/** * TraCINg-Server - Gathering and visualizing cyber incidents on the world * * Copyright 2013 Matthias Gazzari, Annemarie Mattmann, André Wolski * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Creates a world object containing a 2d map, 2d streetmap and a 3d globe */ var world = new function() { // constants var view = { MAP: 0, STREETMAP: 1, GLOBE: 2, NULL: 3 }; var currentView; var globeObject; // the 3d globe var mapObject; // the 2d map var streetmapObject; // the street map var timeout = 300; // timeout interval var timer = null; // timeout id var key = 0; // current key for delayed database request var dataset = null; // database data var requestPaused = "."; // text to show in speed information if loading is currently paused var attackNumberHash = {}; // hashmap containing the number of attacks per Lat/Lng position var controller = new Controller(); /** * Toggle whether the key control is enabled or not */ this.toggleEnabled = controller.toggleEnabled; /** * Leave maps */ this.leaveMap = function() { currentView = view.NULL; controller.unregisterCallbacks(); } /** * Show 2d map */ this.showMap = function() { if (mapObject === undefined) { mapObject = new map($('#map'), 'world_mill_en', 'navy'); } currentView = view.MAP; controller.registerCallbacks({ zoom: function(dir) { if (dir == controller.args.IN) mapObject.zoom(1.6); if (dir == controller.args.OUT) mapObject.zoom(1/1.6); }, move: function(dir) { var speed = 120; if (dir == controller.args.LEFT) mapObject.move(speed,0); if (dir == controller.args.RIGHT) mapObject.move(-speed, 0); if (dir == controller.args.UP) mapObject.move(0, speed); if (dir == controller.args.DOWN) mapObject.move(0, -speed); }, toggle: undefined }); } /** * Show streetmap */ this.showStreetmap = function() { if (streetmapObject === undefined) { streetmapObject = new streetmap('streetmap'); } currentView = view.STREETMAP; controller.registerCallbacks({ zoom: function(dir) { if (dir == controller.args.IN) streetmapObject.zoom(1); if (dir == controller.args.OUT) streetmapObject.zoom(-1); }, move: function(dir) { var speed = 120; if (dir == controller.args.LEFT) streetmapObject.move(speed,0); if (dir == controller.args.RIGHT) streetmapObject.move(-speed, 0); if (dir == controller.args.UP) streetmapObject.move(0, speed); if (dir == controller.args.DOWN) streetmapObject.move(0, -speed); }, toggle: undefined }); } /** * Show 3d globe */ this.showGlobe = function() { if (globeObject === undefined) { // create globeObject var container = document.getElementById('globe'); // set modifyMarkerLabel function for globe var modifyMarkerLabel = function(label) { if (!advInfo) { var splittedLabel = label.split(";"); label = splittedLabel[0]; } return label; }; // set setCountryLabel function for globe var setCountryLabel = function(cc, markers, allMarkers) { var country = countryName[cc]; return country + " (" + markers + " attacks of " + allMarkers + " total)"; }; globeObject = new GLOBE.main(container, "extern/globe/images/", { 'modifyMarkerLabel': modifyMarkerLabel, 'setCountryLabel': setCountryLabel }); } else globeObject.resize(); currentView = view.GLOBE; controller.registerCallbacks({ zoom: function(dir) { if (dir == controller.args.IN) globeObject.zoom(100); if (dir == controller.args.OUT) globeObject.zoom(-100); }, move: function(dir) { if (dir == controller.args.LEFT) globeObject.rotate(-0.000001, 0); if (dir == controller.args.RIGHT) globeObject.rotate(0.000001, 0); if (dir == controller.args.UP) globeObject.rotate(0, 0.0000005); if (dir == controller.args.DOWN) globeObject.rotate(0, -0.0000005); }, toggle: function() { globeObject.toggleView(); } }); } /** * Delay database markings */ this.delayedMarking = function delayedMarking(data, live) { var total_attacks = 0; for(var i=0; i 0) { world.finishLoading(true); } else { world.finishLoading(false); } // show