/* * Blacklist Copyright 2013 Regents of the University of Michigan * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ #include "blacklist.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "constraint.h" #include "logger.h" #include "xalloc.h" #define ADDR_DISALLOWED 0 #define ADDR_ALLOWED 1 typedef struct bl_linked_list { bl_cidr_node_t *first; bl_cidr_node_t *last; uint32_t len; } bl_ll_t; static constraint_t *constraint = NULL; // keep track of the prefixes we've tried to BL/WL // for logging purposes static bl_ll_t *blacklisted_cidrs = NULL; static bl_ll_t *whitelisted_cidrs = NULL; void bl_ll_add(bl_ll_t *l, struct in_addr addr, uint16_t p) { assert(l); bl_cidr_node_t *new = xmalloc(sizeof(bl_cidr_node_t)); new->next = NULL; new->ip_address = addr.s_addr; new->prefix_len = p; if (!l->first) { l->first = new; } else { l->last->next = new; } l->last = new; l->len++; } bl_cidr_node_t *get_blacklisted_cidrs(void) { return blacklisted_cidrs->first; } bl_cidr_node_t *get_whitelisted_cidrs(void) { return whitelisted_cidrs->first; } uint32_t blacklist_lookup_index(uint64_t index) { return ntohl(constraint_lookup_index(constraint, index, ADDR_ALLOWED)); } // check whether a single IP address is allowed to be scanned. // 1 => is allowed // 0 => is not allowed int blacklist_is_allowed(uint32_t s_addr) { return constraint_lookup_ip(constraint, ntohl(s_addr)) == ADDR_ALLOWED; } static void _add_constraint(struct in_addr addr, int prefix_len, int value) { constraint_set(constraint, ntohl(addr.s_addr), prefix_len, value); if (value == ADDR_ALLOWED) { bl_ll_add(whitelisted_cidrs, addr, prefix_len); } else if (value == ADDR_DISALLOWED) { bl_ll_add(blacklisted_cidrs, addr, prefix_len); } else { log_fatal("blacklist", "unknown type of blacklist operation specified"); } } // blacklist a CIDR network allocation // e.g. blacklist_add("", 24) void blacklist_prefix(char *ip, int prefix_len) { struct in_addr addr; addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip); _add_constraint(addr, prefix_len, ADDR_DISALLOWED); } // whitelist a CIDR network allocation void whitelist_prefix(char *ip, int prefix_len) { struct in_addr addr; addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip); _add_constraint(addr, prefix_len, ADDR_ALLOWED); } static int init_from_string(char *ip, int value) { int prefix_len = 32; char *slash = strchr(ip, '/'); if (slash) { // split apart network and prefix length *slash = '\0'; char *end; char *len = slash+1; errno = 0; prefix_len = strtol(len, &end, 10); if (end == len || errno != 0 || prefix_len < 0 || prefix_len > 32) { log_fatal("constraint", "'%s' is not a valid prefix length", len); return -1; } } struct in_addr addr; int ret = -1; if (inet_aton(ip, &addr) == 0) { // Not an IP and not a CIDR block, try dns resolution struct addrinfo hint, *res; memset(&hint, 0, sizeof(hint)); hint.ai_family = PF_INET; int r = getaddrinfo(ip, NULL, &hint, &res); if (r) { log_error("constraint", "'%s' is not a valid IP " "address or hostname", ip); return -1; } // Got some addrinfo, let's see what happens for (struct addrinfo *aip = res; aip; aip = aip->ai_next) { if (aip->ai_family != AF_INET) { continue; } struct sockaddr_in *sa = (struct sockaddr_in *) aip->ai_addr; memcpy(&addr, &sa->sin_addr, sizeof(addr)); log_debug("constraint", "%s retrieved by hostname", inet_ntoa(addr)); ret = 0; _add_constraint(addr, prefix_len, value); } } else { _add_constraint(addr, prefix_len, value); return 0; } return ret; } static int init_from_file(char *file, const char *name, int value, int ignore_invalid_hosts) { FILE *fp; char line[1000]; fp = fopen(file, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { log_fatal(name, "unable to open %s file: %s: %s", name, file, strerror(errno)); } while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { char *comment = strchr(line, '#'); if (comment) { *comment = '\0'; } char ip[33]; if ((sscanf(line, "%32s", ip)) == EOF) { continue; } if (init_from_string(ip, value)) { if (!ignore_invalid_hosts) { log_fatal(name, "unable to parse %s file: %s", name, file); } } } fclose(fp); return 0; } static void init_from_array(char **cidrs, size_t len, int value, int ignore_invalid_hosts) { for (int i=0; i < (int) len; i++) { int ret = init_from_string(cidrs[i], value); if (ret && !ignore_invalid_hosts) { log_fatal("constraint", "Unable to init from CIDR list"); } } } uint64_t blacklist_count_allowed() { assert(constraint); return constraint_count_ips(constraint, ADDR_ALLOWED); } uint64_t blacklist_count_not_allowed() { assert(constraint); return constraint_count_ips(constraint, ADDR_DISALLOWED); } // Initialize address constraints from whitelist and blacklist files. // Either can be set to NULL to omit. int blacklist_init(char *whitelist_filename, char *blacklist_filename, char **whitelist_entries, size_t whitelist_entries_len, char **blacklist_entries, size_t blacklist_entries_len, int ignore_invalid_hosts) { assert(!constraint); blacklisted_cidrs = xcalloc(1, sizeof(bl_ll_t)); whitelisted_cidrs = xcalloc(1, sizeof(bl_ll_t)); if (whitelist_filename && whitelist_entries) { log_warn("whitelist", "both a whitelist file and destination addresses " "were specified. The union of these two sources " "will be utilized."); } if (whitelist_filename || whitelist_entries) { // using a whitelist, so default to allowing nothing constraint = constraint_init(ADDR_DISALLOWED); log_debug("constraint", "blacklisting"); if (whitelist_filename) { init_from_file(whitelist_filename, "whitelist", ADDR_ALLOWED, ignore_invalid_hosts); } if (whitelist_entries) { init_from_array(whitelist_entries, whitelist_entries_len, ADDR_ALLOWED, ignore_invalid_hosts); } } else { // no whitelist, so default to allowing everything constraint = constraint_init(ADDR_ALLOWED); } if (blacklist_filename) { init_from_file(blacklist_filename, "blacklist", ADDR_DISALLOWED, ignore_invalid_hosts); } if (blacklist_entries) { init_from_array(blacklist_entries, blacklist_entries_len, ADDR_DISALLOWED, ignore_invalid_hosts); } init_from_string(strdup(""), ADDR_DISALLOWED); constraint_paint_value(constraint, ADDR_ALLOWED); uint64_t allowed = blacklist_count_allowed(); log_debug("constraint", "%lu addresses (%0.0f%% of address " "space) can be scanned", allowed, allowed*100./((long long int)1 << 32)); if (!allowed) { log_error("blacklist", "no addresses are eligible to be scanned in the " "current configuration. This may be because the " "blacklist being used by ZMap (%s) prevents " "any addresses from receiving probe packets.", blacklist_filename ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }