blacklist_nw_objs = [] self._blacklist_int_sub8 = set() if file_blacklist is not None: self._blacklist_nw_objs, self._blacklist_int_sub8 = self.read_blacklist(file_blacklist) self._rand = random.Random() self._rand.seed(a=seed, version=1) self._rand_nwloss = random.Random() self._rand_nwloss.seed(a=seed, version=1) logger.debug("TraCINg url=%s, interface=%s" % (url_tracing, interface_name)) logger.debug("Initiating Queue, size: %d" % buffer_size) self._queue = Queue(maxsize=buffer_size) # Group response probabilities self._responsetypes = [ RESPONSETYPE_NONE, RESPONSETYPE_TCP_RST, RESPONSETYPE_TCP_SYNACK, RESPONSETYPE_ICMP] self._file_identified_monitors = "./output_dir_testing/identified_monitors.csv" self._listening_ips = {} # TODO: adjust this for different subnets # this has to match _cidr_bits_stage1 in # /0 self._host_addresses_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF self._host_addresses_mask >>= cidr_bits logger.debug("Max host IP addresses (host mask): %X" % self._host_addresses_mask) self._initiate_listening_ips(monitor_ips) logger.debug("total amount of listening addresses=%d (w/ + w/o feedback)" % len(self._listening_ips)) self._sockets_read = [] self._sockets_write = [] self._is_running = False # TODO: adjust this on other platforms self._read_processes_amount = 2 self._read_processes = [] socket_read = psocket.SocketHndl(iface_name=interface_name, timeout=10, buffersize_recv=2 ** 29) self._sockets_read.append(socket_read) logger.debug("creating %d processes for reading packets" % self._read_processes_amount) for cnt in range(self._read_processes_amount): proc = Process(target=self._packet_collect_cycler, args=(cnt + 1, socket_read, self._queue, self._listening_ips)) self._read_processes.append(proc) requests_session = requests.Session() #adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(pool_connections=10000, pool_maxsize=10000) #requests_session.mount('https://', adapter) self._attack_reaction_processes = [] # TODO: adjust this on other platforms self._attack_reaction_processes_amount = 5 logger.debug("creating %d processes for attack reaction" % self._attack_reaction_processes_amount) for cnt in range(self._attack_reaction_processes_amount): socket_write = psocket.SocketHndl(iface_name=interface_name, timeout=60 * 60 * 24 * 7, #buffersize_send=2 ** 23) buffersize_send=2 ** 29) self._sockets_write.append(socket_write) attack_reaction_process = Process( target=self._attack_reaction_cycler, args=(cnt + 1, socket_write, self._queue, requests_session, url_tracing, self._listening_ips)) self._attack_reaction_processes.append(attack_reaction_process) def start(self): if self._is_running: return logger.debug("starting collection and reaction logic") self._is_running = True for process in self._attack_reaction_processes: process.start() time.sleep(2) for proc in self._read_processes: proc.start() def stop(self): if not self._is_running: return self._is_running = False for sock in self._sockets_read + self._sockets_write: sock.close() self._queue.close() for proc in self._read_processes: # don't wait for process to finish, just terminate proc.terminate() for proc in self._attack_reaction_processes: # don't wait for process to finish, just terminate proc.terminate() def _initiate_listening_ips(self, monitor_ips): """ Initiate IP addresses which trigger alerts and/or give scanner feedback. monitor_ips -- monitor IPs to be added as "a.b.c.d" """ # apply reaction on custom defined monitors if len(monitor_ips) > 0: logger.debug("listening IP addresses were given explicitly, adding %d" % len(monitor_ips)) for ip in monitor_ips: self._listening_ips[IPv4Address(ip_str=ip).packed] = [RESPONSETYPE_TCP_RST, True] if not self._cluster_monitors:"creating %d random IPs" % self._amount_monitors) self._create_random_ips(self._amount_monitors, is_monitor_ip=True) else:"creating %d random clustered IPs" % self._amount_monitors) #self._create_clustered_monitors(self._amount_monitors) self._create_clustered_monitors_distr(self._amount_monitors) logger.debug("total amount of monitors=%d" % len(self._listening_ips)) if self._amount_non_monitors > 0: # target = current amount + non_monitor_ips * probability_nonmonitor target_amount = len(self._listening_ips) + self._amount_non_monitors"creating %d non monitor feedback IPs" % self._amount_non_monitors) if target_amount > self._host_addresses_mask: raise Exception("!!!! too many addresses to create! %d >= %d" % (target_amount, self._host_addresses_mask)) self._create_random_ips(target_amount, is_monitor_ip=False) amount_mon = sum([1 for _, resp_mon in self._listening_ips.items() if resp_mon[1]]) amount_nonmon = sum([1 for _, resp_mon in self._listening_ips.items() if not resp_mon[1]])"sanity check: monitors=%d, non monitors=%d" % (amount_mon, amount_nonmon)) self._set_feedback_types() def check_matches(self): """ Check if every match in ./output_dir_testing/identified_monitors.csv is really a monitor. """ fd = open(self._file_identified_monitors, "r") monitor_found = 0 monitor_false_positive_no_monitor = 0 monitor_false_positive_unknown = 0 # skip header fd.readline() all_ips = set() for line in fd: ip_str = split_tab(line)[0] try: ips = IPv4Network(nw_ip_str_prefix=ip_str).hosts if "/" in line else [IPv4Address(ip_str=ip_str).packed] except TypeError: continue except Exception as ex: logger.warning("something went wrong while checking IP address=%r" % ip_str) print(ex) break for ip_bytes in ips: if ip_bytes in all_ips: logger.warning("allready counted, duplicate? from file=%s, converted=%r" % (ip_str, IPv4Address(ip_bytes=ip_bytes))) all_ips.add(ip_bytes) try: assert self._listening_ips[ip_bytes][1] is True monitor_found += 1 except KeyError: monitor_false_positive_unknown += 1 if monitor_false_positive_unknown % 100 == 0: logger.debug("%d: unknown to simulator: %r" % (monitor_false_positive_unknown, IPv4Address(ip_bytes=ip_bytes))) except AssertionError: monitor_false_positive_no_monitor += 1 logger.debug("known to simulator but not a monitor: %r" % IPv4Address(ip_bytes=ip_bytes))"correctly identified monitors: %d" % monitor_found)"unknown to simulator (false positive): %d" % monitor_false_positive_unknown)"found but not monitor (false positive): %d" % monitor_false_positive_no_monitor) fd.close() def _set_feedback_types(self): """ Set the type of feedback given on scanner level. """ logger.debug("setting feedback types") randrange = self._rand.randrange rand_0_1 = self._rand.random for key, _ in self._listening_ips.items(): #logger.debug(ip_bytes) # non monitor = give feedback in any case, monitor = feedback based on probability feedback_prop = self._prop_mon_scannerfeedback if self._listening_ips[key][1] else 1.0 is_feedback = rand_0_1() <= feedback_prop # feedback: RST or SYN/ACK self._listening_ips[key][0] = self._responsetypes[randrange(1, 3)] if is_feedback else RESPONSETYPE_NONE @staticmethod def read_blacklist(filename): """ return -- list of blacklisted IP network objects """ logger.debug("Reading blacklist from: %s" % filename) addresses_nw_obj = [] addresses_int_sub8 = set() total_addresses = 0 fd = open(filename, "r") for line in fd: try: if line[0] == "#": continue nw = IPv4Network(nw_ip_str_prefix=line) total_addresses += nw.num_addresses addresses_nw_obj.append(nw) addresses_int_sub8.add(nw.ip_int >> 24) except: pass fd.close() logger.debug("Blacklist address groups=%d, addresses=%d, sub8=%d" % (len(addresses_nw_obj), total_addresses, len(addresses_int_sub8))) return addresses_nw_obj, addresses_int_sub8 def _create_random_ips(self, target_amount, is_monitor_ip=True): """ Create random even distributed IP addresses. target_amount -- Add addresses until this size is reached is_monitor_ip -- Add addresses of type monitor if