number of attacks loaded if (data.length > 0) { $('#requestInfo').text('Successfully loaded ' + total_attacks + ' attacks.'); } } /** * Stop the timeout of the database delay timer, reset all values, the progress bar and "Get Incidents" Button */ this.finishLoading = function finishLoading(showState) { // stop the timer clearTimeout(timer); // reset timer timer = null; dataset = null; key = 0; timeout = 500; if (showState) { // update progress bar $('.bar').css('width', '100%'); } else { // reset progress bar $('.bar').css('width', 0); } // reset play button to pause if necessary if ($('#playButton i').hasClass('icon-play')) { $('#playButton i').addClass('icon-pause'); $('#playButton i').removeClass('icon-play'); } // reset "Get Incidents" button (stop showing "Loading..."), disable control buttons $('#getIncidents').text('Get Incidents'); $('#getIncidents').removeClass("disabled"); disableRequestControl(); // reset info on loading progress and speed $('#requestInfo').text(''); $('#requestSpeedInfo').text(''); } /* * Change the timeout intervals of the database delay timer */ this.changeTimer = function(value) { // do not speed up too fast if (timeout + value <= 0) value = -100; // and slow down in the same interval as the speedup if (timeout - value < 0) value = 100; // do not speed up to "no time" if (timeout + value <= 0) value = 0; // increase or decrease the timeout interval depending on the given value timeout += value; // do not speed up "in negative time" if (timeout < 0) timeout = 0; $('#requestSpeedInfo').text('Current speed: ' + Math.round(100*(1000/timeout))/100 + ' attacks/second' + requestPaused); } /** * Reset the timeout of the database delay timer to 0 */ this.resetTimer = function() { timeout = 0; $('#requestSpeedInfo').text(''); } /** * Stop the timeout of the database delay timer */ this.stopTimer = function() { clearTimeout(timer); requestPaused = " (currently paused)."; $('#requestSpeedInfo').text('Current speed: ' + Math.round(100*(1000/timeout))/100 + ' attacks/second' + requestPaused); } /** * Restart the timeout of the database delay timer */ this.restartTimer = function() { this.delayedMarking(dataset, live); requestPaused = "."; $('#requestSpeedInfo').text('Current speed: ' + Math.round(100*(1000/timeout))/100 + ' attacks/second' + requestPaused); } /** * Mark an incident on the 2d map, the street map and the 3d globe */ this.markIncident = function(data, live, noAnimation) { // remove alert saying "Waiting for attacks..." $("#tableWaitingAlert").remove(); // update hashmap for displaying number of attacks per LatLng llHash = new String(data.src.ll ? data.src.ll[0] : "") + new String(data.src.ll ? data.src.ll[1] : ""); if (attackNumberHash[llHash] != undefined) { attackNumberHash[llHash]++; } else { attackNumberHash[llHash] = 1; } // define source color and label var sourceColor = "red"; var sourceLabel = getLabel(data, live); // each view has it own marker key var mapKey; var streetmapKey; var globeKey; // mark on 2d map and try to animate if (mapObject != undefined) { mapKey = mapObject.addMarker(data.src.cc, data.src.ll, sourceColor, sourceLabel); if (currentView == view.MAP && !noAnimation) { var pos = mapObject.getPosition(data.src.ll[0], data.src.ll[1]); animateMarker(pos.x, pos.y, sourceColor, "#map", mapKey); } } // mark on streetmap and try to animate if (streetmapObject != undefined) { streetmapKey = streetmapObject.addMarker(data.src.ll, sourceColor, sourceLabel); if (currentView == view.STREETMAP && !noAnimation) { var pos = streetmapObject.getPosition(data.src.ll[0], data.src.ll[1]); animateMarker(pos.x, pos.y, sourceColor, "#streetmap", streetmapKey); } } // mark on 3d map if (globeObject != undefined && globeObject.addMarker != undefined) { globeKey = globeObject.addMarker(data.src.cc, data.src.ll[0], data.src.ll[1], sourceLabel); // globe has its own