True, add non monitor otherwise """ logger.debug("creating %d random IP addresses, monitor=%r" % (target_amount, is_monitor_ip)) randrange = self._rand.randrange rand_0_1 = self._rand.random #feedback_prop = self._prop_mon_scannerfeedback if is_monitor_ip else 1.0 cnt = 0 while len(self._listening_ips) < target_amount: cnt += 1 ip_num = randrange(0, self._host_addresses_mask) ip_bytes = packipv4(ip_num) # don't overwrite old values #if ip_bytes in self._listening_ips: # continue if (ip_num >> 24) in self._blacklist_int_sub8: #logger.debug("checking: %r" % ip_bytes) for ip_nw in self._blacklist_nw_objs: if ip_num & ip_nw.ip_int == ip_nw.ip_int: #logger.debug("skipping: %r" % ip_nw) continue #logger.debug(ip_bytes) # feedback: RST or SYN/ACK #print(ip_bytes) self._listening_ips[ip_bytes] = [None, is_monitor_ip] def _create_clustered_monitors(self, target_amount): """ Create clustered IP addresses by generating sequential addresses using pareto and exponential distributions. target_amount -- target amount of IP addresses for _listening_ips """"creating %d random clustered IPs" % self._amount_monitors) # classical pareto by "scale=m=1" #s = np.random.pareto(a, 10000) + m # shape = a = 1.x, scale = 1 (not adjusted), location = 1 (min value 1) # mean = sum/length = shape * scale / (shape - 1) # -> a=2.1: mean=~1.9 # -> a=1.1: mean=~10 # -> a=1.01: mean=~100 pareto = np.random.pareto pareto_shape = 1.01 exponential = np.random.exponential # mean=scale exponential_scale = 200 current_ip = 0 ip_max = self._host_addresses_mask - 10000 if ip_max < 0: logger.warning("address range too small: %d<%d, will not create any monitors" % (self._host_addresses_mask, 10000)) return while len(self._listening_ips) < target_amount and current_ip < ip_max: sequential_add = int(pareto(pareto_shape) + 1) logger.debug(sequential_add) for ip in range(current_ip, current_ip + sequential_add): ip_bytes = packipv4(ip) self._listening_ips[ip_bytes] = [None, True] current_ip += sequential_add + int(exponential(scale=exponential_scale)) if len(self._listening_ips) < target_amount: logger.warning("could not create enough monitors (to small range?) %d < %d" % (len(self._listening_ips), target_amount)) def _packet_collect_cycler(self, procnum, sockethndl, queue, ip_whitelist): """ Collects packets and puts them into the Queue if the destination IP address matches an address in ip_whitelist. sockethndl -- A SocketHandler to read bytes from queue -- A queue to write bytes to if an destination IP addres matches ip_whitelist -- A dictionary posing a whitelist """ logger.debug("starting listening process Nr. %d" % procnum) psock_recv = sockethndl._socket_recv.recv queue_put = queue.put cnt = 0 last_cnt = 0 while True: try: bts = psock_recv(64) cnt += 1 # logger.debug("...") # time.sleep(1) if not bts[14 + 16: 14 + 16 + 4] in ip_whitelist: continue #logger.debug("!!!!!!! got a packet") queue_put(bts) except socket.timeout: # logger.debug("read timeout..") if last_cnt != cnt: logger.debug("collector %d: amount of probes to NW=%d" % (procnum, cnt)) last_cnt = cnt #continue def _attack_reaction_cycler(self, procnum, socket_write, queue, requests_session, url_tracing, listening_ips): """ Examines packets in the buffer and reacts on SYN-pings for specific target IPs. Possible reactions are: sending attack events to TraCINg and/or feedback on scanner level """ logger.debug("starting reaction process No. %d" % procnum) cnt = 0 while True: bts = queue.get() try: packet = Ethernet(bts) except: logger.warning("could not parse received packet:\n%r" % bts) store_packets(bts) continue ip_bytes = packet[ip.IP].dst # this is a monitor, send event to TraCINg if listening_ips[ip_bytes][1]: cnt += 1 try: #if packet.body_handler.dst not in listening_ips: # continue p_ip = packet.ip p_tcp = p_ip.tcp if cnt % 500 == 0: logger.debug("%d> %d: monitor was scanned: %s:%d -> %s:%d" % (procnum, cnt, p_ip.src_s,, p_ip.dst_s, p_tcp.dport)) """ Inform TraCINg about an attack. """ post_data_dict = { "sensor": { "name": "monitorsimulation_" + packet[ip.IP].dst_s, "type": "Honeypot"}, "src": { "ip": packet[ip.IP].src_s, "port": "%d" % packet[tcp.TCP].sport}, "dst": { "ip": packet[ip.IP].dst_s, "port": "%d" % packet[tcp.TCP].dport}, "type": 11, "log": "Predefined Log", "md5sum": "7867de13bf22a7f3e3559044053e33e7", "date": ("%d" % time.time()) } #headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", # "Accept": "text/plain"} post_data = json.dumps(post_data_dict) # logger.debug("POST data:") # logger.debug(post_data), data=post_data, verify=False, stream=False) # response = conn.getresponse() #logger.debug(response) #conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(self._tracing_host, self._tracing_port) #conn.request("POST", self._tracing_path, body=post_data) #logger.warning("attack event sent to TraCINg, monitor: %s" % packet[ip.IP].dst_s) except Exception as ex: logger.warning("could not inform TraCINg: %r" % ex) try: responsetype = listening_ips[ip_bytes][0] if responsetype == RESPONSETYPE_NONE: continue elif responsetype in RESPONSETYPES_TCP: tcp_packet = packet.body_handler.body_handler tcp_packet.ack = tcp_packet.seq + 1 tcp_packet.seq = 12345 tcp_packet.flags = tcp.TH_SYN | tcp.TH_ACK if responsetype == RESPONSETYPE_TCP_SYNACK else tcp.TH_RST packet.reverse_all_address() #socket_write.send(packet.bin()) socket_write.send(packet.bin(update_auto_fields=False)) elif responsetype == RESPONSETYPE_ICMP: # TODO: ICMP indicates unreachable hosts, ignore pass else: logger.warning("unknown response type for %s: %r" % (packet.ip.dst_s, responsetype)) except Exception as ex: logger.warning("could not send scanner feedback: %r" % ex) logger.debug("reaction cycler is terminating") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-i", "--interface", help="Interface to listen on", default="eth10") parser.add_argument("-m", "--monitors", help="Amount of monitors to be simulated", type=int, default=1000) parser.add_argument("-r", "--cidrbits", help="CIDR bits of simulated network", type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument("-c", "--cluster", help="Create clustered monitors", type=bool, default=False) parser.add_argument("-f", "--monitorfeedback", help="Probability for monitor feedback", type=float, default=0.9) parser.add_argument("-n", "--nonmonitors", help="Amount of non-monitors to be simulated", type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument("-d", "--nwdrop", help="Probability for network drops", type=float, default=0) parser.add_argument("-b", "--buffersize", help="Buffer to be used for storing received packets", type=int, default=1000000) parser.add_argument("-s", "--seed", help="Seed to be used to distribute nodes", type=int, default=123456789) parser.add_argument("-u", "--url", help="HTTPS URL of TraCINg to send events to", default="https://localhost:443") args = parser.parse_args() monitor_ips_init = []"amount of CPUs: %d" % multiprocessing.cpu_count()) monitorsimulator = MonitorSimulator( amount_monitors=args.monitors, cidr_bits=args.cidrbits, amount_non_monitors=args.nonmonitors, monitor_ips=monitor_ips_init, interface_name=args.interface, buffer_size=args.buffersize, url_tracing=args.url, cluster_monitors=args.cluster, prop_mon_scannerfeedback=args.monitorfeedback, prop_nwdrop=args.nwdrop) input("press enter to continue") monitorsimulator.start() print("") user_input = None while user_input != "quit": user_input = input("enter 'quit' to quit, 'check' to compare monitors to those in %s\n" % monitorsimulator._file_identified_monitors) if user_input == "check": monitorsimulator.check_matches() else: logger.debug("%d" % monitorsimulator._queue.qsize()) print("") logger.debug("stopping simulation") monitorsimulator.stop()