mechanism to animate a marker } // set timeout to remove marker if in live view if (live) { var expireTime = 300000; setTimeout( function() { // update hashmap for displaying number of attacks per LatLng llHash = new String(data.src.ll[0]) + new String(data.src.ll[1]); if (attackNumberHash[llHash] > 0) { attackNumberHash[llHash]--; } else { attackNumberHash[llHash] = undefined; } // remove marker on 2d maps and globe if (mapKey != undefined && mapObject != undefined) mapObject.removeMarker(mapKey); if (streetmapKey != undefined && streetmapObject != undefined) streetmapObject.removeMarker(streetmapKey); if (globeKey != undefined && globeObject != undefined) globeObject.removeMarker(globeKey); }, expireTime ); } } /** * State whether there is a marker on the jVectorMap */ this.jvmHasMarker = function() { if (mapObject != undefined) { return mapObject.hasMarker(); } return false; } /** * State whether there is a marker on the streetmap */ this.stMapHasMarker = function() { if (streetmapObject != undefined) { return streetmapObject.hasMarker(); } return false; } /** * State whether there is a marker on the globe */ this.globeHasMarker = function() { if (globeObject != undefined && globeObject.hasMarker != undefined) { return globeObject.hasMarker(); } return false; } /** * Reset every marker on the 2d map, the streetmap and the 3d globe */ this.reset = function() { // reset 2d maps abd globe mapObject && mapObject.reset(); streetmapObject && streetmapObject.reset(); globeObject && globeObject.reset(); attackNumberHash = {}; // reset progress bar $('.bar').css('width', 0); // reset progress information $('#requestInfo').text(''); //TODO also influence x/y entries loaded and successfully loaded y items? } /** * Reset the table */ this.resetTable = function() { // reset table $("#attackTable").dataTable().fnClearTable(); } /** * Determine label shown on both the 2d map and the 3d globe. */ function getLabel(data, live) { var label = ""; // standard information label if (live) label += "Live data"; else label += "Database data"; var llKey = !live ? data.location[0] + data.location[1] : new String(data.src.ll ? data.src.ll[0] : "") + new String(data.src.ll ? data.src.ll[1] : ""); var num = attackNumberHash[llKey]; if (num != null) { if (num == 1) label += ": " + num + " attack"; else label += ": " + num + " attacks"; } label += "
Attack source (marked here): "; var city = live ? data.src.city : data._id.city; if(city){ label += city + ","; } label += live ? data.src.country : data._id.country; // advanced information label += ";
Destination: "; var destination = ""; if(live){ if (data.dst.city != "" && data.dst.city != undefined) { destination += data.dst.city + ", "; } if (data.dst.country != "" && data.dst.country != undefined) { destination += data.dst.country; } } else { destination = data.destination; } if (destination) label += destination; else label += "Unknown"; label += ";
Date: " + formatDate(data); var type = typeid2str(data.type) if (type != "" && type != undefined); label += ";
Type: " + type; if (data.authorized) label += ";
Authorized Sensor"; else label += ";
Unauthorized Sensor"; return label; } /** * Format the date to a more readable representation */ function formatDate(incident) { var date = incident.date && new Date(incident.date) || new Date(); var day = date.getDate(); if (date.getDate() < 10) day = "0" + date.getDate(); var month = (date.getMonth() + 1); if ((date.getMonth() + 1) < 10) month = "0" + (date.getMonth() + 1); var hour = date.getHours(); if (date.getHours() < 10) hour = "0" + date.getHours(); var minute = date.getMinutes(); if (date.getMinutes() < 10) minute = "0" + date.getMinutes(); var dateFormat = day + "." + month + "." + date.getFullYear() + " " + hour + ":" + minute; return dateFormat; } /** * Generate one table entry and return it as a string to be inserted */ function generateTableEntry(incident) { // set city and country names if (incident.src.city == undefined) incident.src.city = ""; if (incident.dst.country == undefined) incident.dst.country = ""; if (incident.dst.city == undefined) incident.dst.city = ""; if (incident.src.port == 0) incident.src.port = ""; if (incident.dst.port == 0) incident.dst.port = ""; //format date dateFormat = formatDate(incident); var log = ''; if (incident.log && incident.log != ''){ log = 'show log'; } var type = typeid2str(incident.type); var typeDescr = typeid2descr(incident.type); // popup for md5sum so it does not take so much space in the table var md5 = ""; if (incident.md5sum && incident.md5sum != '') { var virustotalLink = "https://www.virustotal.com/en/search/?query=" + incident.md5sum; var popoverContent = "Md5sum of malware hash: " + incident.md5sum + "
Get more information about this malware from virustotal: Click here (by doing so you will open a different website)!"; var url = "\"./extern/bootstrap/images/glyphicons-halflings.png\""; md5 = ""; } var authorized = ""; if (incident.authorized) { authorized = "


"; } else { authorized = "


"; } //make entry var attackTableEntry = [incident.sensortype, incident.sensorname, '' + type + '', dateFormat, incident.src.country, incident.src.city, incident.src.port, incident.dst.country, incident.dst.city, incident.dst.port, authorized, md5, log]; return attackTableEntry; } this.generateTableEntry = generateTableEntry; /** * Make table entries (includes time formatting) */ function makeTableEntry(attackTableEntries) { $("#attackTable").dataTable().fnAddData(attackTableEntries); makePopovers(); } this.makeTableEntry = makeTableEntry; /** * Make popovers in the table */ function makePopovers() { console.log("makePopovers"); $('a[rel=popover]').popover({}); } this.makePopovers = makePopovers; /** * animate new marker using jquery animate() */ function animateMarker(x, y, color, container, key) { // define style of the animation div var style = { 'background-color': color, 'position': 'absolute', 'border-radius': '100px', 'height': '40px', 'width': '40px', 'margin-top': '-20px', 'margin-left': '-20px', 'left': x + 'px', 'top': y + 'px', }; // create a marker animation $(container).append('
'); // add the css style to the marker animation $("#" + key + ".markerAnimation").css(style); // animate the marker and delete it afterwards $("#" + key + ".markerAnimation").fadeOut( 1000, $("#" + key + ".markerAnimation").remove ); } function updateAttackTableHeight() { var attackTable = $("#attackTable").dataTable(); var height = $(window).height(); height -= $("#table .dataTables_scrollBody").offset().top; height -= $("#table .dataTables_scroll + div").height(); console.log("attackTableHeight: " + height); $("#table .dataTables_scrollBody").css({"max-height": height}); } /** * resize table */ function resize() { updateAttackTableHeight(); $("#attackTable").dataTable().fnDraw(); } this.resize = resize; } function showLog(id){ console.log("showLog " + id); socket.emit("getLog", id, function(content){ console.log("showLog content: " + content); $('#showLogLabel').text("Log for id " + id); $('#showLogBody').html(content); $('#showLog').modal(); }); } $(function(){ $("#attackTable").dataTable({ "aaSorting": [[ 3, "desc" ]], // order by date, new items first "sScrollY": "100%", bServerSide: false, "ajax": function(request, callback, settings){ if(!currentTableFilter) return; var attackFilter = currentTableFilter; attackFilter["page"] = request.start; attackFilter["perpage"] = request.length; attackFilter["query"] = request.search.value; socket.emit("requestAttacksForTable", attackFilter); console.log(arguments); }, "fnDrawCallback": function() { world.makePopovers(); } }); setTimeout(function() { world.resize(); }, 10); }); $(window).resize($.throttle(250,function() { world.resize(); }));